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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Z est for Progress
Z P eal of artnership

Chemistry Grade 2
Quarter 4 - Module 5
Introduction to Electrochemistry:
Redox Reactions

Name of Learner:
Grade & Section:
Name of School:

Introduction to
Electrochemistry: Redox

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the concepts behind the oxidation and reductions reactions
(STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-169) and learn how to balance these reactions using the change in
oxidation number method (STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-170). The scope of this module permits it
to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Define oxidation reactions and reduction reactions;

2. Assign oxidation numbers;
3. Identify if the reaction is redox base on the change in oxidation number;
4. Determine which is the reducing agent and which is the oxidizing agent;
5. Balance reduction-oxidation(redox) reactions using the change in oxidation number

What’s In
Activity 1: Background Check
Learning Intention: To relearn the basic concepts and terminologies of a redox reaction.
I. Matching Type: Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only
the letter of the answer on the blank provided before the number.
Column A Column B
1. an electrically charged atom or molecule. A. anion
2. a positively charged ion. B. cation
3. a negatively charged sub atomic particle C. ion
4. a negatively charged ion. D. electron
5. a positively charged sub atomic particle. E. polyatomic ion
6. a chemical bond that involves complete. F. alkali earth metal
transfer of valence electrons between atoms.
7. an ion that is composed of two or more covalently G. proton
bonded atoms with either a (+) or a (-) charge H. covalent bond
8. an ion consisting of exactly one atom I. monoatomic ion
9. Ca, Mg, Sr, Ba, Be, Ra J. ionic bond
10. Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr K. alkali metal
I. Name the following ions. Classify if the ion is monoatomic or polyatomic.
a. ��3− c. ��2+ e. ��−

b. �� − d. �� 2+

What’s New
Redox Reaction in our Daily life

An oxidation-reaction or redox reaction is a reaction that involves the transfer of

electrons between chemical species (the atoms, ions, or molecules involved in the
reaction). Redox reactions are all around us: the burning of fuels, corrosion of
metals, and even the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration involves redox
The Science behind why Apples turn Brown
Have you observed that when you left
your sliced apple untouched for some time,
the apple’s flesh turns brown? The
characteristic brown color in apple’s flesh is
melanin. Melanin is produced when the
polyphenol oxidase (PPO), a enzyme that is
found in an apple is reacts with oxygen that
present the air. The reaction between PPO
and oxygen is oxidation. Amazing, right?
Image source: sliced-apples-turn-brown

Re-bonding and Perming: A reduction

oxidation reaction
Our hair is made mostly of a protein
called keratin. The strength of our hair is due to
the disulfide bonds (-S-S-) present in keratine.
When the hair is permed or straightened, the
disulfide bonds of the hair are broken by adding
hydrogen atoms in the disulfide bonds. This
process is called reduction. With the disulfide
bonds broken, this will enable us to slip our hair
into a new shape (perm or straightened with
iron). After styling the hair into the desired
shape, the hair is then oxidized to remove the
hydrogen atom and reform the disulfide bonds
while retaining the new shape of the hair
Image source:

Corrosion of Iron to form rust

This is one of the most common
redox reaction. In the presence of air and
water, the metal iron is converted into a
metal compound(rust). The oxygen atom
in the water serves as an oxidizing agent.
This oxidation leads to the generation of
free hydrogen ions. The hydrogen ions
generated combine with the oxygen to
yield water, and the whole cycle begins
again. Image source:

What is it
What is a Redox Reaction?

Any chemical reaction in which a molecule, an atom or an ion’s oxidation number is

changed by gaining or losing an electron is a reduction-oxidation reaction.

TIP #1
Oxidation and Reduction with respect to
Hydrogen and Oxygen Transfer
Oxidation – is the gain of oxygen and
loss of hydrogen
Loss of electron gain of electron Reduction – is the loss of oxygen
Oxidation reduction and gain of hydrogen

When electrons transfer, there should be atoms that would give away electrons, and
atoms that would accept the electrons. Redox reactions are therefore made up of two
half-processes that occur together: the losing of electrons or oxidation, and the gaining
of electrons or reduction. The substance that loses the electron is the reducing
agent(RA) or the reductant and the one that accepts the electron is the oxidizing
agent(OA) or the oxidant.

