Thyroid Hormone Resistance: Review Article

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Review Article

Thyroid hormone resistance

Tolulope O Olateju1 and Mark P J Vanderpump2

Addresses Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited
Department of Endocrinology, syndrome of reduced end-organ responsiveness to thyroid hormone. Patients with
Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust, RTH have elevated serum free thyroxine (FT4) and free triiodothyronine (FT3)
Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, concentrations and normal or slightly elevated serum thyroid stimulating hormone
Bucks HP21 8AL, UK;
Department of Endocrinology, Royal Free
(TSH) level. Despite a variable clinical presentation, the common characteristic
Hampstead NHS Trust, Pond Street, clinical features are goitre but an absence of the usual symptoms and metabolic
London NW3 2QG, UK consequences of thyroid hormone excess. Patients with RTH can be classified
on clinical grounds alone into either generalized resistance (GRTH), pituitary
Correspondence resistance (PRTH) or combined. Mutations in the thyroid hormone receptor (TR)
Dr Mark P J Vanderpump b gene are responsible for RTH and 122 different mutations have now been
E-mail: mark.vanderpump@royalfree.
identified belonging to 300 families. With the exception of one family found to have
complete deletion of the TRb gene, all others have been demonstrated to have
This article was prepared at the invitation of minor alterations at the DNA level. The differential diagnosis includes a TSH-
the Clinical Sciences Reviews Committee of secreting pituitary adenoma and the presence of endogenous antibodies directed
the Association for Clinical Biochemistry. against thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Failure to differentiate RTH from
primary thyrotoxicosis has resulted in the inappropriate treatment of nearly one-third
of patients. Although occasionally desirable, no specific treatment is available for
RTH; however, the diagnosis allows appropriate genetic counselling.
Ann Clin Biochem 2006; 43: 431–440

Introduction resistance can occur at the pre-receptor, receptor or

post-receptor level but the common feature of such
Resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH) is one example of resistance is the presence of a normal or an elevated le-
hormone resistance syndromes.1 The ¢rst and best vel of the hormone in the circulation.3
characterized was pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia, In 1967 Refeto¡ described the ¢rst cases of resistance
an inherited disease with parathyroid hormone resis- to thyroid hormone in two siblings born to consangui-
tance and osteodystrophy. In 1942 Fuller Albright neous parents who had signs suggestive of hypo-
hypothesized that pseudohypoparathyroidism was the thyroidism, including deaf-mutism, goitres and delayed
result of target organ unresponsiveness to hormone, bone age.4 Surprisingly, they had high serum thyroid
even though cell-surface receptors and e¡ector systems hormone concentrations when investigated. RTH was
had not yet been identi¢ed for any hormone.2 Pseudo- therefore described as a syndrome of reduced target tis-
hypoparathyroidism type Ia is now known to result sue responsiveness to thyroid hormone. Resistance was
from several hereditary defects, the most common of con¢rmed when the administration of supraphysiologi-
which resides on the G protein in cell membrane that cal doses of T4 or T3 were required to produce the
activates the catalytic subunit of adenylate cyclase expected suppressive e¡ect on pituitary TSH secretion
after the binding of parathyroid hormone to its recep- and on the metabolic responses in peripheral tissues.
tor.3 Since then other examples of hormone resistance, Patients with RTH have elevated serum thyroid hor-
such as insulin, growth hormone, androgens, vitamin mone (both FT4 and FT3) concentrations and a normal
D and glucocorticoids, have been described, which are or slightly elevated serum TSH in the absence of any ill-
most commonly due to abnormalities in cell-surface ness, medication usage or defect in hormone transport
and intracellular receptors. Occasionally they occur as or metabolism or any circulating antagonist in plasma.
a result of defects in hormone metabolism within cells Since that ¢rst report,1000 cases belonging to approxi-
or other abnormalities in hormone action. Hormone mately 300 families that ¢t this de¢nition have been

