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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa lnggris
Kelas VIII
Harl / Tanggal Kamls / 05 Desember 2019
Waktu 90 Menit

I. Choose the correct answers !

1. M rs. Marwah : Would you mind not talking during the lesson?
Yusuf ........................
A. Excuse me, I' ll talk to you C. I am still happy,sorry
B. I' m sorry, I will keep silent I D. Ok, thanks
2. My mother says I ............ more vegetable and fruit to be healthier.
A. Shouldn't eat B. should eat C. mustn't eat D. will not eat
3. Hayati : .................. .. It's hot here
Lisa : Sure. Go ahead.
A. Could ycu open the widow? C. Should I close the window?
B. Could I open t he window 7 D. Will you open the window?
4. Act ivities we should do in the classroom, except ... ................
A. Ask the teacher C. Cheat friend rn )
B. Listen to the lesson D. throw the rubbish into the dustbin Merry Christmas and happy
5. Fredy is sending this special card ...
new year
A. to invite someone to come to the birthday party
B. to congratulat e Lisa the Christmas day and new year From
C. to congratulate her graduation Your l:iest friend, Fredy
D. to congratulate her marriage (l
......, _________ ~

The following,text is for gue!>1lons number 6 to 9 \

·~- You Are Invited! ''
Save the River
Come and join our movement to save Morowudi River
Don't forget to bring your own cleaning tools (gloves,broom st,ifk,plastic bag)
Wear your comfortable T-shirt and hat because it's hot!Exchange your empty min~ral water bottle with a box of
snack. Show us your reusable water bottle and get your free lunch. Also enjoy the exotic performance at the
river bank from many singers and bands.
Join the quiz to get a big door price!
Moro River, JI. Moro
Sunday, Desember 17th, 2018
More info and registration: Tio ;
6. What is the invitation about 7
A. Invitation to clean the river C. Invitation to watch acoustic performance
B. Invitation to take quiz D. Invitation to join free lunch
7. What is the dress code of the event?
A. A hat B. A long sleeve; T-shirt C. A comfortable T-shirt and a hat D. A comfortable T-shirt only
8. How to register yourself ;
A. Call to Tio B. Text to Tio C. Tweet to Tio D. Send email to Tio
9. What will happen if t he part icipar,t doesn't show his/her reusable water bottle 1
A. He/ she will get free lunch C. He/she will get a box of snack
B. He/ she will not get free lunch D. He/she will not get a box of snack
The following text Is for questions number !O& 11
Janet : Hello, Dr Arcos. I' m f P.eling sick
Ann e : Ok. Let' s see what's wrong. What t ime do you go to bed?
Janet : I usually go to bed at midnight. Sometimes I go to bed at ·t wo in t he morning.
Anne : That's too late. You !:hould go to sleep earlier.
Jan et : What should I do to sleep better?
Anne : Eats lots of vegetables and healthy food . Eat less candy and drink less soda.
10. What does Anne do for a living?
A. She is a good mot her 8. She is a baby sitter C. She is a nurse D. She is a doctor
11. Why does Janet go to Anne's office? Because she .........
A. want s to sleep in t he morning C. wants to talk to her
B. want s to eat healthy food D. is sick
12. Arrange into good sentences :
My sister - because - can - her - voic:e - sing - very - is - beautiful
1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9
A. 1 - 3 - 6 - 2 -4 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 8 C. 1 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 7 - 9
B. 1 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 8 - 7 - 9 D. 1 - 3 - 6 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 8 - 9 - 7
Ida and Alfi are sitting in front of class. Ida is telling his experience on mount Bromo, while Alfi is giving response
Ida : We had an amazing experience on mount Bromo
Alfi : Really? ..... 13 ........
Ida : When we wanted to visit the village of the Tenggerese people, we got lost. It's foggy. We couldn 't see
the: route well
Alfi : Really? .... 14.......... .
Ida : We were so confused. Then we tried to see the map, but my father left it in the hotel
Alfi : So, what did you do?
Ida : We could do nothing. Fortunately, we met a villager. He led us to the village.
Alfi : Lucky you. Next time you should prepare everything well before traveling.
Ida : You are right.
13. A. What's that? B. When is it C. Why is that? D. Where is that?
14. A. How do you do? B. How did you feel? C. Why is it happened D. How are you?
Read the text to answer questlos number 15 & 16

Take care,

Be happy/ Be free! As you• feel the fresh air. Enjoy your awesome trip ahead.

