Ethnobotanically Important Plants of Hum

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Year:2013, Volume: 1, Issue:2

First page: (89) Last page: (101)

ISSN: 2321-2187
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International Journal of Herbal Medicine

Ethnobotanically Important Plants of Humzoni, Nwa, Kpk,

Sher Rehman 1, Sultan Mehmood Wazir 1, Rehman Ullah khan 1*, Saad Ullah khan1, Ayesha Farooq2

1. Department of Botany, University of Science & Technology Bannu, Pakistan.


This study documented the ethnobotanical values of the most commonly used plants of the Humzoni (NWA),
Pakistan in the year 2011-2012, and reports on the indigenous knowledge of different communities of the study area.
A total of 51 plant species belonging to 32 families were found to be valuable for medicinal, food, fodder/forage,
fuel, timber, shelter and agricultural purposes. Local people used indigenous plants for their common day ailments.
The largest families among these are Rosaceae (6 Genera), Solanaceae (5 Genera), Asclepiadaceae (3 Genera),
Moraceae (3 Genera), Ruteaceae(2 Genera) and Lamiaceae (2 Genera). It was reported that most common part of the
plant used are leaves (21%) and Fruit (18%). As there is no river or other sources of water, that’s why most of the
plants were found wild. More over there is no trend of cultivation of medicinal plants in the said area. The
ethnobotanical important plants are Citrus limon, Cydonia oblonga, Withania coagulens,Vitex negundo, Mentha
sylvestris and Fagonia Cretica.
Keyword: Ethnobotany, Common Plants, Humzoni.

1. Introduction which is about 1600 meters to 2100 meters

North Waziristan is the northern part of respectively. The total population of
Waziristan, a mountainous region of Humzoni is about 30000.
northwest Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan
and covering 11,585 square kilometres
(4,473 sq mi). Waziristan comprises the area
west and south-west of Peshawar between
the Tochi river to the north and the Gomal
river to the south, forming part of Pakistan's
Federally Administered Tribal Areas
(FATA). Miranshah is capital of North
Waziristan. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa lies
immediately to the east. Humzoni is situated
on both the side of the Touchi valley of
about 15 kilometers in east, west direction
and 18 kilometers wide from north, south,
flanked by mountain ridges about 1500 to
2100 meters height. The highest mountain
among Humzoni is Wezda Pamani Sar

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International Journal of Herbal Medicine