r 2006 The Association for Clinical Biochemistry 431

432 Olateju and Vanderpump

recognized.5,6 Despite a variable clinical presentation, the two di¡erent types and other peripheral markers
the common clinical features characteristic of the of thyroid hormone action such as sex-hormone bind-
RTH syndrome are the presence of a goitre but the ing globulin (SHBG) were not found to be elevated in
absence of the usual symptoms and metabolic conse- PRTH.7 A third category called isolated peripheral
quences of thyroid hormone excess. tissue RTH (PTRTH) has only been seen in a single
RTH, although varying in severity of clinical presen- patient.8 Although serum TSH was suppressed
tation, is always partial. The magnitude of the hormo- with physiological doses of T3, supraphysiological
nal resistance is dependent on the nature of the doses of this hormone failed to produce symptoms and
underlying defect. Invariably this is a mutation in one signs of thyrotoxicosis in this individual with a partial
allele of the TRb gene which interferes with the capa- thyroid ablation.
city of that TRb receptor to respond normally to T3, Despite the signi¢cant overlap between the two main
usually by reducing its binding a⁄nity to T3. The entities, the absence or presence of overt thyrotoxic
mutant receptor also inhibits the function of the symptoms, signifying either generalized or pituitary
remaining normal receptors, both TRa and TRb, which resistance to thyroid hormone, is a clinical distinction
are products of the three normal alleles. This phenom- and remains a useful guide to the most appropriate
enon is termed dominant negative inhibition and form of treatment.
accounts for the autosomal dominant pattern of
inheritance in all but one case.6 The study of the func-
tion of mutant receptors in this disorder has provided Incidence
major insight into the mechanism of thyroid hormone
The precise incidence of RTH is unknown. Because
action and the pathogenesis of disease. This review
routine neonatal screening programs are based on
describes the classi¢cation, molecular pathogenesis,
the determination of TSH, RTH is rarely identi¢ed by
clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of thyroid
this means. A limited neonatal survey measuring
hormone resistance from a clinician’s perspective.
blood T4 concentration suggested the occurrence of
one case per 40,000 live births.9 Currently published
cases exceed 1000, of which 349 have been previously
Classification reviewed in detail.4 RTH has been found with equal
frequency in both genders and appears to have wide
Before gene defects in the TR were recognized, patients
geographic and ethnic distribution, although the
with RTH were classi¢ed on clinical grounds alone into
prevalence may vary among di¡erent ethnic groups.
either generalized resistance (GRTH), pituitary resis-
Familial occurrence of RTH has been documented in
tance (PRTH) or combined. Other than assessment of
approximately 75% of cases. Taking into account only
pituitary TSH feedback, the available measurements of
those families in whom both parents of the a¡ected
thyroid hormone responses were insensitive and non-
subjects have been studied, the true incidence of spora-
speci¢c, so all tissues other than the pituitary were
dic cases is 21.3%, which is in agreement with current
grouped together under the term peripheral tissues. In
estimates of the frequency of de novo mutations of
GRTH, all thyroid responsive tissues are a¡ected to var-
22.5%.5 There do not appear to be any credible reports
ious degrees.5,6 These patients tend to have high circu-
of acquired RTH. Inheritance is almost invariably auto-
lating concentrations of thyroid hormones with near
somal dominant and has only been shown to be clearly
normal TSH, but they do not exhibit signs of hyperthyr-
recessive in one family.4,10
oidism as the relatively high concentrations of thyroid
hormones are needed to overcome peripheral tissue
hyposensitivity and patients tend to be euthyroid or
sometimes hypothyroid. In PRTH, there is predomi-
Molecular pathogenesis
nantly pituitary resistance to circulating thyroid Thyroid hormone receptors (TR) belong to a super-
hormone and patients tend to exhibit features of family of nuclear hormone receptors, which include
hyperthyroidism such as agitation or sinus tachycar- vitamin D, retinoic acid, peroxisomal proliferators and
dia. This is because while peripheral tissues retain their steroid receptors.11--13 The cloning of theTR in 198614,15
normal sensitivity to thyroid hormones, higher con- allowed greater understanding of the action of thyroid
centrations of thyroid hormones are needed to evoke a hormones. Both T4 and T3 regulate many cellular pro-
response at the level of the pituitary. cesses in virtually every type of tissue. The synthesis of
However, it is now generally thought that the two thyroid hormones is controlled by hypothalamic thyro-
groups might actually be a single genetic entity with trophin-releasing hormone (TRH) and pituitary TSH
individual patients having di¡erent responses with and, in turn,T4 and T3 regulate TRH and TSH produc-
similar biochemical features. An identical mutation in tion as part of a negative feedback loop. Thyroid
di¡erent patients has been found to be responsible for hormone (mainly T3) acts by upregulating or

