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BY: Group 6
- Dandi Satria R.H (160200208)
- David Inaldo (160200428)
- Galio Efrata Tarigan (160200595)
- Ikhwandi Putranto (160200219)
- Jampi Gultom (160200222)
- M.Dandy Fayed Sulaiman (160200585)
- M.ilyas Farhan (160200409)
- Mahmud Ihsan Daulay (160200406)
- Melta Lusianta Br.Sembiring (160200218)
- Muhtadi Yusuf Lubis (160200207)
1.1 Background
The Corruption Eradication Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (commonly
abbreviated KPK) is the state agency that was formed with the goal of improving the
effectiveness and efficiency of the efforts to eradicate corruption. KPK is independent and
free from influence of any powers in carrying out its duties and authorities. This commission
was established under the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2002 on the
Corruption Eradication Commission. In performing its duties, the Commission guided by five
principles, namely: the rule of law, transparency, accountability, public interest and
proportionality. Commission is responsible to the public and communicate openly and
regularly report to the President, Parliament, and the CPC. The KPK has some areas to ease
their tasks, some of these fields into the kpk organizational structure, which we discuss in our
paper this.
Deputy Prevention

Deputy Prevention has the task of preparing the formulation of policies and implementing
policies in the Prevention of Corruption.

Deputy Prevention led by Deputy Prevention and responsible for the performance of its
duties to the Chairperson of the Commission;

In the execution of its duties and functions Deputy Prevention may establish working groups
whose membership comes from a cross-Directorate of the Directorate or Deputy Prevention
as determined by the Deputy Prevention.

Prevention Deputy in charge of:

Directorate of Registration and Inspection Wealth Report State (PP LHKPN);

Directorate of Gratification;

Directorate of Education and Human Services;

Directorate of Research and Development;

Deputy Secretary of Prevention.

KPK, ‘ ‘ Struktur organisasi : Deputi Pencegahan,’’ by :


Deputy Repression
Deputy Repression has the task of preparing the formulation of policies and implement
policies for Enforcement Corruption.

Deputy Enforcement chaired by Deputy for Enforcement and responsible for the performance
of its duties to the Chairperson of the Commission.

Deputy Repression charge:

Investigation Directorate;

Directorate of Investigation;

Prosecution Directorate;

Work Unit Coordination and Supervision; and

Deputy Secretary for Enforcement.

KPK, ‘ ‘ Struktur organisasi : Deputi Penindakan,’’ by :


Deputy Information and Data

Deputy of Information and Data has the task of preparing the formulation of policies and
implement policies at Department of Information and Data.

Deputy of Information and Data chaired by Deputy Information and Data and is responsible
for performance of its duties to the Chairperson of the Commission;

In the execution of its duties and functions Deputy of Information and Data may establish
working groups whose membership comes from a cross-Directorate of the Directorate or
Deputy of Information and Data as determined by the Deputy of Information and Data;

Deputy of Information and Data charge:

Directorate for Information and Data Processing;

Directorate of the Commission and the Interagency Working Network Agencies;

Directorate Monitor; and

Deputy Secretary for Information and Data;

KPK, ‘ ‘ Struktur organisasi : Deputi Informasi Dan Data,’’ by :

Deputy for Internal Monitoring and Public Complaints

Deputy for Internal Monitoring and Public Complaints has the task of preparing policy and
implementing policies in the field of Internal Monitoring and Public Complaints.

Deputy for Internal Monitoring and Public Complaints chaired by Deputy Internal
Monitoring and Public Complaints and responsibility for the performance of its duties to the
Chairperson of the Commission.

In the execution of its duties and functions Deputy for Internal Monitoring and Public
Complaints may establish working groups whose membership comes from a cross-
Directorate or the Deputy Directorate of Internal Oversight and Public Complaints as
determined by the Deputy for Internal Monitoring and Public Complaints.

Deputy for Internal Monitoring and Public Complaints charge:

Directorate of Internal Oversight;

Directorate of Public Complaints; and

Secretariat of Internal Monitoring and Public Complaints.

KPK, ‘ ‘ Struktur organisasi : Deputi PIPM ,’’ by :


Secretariat General

The Secretariat General has the task of preparing the policy and implementation of
administration, resources, public services, security and comfort, public relations and legal
defense to all organizational units of the Commission;

ccordance with the field.

General Secretariat headed by the Secretary General (Secretary General) and responsible for
the performance of its duties to the Chairperson of the Commission;

In the execution of its duties and functions Secretariat General may establish working groups
whose membership comes from the Bureau or the Bureau cross as determined by the
Secretary General;

Secretariat-General in charge of:

Bureau of Planning and Finance;

General Bureau;

Bureau of Human Resources;

Legal Bureau;

Bureau Public Relations; and

Secretariat Chief
KPK, ‘‘ Struktur organisasi : Sekretariat Jenderal’’ by :


The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was established by Act No. 30 of 2002 on
the Corruption Eradication Commission, the Commission was given the mandate to combat
corruption in a professional, intensive and continuous. KPK is an independent state agency,
in carrying out its duties and authorities are free from any power.

KPK leaders in charge of the four fields, which consist of areas of Prevention, Prosecution,
Information and Data, as well as the Internal Monitoring and Public Complaints. Each of
these fields is led by a deputy. Commission also assisted the General Secretariat headed by a
Secretary General who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of
Indonesia, but accountable to the leadership of the Commission

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