Proposal For Deforestation and Its Effec

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Course Name: Public Speaking

Course Code: ENG 250


Subject: proposal for Deforestation and its effect on environment and future ways to solution.

Submitted To: Wg Crd (Retd) Kazi Abdul Matin


Department of languages.

International University of Business Agriculture and technology.

Submitted By: Group Name: Sparks

Group Members:

No Name ID Program
1 Israt Zahan 12102106 BBA
2 Sumona Akter 13112003 BSN
3 Ayesha Najnin 14203113 BCSE

4 Kazi Rabbi Hassan 14203096 BCSE

Date: 29th October 2015



Deforestation and its effect on environment and future ways to solution.


1. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for
other uses. It is an International problem. Deforestation occurs around the world, though
tropical rainforests are particularly targeted. NASA predicts that if current deforestation
levels proceed, the world's rainforests may be completely in as little as 100 years. Countries
with significant deforestation include Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, the Democratic Republic
of Congo and other parts of Africa, and parts of Eastern Europe, according to GRID-Arendal,
a United Nations Environment Program collaborating center. For deforestation some Low-
level country like Bangladesh will remain under water within certain years.

Causes of deforestation

2. There are many causes of deforestation. The WWF reports that half of the trees illegally
removed from forests are used as fuel.

 Some other common reasons are:

 To make more land available for housing and urbanization.

 To harvest timber to create commercial items such as paper, furniture and homes .
 To create ingredients that are highly prized consumer items, such as the oil from palm
 To create room for cattle ranching.
 To use alternative as fuel.

Common methods of deforestation are burning trees and clear cutting. These tactics leave the
land completely barren and are controversial practices. 


3. Climate change and loss of forest resources are the two most threatening environmental
problems of our time. Actions that deal with both together are especially valuable. Loss of
forest is responsible at least a quarter of all atmospheric carbon increases, worldwide.
Although rates of deforestation are roughly known, forest degradation (lost of biomass within forest
boundaries) is contributing considerably to carbon losses. Degradation has hardly been measured. The
benefits that local populations gain from forest management tend to be non-financial.

4. Deforestation is a global issue, which makes it a more difficult problem to address than if it were
strictly a domestic one or even if it were occurring only in one region of the world. Deforestation not
only takes place in various regions of the world, it also affects everyone, with the potential for
worldwide ecological devastation. The size of the problem has been accelerating in recent years.
Many of the developed nations of the world have decimated their own forests, and though today they
are involved in attempts at preserving vast tracts of the forest they have left, they have already
contributed to the problem by the destruction wrought during their formative period. This makes it all
the more difficult for them to complain when developing nations are faced with the issue of
preservation versus jobs and a viable economy, which is usually the way the issue unfolds. Still,
governments of both developed and developing nations have a stake in the long-term survival of
forests, notably the rainforests of tropical regions, and governmental action at both levels is


5. Lack of data: Deforestation is a big and researchable issue its need more data.
Lack of time: As mentioned before Deforestation is a global and researchable issue so it’s need
more time to proper rationale and describe.

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