Ethnobotany plays an important role in pressed in a presser with blotting paper

understanding the dynamic relationships between the adjacent specimens. The
between biological diversity and social and blotting papers and News Papers were
cultural systems. Ethnobotanical approaches changed from time to time depending upon
are significant in highlighting locally the weather and situation of plant. Dried
important plant species, particularly for new species were treated by 2% solution of
crude drugs. Documentation of indigenous Mercuric Chloride and Ethyl Alcohol,
knowledge, in particular the medicinal mounting of specimens was made on
values of plant species, provided various standard herbarium of sheets of size
vital modern drugs. About 25% of drugs (41.25cm) x 28,75cm.
originate from plants and many other drugs The plant species collected during surveys
are synthetic analogues of compounds were identified by taxonomists using the
isolated from plants. About 80% of the Flora of Pakistan and voucher specimens
people of developing countries are still were submitted to the Department of
dependent on traditional indigenous Botany, UST, Bannu[8,9,10,11].
medicines for their basic healthcare[1,2,3,4].
Pakistan has a high diversity of plants that 3. Results and Discussion
are being used by local communities for The present research work reported a total of
medicinal purposes. Proper usages of these 51 plant species belonging to 32 families to
plants are commonly practiced at the be valuable for medicinal, food,
community and end-user level. However, fodder/forage, fuel, timber, shelter and
there are many parts of the country which agricultural purposes. The largest families
remain unexplored by ethnobotanists; there among these are Rosaceae (6 Genera),
is no report available for the proper usage of Solanaceae (5 Genera), Asclepiadaceae (3
plants. Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) is Genera), Moraceae (3 Genera), Ruteaceae(2
rich with medicinal plants and diversified Genera) and Lamiaceae (2 Genera). It was
plant habitats. Reports on the traditional reported that most common part of the plant
medicinal uses of plants by the local used are leaves (21%) and Fruit (18%). The
communities of AJK are increasing[5,6,7]. ethnobotanical important plants are Citrus
The present study reports on the limon, Cydonia oblonga, Withania
ethnobotanically important resources from coagulens,Vitex negundo, Mentha sylvestris
the Humzoni (NWA), Pakistan and analyzes and Fagonia Cretica. All the collected
the indigenous traditional knowledge on the plants species have great medicinal values.
utilization of the most commonly used The research highlighted the traditional and
medicinal plants. local uses of the selected plants species. The
collected data contains herbs, shrubs and
2. Materials and Methods trees belonging to different families. The
Ethnobotanical surveys were conducted documented plants are used by the residents
during 2011-2012. Information on local uses for various diseases. During the study it was
of plants was collected from various noted that generally the people are ignorant
localities by arranging meetings, interviews, about the uses of medicinal plants. As there
dialogues and discussions with rural, is no river or other sources of water, that’s
knowledgeable people, hakims and why most of the plants were found wild.
shepherds. The plants were tagged with Moreover, there is no trend of cultivation of
signified data, local and other characteristic medicinal plants in the said area. Each plant
about the plant species. The specimens were species is cited with botanical name, local

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International Journal of Herbal Medicine

name, family, habit, part used and their uses

in Table No.1.
Table 1: Floristic Composition and Their Uses

Part Uses
Botanical Name Family Local Name Habit
 Ulcer
 Respiratory
Leaves  Digestion
1 .Acacia nilotica Mimosaceae Kikar Bark Tree  Urinary tracts
Pod  inflammation
 Diarrhea
 Dysentery
 Tuberculosis
 Anti-bacterial
 Diaphoretic
2. Alhaji maurorum Papilionacaeae Tandah Shrub  Diuretic
 Expectorant
 Laxative
 Piles
 Abscesses
 Diuretic
 Dysentery
 Anemia
Root &  Constipation
3.Amaranthus viridis Amaranthaceae Ranzaka Herb
Leaves  Skin clearing
 Snake bite
 Scorpion sting
 Leprosy
 Stomach problems
Flower,  Blood purifier
4.Bauhinia variegate Fabaceae Kachnar Bark Tree  Ulcer
&Shoot  Skin diseases
 Spleen Diseases
 Ulcer
 Anti-inflammation
 Decrease intestinal
Whole transit
5.Calotropis procera Asclepiadaceae Spalmaka Shrub
plant  Leprosy
 Tumour
 Piles
 Antipyretic
 Anticancer
 Gonorrhea
 Skin Inflammation
Leaves &  Placenta & Post
6.Cannabis sativa Cannabinaceae Banga Herb
Bark partum hemorrhage
 Swelling of liver
 Abortion

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 Sterility
 Tetanus
 Tuberculosis
 Asthma
Buds,  Rheumatism
Roots,  Anti-inflammation
7.Capparis spinosa Capparidaceae Krherha Shrub
seeds &  Anti-carcinogenic
Leaves  Anti-oxidant
 Prevention of aging
 Alzheimer
8.Caralluma edulis Asclepiadaceae Pamana parts & Herb
 Diabetics
 Hypertension
 Abortion
 Against parasitic
Root &  Iliac passion
9.Citrullus colocynthis Cucurbitaceae Maraginye Herb
Fruits  Jaundice
 Asthma
 Bronchitis
 Abdominal disorder
 Mosquito repellant
 Digestive
 Diuretic
 Laxative
Fruit,  Constipation
10.Citrus limon Rutaceae Nimbo Roots & Shrub  Diarrhea
Seeds  Skin disease
 Tumors
 Asthma
 Cough
 Vomiting
 Back pain
 Ulcer
 Cough
 Aggregation
 Anti- oxidant
 Anti-cancer
11.Citrus maxima Rutaceae Malta Roots & Tree
 Anti-viral
 Anti-diabetic
 Vomiting
 Nervous disorder
 Anti-allergic
 Analgesic
 Sore throat
Fruit,see  Cough
12.Cydonia oblonga Rosaceae Behii ds & Tree  Pneumonia
Flower  Intestinal discomfort
 Lung diseases
 Nose disorder
 Scabies
13.Dalbergia sisso Papilionaceae Shawa Leaves & Tree
Bark  Urine scalding
 Stimulant

