Thrombosis and Acute Leukemia

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Thrombosis and acute leukemia

Erick Crespo-Solís

To cite this article: Erick Crespo-Solís (2012) Thrombosis and acute leukemia, Hematology,
17:sup1, s169-s173, DOI: 10.1179/102453312X13336169156852

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Published online: 12 Nov 2013.

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Thrombosis and acute leukemia
Erick Crespo-Solı́s
Clı́nica de Leucemia Aguda, Departamento de Hematologı́a y Oncologı́a, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas
y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, Mexico City, Mexico

Thrombosis is a common complication in patients with acute leukemia. While the presence of central
venous lines, concomitant steroids, the use of Escherichia coli asparaginase and hereditary thrombophilic
abnormalities are known risk factors for thrombosis in children, information on the pathogenesis, risk
factors, and clinical outcome of thrombosis in adult patients with acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) or acute
myeloid leukemia (AML) is still scarce. Expert consensus and guidelines regarding leukemia-specific risk
factors, thrombosis prevention, and treatment strategies, as well as optimal type of central venous catheter
in acute leukemia patients are required. It is likely that each subtype of acute leukemia represents a
different setting for the development of thrombosis and the risk of bleeding. This is perhaps due to a
combination of different disease-specific pathogenic mechanisms of thrombosis, including the type of
chemotherapy protocol chosen, the underlying patients health, associated risk factors, as well as the
biology of the disease itself. The risk of thrombosis may also vary according to ethnicity and prevalence of
hereditary risk factors for thrombosis; thus, it is advisable for Latin American, Asian, and African countries
to report on their specific patient population.
Keywords: Acute leukemia, Thrombosis, Risk factors

Thrombosis and Cancer Prophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparin

Thrombosis is a common complication in cancer (LMWH) or unfractionated heparin is indicated in
patients and the association between these two patients with cancer undergoing major surgery. This
entities has been known for centuries. Deep venous same prophylactic measures may benefit medical
thrombosis and pulmonary embolism (PE) are the oncology patients admitted to the hospital with an
most common cancer-associated thrombotic events. acute illness.3 However, prophylaxis may represent a
Cancer patients account for 20% of all patients with risk per se in patients with acute leukemia with very
venous thromboembolism (VTE), and in recent years, low platelet counts or with coagulation disorders.
the reported incidence has been as high as 28% of Initial treatment of VTE consists of anticoagulant
hospitalized cancer patients.1 therapy; LMWH or unfractionated heparin are the
The mortality rate in patients with cancer and preferred frontline drugs. Secondary prophylaxis with
thrombosis is higher (16.3%) than in those without vitamin K antagonists can also be initiated on the
thrombosis (6.3%), particularly in patients who same day as heparin therapy. Treatment must be
develop PE (24.8%).2 Some tumor types are more adjusted to maintain an international normalized ratio
likely to be associated with the development of within 2.0–3.0. The annual incidence of recurrent VTE
thromboses: pancreas, brain, ovary, and lung. About in patients without cancer is 8%, but in patients with
10% of patients with idiopathic VTE will be diagnosed cancer, this rate increases two- to threefold. This could
with cancer within the following 10 years (more than be a consequence of the difficulty in maintaining
75% will be diagnosed within the first year).3 an optimal international normalized ratio in these
A validated scoring system predicting the develop- patients, due to drug interactions, anorexia, malnutri-
ment of VTE in cancer patients has been proposed, tion, liver dysfunction, and poor gastrointestinal
and is appropriate for solid tumors;4 yet, its para- tolerance,3 as well as the presence of tumor-related
meters such as high leucocyte or platelet counts, are prothrombotic factors such as mechanical vascular
not useful for patients with acute leukemia. compression or an increase in molecular activators of
coagulation due to the overexpression of tissue factor
by malignant cells.
Correspondence to: E. Crespo-Solı́s, Clı́nica de Leucemia Aguda,
Departamento de Hematologı́a y Oncologı́a, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias The Italian Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis
Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, Vasco de Quiroga #15, Sección XVI, recommends LMWH for the first 6 months in patients
Tlalpan, CP 14000 Mexico City. Mexico. Email: erickerickmx@ with VTE and hematological malignancies. In patients

