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Mã đề: F3-01-2021-CLC-BTL Hệ : Chất lượng cao

QUESTION 1: (20 marks)

Give two illustrative examples of applying prudence concept in accounting? (No more than
200 words)
QUESTION 2: (80 marks)
Taylor Co. had trial balances at September 30 20X0, as follows:
Items Debit ($) Credit ($)
Cash 90,000
Short-term investments 15,200
Trade receivables 30,000
Inventories 22,000
Non-current assets 46,500
Bank 5,000
Trade payables 40,000
12% Loan notes 20,000
Ordinary shares 1$ 100,000
Retained earnings 20,000
Revaluation surplus 5,000
Wages and salaries 10,000
Tax payables 3,500
Accruals 200
Total 203,700 203,700
The following information for transactions from October to December 20X0 are available:
1. Cash purchase: $45,000, purchase returns (with cash refund): $8,000
Credit purchase: $80,000
Inventory at 31 December 20X0 was valued at $30,000 based on its original cost. However,
$10,000 of this inventory has been obsolete and the directors have agreed to sell it in January 20X1
for a cash price of $6,500.
At December 31, 20X0, outstanding trade payables were $60,000
2. Total sales: $258,000. At December 31, 20X0, trade receivables were $50,000.
Settlement discounts allowed: $11,000
3. Wages and salaries expense incurred: $18,000. Wages and salaries outstanding for
the year ended 31 Dec 20X0: $5,000
4. Tax payables at the end of the year: $4,800. CIT rate: 20%.
5. $2,000 of bad debt was written off.
6. Telephone, property and other expenses incurred and paid by cash: $8,500
7. Loan notes were issued at 01 September 20X0. Taylor paid loan note interest for the
first 6 months at 31 December 20X0, by cash.
8. Taylor made a right issue of 1 share for every 10 held at a premium of 50c per share.
9. Dividends paid amounted to $9,000
10. The following information relates to PPE:
Cost ($) Accumulated Carrying amount
Depreciation ($)
(30/9/X0) ($)
Building 42,000 12,000 30,000
Machinery 20,000 6,000 14,000
Furniture 8,000 5,500 2,500
Total 70,000 23,500 46,000
(i) Building was depreciated 10% at cost annually
(ii) Machinery and furniture had no residual value, 5 years of useful life and were
depreciated on the basis of straight-line method
(iii) At 31/10/20X0, Taylor acquired a vehicle of $27,000, registration fee was $1,000.
All payment was settled by cash. Expected residual value was $4,000. The vehicle was depreciated
at 20% per annum using the reducing balance method.
(iv) At 31/12/20X0, Taylor decided to value its building to $50,000.
(1) Show your workings and make accounting entries for those transactions above. (35
(2) Prepare the following statements (for internal use):
(a) The income statement for the quarter ended 31 December 20X0 (15 marks)
(b) The statement of financial position as at 31 December 20X0 (15 marks)
(3) At 01 January 20X1, Taylor Co. acquired X1 % of ordinary shares of Rachel Co.
Taylor partly owned Rachel and achieved the control. Market value of Rachel’s share at
acquisition date was ($) X2.
Give appropriate information in X1, X2 and prepare the consolidated statement of
financial position as at acquisition date? (15 marks)
Additional information: The statement of financial position of Rachel Co. at 01 January
20X1 was as follows:
Statement of financial position as at 01 January 20X1
Non-current assets 82,000
Current assets
Inventory 5,000
Trade receivables 15,000
Total assets 102,000
Equity and Liabilities
Share capital (1$) 60,000
Retained earnings 15,000
Other reserves 3,000
Trade payables 24,000
Total Equity and liabilities 102,000
Căn dặn sinh viên khi trình bày bài tập lớn:
1- Thời hạn nộp bài: Thời gian theo lịch thi + 60 phút + 1 ngày + 20 phút
2- Viết tay trên giấy A4 (không đánh máy), đánh số thứ tự lần lượt ở bên dưới mỗi trang.
Khi chụp ảnh, lưu ý không bị mất số thứ tự trang và chụp lần lượt theo thứ tự trang tăng dần. Đồng
thời, có kẻ lề bên trái mỗi trang giấy. Khi làm bài cần viết ý nào thuộc câu nào được làm sang bên
trái của lề để dễ nhận diện khi đọc, chấm. (Xem mẫu dưới đây)
3- Tại trang đầu tiên của bài thi, cần trình bày đầy đủ các thông tin theo đúng theo qui định
của HV như sau:
Họ và tên: ……………………………… Mã sinh viên: …………………………..
Khóa/Lớp tín chỉ: …………………… Khóa/Lớp niên chế:…………………………
STT theo danh sách thi: ………….. ID phòng thi:……………………………….
Ngày thi:…………………………… Giờ thi:…………………………………
BÀI THI MÔN:……………………………………..
Hình thức thi: Bài tập lớn
Mã đề thi: ………. Thời gian thi: 1 ngày