Ann Clin Biochem 2006; 43: 431–440

Thyroid hormone resistance 433

downregulating the expression of target genes. T3 ferent mutations producing more than one amino acid
binds to nuclear receptors present as dimers bound to substitution at the same codon have been found at 37
speci¢c DNA sequences located usually in the promoter di¡erent sites. All TRb gene mutations are localized in
region of thyroid hormone responsive genes. Dimers of the functionally relevant domain of T3-binding and its
unliganded (no T3) TR bind to thyroid hormone adjacent hinge region.With the exception of the family
response elements, resulting in inhibition of expression with TRb gene deletion, in all others inheritance is
of genes that are positively regulated by T3 through autosomal dominant. No mutations have so far been
association with co-repressor proteins. T3 binding to detected in the TRa gene. Recent ¢ndings in mice with
the receptors results in release of the co-repressor pro- targeted mutations in the TRa gene (knock in mice)
tein, dissociation of the dimers, and formation of het- indicate that such mutations do not produce the RTH
erodimers of TR and retinoid X receptors that then phenotype.21--23
bind coactivator proteins. These changes promote gene Various mechanisms can be postulated to explain
expression and increase the synthesis of speci¢c pro- the tissue di¡erences in RTH within the same subject
teins (Figure 1). and among individuals. Some variations of the RTH
There are two TRs, a and b, which are encoded by phenotype have been shown to have a clear molecular
separate genes, located on chromosomes 17 and 3, basis. Subjects heterozygous for a TRb gene deletion
respectively. Alternate splicing generates three main have a normal clinical phenotype presumably because
receptor isoforms (TRa1,TRb1,TRb2), which are widely the expression of a singleTRb allele is su⁄cient for nor-
expressed but have di¡erent tissue distributions. TRa1 mal function. RTH manifests in homozygotes comple-
is most abundant in the central nervous system, myo- tely lacking the TRb gene and in heterozygotes that
cardium and skeletal muscle. This explains why overt express a mutant TRb with dominant negative e¡ect.
cretinism is uncommon, as TRa1 are una¡ected. TRb1 The most severe form of RTH, with extremely high
is predominant in liver and kidney whilst theTRb2 iso- FT4 and FT3 concentrations and signs of both
form is most highly expressed in the pituitary and hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, occurred in a homo-
hypothalamus.16--19 zygous individual expressing only mutant TRs.24,25
RTH is due to a mutation in one allele of the TRb The severe hypothyroidism manifesting in bone and
gene. A total of about122 di¡erent mutations have been brain of the patient who was homozygous for the
identi¢ed belonging to 300 families; approximately 45 receptor defect can be explained by the severe domi-
of these mutations are shared by more than one family. nant negative e¡ect of the mutant receptor on the func-
In most instances, identical mutations have developed tion of normal TRa;26 a situation which does not
independently in di¡erent families.20 In addition, dif- occur in homozygous subjects with TRb deletion. The


Figure 1 Schematic depiction of thyroid hormone action. rT2, reverse diiodothyronine; rT3, reverse triiodothyronine; RXR, retinoid
X receptor; T3, triiodothyronine; T4, thyroxine; TRa, thyroid hormone receptor a gene; TRb, thyroid hormone receptor b gene; TRE,
thyroid hormone response element.
(Figure kindly provided by Professor Graham Williams, Imperial College London School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital)