Be safe! Happy holiday

15. The card is written to wish someone who ..................

A. Wan~ to be safe C. has an awesome new house \
B. Is goirig-to have a trip D. is moving to another city 1

16. " .... ... enjoy your awesome trip ahead." The underlined word is closest in meaning to ... . . .
A. Amazing 8. thrilllng C fearful D. boring
17. Mr. John : You speak English very well, Anti. I was so surprised
Anti : Oh nQ, not really.
Mr. John : Yes, you do. You do the best.
Anti : No I don't. It's not true.
Mr. John : Yes, you really speak English so well
A. Thank you. You're very kind 8. You're weli:ome C. Absolutely right D. With pleasure
18. Mrs. Anwar : I heard that your son had won a scholarship to Pajajaran University
Mrs. Budiman : Yes, that's right. ..... He never ignores our advice and always studies hard
A. I'm proud of him C. His pride would not let him down
B. I prided myself on his success D. I'm too proud to have been successful

Read the text to answer questlos number 19 & 20

Dear Jameela,
Hasan is going to be eleven. Can you come with me to his party this Saturday at five PM?
The dress code b proffessions. I'm waiting for your immediate reply.
----- --
19. W hy did Llena w rit e th
e ext?
A. To Inform Jameela about Hasan'
B. To ask Jameela to . ~ part-, C. to ar.k Jilrnf'r•I;, to vM,r:, pr,,µn fh',t1;m,,
20." I'm waiting for your lmgo to c party with her D to lnvltJJ lamrol1; lb <mrlfl 111 hN (N f1 I
A. Fast - media\""'-"-reply." Wh at doe~ the undcrllncd word mwin?

21.Sh afa . " M

B. late c · Sudden D Prnvloui.
· y fa th er w ill celebrat e my 17th birthday In the orphan homt"
Accord ing Shafa, Her father w lfl
A ........................... ..
. Cel ebrate my 17th birt hday In th e orphan home
B. Celebrat e she 17th birthday In t he orphan home
C. Celebrate her father 17th birthday In th e orphan home
D. Celebrate her 17 birthday In th e orphan home
22· Salman, " Do n't eat instant no odl e and Junk food t o m uch, Pfepse egtmore fryltqnd vea.t!Q.~le~".Th'!
und erline express ............ .
A. permission B. prohibition C. lntructlon D eet i,ttentton
23. Customer : I w ant to buy some cold drink, please.
Shop assistant . .............. .
Customer : Sod::i, please
A. I' d like to have soda C. Can I have soda, please?
B. Would you like soda? 11. Would you like soda or juice?
24 . Teacher : We need a lot of nutrition to do so many activities every day. So, we need to eat only health /
foodsand ....................... ..
A . We should eat instant food C. We should eat everythine you want
B. We should eat only rice D. We should eat more vegetables

The followin text is for uestions number 25 to 27

Dear Class Teacher

Please my young son, Husain, for not coming t o your class during th e celebration of Muharom It is a
must tor our religion to celebration of Muslim New YeiJr. We ask for opology because we do not Inform you
immediately. in future, w e will make su•e to notify you before hand . We hope you understand and inform us
about the task during my son's day off.
Thank you for your consideration,
Meimunah __ )
25 . What does.,the letter above mean? I
C. recommendation later
'. D. letter of th e school
A. Apologize let ter B. Congratulation iet ,er
26. Who writ es the letter?
A. Husain's teacher B. Husain's son C. Husain D. Husain's moth er
27. According to the text, we know that ................
A. Husain doesn't.go to school during celebrating of Muslir., New Year
B. Husain asks for opology
C. Meimunah is Husain's teacher
D. Husain's mother doesn' t write a letter to Husain's teacher

Dear Harum,

How's life? I'm in Surabaya now. You're right, Surabaya i~ a beautiful city. There are many parks here. Thefunny
thing Is each park has a t heme. For example, Pet i>arii: is not only an ordinary park with beautiful flower and
sidewalks, but it also provides pet and lovers with facilities for their pet s.
So far, I have visited Taman Bungkul or Taman 81bit, Taman Sldomaju, F'et Park, and Taman Cahaya. There are
many parks to visit, such as Tama11 Potret, Taman Remaj a, and many more. Maybe, tomot row, I'm going to go to
those parks. I'll talk to you later.

