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It is a managerial function that involves controlling, staffing and organizing the workforce in an

organization. It is mostly involved in formulation of strategies that are useful for employee

management .in nowadays business setups there is more emphasis n how a firm relates to its

workers and how they can work together (Boxall and Purcell, 2011).

Kathleen Egger who lectures human resource management he describes human resource as not

only about administration but an adept analysis of the organization roles and coming up with

beneficial objectives for the success of the business

Human resource functions have evolved over a period of time according to Carl Zangerl. he sees

human resource as an organizations partner focusing on recruitment, interaction and training of

staff and ensuring workers output is at its best

Humana resource management is concerned mostly with employees who play a vital role in

running and production within a business or organization

Human resource manager plays a key role in ensuring an organization maintains employees

within the organization and reduce the chances of employee layoffs within an organization these

is to ensure the organization does not incur costs arising from recruitment and training of new

employees (Bratton and Gold, 2017).

Human resource managers are also charged with the responsibility ensuring workers are more

efficient and they work at their best and a higher degree production is achieved (DeCenzo et al.,

2016). They also ensure the companies interested is uphold by the employees and they work

towards achieving a firm’s objective


Boxall, P. and Purcell, J., 2011. Strategy and human resource management. Macmillan

International Higher Education.

Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.

DeCenzo, D.A., Robbins, S.P. and Verhulst, S.L., 2016. Fundamentals of human resource

management. John Wiley & Sons.

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