ß W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2012

DOI 10.1179/102453312X13336169156852 Hematology 2012 VOL . 17 SUPPL . 1 S 169
Crespo-Solı́s Thrombosis in patients with acute leukemia

with severe and prolonged thrombocytopenia, the use protocol had an incidence of 10%. Several risk factors
of LMWH is preferable to oral anticoagulant therapy.5 were evaluated in the multivariate analysis. Only
Recommendations for treatment of thrombosis in the concomitant administration of Escherichia coli
patients with cancer are mostly based on studies of asparaginase/prednisone to leukemic children with a
patients with solid tumors.3,5,6 Guidelines for prophy- prothrombotic risk factor was found to increase the
laxis and management of VTE based on prospective risk of thrombosis (odds ratio: 34.5; 95% confidence
studies conducted in acute leukemia patients are interval: 4.39–271.42; P50.0008). Interestingly, the
lacking. differences in thrombosis rates were observed only
during induction chemotherapy.18
Thrombosis and Acute Leukemia The incidence of thrombosis also varies according
Patients with acute leukemia present both an to the study period (before or after 1990). The overall
increased risk of hemorrhage, as well as of thrombo- incidence of VTE in studies conducted or reported
sis. The incidence of thrombosis varies between 2 and before or after 1990 is 1.8 and 4.7%, respectively. This
36%.7–14 may be possibly explained by improved diagnostic
Relevant aspects regarding patients with acute methods, different chemotherapy regimens or an
leukemia and thrombosis are as follows:
increase in suspicion and confirmation of the
1. association between central catheters and throm-
bosis and its clinical variability on presentation diagnosis of thrombosis.15 Regarding the site of
(symptomatic or asymptomatic); thrombosis, a reported 52% of patients with central
2. association between L-asparaginase during induc- nervous system thromboembolism have venous sinus
tion chemotherapy and thrombosis in patients with involvement. Thrombosis may affect overall survival,
acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL); quality of life, and cognitive function. There are no
3. recognition of thrombosis as a frequent and
perhaps underestimated complication in patients data regarding the recurrence of thrombosis in this
with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL); population. Patients are reported to have residual
4. inconsistencies among reports in the literature neurological deficits or seizure disorders. Associated
regarding risk factors for thrombosis (gender, age, morbidity is approximately 15–20% in cases of cen-
leukemia subtype, catheter characteristics, comor- tral nervous system (CNS) thrombosis.15
bidity, and genetic mutations) and their impact on
L-asparaginase decreases plasminogen, fibrinogen,
overall survival.
and antithrombin, resulting in impaired thrombin
ALL inhibition which may contribute to the asparaginase-
As with any other disease, patients with ALL develop related dose-limiting toxicity.19-21 Changes in anti-
thromboses as a result of an interaction of factors. thrombin (AT) and fibrinogen during induction che-
According to current evidence, the main contributors motherapy with L-asparaginase were reported in a
include the disease itself, the type of administer- retrospective study of 214 adult patients with ALL.22
ed chemotherapy, central venous catheters (CVC), The median AT levels decreased from 120 to 59%
genetic abnormalities, as well as an acquired predis- after the fourth L-asparaginase infusion. AT levels
position. Most published studies are in pediatric below 60% were found in 50% of cases. Fibrinogen
patients. As reported by Athale and Chan,15 the levels decreased from 2.9 g/l at diagnosis, to 1.9 g/l
average incidence of thrombosis in children with ALL before the first infusion, they continued to decrease
is 3%. According to a prospective study in adults with after the first 10 days of induction therapy and
ALL, the incidence of thrombosis increases to 9.6%.10 reached a median value of 1.1 g/l at the time of the
Variation in the incidence of thrombosis depends on fourth L-asparaginase infusion. Infusion of AT
several factors, such as the study design, prospective concentrate was followed by a significant increase in
versus retrospective,16,17 whereby the former tend to AT levels, from 61 to 88%. Fibrinogen levels
report higher incidences of thrombotic phenomena. significantly increased after fibrinogen concentrate
Furthermore, studies designed to detect asymptomatic administration, from 1 to 1.4 g/l. Fresh frozen plasma
thrombosis have also reported increased thrombosis was not effective in significantly ameliorating AT or
incidence rates.15 The incidence of thrombosis is also fibrinogen levels. The incidence of thrombosis was
related to the treatment regimen. 9.8% during induction therapy and all thrombotic
The German group has reported different inci- events occurred within 2–35 days after the first
dence rates of thrombosis when comparing patients injection of L-asparaginase during induction che-
receiving the Berlin–Frankfurt–Münster (BFM) or motherapy. No mention of catheter-related throm-
the Cooperative Study Group for Childhood Acute boses was made, but 25% of thrombotic events
Lymphoblastic Leukemia (COALL) chemotherapy developed in the upper limbs. The use of oral
protocols. Patients receiving the COALL protocol contraceptives was more frequent in women with
had a 0.8% incidence of thrombosis during induction thrombosis than in those without. Other factors such
chemotherapy, whereas patients receiving the BFM as familial thrombophilia, previous thrombosis, age,

