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Name: Aname L.


1. What do you mean by Anthropological Linguistics is one of

many disciplines which studies the role of languages in the
social lives

For me, Anthropological Linguistics means the study of
relationship between language and culture. We have many
languages to express the feelings and thought. Some people
especially Guy lingua they have words that they can
understand each other. If we can't understand them there's a
possibility to be misunderstanding, so that much better to
speak correctly to avoid misunderstanding.

2. Expound this, Anthropological Linguistics uses language to

determine cultural understanding, sociolinguistics views
language itself as a social institution.

For me, every country have different language to communicate
and understand each other, and also we can identify if what
culture they are by wearing their dress or when they speak their

3. Explain this, Anthropological Linguistics deals with the place of

language in it's wider social and cultural context, and it's role n
making and maintaining cultural practices and societal

For me, some people experience or study different languages so
that they can understand other cultures. Language is important
in every culture because language is powerful to widen our

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