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 Gonorrhea
 Stomach problem
 Nausea
 Syphilis
 Anthelmintic
 Anti-pyretic
 Expectorant
 Anal disorder
 Blood disorder
 Asthma
Seeds,  Muscle spasm
Fruit,  Whooping cough
14.Datura alba Solanaceae Burbaka Shrub
Leaves &  Ulcer
Bark  Hemorrhoids
 Rheumatism
 Anodyne
 Astringent
 Diaphoretic
Leaves &  Toothache
15.Dodonaea viscose Sapindaceae Zerawana Shrub
Bark  Sore throat
 Wounds
 Skin rashes
 Fever treatment
 Fever
 Bronchial affection
Seed &  Cough
16.Elaeagnus angustifolia Elaeagnaceae Sanzalla Herb
Flower  Blood purifier
 Thatching
 Hedging
 Cardiach
 Prevention against
asthmatic attack
 Rheumatism
Pollen &
 Syphilis
17. Ephedra procera Ephedraceae Mowah Whole Shrub
 Cold
 Flue
 Typhoid
 Cough
 Bronchial asthma
 Sedative
 Vomiting
Leaves &  Expectorant
18.Eriobotrya japonica Rosaceae Alokat Tree
Fruit  Diarrhea
 Depression

 Stomach trouble
 Small pox
 Skin disease
19.Fagonia cretica Zygophyllaceae Spelaghzii Herb  Fever
 Thirst
 Vomiting
 Urine problem

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 Asthma
 Liver problem
 Dropsy
 Typhoid
 Toothache
 Laxative
 Mouth cleaner
 Inflammation
Fruit &
20.Ficus carica Moraceae Inzar Tree  Wounds
 Bronchitis
 Cough
 Skin sagging
 Influenza
 T.B
Bulb &  Asthma
21.Allium sativum Liliaceae Yeeza Herb
Leaves  Cough
 Heart disease
Blood pressure
 Furuncles
 Scorpion and other
22.Lycopersicum insect bite
Solanaceae Tamatar Fruit Herb
esculentum  Kidney and liver
 Digestion
 Burns
 Gingivitis
Bark,  Gonorrhea
ripen  Headache
23.Melia azedarach Meliaceae Bakana Tree
fruit  Piles
&Gum  Pyrexia
 Diabetes
 Spleen enlargement
 Stomachache
Whole  Chest pain
Lewanii plant, Oil  Teeth whitening
24.Mentha sylvestris Lamiaceae Herb
Vellana &  Diuretic
Powder  Anti-pyretic
 Insect bite
 Carminative
 Antispasmodic
Whole  Stimulant
25.Mentha viridis Lamiaceae Vellana Herb
plant  Scalding of urine
 Suppressed urine
 Painful hemorrhoids
 Against food
poisoning of
Leaves, microorganism
Fruit,  Leukemia
26.Morus alba Moraceae Bedana toot Root & Tree
 Hypoglycemia
 Neuro-protective
 Dyspepsia
 Cough