S170 Hematology 2012 VOL . 17 SUPPL . 1

Crespo-Solı́s Thrombosis in patients with acute leukemia

AT levels ,60%, fibrinogen levels ,0.5 g/l and low patients is challenging, because of the considerable
doses of heparin were similar between groups of risk of hemorrhage due to severe thrombocytopenia
patients with and without thrombosis. The complete and coagulation and/or fibrinolysis abnormalities. A
remission rate was similar in patients with and patient with bleeding and PE is not an uncommon
without thrombosis, but thrombus development was picture for clinicians treating AML, especially at
associated with a decreased median overall survival diagnosis and during the induction phase.
(19 months versus 53 months), as well as a decreased Thromboses are treated with LMWH. Monitoring
disease-free survival (14 months versus 58 months). of anti-Xa and maintenance of peak levels between
Some studies have reported a genetic prothrombo- 0.5 and 1 IU/ml in patients with renal failure, obesity,
tic predisposition as an important host factor in pregnancy, and children, as well as close observation
the development of VTE in children with ALL,23 of the platelet count are mandatory. LMWH should
whereas others have failed to demonstrate such an be decreased by 50%, if the platelet count drops to
association.24 Whether to administer primary antic- 50610(9)/l or below, or temporarily discontinued if
oagulant prophylaxis with LMWH to children with ,20610(9)/l.37
ALL during induction chemotherapy, remains con- Important data obtained by Ku et al.11 in a
troversial. A recent retrospective study of 80 children population-based cohort, was used to determine the
with ALL,25 demonstrated an incidence of genetic incidence of thrombosis in an American population
thrombophilia of 22.5% (factor II G20210A and (California) of 5394 patients with AML or ALL. The
factor V Leiden). These patients received prophylac- 2-year cumulative incidence of VTE was 5.2%,
tic enoxaparin, but 7.5% developed thromboembolic comparable to that in patients with solid tumors.
events. VTE was not detected in patients with factor Interestingly, 64% of thrombotic events developed
V Leiden, suggesting that ALL patients with the PT within the first 3 months of the leukemia diagnosis.
gene mutation are at increased risk of developing Risk factors for VTE in AML included female
clotting complications in comparison with those gender, older age, the number of chronic comorbid-
harboring the factor V Leiden mutation. ities, and the presence of an indwelling catheter. In
All patients with acute leukemia require placement ALL patients, the 2-year cumulative incidence of
of a CVC for cytotoxic chemotherapy administration. VTE was 4.5%. Risk factors for VTE included the
All types of CVCs are associated with infection and presence of a central venous catheter, older age, and
thrombosis. Actually, thrombosis is a risk factor for the number of chronic comorbidities. As opposed to
developing infection of the CVC and this association AML patients in whom survival was not affected by
has been documented for over 25 years.26,27 Autopsy VTE, ALL individuals had a 40% increase in the risk
and venographic studies have demonstrated that soon of death during the first year after diagnosis.
after the insertion of a catheter, practically all will
develop a fibrin sheath.28,29 APL
Different diagnostic methods have been used to APL patients present a particular scenario, whereby
demonstrate that the aforementioned fibrin sheaths fatal hemorrhages due to disseminated intravascular
are always colonized by cocci.30–32 The type of coagulation were the major cause of early death be-
catheter-related thrombosis may be due to either fore the use of all trans-retinoic acid as part of the
clotting of the lumen (13–93%) or the development of induction treatment. Currently, the rate of fatal he-
mural thrombi in the vessel where the catheter is morrhages ranges between 2.4 and 6.5%.38 Increased
placed (12–74%).33–35 fibrinolysis has been documented and overexpression
Approximately, a third of CVC-related thromboses of annexin A2 may be one of the underlying
are symptomatic. Factors favoring the development of mechanisms, conditioning the hemorrhagic complica-
CVC-related thromboses include malignancy, throm- tions in these patients. Abnormally high levels of
bophilia, endothelial cell injury due to the CVC itself or annexin A2 on APL cells increase plasmin generation
to chemotherapy, the position of the catheter in the that in turn, activates fibrinolysis. Furthermore,
vascular system and the number of catheter lumens.34 annexin II mRNA levels are reduced after treatment
The most important sequelae are pulmonary emboli, with all trans-retinoic acid39 and arsenic trioxide.40
post-phlebitic syndrome, and infection, with an esti- Thrombosis is probably an underestimated complica-
mated frequency of 6, 15–35, and 18%, respectively.33 tion in APL patients.41 Concomitant hemorrhage and
thrombosis have also been reported during induction
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) chemotherapy. A retrospective study of 34 consecutive
Additional risk factors for VTE in AML patients APL patients in a single referral center in Israel,
include the increased expression of tissue factor in reported an incidence of severe thrombosis of 12%.
leukemic cells, its activation on cellular surfaces, and Life-threatening bleeding occurred in 29% of patients.
hyperleukocytosis.36 Treatment of VTE in AML The most consistent hemostatic abnormality was

Hematology 2012 VOL . 17 SUPPL . 1 S 171

Crespo-Solı́s Thrombosis in patients with acute leukemia

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