Ann Clin Biochem 2006; 43: 431–440

434 Olateju and Vanderpump

variation in distribution of receptor isoforms in tissues Table 1 The overall frequency of signs and symptoms of RTH
accounts for greater hormonal resistance of the liver at presentation
as compared with the heart. In contrast, the manifesta- Clinical presentation Frequency (%)
tion of thyrotoxicosis in other tissues, such as the
heart, may be explained by the e¡ect high thyroid Nervous system
hormone concentrations have on tissues that normally Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 40–60
express predominantly TRa1.27,28 It is for the same Emotional disturbances 60
reason that tachycardia is a relatively common ¢nding Hyperkinetic behaviour 33–68
in RTH.29 The relative concentrations of mutant and Learning disability 30
wild-type gene expression may explain di¡erences in Mental retardation 4–16
the degree of resistance among individuals harbouring Sensorineural hearing loss 10–22
the same mutation. Such di¡erences have been found
in one study30 but not in another.31 In a growing num- Thyroid gland
ber of individuals, RTH occurs in the absence of muta- Goitre 66–95
tions in the TRa or b genes (nonTR-RTH).32 They
represent 15% of families and 7% of cases with RTH. Cardiovascular system
Such individuals may have a defect in one of the cofac- Tachycardia 33–75
tors involved in the mediation of thyroid hormone
action. Musculoskeletal system
Delayed bone age 29–47
Low body mass index (in children) 33
Short stature 18–25
Clinical features
The clinical presentation in general is thought to be Immune system
dependent on the severity or type of the hormone Recurrent ear and throat infections 55
resistance (e.g. whether GRTH or PRTH), the e¡ective-
ness of compensatory mechanisms, the presence of
modulating genetic factors and the e¡ect of previous
treatment.33--35 Characteristic biochemical ¢ndings on Goitre is the most common presenting sign reported
presentation most frequently lead to further investiga- in almost all cases. This can be detected on ultrasound
tion and ultimately the diagnosis of RTH, which has if not clinically obvious and is normally di¡use in char-
few clinical manifestations and a high index of suspi- acter and is due to the e¡ect of serum TSH stimulating
cion is required to ensure diagnosis is made. The most thyroid gland hyperplasia. Sinus tachycardia is also
common clinical presentation in adult patients is a goi- very common, with some studies reporting frequency
tre or recurrence of a goitre following inappropriate as high as 75%.36 The presence of palpitations or the
treatment and, in children, growth retardation with ¢nding of tachycardia is the most common reason for
delayed bone age. Reasons prompting further investi- the erroneous diagnosis of autoimmune thyrotoxicosis
gation of the key family member in published studies or the suspicion of PRTH. The tachycardia can be
include goitre (38%), hyperactive/learning disability explained by the fact that thyroid hormone e¡ect in
(10%), developmental delay (8%) and sinus tachycardia the heart is primarily dependent on TRa, which has
(7%).4 Suspected thyrotoxicosis was the reason in not been implicated in RTH.6
only 3%. Careful evaluation of subjects with RTH has shown
The majority of untreated subjects maintain a nor- that about one-half have some degree of learning dis-
mal metabolic state, although circulating thyroid hor- ability with or without attention de¢cit hyperactivity
mone concentrations remain high. The degree of this disorder (ADHD).37 One-quarter have intellectual quo-
compensation of tissue hyposensitivity to the hormone tients (IQ) less than 85% but frank mental retardation
is highly variable among individuals as well as in di¡er- (IQo60) has been found only in 3% of cases. Impaired
ent tissues. As a consequence, clinical and laboratory mental function was found to be associated with
evidence of thyroid hormone de¢ciency and excess impaired or delayed growth (o5th percentile) in 20%
often coexist. The common clinical features and their of subjects, though growth retardation alone is rare
frequency are given in Table 1. Symptoms of hypothyr- (4%).5,6 Despite the high prevalence of ADHD in
oidism are more common in those subjects who, patients with RTH, the occurrence of RTH in children
because of a mistaken diagnosis, have received with ADHD must be very rare as no cases of RTH have
ablative treatment with radioiodine or thyroidectomy been detected in 330 carefully evaluated children with
to normalize their circulating thyroid hormone ADHD.38,39 Current data do not support a genetic link-
concentrations. age of RTH with ADHD. The higher prevalence of low