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 Antibacteria
 Astringent
 Diaphoretic
 Diuretic
 Analgesic
Fruit &
27.Morus nigra Moraceae Toor toot Tree  Emollient
 Sedative
 Hypoglycemia
 Ophthalmic
 Expectorant
 Constipation
 Purgative
28.Nanorrhops richiana Arecaceae Mazara Leaves Tree  Diarrhea
 Dysentery
 Reduce blood sugar
 Malaria
 Antioxidant
 Antipyretic
Leaves &  Antiseptic
29.Olea cuspidate Oleaceae Shwana Tree
Oil  Mental fatigue
 Astringent
 Laxative
 Sedative
 Reduce gastric
 Menstrual problems
 Mental & nervous
 Digestive
 Diuretic
Sponda/  Narcotic
30.Peganum harmala Zygophyllaceae Seeds Herb
Spellanii  Against tapeworm
 Baldness
 Ophthalmic
 Stomach problem
 Urinary & sexual
 Brain tonic
 Nervous system
Oil, Fruit
31.Prunus amygdallus Rosaceae Badam Tree  Gastric problem
& Seed
 Reduce lipo-protein
level in blood
 Asthma
 Inflammation
Leaves &
32.Periploca aphylla Asclepiadaceae Barara Herb  Cough
 Sedative
 Spasmodic
 Stimulant
Leaves,S  Wounds
33.Pinus gerardiana Pinaceae Zanghozii eeds & Tree  Ulcer
Bark  Antiseptic
 Diuretic

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 Tonic
 Cooling
 Digestive
 Laxative
 Hypertension
Fruit &  Nausea
34.Prunus domestica Rosaceae Alocha Tree
Bark  Asthma
 Fever
 Miscarriage
 Vomiting
 Headache
 Vesicle irritation
Bark &  Nervous disorder
35.Populus sp. Salicaceae Spedar Tree
Leaves  Urinary infection
 Lumbricoid worm
 Asthma
Seeds &
36.Prunus arminiaca Rosaceae Mandatha Tree  Expectorant
 Constipation
 Diarrhea
Leaves,  Menstrual problem
37.Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Amrood Fruit & Tree  Mouth ulcer
Juice  Active against
amoeboid dysentery
 Spasmodic
 Anti-cancer
 Anti-diabetic
Seeds,  Leprosy
 Against tapeworm
Nargesa/ ark,
38.Punica granatum Punicaceae Tree  Diarrhea
Volangii Juices of
fruit &  Immune-stimulatory
bark  Anti-oxidant
 Dysentery
 Bronchitis
 Hypertension
 Tonic
 Constipation
 Astringent
39.Pyrus malus Rosaceae ManRa Fruit Tree  Reduce cholesterol
 Heart tonic
 Laxative
 For diseases of liver,
spleen & sciatica
 Induction of milk
Leaves,  Cough
40.Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae Randah Seeds & Shrub  Bronchial asthma
Root  Abdominal pain
 Intestinal worm
 Piles
 Constipation
 Heart burn
41.Salix alba Salicaceae Walla Leaves Tree
 Headache

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 Arthritis
 Analgesic
 Anti-rheumatic
 Astringent
 Stomach problem
 Reduce inflammation
 Ear pain
 Diuretic
 Toothache
 Menstrual disorder
Bark,  Anti-bacterial
42.Schinus molle Anacardiaceae Toor maruch Fruit & Tree  Anti-septic
Leaf  Digestive
 Stimulant
 Wound healer
 Antiviral
 Tonic
43.Tamarix aphylla Tamaricaceae Ghaz Tree  Astringent
 Aphrodisiac
 Fever
 Skin problems
 Tumor
Leaves,  Inflammation
Barries  Ulcer
44.Solanum nigrum Solanaceae Gorgorii Herb
and  Ring worm
Flower  Earache
 Mouth wash
 Hepatitis
 Liver diseases
 Rheumatic
 Swelling of joints and
in sprains
 Anti inflammatory
Leaves,  Skin infection
Branches  Analgesic
45.Vitex negundo Verbenaceae Marmandi , Root Shrub  Antifungal
and  Antibacterial
Flower  Fever
 Diarrhea
 Injuries
 As tooth brush
 Back pain
 Tuberculosis
 Constipation
 Thirst
 Cancer
 Cholera
46.Vitis vinefera Vitaceae Mellawa Seeds climber
and  Small pox
Flower  Nausea
 Skin eye infection
 Kidney and liver