Assigning Oxidation Numbers

In order to identify whether the reaction is a redox reaction, the concept of oxidation
numbers, (also called oxidation states) was devised to provide a way to track electrons
before and after a reaction. Oxidation number (ON) can be assigned to the atoms in the
following guidelines:

1. A metal or nonmetal in the free(uncombined) state, that is, occurring as an

element is assigned an oxidation number (ON) of 0.
Example: The following atoms have an ON of 0: ��(�) , ��(�) , �� , �� �� , �� , ��

2. A monoatomic ion has an oxidation number equal to its charge.

Example: ON of ���+ is +2, ON of ��− is -1.

3A. The ON of hydrogen in a compound is usually +1.
Example: All H in ���, ��, ���, �������, ����� are all +1.


3B. If the hydrogen is part of the binary metal hydride (compound if hydrogen
and some metal), then the oxidation state is -1.
Example: NaH
+1 - 1 TS ATOMS
Na 1 +1 +1 +
Na H 1 -1 -1
4|Page H O.N.
4. The oxidation number oxygen in a compound is usually -2. If, however, the
oxygen is in a class of compounds called peroxides (e.g. hydrogen peroxide),
then the oxygen has an ON of -1. If oxygen is bonded to fluorine, the number is

5A. The sum of all oxidation numbers in a neutral compound is zero.
Example: ��O, �����

For H2O, as it is presented in STEP 3, do have a TOTAL ON of O which

simply denotes that it is a neutral compound. Here is the simplest way to
compute for the TOTAL ON. Considering that H2O existed to contain 2
atoms of H and an atom of O, and that;

TOTAL ON for H2O = (2 × ON of H) + (1 × ON of O)

= (2 × (+1)) + (1 × (-2)) = 2(+1) + -2
= (+2) + (-2)
TOTAL ON for H2O = 0

In the case of �����, where each � is +1, each O is -2. The ON for � is
unknown and to calculate the ON of �, we let x = ON of �. And so,
TOTAL ON for H2SO4 = (2 × ON of H) + (1 × ON of S) + (4 × ON of O);
x = ON of S and the TOTAL ON for H2SO4 is 0.

0 = 2(+1) + x + 4(-2)
The solution clearly shows that the ON of S in H2SO4 is – 6.

5B. The sum of all ON in a polyatomic ion is equal to the charge on the ion.
For the case of phosphate, ��� �−, a polyatomic ion with a net charge (or total
ON) of - 3. This time we will try to calculate the ON of �. Thus,

TOTAL ON for ��� �− = (1 x ON of P) + (4 x ON of O);

x = = ON of � and the TOTAL ON for ��� �− is – 3

- 3 = x + 4(-2)
- 3 = x + (- 8)
x = + 5 or 5

6. The ON of an alkali metal (IA family) in a compound is +1; the ON of an alkali

earth metal (IIA Family) in a compound is +2.

7. The ON of fluorine is always -1. Chlorine, bromine, and iodine usually have an
ON of -1, unless they’re in combination with an oxygen or fluorine.

EXAMPLE 1: Let us identify whether the reaction is a redox reaction by assigning

oxidation numbers.
Consider the reaction between Mg metal and oxygen gas. The unbalance
equation for the reaction is given below.

��(�) + ��(�) —> ���(�)
The product of the reaction of the two elements, �� metal and �� gas, is a white
solid, magnesium oxide, ���. ��� is an ionic compound, and is made up of
���+ and ��− ions. In order to identify whether the reaction is a redox reaction,
we assign oxidation numbers:
��(�) + ��(�) —> ���(�) Tip #2
To lessen confusion between
The ON of �� is 0 (rule #1) terminologies, memorize these
The ON of � in �� is 0 (rule #1) mnemonics:
The ON of � in ��� is -2 (rule #4) GEROA – Gain Electrons,
The ON of �� in ��� is +2 (rule #5) Reduced/Reduction, Oxidizing Agent
LEORA – Lose Electrons,
��: 0  +2, lose electrons, oxidized Oxidized/Oxidation, Reducing Agent
�: 0  -2, gained electrons, reduced

There is transfer of electrons involved in the reaction between �� and ��.

