Define The Following Terms As Used in Management

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1. Define the following terms as used in management
a) Selling

Is a transaction in which money is exchanged for a good or service? during a sale negotiation the seller
attempts to convince the buyer on the benefits of their offers

b) Sales Manship

This is the act of successfully persuading customer in selling situations for mutual benefits

2. Identify four objectives of personnel selling

i. To keep customers informed of the changes in the product line and other
aspects of marketing strategy
ii. To search out and obtain new customers
iii. To maintain contacts with present customers, take orders
iv. To provide technical advice and assistance to customers with complicated
products and where products are specially designed to fit buyers’ specifications
v. To keep customers informed of changes in the product line and other aspect of
marketing strategy
vi. To collect and report market information of interest and use to company
b) explain the methods of improving productivity of a sale force

 Make ongoing sales coaching a priority

Sales representatives must be trained on the selling space changes overtime sales coaching
should a proactive ongoing strategy
 Advance prospects faster with values
Using sale enablement tooling to recommend content and messaging based on the sale
situation saves representatives and helps them to accelerate deals

 Valuate and reevaluate sales process

Every step in sales process should be intentional and relate directly to your and added value to
your be sure to the back every decision that you make to your end goal

 Embrace automation and technology

Sale representatives should adopt technology as it makes selling simple and increases market
coverage . automation makes easy for representatives to get in touch with the customers

 Use analytic to always be improving

sales representatives should adopt a analytic method to understand the market prospective
and customers preference

c) Discuss four essential features of salesmanship you know

 Buyer -seller interaction
It involves interaction between salesperson and prospect it involves direct
conversation an a live one relationship between the sales person and buyer
 Need for feedback .
A salesmanship is a two way process it attends the response of customers . it
pays attention to buyers feelings, reactions, views and complaints . it is carefully
listening to buyers’ responses
 Seller initiated effort
Salesmanship is an effort that provides prospective buyers with information and
other benefits , motivating or persuading them to favor sellers product or
 Persuasion
Salesmanship is a means for motivating or persuading prospective buyer to buy.
It involves the ability to influence the buyers intentions
Sales man should have the skill to handle people

3. Describe the role of sales manager in any organization

i. He is responsible for meeting the sales target of the organization through effective planning and
ii. He delegates duties to his juniors us a manager he must understand who can perform a
particular task more effective in the organization in the most effective way

iii. Maps potential customers and generate leads for organization. looks forward to generating new
opportunities for organization
iv. Motivating team numbers is one of the most important duties of sales manager. sales manager
needs to make hiss team work as a single unit working towards a common objective
v. Responsible for maintaining and improving client relationship with the organization
vi. Maintains necessary data and records for future reference
vii. Takes major decisions for his team. acts as a pillar of support for them and stand by - their side
at the hour of crisis
viii. Ensures his team is delivering desired results. supervision is essential to make sure each one is
living up to the expectations of the organization ask them to submit a report of what all they
have done through out the week or month
ix. He is responsible for devising strategies and techniques necessary for achieving the sales
targets he is the one who decides the future course of action for the team
x. He is responsible for brand promotion he must make sure the best method of availing and
making targeted customers aware of the product and information about the product

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