Ann Clin Biochem 2006; 43: 431–440

Thyroid hormone resistance 435

IQ scores may result in a greater likelihood of subjects hormone administration will suppress serum TSH but
with RTH exhibiting ADHD symptoms.40 the dose necessary to produce such an e¡ect has been
Avariety of physical defects that cannot be explained variable, as has been the relative e¡ectiveness of T3
on the basis of thyroid hormone de¢ciency or excess compared to T4. The impact of thyroid hormone on
have been recorded. These include major or minor peripheral tissues has been assessed in vivo by a variety
somatic defects, such as winged scapulae, vertebral of tests. Such tests involve the administration of supra-
anomalies, pigeon breast, prominent pectoralis, bird- physiological doses of T3, with tissue hyposensitivity
like facies, scaphocephaly, craniosynostosis, short being demonstrated by biochemical markers such as
fourth metacarpals, as well as Besnier’s prurigo, conge- SHBG and osteocalcin (Bone-Gla-Protein) still being
nital ichthyosis, and bull’s eye type macular atrophy.5,6 within normal range following even these large
No defect appears to be particularly prevalent in RTH. doses.5,36 No signi¢cant di¡erences are seen in these
A distinct body habitus and deaf-mutism occurred in indices between GRTH and PRTH, further emphasizing
all three a¡ected members of a single family with TRb the point that in PRTH, resistance is not only in the
gene deletion.4 The outcome of those subjects diag- pituitary but also in the liver. These biochemical mar-
nosed with RTH is variable. Some patients have normal kers have low sensitivity and speci¢city but, although
growth and development despite high thyroid hormone of limited use, they may be helpful when RTH is not as-
concentrations and a goitre. Others have variable sociated with TR gene mutations.31,32 Metabolic status
degrees of mental and growth retardation. Goitres re- has been evaluated by measurements of the basal
cur in every patient who has had ablative therapy with metabolic rate (BMR), serum cholesterol, carotene,
radioiodine or a thyroidectomy. Only one death has triglycerides, creatine kinase, alkaline phosphatase,
ever been attributed to RTH.5 angiotensin-converting enzyme, SHBG, ferritin and
osteocalcin, all of which usually have been within the
normal range. Urinary excretion of magnesium, hydro-
xyproline, creatine, creatinine, carnitine, and cyclic
Investigational findings adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), all found to be
Serum FT4 and FT3 are required to be elevated for the elevated in thyrotoxicosis, have been normal or low,
diagnosis of RTH. Serum thyroxine binding globulin also suggesting normal or slightly reduced thyroid
(TBG) is normal. Serum T4 and T3 values vary from hormone e¡ect.
just above to several times the upper limit of the refer- With the exception of increased resting pulse rate in
ence range and although the concentrations may vary about 50% of patients with RTH, cardiac function is
in the course of time in the same patient,41 the degree of only minimally altered on echocardiography with mild
T4 and T3 elevation is usually equal, resulting in a nor- hyperthyroid e¡ect on myocardial systolic and diastolic
mal T3:T4 ratio. Reverse T3 concentration is also high function.29 Evaluation of other endocrine function has
as are serum thyroglobulin (TG) concentrations re£ect- shown no abnormalities other than those related to the
ing the level of TSH-induced thyroid gland hyperactiv- thyroid. Pituitary imaging has shown no abnormal-
ity. Serum TSH is detectable despite elevated thyroid ities. Evidence of delayed bone maturation has been
hormone concentrations and the TSH response to TRH observed in approximately 50% of patients with RTH
is either normal or exaggerated.42 In most cases, the diagnosed during infancy or childhood5 but most
basal serum TSH concentration is normal and the cir- achieve normal adult stature. It is unclear whether
cadian rhythm is preserved.43,44 Serum TSH values the presence, in some cases, of stippled epiphyses is also
above 10mU/L usually only occur in subjects that have the consequence of reduced thyroid hormone action.
received inappropriate treatment aimed at reducing
their high level of thyroid hormones. Serum TSH,
though within normal range in RTH, is thought to have
an increased biological activity and its stimulatory
Differential diagnosis
e¡ect would explain the presence of a goitre and the The diagnosis of RTH is based on clinical ¢ndings and
increased production and secretion of thyroid hor- standard laboratory tests and is, when possible, con-
mones commonly seen in this condition.45,46 There is ¢rmed by genetic studies and requires awareness of
usually no evidence of thyroid autoimmunity except the possible presence of RTH. A variety of other condi-
for the rare occurrence of coincidental autoimmune tions are associated with hyperthyroxinaemia with
thyroiditis.47 detectable TSH concentrations (Table 2). Failure to
As reduced responsiveness to thyroid hormone is di¡erentiate RTH from ordinary thyrotoxicosis has
central to the pathogenesis of the syndrome, patients resulted in the inappropriate treatment of nearly
have been given T4 and T3 in order to observe their one-third of the patients.6
responses and thereby establish the presence of hypo- Initially it is helpful to establish whether the free
sensitivity to the hormone even in PRTH. Thyroid hormones (FT4 and FT3) are also raised, excluding an

