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In attendance (my fave people)

Esther Fagelson (EF)
Harry Jacobs (HJ)
Liron Velleman (LV)
Isaac Virchis (IV)
Charlie Morgan (CM)

Lovely office person

Ginger Nick (GN)

1. Welcome and general sharing of facts.

2. Mo ‘ents progress report and ideas.
3. Noam update from Ginger Nick.
4. AOB

1. General sharing of the factiod. HJ refuses to believe it and disputes it because he doesn’t
believe everything Stephen Fry says like EF (and KM) do. HJ has just lost all respect from EF
because he doesn’t love Stephen Fry quite as much as she does.*
Something about snow makes people want to go on Veida
IV talks about history class
EF doesn’t care
EF recounts last meeting – not tube parties
2. EF - check out the place near her friend’s house in Finchley
LV - Scout camp near Holders Hill (?)
IV - possibly a public park near NNLS, bribes may be needed
General batman-based banter. EF now has ‘nananananananananananananananana BATMAN’
going through her head.
EF: missed tour orientation for Wimbledon final 
LV: discusses tour and tour groups.
Prom/ball discussions ensue for FAR TOO LONG.
General exam discussions
Sparkles has rabbit ears in the meeting room next to the pizza fund.
EF just noticed, Nick is looking particularly ginger today.
POWERLEAGUE, followed by sexist comments.
GN’s socks say ‘trust me I’m a lawyer’ but he isn’t a lawyer and therefore EF does not trust him.

DATE: July is out, evenings are out. L’bo’omer (22 nd May)  office is away for Three Peaks
29 May
TIME: to be decided
LOCATION: IV find out if we can use the Scout Camp
RECOURCES: kosher marshmallows, biscuits, chocolate, fizzy drinks, juice, water.
^CM will buy and delegate.
LV&NLG publicise, even kidnap the kids and drag them to the bonfire

Date can be anytime, preferably after camp as a mini re-union.
*I just looked it up, the factoid was indeed correct. I will now re-type (copy and paste) it here so you
can all enjoy its amazingness. The slowest recorded speed of light was 38mph. It was measured
through sodium at –270° 186000mps is the constant speed of light through a vacuum. Light is
invisible and if we were to see light we would be blind to everything else.

Location can be done nearer the time.

IV looking into locations

3. Noam update:
please sponser us for Three Peaks Challenge, contact the office for more info, Nick is talking too
fast for me to type everything he is saying.
Also, they’re growing their beads for 2 months for charity. Picture a day to keep us updated.
Tours are done pretty much, groups are out and mads are training.
Camps are organised and Tzevetim are being sorted and themes chosen. Adam and Annabel are
rosh machanet and Rosh of Nevatim.
Loads happening, Noam joined North London Citizens. 23 people from Noam and Marom. It was
all very exciting, Rabbi J-man (again, am I too white for this?) was there. 800 people there in
Mads announced for camp in middle of May.
Shorashim is MASSIVE! Shori B is now 3 figures. Nevi aleph and bet are 150 each. Nof A is 30
Nof bet is 80.
Interuption of anicdotes from last year.
Each Nevatim camp will be split into 2, so Nev Aleph 1 and 2 and Nev Bet 1 and 2.
11 people on drachim next year.
Nick went to mill hill county and showed a powerpoint on drinking during purim
LJY (the shit one) and Noam go to Akiva for fun times.
CM went on RSY…fail

4. AOB:
Discussion over what AOB actually stands for. EF is convinced it mean Any OLD Business but GN,
LV and HJ all say it stands for Any OTHER Business. I’m going to look it up and let you know.
Ok so apparently AOB stands for a lot of things and none of them are Any OLD Business, I feel
lied to.

5. DONM: May 5th

*I just looked it up, the factoid was indeed correct. I will now re-type (copy and paste) it here so you
can all enjoy its amazingness. The slowest recorded speed of light was 38mph. It was measured
through sodium at –270° 186000mps is the constant speed of light through a vacuum. Light is
invisible and if we were to see light we would be blind to everything else.

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