PAT Kur 2013 - VII 2020

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1. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Stella : Hello, Martha!
Marth : Hello, Stella. Good morning. Do you remember Shinta, our Elementary
a School friend?
Stella : Yes, I do. She is diligent and smart.
Marth : Yes, she is. Can you call her this afternoon? We need to discuss our
a Mathematic Project
Stella : Sure. I will call her.

Why does Martha ask Stella about Shinta? She ….

A. asks Stella to call Shinta

B. checks Shinta’s condition
C. wants to know about Shinta
D. asks Shinta to go home together.

2. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Mitha : What is your English teacher like?
Citra : ….

A. She likes to be teacher.

B. She lives in Yogyakarta.
C. She likes singing and dancing.
D. She is patient, friendly and smart.

3. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Adisti : Thank you for coming to my birthday party, Erna.
Erna : You’re welcome, Adisti. Is that Olga, your sister? I read about her in our
school magazine.
Adisti : Yes she is. She joins three different extracurricular activities but she always
gets good mark.
Erna : Wow! …

A. She is really an active and helpful student.

B. She is really a smart and active student.
C. She is really a smart and lazy student.
D. She is really a lazy and active student.

4. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Edo : Siti, your house is far from school, but you always arrive early.
Siti : I always leave for school at 6 a.m. That’s why, I am never late.
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….

A. come
B. leave
C. stay
D. go

5. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Siti : Sorry guys, the kitchen is small. It’s not spacious enough for all of us.
Lisa : It’s OK. I think it’s a very nice kitchen. Look at this purple dish rack. It’s very
What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. The kitchen is wide.

B. The kitchen is large.
C. The kitchen is empty.
D. The kitchen is narrow.
6. Read the dialog and answer the question.
Andrea : Mommy, look at this picture. This cat is really cute, right?
Mrs.Emma : Emm.. Yes, it is cute. Whose cat is it?
Andrea : It’s Jihan’s cat. She will give the cat to me.
Mrs. Emma : But, cat likes sleeping on bed. What about your asthma?
Andrea : Jihan says that this cat is nice. It always sleeps on its cage. Can I have
the cat, please?
From the dialog we know that ….

A. Mrs. Emma wants to buy a cat.

B. Andrea wants to give Jihan a cat.
C. Andrea wants to keep Jihan’s cat.
D. Mrs. Emma wants to sleep with the cat.

7. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Emily : Let’s go to my garden. I will show you my rabbits.
Noval : Wow. Your rabbits are cute. They have soft fur. Do they like eating?
They look fat.
Emily : ….

A. Yes, they do. They like to hop here and there.

B. No, they do not. They don’t like to play.
C. No, they do not. They don’t like eating.
D. Yes, they do. They like eating carrot.

8. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Erlin : Deni, do your parents have cattle?

Deni : Yes. We keep two cows.
Erlin : What do they look like?
Deni : ... They can pull plough and help my father work in the paddy field.
Erlin : Wow.

A. They are big and fast.

B. They are small but lazy.
C. They are big and strong.
D. They are small but strong.

9. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Ita : Do you have pet?
Doni : Yes, I do.
Ita ; It is a tortoise. It is small, has four feet, a head, and a tail. It has a pair of eyes,
a nose and a mouth. It has a hard shell to cover its body.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….

A. soft
B. weak
C. sharp
D. strong

10. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Lian : Tell me about your visit to the zoo.

Lani : It was great! There are some chimpanzees. They like to move and swing. They
eat fruit, and always peel the fruit before eat it. The zookeeper teaches the
chimpanzees some tricks. They can count. They are amazing! Can we go to
the zoo again next time?

The underlined sentence shows that Lani ….

A. wants to keep chimpanzee at home
B. enjoys her visit to the zoo
C. hates the chimpanzees
D. dislikes the zoo

11. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Yuni : Mira, are you free this weekend?

Mira : Yes. What’s up?
Yuni : Do you know the new park in our town?
Mira : I never go there. What is the park like?
Yuni : It is clean, cool and shady. I often go there. I love the park. Let’s go
there next Sunday.

Why does Yuni say that the park is clean, cool and shady?
Because she wants to ….