Ann Clin Biochem 2006; 43: 431–440

436 Olateju and Vanderpump

Table 2 Differential diagnosis of conditions associated with an lap among thyrotoxic, euthyroid and hypothyroid sub-
elevated TT4 with non-suppressed TSH and associated free jects.48 One investigation of particular value is serum
thyroid hormone levels (analogue immunoassay) SHBG, which is often elevated into the thyrotoxic range
FT3 FT4 in TSH secreting tumours but is invariably normal
in RTH. Measurement of the free a-subunit of TSH
Resistance to thyroid hormone m m may also be diagnostic. A tumour, particularly a
TSH-secreting pituitary tumour m m macroadenoma, may be demonstrated on magnetic
Interfering antibodies to thyroid hormones k or N m resonance imaging but the occurrence of pituitary
Non-thyroidal illness k or N m incidentalomas and pituitary hyperplasia following
(including acute psychiatric disorders) inappropriate thyroid ablation may cause diagnostic
Neonatal period m m di⁄culties. A TSHoma should be suspected when other
Thyroxine replacement therapy m m or N members of the family, and particularly the parents of
Drugs such as amiodarone, k or N m or N the patient, fail to exhibit thyroid test abnormalities.
oral cholecystographic agents, heparin Similar thyroid function abnormalities in ¢rst-degree
Amphetamine abuse k or N m relatives are virtually diagnostic of RTH, as the disorder
Familial dysalbuminaemic k or N m is familial in 90% of cases. In addition to symptoms and
hyperthyroxinaemia signs of thyrotoxicosis, some patients with TSHomas
N, normal may present with clinical evidence of growth hormone
excess due to the concomitant hypersecretion of
growth hormone by the tumour. Galactorrhoea and
elevated total T4 due to increased serum TBG. amenorrhoea in association with hyperprolactinemia
(Changes in TBG concentration or its binding ability have also been reported in TSHomas. A typical ¢nding
are paralleled by changes in total T4 and T3 even when in patients with TSHomas is a disproportionate abun-
T4 and T3 production are unchanged.) Familial dysal- dance of serum glycoprotein hormone free a subunit
buminaemic hyperthyroxinaemia is an autosomal but this level is normal in RTH.49
dominant inherited condition due to the presence Dynamic tests of the pituitary--thyroid axis can be
of an abnormal albumin-like protein, which has helpful (Table 3). Circulating TSH shows a normal or ex-
increased a⁄nity for T4. The use of an equilibrium dia- aggerated response to TRH and is suppressed following
lysis or direct ‘two-step’ method to assay FT4 excludes T3 administration (Werner test: 80--100 mg orally for
artifactual elevation due to dysalbuminaemia or the 8--10 days)48 in patients with RTH, whereas TSH secre-
presence of anti-iodothyronine (anti-T4, anti-T3) anti- tion from autonomous tumours is unresponsive. T3
bodies. If the measured TSH falls linearly with serial rather than T4 is used because of its direct e¡ect on tis-
dilution of serum, a spurious result due to anti-TSH sues, bypassing potential defects of T4 transport and
antibodies may be less likely, but is not necessarily metabolism, which may also produce attenuated
excluded. Use of blocking reagents to detect interfer- responses. In addition, the more rapid onset and short-
ence from heterophilic antibodies may also be helpful. er duration of T3 action reduces the period required to
Other possible causes such as acute systemic illnesses, complete the evaluation and shortens the duration of
acute psychiatric disorders, the neonatal period and symptoms that may arise in individuals with normal
certain drugs can be excluded by recognition of the responses to the hormone (Figure 2).
clinical context and return to normal thyroid function
following recovery or drug withdrawal. Thyroxine
replacement therapy can be another cause of
hyperthyroxinaemia with normal serum TSH, if taken
Genetic testing
intermittently or in overdose.48 Genetic testing is available and is indicated in patients
The main di¡erential diagnosis to be excluded is with clinical features and abnormal thyroid function
inappropriate TSH secretion from a pituitary tumour tests consistent with those found in RTH supported by
(TSHoma) and this distinction may be di⁄cult as there a family history. Genetic testing involves extraction,
are no signi¢cant di¡erences in age, gender, FT4, FT3 direct sequencing and restriction analysis of the
and TSH concentrations in both conditions. Lack of patient’s DNA to demonstrate a TRb gene defect. Pre-
clinical symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism are natal diagnosis by chorionic villus sampling may be
not su⁄cient to establish the diagnosis of RTH and, indicated in pregnant women with a history of PRTH
because resistance to the hormone is variable in di¡er- with maternal hyperthyroidism to avoid fetal thyro-
ent tissues, no single test measuring a particular re- troph hyperplasia, reduce fetal goitre and maintain
sponse to thyroid hormone is diagnostic. Furthermore, maternal euthyroidism during pregnancy.50 The risks
results of most tests that measure the e¡ect of thyroid versus bene¢ts, however, needs to be weighed because
hormone on peripheral tissues show considerable over- of the potentially serious complications including fetal