Câu 1a: ……………………
Câu 2/1a: ……………………
Mã đề: F3-02-2021-CLC-BTL Hệ : Chất lượng cao

QUESTION 1: (20 marks)

Give two illustrative examples of applying materiality concept in accounting? (No more than
200 words)
QUESTION 2: (80 marks)
Taylor Co. had trial balances at September 30 20X0, as follows:
Items Debit ($) Credit ($)
Cash 90,000
Short-term investments 15,200
Trade receivables 30,000
Inventories 22,000
Non-current assets 46,500
Bank 5,000
Trade payables 40,000
12% Loan notes 20,000
Ordinary shares 1$ 100,000
Retained earnings 20,000
Revaluation surplus 5,000
Wages and salaries 10,000
Tax payables 3,500
Accruals 200
Total 203,700 203,700
The following information for transactions from October to December 20X0 are available:
1. Cash purchase: $45,000, purchase returns (with cash refund): $8,000
Credit purchase: $80,000
Inventory at 31 December 20X0 was valued at $35,000 based on its original cost. However,
$10,000 of this inventory has been obsolete and the directors have agreed to sell it in January 20X1
for a cash price of $7,500.
At December 31, 20X0, outstanding trade payables were $60,000
2. Total sales: $225,000. At December 31, 20X0, trade receivables were $50,000.
Settlement discounts allowed: $11,000
3. Wages and salaries expense incurred: $18,000. Wages and salaries outstanding for
the year ended 31 Dec 20X0: $5,000
4. Tax payables at the end of the year: $5,900. CIT rate: 20%.
5. $2,000 of bad debt was written off.
6. Telephone, property and other expenses incurred and paid by cash: $8,500
7. Loan notes were issued at 01 September 20X0. Taylor proposed to pay loan note
interest for the first 6 months at 31 January 20X1, by cash.
8. Taylor made a right issue of 1 share for every 5 held at a premium of 50c per share.
9. Dividends paid amounted to $9,000
10. The following information relates to PPE:
Cost ($) Accumulated Carrying amount
Depreciation ($)
(30/9/X0) ($)
Building 42,000 12,000 30,000
Machinery 20,000 6,000 14,000
Furniture 8,000 5,500 2,500
Total 70,000 23,500 46,000
(i) Building was depreciated 10% at cost annually
(ii) All machinery and furniture had no residual value, 5 years of useful life and were
depreciated on the basis of straight-line method
(iii) At 31/10/20X0, Taylor made a disposal of a machinery. This machinery was $6,000
at cost. Carrying amount at disposal date was $3,000. The proceeds from this disposal was settled
by cash of $3,200.
(iv) At 31/12/20X0, Taylor decided to value its building to $50,000.
(1) Show your workings and make accounting entries for those transactions above. (35
(2) Prepare the following statements (for internal use):
(a) The income statement for the quarter ended 31 December 20X0 (15 marks)
(b) The statement of financial position as at 31 December 20X0 (15 marks)
(3) At 01 January 20X1, Taylor Co. acquired X1 % of ordinary shares of Rachel Co.
Taylor partly owned Rachel and achieved the control. Market value of Rachel’s share at
acquisition date was ($) X2.
Give appropriate information in X1, X2 and prepare the consolidated statement of
financial position as at acquisition date? (15 marks)
Additional information: The statement of financial position of Rachel Co. at 01 January
20X1 was as follows:
Statement of financial position as at 01 January 20X1
Non-current assets 82,000
Current assets
Inventory 5,000
Trade receivables 15,000
Total assets 102,000
Equity and Liabilities
Share capital (1$) 60,000
Retained earnings 15,000
Other reserves 3,000
Trade payables 24,000
Total Equity and liabilities 102,000
Căn dặn sinh viên khi trình bày bài tập lớn:
1- Thời hạn nộp bài: Thời gian theo lịch thi + 60 phút + 1 ngày + 20 phút
2- Viết tay trên giấy A4 (không đánh máy), đánh số thứ tự lần lượt ở bên dưới mỗi trang.
Khi chụp ảnh, lưu ý không bị mất số thứ tự trang và chụp lần lượt theo thứ tự trang tăng dần. Đồng
thời, có kẻ lề bên trái mỗi trang giấy. Khi làm bài cần viết ý nào thuộc câu nào được làm sang bên
trái của lề để dễ nhận diện khi đọc, chấm. (Xem mẫu dưới đây)
3- Tại trang đầu tiên của bài thi, cần trình bày đầy đủ các thông tin theo đúng theo qui định
của HV như sau:
Họ và tên: ……………………………… Mã sinh viên: …………………………..
Khóa/Lớp tín chỉ: …………………… Khóa/Lớp niên chế:…………………………
STT theo danh sách thi: ………….. ID phòng thi:……………………………….
Ngày thi:…………………………… Giờ thi:…………………………………
BÀI THI MÔN:……………………………………..
Hình thức thi: Bài tập lớn
Mã đề thi: ………. Thời gian thi: 1 ngày

Câu 1a: ……………………
Câu 2/1a: ……………………

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