Electrons lost by �� were gained by �, thus, this reaction is a redox reaction.

It is important to note that the reducing agent and the oxidizing agent are
reactants, not just the atoms oxidized or reduced. The reactant that carries the
atom or element oxidized is called reducing agent (RA). The reactant that carries
the atom or element reduced is called oxidizing agent (OA). In EXAMPLE 1, �� is
the reducing agent. While it is said that � is reduced, it is ��, and not just �,
that is the oxidizing agent. Let’s consider this next example.

EXAMPLE 2: The ON of each element has been placed above their respective symbols.
+3 -2 +2 -2 0 +4 -2
��2�3(�) + ��(�) —> ��(� ) + ��2(�)
The ON of each element is determined by using the rules in assigning oxidation
numbers. ��(�) has an ON of zero(rule #1). �����(�), CO and ���(�) are neutral
molecules, this means that the sum of all ON is zero (rule #5). Rule number 4
states that O will have an ON of -2 except when bonded to peroxides and
fluorine. By using this information, we can calculate the ON of C in CO, C in
���(�) and Fe in �����(�):
Fe in ��2�3(�)
Total ON for ��2�3(�) = 0; let x = ON of Fe
0 = (2 × ON of Fe) + (3 × ON of O )
0 = (2x) + 3(-2)
0 = 2x-6
C in ��2(�)
Total ON for ��2(�) = 0; let x = ON of C
0 = (1 × ON of C) + (2 × ON of O)
0 = x + 2(-2)
0=x- 4
C in CO
Total ON for CO = 0; let x = ON of C
0 = (ON of C) + (ON of O)
0 = x -2

Atom Oxidized: �: +2  +4 Reducing Agent: CO
Atom Reduced: ��: +3  0 Oxidizing Agent: �����

A Non-Redox Reaction

Are there reactions that are not redox? Yes. An example for this is the the
neutralization reaction between HCl and NaOH.

HCl + NaOH —> H2O + NaCl

Reactant Product
H in HCl: +1 H in H2O: +1
Cl in HCl: -1 O in H2O: -2
Na in NaOH: +1 Na in NaCl: +1
O in NaOH: -2 Cl in NaCl: -1
H in NaOH: +1
As you can see, there is no change in oxidation number from the reactant side
to the product side for all the elements involved.

Balancing Redox Reactions: Change in Oxidation Number Method

When balancing a chemical equation, the law of conservation of mass must be obeyed:
Atoms are neither created nor destroyed in any chemical reaction. As we balance oxidation
reactions, we must keep in mind that if a substance loses a certain number of electrons during a reaction,
another substance must gain that same number of electrons. To keep tract of the electron transfer,
we assign the oxidation numbers in each of the atoms. Here are some of the steps to
consider when balancing redox reactions:
Step 1: Assign oxidation numbers to each of the atom in the equation. Write the ON
above the atom.
Step 2: Identify the atoms that are oxidized and those that are reduced.
Step 3: If the losing and gaining of electrons does not follow the law of conservation of
mass, use coefficients to make the total increase in oxidation number equal to the total
decrease in oxidation number. Identify and use the least common multiple for
Step 4: Check the balancing for both atoms and charge.

EXAMPLE 4: Balance the reaction between �� metal and oxygen.

Step 1:
0 0 +2 -2
��(�) + �2(�) —> ���(�)
Step 2 and 3:
0 0 +2 -2
��(�) + �2(�) —> ���(�)
Oxidized: �� 0  +2 2 electrons lost/ �� atom 2 electrons lost/ ��
Reduced: � 0  -2 2 electrons gained/ � atom 4 electrons gained/�2

Mg lost 2 electrons per �� atom. Each atom of oxygen gains 2 electrons, and
since oxygen occurs as �2 molecules, each �2 molecule will gain a total of 4
electrons Therefore, 2 �� atoms have to be oxidized to reduce a molecule of �2.