Ann Clin Biochem 2006; 43: 431–440

Thyroid hormone resistance 437

Table 3 Biochemical differences observed in patients with thyroid hormone resistance (RTH) and TSH-producing adenoma
Biochemical test RTH TSHoma
Serum TSH levels Usually o10 mU/L Usually 410 mU/L
Normal TSH circadian rhythm Preserved Absent
TSH response to supraphysiologic TH doses Suppressed Not suppressed
TSH response to TRH test Normal or exaggerated Absent
Free a subunit/TSH molar ratio Normal Disproportionate increase
Serum SHBG Normal Usually increased

Raised FT3 and FT4, speci¢c mutations in the TRs provides a means for pre-
Normal or raised TSH natal diagnosis and appropriate family counselling.
This is particularly important in families in which
Repeat TFTs, if same a¡ected members show evidence of growth or mental
results, exclude thyroid retardation. The ideal treatment will be one directed
hormone transport speci¢cally at correcting the defect. Fortunately, in
most cases of RTH the partial tissue resistance to thyr-
Check TFTs in
oid hormone appears to be adequately compensated for
first-degree by an increase in the endogenous supply of thyroid hor-
relatives mone and treatment is unnecessary. Clinical hypothyr-
oidism may be present in patients in whom hormone
If normal, resistance at a peripheral tissue level is not compen-
measure -subunit sated for by increased thyroid hormone concentra-
tions. This group can be treated by the administration
of supraphysiological doses of thyroid hormone but
If elevated -subunit, If normal -subunit, with careful monitoring of the peripheral markers of
investigate for perform thyroid hormone actions to avoid thyrotoxic symp-
TSHoma Werner’s test
toms. It has been recently shown that treatment with
supraphysiological doses of T3, given as a single dose
If TSH suppressed,
carry out every other day, is successful in reducing goitre size
genetic studies with remarkable cosmetic bene¢ts and without caus-
ing side e¡ects.51 This appears to be the treatment of
Figure 2 Suggested diagnostic sequence in patients sus- choice considering that goitre recurrence is the rule.
pected of having RTH syndrome. Thyroid hormone binding The T3 dose must be adjusted in increments until ser-
defects can be excluded by direct measurement and by um TSH and TG are suppressed and reduction of goitre
estimation of the circulating free T4 level. Werner’s test (L-T3 size is observed.
suppression test) is performed by administration of 80–100 mg The exact criteria for treatment of RTH in infancy
orally for 8–10 days. Serum TSH shows a normal or have not been established. This is often an issue when
exaggerated response to TRH that is suppressed following the diagnosis is made at birth or in early infancy. In
T3 administration in patients with RTH, whereas TSH secretion infants with elevated serum TSH concentrations, sub-
from autonomous tumours is unresponsive clinical hypothyroidism may be more harmful than
treatment with thyroid hormone. Indications for treat-
ment may include a TSH level above the upper limit of
loss which could occur during diagnosis or even while normal, retarded bone development and failure to
monitoring the e¡ects of treatment in utero. With rou- thrive. The outcome of a¡ected older members of the
tine neonatal screening for primary hypothyroidism, family who did not receive treatment may serve as a
genetic screening may be indicated to help di¡erentiate guideline. Longer follow-up and psychological testing
it from RTH. of infants who have been given treatment will deter-
mine the e⁄cacy of early intervention.5
Patients with PRTH usually develop thyrotoxic
symptoms and often require treatment. In PRTH,
Treatment supranormal thyroid hormone does not inhibit TSH
Although no speci¢c treatment is available to correct secretion as the regulation of TSH secretion is a¡ected.
fully and speci¢cally for the defect, the ability to identify The symptoms are often subjective and non-speci¢c

