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Name- Pragya kumari

Roll no- 03(Dual)


Situation 1.
Identify the principle of Fayol followed by the floor manager in the above case.
• Esprit De Corps; One of Henri Fayol’s 14 administrative principles,
esprit de corps is defined as “a feeling of pride and mutual loyalty shared
by the members of a group.”

• This principle recommends that employees should work in unity with

each other.In other words, team spirit, morale and harmony in the
workplace should be promoted by the manager. Each employee should
have a sense of belongingness.

• Team sprit increases coordination and mutual understanding among the

employees and thereby improves efficiency. Therefore, any organization
which aims to succeed would need to foster a spirit of unity and of
common interests and responsibilities in order to create a sense of loyalty,
solidarity and pride among its employees.

Situation 2

Which technique of management is followed here? Also name the principle of

management followed here by the company? Which option is now available to
Suresh since the company is not allowing him to interact with the concerned
worker in the production department?

• The technique of management which is followed here is Standardisation

(Each bulb which is manufactured is of standard size and quality) and
Simplification (Further if there is any unrequired type of bulb
manufactured then its production is stopped).
• The principle of management which is followed here is Scalar Chain.
However he finds that his company’s policies only allow him to give the
message to his immediate boss who will further pass this message to his
boss. The option which is now available to Suresh is the use of Gang
Plank as this is an emergency situation. Suresh knows that this
information should be given immediately to the production department.
Situation 3
1) Identify the three principles of Fayol violated in the above case.
In the first paragraph of the case the principle of Fayol which is violated is
‘Division of Work’
• This principle states that every work should be divided into the smallest
possible part and each such part is to be performed by an individual person
(labourer). Instead of assigning the whole work to an individual, it’s better
to assign one task to one person. Before assigning the task to anyone it
must be assured that he possess the required knowledge, skill, capability
and will to perform the task effectively and efficiently. If the same task is
performed by a person again and again he gains specialization in that task
and can perform with greater ease and minimizes wastage of resources and

2) In the second paragraph of the case the principle of Fayol which is violated is

• According to Fayol, discipline is obedience, application, energy and

outward marks of respect. He considered discipline as absolutely essential
for the smooth running of business. Discipline of course, should not mean
that authorities are entitled to frighten, harass or exploit the subordinates
to force them to comply with the orders or rules. Without discipline,
nothing can be accomplished.
3) In the third paragraph of the case the principle of Fayol which is violated is
‘Subordination of individual interests to general interests’.

• Common interest is above the individual interest this indicates a company

should work unitedly towards the interest of a company rather than
personal interest. Be subordinate to the purposes of an organization. This
refers to the whole chain of command in a company.
• Both the employees and management should subordinate their interest to
the general interests of the concern. To ensure this, Fayol suggested (a)
firmness and good example on the part of superiors, (b) agreement as fair
as possible and (c) constant supervision.
Situation 4

Which technique of scientific management is followed here? What will be the

benefit? Also tell which principle of Fayol will be violated here?

❖ The technique of Scientific Management which is used here is

Functional Foremanship F.W. Taylor has propounded the functional
organisation. A functional foremanship is a form of an organization that
involves supervision of a worker by several specialist foramen.This
technique was developed to improve the quality of work as single
supervisor may not be an expert in all the aspects of the work.

❖ The principle of Fayol which will be violated here will be principle of

‘Unity of Command’ as a single worker will have to report to eight
different people
Situation 5
Which nature of principle of management has been highlighted in the above case?

❖ In the above case the company has learned from its experience on the
basis of practice and experimentation that the principle of ‘Equity’
should be adopted to avoid problems and increase its output. Whereas
Equity means while dealing with the employees a manager should use
kindliness and justice towards employees equally. Equity is a
combination of kindness and justice.

• It creates loyalty and devotion in the employees toward the organization.

The equity principle suggests that the managers must be kind as well as
equally fair to the subordinates.

❖ Thus, in the above case the nature of principle of management

highlighted is that Management principles are formed by practice and

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