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Informal Letter

Write a letter to one of your friends requesting him/her to

lend youa book. Mention what the book is, why you need
it and how long you want to keep it.

32, Raj Apartment,

Pavan Nagar,
Nasik- 422006.

25th August, 2021.

Dear friend,
I hope you are well by the grace of the Almighty. I am well
too. It’s been long since I received your last letter. So I have
thought of writing you this letter.

The purpose of my writing this letter to you is that I want to

request you to lend me the book “Wings of Fire” by Dr A.P.J.
Abdul Kalam. I noticed it in your book shelf last time when I
had visited your home. As my father says, it is a wonderful
book written by a wonderful person, Dr Kalam, who was a
rocket scientist as well as the 11th President of India. As far as
I know, he belonged to a middle-class Tamil family and
struggled hard to reach the top. I want to know more about
him and get inspired. So, kindly lend me the book. I promise
to return it within two months. Take care.

Please convey my regards to your parents, sister Kavita and

brother Soham.

Your loving friend,

Write a letter to a newspaper editor, complaining about the
nuisance caused by beggars in your city.

14, Snehal Society,

College Road,
Nasik – 422005.

25th August, 2021.

The Editor,
The Indian Express,
Nasik – 422005.

Dear Sir,

Subject- Nuisance caused by the beggars in the city.

The ever increasing swarm of beggars is a blot on the city.

They pester us everywhere at the signal, at the bus queues
and on pavements. Many of them are victims of deadly
diseases like herpes and are a source of danger to public
health. They often touch us, thus trying to harass us into
giving them alms.

Several beggars are really able-bodied persons pretending to

be maimed. They are reluctant to work and find it easier to
astonishing that many people encourage them on
humanitarian or religious ground.
It is high time Government abolish beggary in India. It
should provide houses for the really disabled beggars and
force others to do some kind of work.

Yours faithfully,

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