The total number of electrons transferred is four (4). The balanced equation for
this reaction is therefore

2 ��(�) + �2(�) —> 2 ���(�)

Step 4: To check whether the equation is balance, count the number of atoms on
both side of the equation:

Reactant Side Atom Product Side

2 �� 2
2 � 2
The number of electrons in the reactant side is equal to the number of electrons
in the product side. The equation is now balance.

EXAMPLE 5: Balance the reaction between Iron(III) oxide and Carbon monoxide. The
unbalanced equation is given below:

Step 1: Assign oxidation numbers to each of the atom in the equation.

+3 -2 +2 -2 0 4 -2
��2�3(�) + ��(�) —> ��(�) + ��2(�)
Step 2: Identify the atoms that are oxidized and those that are reduced.
+3 -2 +2 -2 0 +4 -2
��2�3(�) + ��(�) —> ��(�) + ��2(�)

Oxidation:� +2 —> +4 2 electrons lost /� atom 2 electrons lost/ ��

Reduction:��+3—> 0 3 electrons gained /�� atom 6 electrons gained/ ��2�3
Step 3: Use coefficients to make the total increase in oxidation number equal to
the total decrease in oxidation number. Identify and use the least common
multiple for simplification.

The least common multiple of +2 and -3 is 6.

ON increased in �: +2 multiplied by 3(the coefficient) = 6

ON decreased in ��: -3 multiplied by 2(the coefficient) = -6

The coefficient is also applied to the formulas in the equation. ��2�3 does not
require a coefficient because the subscript 2 in the ��2�3 indicates that there are
already two iron atoms.
��2�3(�) + 3��(�) —> 2 ��(�) + 3 ��2(�)

Step 4: Check if the equation is balance by counting the number of atoms on

both sides of the equation. If the number of atoms in the reactants is equal to
the number of atoms in the reactant, then equation is balance.

��2�3(�) + 3��(�) —> 2 ��(�) + 3 ��2(�)

Reactant Side Atom Product Side
2 �� 2
6 � 6
3 � 3

What’s More
Activity 2: Let’s Practice!

1. Assign oxidation number to each of the elements in the reactant side of the
equation below:

+1 +6 -2 +4 -2
���3 + ��2  �2��4 + ��2

a. ���3 b. ��2
ON of H: ON of S:
ON of N: ON of O:
ON of O:

2. Is the reaction a redox reaction? Why or why not? (2pts)

3. The elements that changed in ON are � and �. Write the change in their oxidation
�: 
�: 

4. The increase in the oxidation number Tip # 3:

(becoming more positive) signifies that  When losing an electron, oxidation
the atom/element is being oxidized number will increase (from negative
and the decrease in the oxidation integers going to positive integers)
number (becoming less positive)
signifies that the atom/element is  When gaining an electron,
oxidation number will decrease
being reduced.
(from positive integers going to
Based on the change in the oxidation negative integers)
number of � and �, which element
gained electron and which element lost

5. Write down the elements that were neither reduced nor oxidized.

What I Have Learned
Activity 3: Your Turn!
Let us check what you have learned about redox reaction.

1. Define the following:

a. Reduction

b. Oxidation

c. Oxidation Number

2. Determine the oxidation number of sulfur(S) in each of the following substances:

a. Barium sulfate, ����4 c. Strontium sulfide, ���

Oxidation number of �: Oxidation number of �:

b. Sulfurous acid, �2��3 d. Hydrogen sulfide, �2�

Oxidation number of �: Oxidation number of �:

3. Balance the following equations by using the change in the oxidation number method
(use the four steps: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, and Step 4). Identify the reducing and
oxidizing agent.

a. ���3 + ��2  �2��4 + ��2

b. ���2(�) + �(�) — > ��(�) + ��(�)

You did it! Keep up the good work. This would help you do better in identifying and
balancing redox reactions. There’s more that you can do.

10 | P a g e
What I Can Do
Activity 4: You can do more!

1. Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect.

a. If a substance is oxidized, it is gaining electrons.

b. If an atom is oxidized, its oxidation number increases

c. Oxidation can occur without oxygen.

d. Oxidation can occur without reduction.

e. Melting of iron is a redox reaction.

2. For the following equations, assign oxidation numbers to each of the atoms. Is the
reaction redox? Why or why not? (10 pts)

a. ��(��3 )2(��) + 2��(��) → ���2(�) + 2���3(��)

b. ��(�) + ��2+ —> ��3+ + ��(�)

11 | P a g e
Directions. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Oxidation is
a. Losing Electron c. Losing oxygen
b. Gaining hydrogen d. both a and b
2. Reduction is
a. Losing electron c. Losing hydrogen
b. Gaining electron d. both a and c

3. What is the oxidation number of �� in ����.

a. +1 b. -1 c. -2 d. +2

4. What is the oxidation number of �� in �����.

a. +4 c. -7
b. -4 d. +7
5. ��4 is a
a. molecule c. polyatomic ion
b. cation d. all of the above
6. Which of the following is a monoatomic ion?
a. ��+ c. �−2
b. ��− d. None of the above
7. For numbers 7-15. Given the formula ���(�) + ����(�)  ��(�) + ��(��
) , the
oxidation number of �(�) is
a. 0 c. -1
b. +1 d. None of the above
8. The oxidation number of � in ���(3) is
a. 0 b. -1 c. +1 d. +2
9. The oxidation number of � in �2� is
a. 0 b. -1 c. +1 d. +2
10. The oxidation number of � in ��03 is
a. -3 b. -5 c. +3 d. +5
11. The oxidation number of � in �2(�) is
a. 0 b. -1 c. +1 d. +2
12. Which substance is the reducing agent?
a. �(�) c. �2
b. ���(3) d. �2�
13. Which substance the oxidizing agent?
a. �(�) c. �2
b. ���(3) d. �2�

12 | P a g e
14. Which statement is true for �?
a. Gained electrons and is oxidized
b. Gained electrons and is reduced
c. Lose electrons and is oxidized
d. Lose electrons and is reduced
15. Which statement is true for �(�) in the reaction?
a. Gained electrons and is oxidized
b. Gained electrons and is reduced
c. Lose electrons and is oxidized
d. Lose electrons and is reduced

Additional Activities
Activity 5: Let’s add more!

1. Give five examples of a chemical reaction in our surrounding that involves redox
reaction. State its significance.

Redox in the


Bleaching Bleaching is very effective in remove stains in our laundry.

13 | P a g e
Teaching Guide for Senior High school, GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2, Page 551-
Theodore E. Brown, H. Eugene H LeMay, Bruce E. Bursten. Chemistry The
Central Science, 13th Edition, Page 140-141, 860.
Electronic Resources:
z/el/1431/podzim2013/C3804/The_chemistry_of_perming rebonding.pdf

Development Team Region IX Hymn

Writer: Kylsy M. Sarcauga OUR EDEN LAND
Editor(s): Lourman Galiza
Here the trees and Golden beams of
Reviewer: Ma. Theresa C. Tarranza flowers bloom, sunrise and sunset,
PSDS-SHS Here the breezes Are visions you’ll never
Illustrator: gently blow, forget.
Layout Artist: Here the birds sing Oh! That’s Region
Management Team: IX... merrily,
DANNY B. CORDOVA, EdD. CESO VI And liberty forever Hardworking people
SDS-Pagadian City stays, abound,
Every valley and dale
MA. COLLEEN L. EMORICHA, EdD. CESE Here the Badjaos Zamboangenos,
swam the seas, Tagalogs, Bicolanos,
Here the Samals live in Cebuanos, Ilocanos, peace,
CID Chief Illongos,
Here the Tausogs
thrive so free, All of them are proud
MA. MADELENE P. MITUDA, EdD. With the Yakans in and true
LRMDS unity. Region IX our
Eden Land.
MILA P. ARAO Gallant men
And Ladies
Linger with love and Region IX, our Eden
care, Land.

15 | P a g e
16 | P a g e

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