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1 Does college success affect success in life?

2 Which is more important to one's success, hard work, or opportunity?

1. From my point of view, I strongly agree that college success has

certain influence on success in life for many reasons. Firstly, an excellent
college-degree holder usually turns out to be the one who has a lot of
specialised knowledge related to his major, which raises them a very strong
foundation on the way of achieving success in life. Secondly, exceptional
college graduates tend to get better employment after their graduation compared
with those who hold lower level qualification. Consequently, the exceptional
ones will earn a lot more various experience and skills in working environment
and daily life considered as a integral part of successful individuals. As an
illustration, a Taylor & Francis Online study of 11,745 individuals in the
U.S.shows found that 94 percent of CEOs, judges, politicians, millionaires,
billionaires and business leaders attended college, with 50 percent graduating
from elite school. Based on these findings, those who become highly successful
without college education appear to be in the minority, roughly 6 percent.
Finally, great achievements in college can be seen as an effective motivation for
the holders to obtain more success in their life as they could be more proactive
and confident in dealing with work’s problems as well as daily life’s thanks to
their wealthy awareness. In conclusion, I do believe that exceptional college
achievement will pose a great effect on life’s success.

In term of one’s cuccess, hard work and opportunity are both considered
as essential parts. However, in my opinion, hard work turns out to be more
crucial than the element of opportunity. Firstly, hard work will help us meet all
the fundamental requirements and raise us lots of motivation to comprehend the
following steps, which can push us closer to success. Especially in today’s
society, hard word is becoming more and more important as we are easily
seduced by the idea of taking shortcuts to being rich while we are not prepared
enough to put in the equivalent of work for this target. Secondly, hard work will
always beat an opportunity since work will cause consistent and steady growth,
while an opportunity is just there for a flash. A success person will have to work
with apparent arrangements instead of waiting for appropriate opportunities.
Furthermore, hunting for the easy opportunities to come can result in loosing a
lot of valuable time, frustration, hardship and pain. Finally, opportunities tend to
come to us more frequently if we decide and focus on one thing at a point of
time, which means hard work. For instance, if we start launching in something
and finishing it as planned, we can broaden our horizen and experience and as a
result, we can easily realize the great opponities to create a breakthrough for our
targeted success in life. To sum up, hard work will basically oughweigh
opportunity in posing signficant influence on one’s success.

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