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International Journal of Herbal Medicine

 Anemia
 Cooling agent
Fruit &  Constipation
47.Withania coagulans Solanaceae Shapianga Shrub
leaves  Gastric trouble
 Abdominal pain
 Diabetes
 Panic disorder
Leaves,  Anticancer
 Anti-stress
48.Withania somnifera Solanaceae Barbaka Seeds Shrub
and  Anti-anxiety
Roots  Immune stimulants
 Physical weakness
 Anti-aging
 Anti rheumatic
 Appetizer
 Diaphoretic
 Diuretic
49.Xanthium strumarium Asteraceae Shpozoka Seeds Herb
 Laxative
 Sedative
 Tuberculosis
 Reduce perspiration
 Abdominal pain
 Pregnancy
 Dysentery
 Applied on cuts
 Ulcer
 Fever
 Biliousness
50.Zizyphus mauritiana Rhamnaceae Bera Seeds Tree
and  Mild laxative
Roots  Sedative
 For nausea and
 Eye lotions
 Liver trouble
 Asthma
 Anthelmentic
51.Zizipus nummularia Rhamnaceae Karkana Shrub  For treatment of
and bark
mental retardation

4. Conclusion the importance of these plants and they

This research work conducted in Humzoni, transfer their knowledge to the younger.
(NWA) during session 2011-2012, showed This is the first research work attempt in this
that the numbers of plant species are less as area in which medicinally important plants
compared to the area due to the reason of were identified, classified and collected. The
scanty rainfall, scattered population and no results showed that this area contain a
proper irrigation system. As there are no valuable plant species which need
health facilities in the area, majority of the conservation and proper management.
people used these medicinal plants
traditionally as medicines for different
diseases. The older people of the area knew

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Table 2: List of Families Having Number of Genera

S.No Family Name No. Of Genera

1 Rosaceae 6
2 Solanaceae 5
3 Asclepiadaceae 3
4 Moraceae 3
5 Ruteaceae 2
6 Lamiaceae 2
7 Zygophyllaceae 2
8 Papillionaceae 2
9 Salicaceae 2
10 Rhamnaceae 2
11 Mimosaceae 1
12 Liliaceae 1
13 Asteraceae 1
14 Meliaceae 1
15 Euphorbiaceae 1
16 Fabaceae 1
17 Sapindaceae 1
18 Ephedraceae 1
19 Myrtaceae 1
20 Cucurbitaceae 1
21 Arecaceae 1
22 Oleaceae 1
23 Pinaceae 1
24 Anacardiaceae 1
25 Amaranthaceae 1
26 Cannabinaceae 1
27 Capparidaceae 1
28 Elaegnaceae 1
29 Punicaceae 1
30 Tamaricaceae 1
31 Verbinaceae 1
32 Vitaceae 1

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International Journal of Herbal Medicine

Table 3: Percentage of Plant Parts Uses


1. Leaves 21 20.8
2. Fruit 18 17.8
3. Root 6 5.9
4. Bark 10 9.9
5. Aerial parts 1 1.0
6. Whole plant 8 7.9
7. Seeds 8 7.9
8. Stem 4 3.9
9. Oil 4 3.9
10. Pollen 2 1.9
11. Gum 4 3.9
12. Flower 7 6.9
13. Chilli 1 1.0
14. Juice 4 3.9
15. Bulb 1 1.0
16. Resin 1 1.0
17. Cone 1 1.0

Fig 1: distribution of genera among the different families.

Fig 2: Percentage of Plant Parts

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Vol. 1 Issue. 2 2013 Page | 101

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