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Second  Quarter 
Name of Learner: _________________________________________ Score: _______ 
Grade and Section: __________________  
Date: __________ 
Pantayong Pananaw 

1. Read and follow the directions carefully.  
2. Use black or blue ballpen ONLY. 
3. READ and THINK before you answer, AVOID ERASURE. 
4. Strictly NO CHEATING! Be Honest. 
I.  Identify  the  ​Key  Arguments  of  the  Pantayon Pananaw​. Write ​PKYP if the statement refers 
to  ​pangkayong  pananaw​,  ​PKMP  if  ​pangkaming  pananaw​,  and  ​PTYP  if  ​pantayong 
pananaw​. Write your answer on the space provided before the number. (11pts) 
________1. ​This perspective is loosely translated as “from-us-for-you.” 
________2. ​Loosely translated, this is the “from – us – for - us” perspective. 
________3. ​This perspective is loosely translated as “from – you – for us” perspective. 
________4.  It  is  ​used  in  reference  to  the  person  talking  and  everyone  whom  he  or  she  is 
communicating with – including those who are not present but are considered 
part  of  the  group  where  the  person is talking, and those groups whom he or 
she is talking to. 
________5.  ​This  perspective  is  used  by  foreigners  or  outsiders  in  talking  about  or  in 
referencing a particular culture, its people, and their customs. 
________6. ​It is used when a native talk to outsider or foreigners regarding his or her own 
society and culture. 
________7.  ​As  the  main  goal  of  this  argument i​ s  to  correct  the  erroneous  Western 
analysis of the Philippine context, the discourse remains to be for the West. 
________8.  ​Salazar  states  that  a  community,  society,  or  culture  can  claim  to  have 
argument  only  if  all  its  members  use  concepts  and  manifests  habits  and 
behaviors  whose  meanings  can  be  understood  by  all,  including  the 
relationship between the meanings. 
________9.  ​The  British  would  say,  “You  Filipinos  are  different  from  us  in  many aspects.” 
(​Kayong​ mga ​Pilipino ay iba sa amin sa maraming bagay.​) 
_______10.  ​While  talking  to  American  visitors,  the  Filipino  would  say,  “Unlike  you,  we 
Filipinos don’t believe in divorce.” 
_______11.  A  programmatic  discourse  developed  as  a  response  to  the  westernized 
perspective of the study of Philippine history and historiography. 
III.  Enumerate  what  is  being  asked  in  each  number.  Write  your  answer  inside  the  box. 
1. Criticisms and Limitations of Pantayong Pananaw (4) 
2. According to Salazar, the three perspectives by which Philippine history was and is 
being written (3) 
3. According to Salazar, important reasons of Philippine history should be written in the 
local language or dialect (2) 

Comment and Suggestion: 


_______________________________________ _______________________________________ 
  Teacher’s  Signature  Over  Printed  Name  Parent’s Signature 
Over Printed Name 

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