Ann Clin Biochem 2006; 43: 431–440

438 Olateju and Vanderpump

Table 4 Key points: resistance to thyroid hormone

 RTH is a rare autosomal dominant inherited syndrome of reduced end-organ responsiveness to thyroid hormone.
 Patients with RTH have elevated serum FT4 and FT3 concentrations and normal or slightly elevated serum TSH level.
 The common characteristic clinical features are goitre but an absence of the usual symptoms and metabolic consequences of
thyroid hormone excess.
 RTH is classified on clinical grounds alone into either generalised resistance, pituitary resistance or combined.
 Mutations in the TRb gene are responsible for RTH.
 The differential diagnosis includes a TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma, the presence of endogenous antibodies directed against
T4 and T3 and primary thyrotoxicosis.
 No specific treatment is available or often required for RTH but the diagnosis allows appropriate genetic counselling.

and treatment can be di⁄cult. While thyroid hormone may need very high doses of thyroid hormone replace-
concentrations and hence features of hyperthyroidism ment in future. The increased TSH may potentiate the
can treated with radioiodine ablation, thyroidectomy risk of thyrotroph hyperplasia and possible adenoma
and antithyroid medications, these do not lower TSH formation.62--64
concentrations. Treatment may be directed at achiev-
ing symptom relief. Atenolol is useful for treatment of
tachycardia and tremors. Propanolol is not a good
choice as it inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3 and Future perspective
therefore reduces T3-mediated feedback inhibition Key points relating to current knowledge of RTH are
centrally. Other drugs of interest are those that sup- summarized in Table 4. For the future, gene therapy
press thyroid hormone concentrations by suppression with excision of the defective genes may be a therapeu-
of TSH. Somatostatin analogues have limited use tic option. In vitro fertilization (IVF) and implantation
because of their side e¡ects and their inability to main- of selected oocytes which do not harbour abnormal
tain TSH suppression and may cause a paradoxical alleles from individuals a¡ected with RTH may also
increase in TSH concentrations in some patients with become possible. However, ethical issues will need to
RTH. TSH secretion can be suppressed by glucocorti- be addressed if this becomes a treatment modality in
coids but this occurs only at doses that cause suppres- RTH; the potential complications associated with IVF,
sion of the hypothalamic--pituitary--adrenal axis and which cannot guarantee a normal pregnancy, also
other undesirable side e¡ects. Some studies have also make this a less attractive alternative. A more promis-
shown successful suppression of TSH in patients with ing treatment option will be the development of speci¢c
PRTH with dextro-thyroxine as this does not result in thyroid hormone agonists and antagonists that are TR
iatrogenic hyperthyroidism.52--54 isoform speci¢c, thereby allowing the stimulation or
Triiodothyroacetic acid (TRIAC) is a thyroid hor- blockade of speci¢c tissues e¡ects identi¢ed in indivi-
mone analogue that has been found to be useful in the dual patients with RTH.60 Development of better ani-
treatment of RTH.55 Co-transfection studies have mal models (e.g. by targeted disruption of mouse
shown that TRIAC has similar a⁄nities for both wild TRb and TRa loci) should also enable improved under-
type TRb1 and TRb1 mutations while T3 has less a⁄- standing of thyroid hormone action in the future.65
nity for TRb1 mutations. TRIAC is able to inhibit the
secretion and biological activity of TSH with very little
thyromimetic e¡ects at the level of peripheral tis-
sues.56--58 TRIAC reduces goitre size and also alleviates 1 Verhoeven GFM, Wilson JD. The syndromes of primary hormone
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