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Name: Score:

Course /Year
BS ECE – 4 (Code 960) Date :  Oct. 8, 2021

Direction: Read the narrative again and answer the following questions. Write in a complete sentence.

1. In the narrative, Nena says,  “I had to brush the dogs’ teeth, clean their ears, and give them vitamins each
day. But I had to sleep on a dog bed in the living room.” What does this mean?

This statement corresponds to the inhumane experience and mistreatment she has undergone while
working for her employer. It tells the readers how even the dogs were more well-taken care of, compared to
her, a human being. This statement also gives the readers an exact sight of her experiences which allowed
the readers to imagine the cruel occurrences she suffered while working.

2. Wikipedia defines “The American Dream” as “a national ethos of the United States in which freedom
includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, an upward social mobility achieved through hard
work.”  Many Filipinos leave their family- because of this culture that working in a foreign country
especially America can bring good life for the family. Further to the case of Nena, work on the following:

- your discoveries about the narrative; your thoughts about the sufferings of Nena; your reactions
how Nena fought her rights; your question/s about the narrative. 

With the narrative I have read. I was able to discover the dark side and ugly truths about working in abroad. I
realized that not all Filipinos working abroad has a good life, contrary to the popular belief in our country
that when a Filipino is working abroad, he/she is automatically successful. Overseas Filipino workers battle not
only risks of human trafficking and possible maltreatments of employers, but also homesickness and depression.
On the other hand, I applaud Nena for her braveness despite her experiences as well as her compassion after
she had experienced what she experienced. It was a very moving narrative as it gave us another whole
perspective of what it’s like to be a victim and a survivor of human trafficking.

3. In your virtual discussion, share your responses to this question:  What does American Dream mean to

I, myself, would admit that I also possess this so-called “American Dream” – moving to a foreign country,
finding better career opportunities to achieve my definition of success in life. The definition of American
Dream for me would be “course towards one’s personal version of success”. Success is subjective and has
many versions and meanings, and I believe that the American Dream is one of the courses of action and
ways for me to achieve success. Personally, I’m purely and completely after the society’s ideals of being able
to afford all modern accessories but rather the American experience itself. The American dream for me,
means being able to have the American experience and live-through a western lifestyle.

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