Philipine Lit Biuag and Malana Analysis

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Analyzed by Glydelle M. Raquiño

Biuag is admired by a goddess when he was still a baby and gave him a present the three
stone placed around his neck signifies his powers the first stone protect him in any bodily
harm and the remaining two stones giving him the powers. On the other hand, there is also a
man born in Malaueg and has the same powers with Biuag such as lifting heavy things, being
as fast as the wind and bravery. Malana uses his powers to help ordinary people needs help
like helping the people in his town when a devastating typhoon washed away their crops.
At the age of eighteen, the two young men fell in love with a single lady. A young lady with
unsurpassed beauty lived in the town of Tuao.
They found themselves struggling who will the young lady choose. So, in order to figure out
who will be chosen, the two-man challenged each other and may the best man win.
The battle between the two is breathtaking and became controversial. The dueling place was
covered by men, women, and children from all over the province, proving that their abilities
are extraordinary. The people from Enrile and Malaueg are also there to show their support to
their man. The beginning of the duel is tough. Malana fights bare hands while Biuag uses his
spear. When the spear of Biuag breaks into two. The true fight started.
Unfortunately, because Biuag used other creature to defeat Malana the young lady did not
choose him even he won the fight and flew in the kingdom of the air with Malana.

Biuag - a man having three stone in his neck wherein it is the source of his powers as a gift
from a goddess. He is the Antagonist of the story and a round character. Other than he is one
of the main characters in the story as I analyze it, he changes during his fight with Malana in
the sense of using a crocodile to drub him out. In that case, he fights wrong and unfair in the
part of Malana losing his characteristic in the first part of the story.
Malana- a tall, handsome and good-hearted man who is also a gifted similar to the
powers Biuag possessed. He is the Protagonist and a flat character. Simply because he fights
fair and square and never uses any trick or deceit his opponent.
Daughter of the Goddess- a young lady with incomparable beauty. She appears as the foil
of the story because even though it is unintentionally done she is the caused of why Biuag
and Malana fight each other.
The setting took place in different towns in Cagayan, such as Enrile, Tuao, and Malaueg.

EXPOSITION: Biuag is born in the southernmost part of Cagayan. Having with him the
three stone from a goddess wherein the source of his powers. Above all his powers and
greatness he is still not contented until he finally meets a young lady from the town of Tuao,
he is incredibly fallen in love with her; Unfortunately, the young lady also has another suitor
named Malana from Malaueg surprisingly he also has the same powers as the same as Biuag.
RISING ACTION: Biuag gave a sign to challenged Malana.
CLIMAX: Malana realized why does Biuag show sign of challenging and he officially
challenged Biuag for the hand of the young lady. They used their powers in the battle.
FALLING ACTION: Biuag emerged with the biggest crocodile and eat Malana, the young
man did not fight back and as he soon falls in the mid-air the young lady transformed and
reveal herself to Biuag and all the witnesses.
DENOUMENT: Malana won over Biuag and flew in the kingdom of the air.

The story’s point of view is third person omniscient. The narrator or the author itself
expanded the visual narration of everything that happens within the story. In which we, as the
readers helps to create a vivid interpretation of the scenes.

Man vs. Man. Biuag and Malana are men who in love or suiting the young lady in the
town Tuao. They possessed a gift of supernatural from the goddess and used it to fight each
other for the hand of the young lady.
Man vs. Himself. Biuag struggled to do what is supposed to be right during his fight with
Malana, on the other hand in order to win and prove that he is stronger he became unfair.

Other than the story is surrounded by the theme Love, for the two brave men did their best in
the name of love itself. Its sub-theme is good and evil and heroism. In the mere fact that since
the beginning of the story, the description of the two young men with incredible abilities is
saved and help normal people when arousing of calamities and disorders; Moreover, the good
and evil sub-theme arises when Biuag fight unfairly using the crocodile as his weapon to
defeat Malana. Although, it is a tactic to win they must win the fight bare hands of their

“You will do anything for the one you love, even it takes being unfair to somebody else.”


 Three small stones - it signifies the powers of Biuag.
 Bow and arrow with two tiny stones- it stands as the challenged of Biuag to Malana.
“When it dawned on the child’s mother…”
“...wide river…”
“...uproot a big beetle nut…”
“...a devastating typhoon…”
“...the river to cross was wide and full of crocodiles…”
“...tall, broad-shouldered and handsome…”
“...sadness was clearly etched…”
“...he hurled the coconut…”
“...he plucked the spear…”
“...Biuag leaped into the river…”
“...Gigantic waves dashed…”

“... a dazzling light that sparkled…”

“...fell on their knees…”
“...flew with Malana in the kingdom of the air and the clouds…”
“...Barking a command…”
“...Biuag laughed decisively…”
“...sounds of a thousand tubes…”
“...the natives cheering Malana…”
“The crocodiles created a path for him” -Hyperbole
“He could go faster than the wind” -Hyperbole
“He could throw easily a carabao across the hills” -Hyperbole
“He could uproot a bog beetle nut as if it were a wood.” -Simile
“His waking hours were thoughts of her” -Hyperbole
“Your suitor is very strong but he is a coward” -Irony
“...sounds of a thousand bamboo tubes” -Onomatopoeia
“The two mountains and the outlaying hills were blanketed with men, women and
children...” -Hyperbole
“...carrying a big coconut tree…” -Hyperbole
“Everyone held his breath” -Hyperbole
“The river stood still” -Hyperbole
“The coconut tree flew like an arrow into the air.” -Simile
“Biuag emerged with the biggest crocodile under his arm” -Hyperbole

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