Big hug,

28. What does Rania think about Surab -;,
. aya .
A. Quiet B. Large
C. Beautiful D. Crowded
29 . From th e t ext w e know that
A. Surabaya has many park~·
C. Rania hasn't vi~it Taman 8ungkul
B. Rani~ has many parks in Surabaya
D. Hanum stays in Surabaya
30. W hen w ill Rania visit the other parks?
A. This afternoon B. Yesterday C. The next day D. Today
The following text Is for questions number 31 to 33

To: Tania
Congrat ulations on your success i;, the singing contest. You are t he best. We are prou nd of you
Uncle Rahmat and aunt Fat imah
31. Who w on t he singing contest?
A. Tania 8. aunt Fatimah C. Uncle Rahmat D. Uncl e Rahmat and aunt Fatimah
32. " W e are Q!f'Ud of you " The synonym of the underlined words i~ .................. .
A. Sad about 8. Pleased about C. nice to D. full of
33. " We are proud of you. " The underlined word refers to ..................... ..
A. Uncle Rahmat and aunt Fatimah 8. Tania C. Uncle Rahmat D. Aunt Fatimah

The following text is for question!; number 34 & 35



play area
No dogs

34. From the text we can conclude that we ................. bring a dog.
A. Will not B. should C. must not D. have to
35. Where can we probably find the notice?
A. In a swimming pool 8. In a playground C. In a department store D. In a library
36. M r. Maftuh : What do you think of our school library, Arya?
Arya : ................. Sir, because It has many new books, i and friends always spend our
free time there.
A. It isn't the best place I believe C. I think it's too small
8. I think it is a good place D. I think it's not beautiful place
37. The students are cleaning the class, some are cleaning the windows and some are mopping the floor.
Suddenly, Tomy, the naughty student, will enter the class.
Students : ...... it is still wet. \
Tomy ·~ I'm sorry.
A. Excuse me, will you take off your shoes? C. Don't enter the class
B. Please, go into the class D. Come here Tomy
38. Udya never come on tlm~ and never don~ her homework. What will the teacher say to her7 ... .
A. Come and have dinner with our famlly on Saturday night ''
B. Be at school on'time and do your hom~work 1
C. Be careful on the street
D. Be on time
39. When Mira and her friends are working in the garden, suddenly she touches her head, Tin a asks her.
Tina : What's the mattc'!r, Mira?
M ira : I'm dizzy. C.m I go home?
Tina : Okay
The underlined expressions means .........
A. Mira asks Tina for permission C. Mira can't help Tina
B. Tina gives Mira permission D. M ira must go home
40. Six girls are having "rujak party'' in the garden ofTati's house. They are very h:ippy. When they are enjoying it,
Parto comes there, and says :
Parto : HI, w hat are you doing here?
Tat i : Hello, we are having "rujak party''
Parto : ........?
Lina : Yes, of c;ourse, come on.
Parto wants to be with th em . What does he ~ay?
A. I want to j oin you B. Yes, of course C. May I join you D. Hello
11. Answer the questions correctly
1. You are going to cele brate your 14 birthday party next week. You want to invite all of your classmates to
come and celebrate together. Please make an invitation birthday card .
2. Answer t he question below ba sed on your own invitation birthday card above ( number 1)
Where will your party will be held?
3. M ake the sentences to show the existP.nce of 5 kinds things in this room !
4. Write two instructions and prohibitions to keep your classroom clean
l,1structions prohibitions

a. a.

b. b.
S. Write in the table below, the obligations that students must do and must not do to be a good young

Students must do students must not do

a. a.

b. b.


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