A. go to the park with Mira

B. take pictures in the park
C. keep the park clean.
D. lives near the park

12. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Wina : Can you help me bring this bag?
Joni : Sure. Ooops.. Uuhhh.. What is inside the bag?
Wina : There are two dictionaries and some books. I also bring some
Joni : … . You cannot bring it by yourself.

A. That’s good. I know that the bag is new.

B. I see. That’s why the bag is so heavy.
C. Really? The bag is so expensive.
D. Wow. Your bag is very beautiful.

13. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Rizal : Noval, I pass by your school.
Noval : Really?
Rizal : Yes. Your school is big and beautiful. There are many trees and I can also
see colorful flowers in pots. Your friends are around, sitting and talking
on the benches. Some are studying in front of the classes. I believe many
boys and girls wants to study there.
Noval : Thank you. …

A. I am bored with my school.

B. I am really proud of my school.
C. I am sad because of my school.
D. I am uncomfortable with my school.

14. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Udin : Beni,your couch is very comfortable.

Beni : Thank you. I like it, too.
Edo : And I like the color.
Udin : Yeah, blue is my favorite color, too. I paint the wall blue, just like the bed
and bookshelf.
Edo : Wow. You have a very big room. It is awesome. Mine is much smaller.

The word ‘It’ in the last sentence refers to …

A. the bookshelf
B. the couch
C. the room
D. the bed

15. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Arnest : I like eating in our school canteen. The food is tasty and the place is
Keiza ; I do too. The canteen also provides various menus. You can have soto, fried
rice, and many others.

The underlined word ‘tasty’ has the same meaning as …

A. dangerous
B. numerous
C. generous
D. delicious

16. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Yuri : Who is that man, Albert?
Albert : Oh, that is my brother, Andi. He has just come from his work.
Yuri : Oh, I see. Where does he work?
Albert : In a post office. He is a post man.

In the dialog, Yuri ....

A. asks information about someone’s hobby
B. gives information about someone’s hobby
C. asks information about someone’s profession
D. gives information about someone’s profession

17. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Kia : What do you usually do in the afternoon?
Rani : I usually check my schedule. I also do my homework. Then, I study
for two hours in my room.
Kia : …
Rani: : Yes. Thank you.

A. That’s why your room is always clean and tidy.

B. That’s why you always happy and healthy.
C. That’s why you always get good mark.
D. That’s why you never late for school.

18. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Rayyan : Let’s go to the court. Today is the schedule of the match.
Malik : Wow. Our school team is great. They win the match.
Rayyan : Yes. The boys catch the ball and shoot many times. They also run fast
and jump high. No wonder they win.

In the dialog, Malik …

A. asks Rayyan to join the basketball team.
B. asks Rayyan to see the basketball match.
C. tells Rayyan that he wants to play basketball.
D. shows Rayyan that he is proud of the basketball team.

19. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Mr. Indra : What does your father do, Audry?
Audry : My father is a computer technician. His duty is to repair broken

computers. He runs a computer repair shop at our house.
Mr. Indra : That’s great. Your father must be skillful.
Audry : Yes, he is. Thank you, Sir.

What does “He runs a computer repair shop at our house.” mean?
A. Audry repairs broken computers at home.
B. Mr. Indra repairs broken computers at home.
C. Audry’s father repairs broken computers at home.
D. Audry’s teacher repairs broken computers at home.

20. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Jody : What does your mother do?
Jordan : She is a pediatrician. She specifically examines and cures sick children.

Pediatrician is a … for children.

A. doctor
B. nurse
C. sitter
D. maid

21. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Mr. : Ganesh, the microphone in the teachers’ room is broken. Please
Arsya go to Mr. Harris and ask for another one. The headmaster will use
it for the meeting tomorrow.
Ganesh : Yes, Sir. Here you are, Sir. This microphone is good and still
Mr. : Thank you, Ganesh.
Ganesh ; You are welcome, Sir.

Why does Mr. Arsya call Ganesh?

A. Mr. Arsya asks Ganesh to buy a new microphone.
B. Mr. Arsya asks Ganesh to take another microphone.
C. Mr. Arsya asks Mr. Harris about the new microphone.
D. Mr. Arsya asks Ganesh to keep the broken microphone.

22. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Sherly : Thank you for the gift, daddy. I like it very much.
Mr. : You are welcome, dear. Your mother and I know that you like
Budiman cooking especially baking. So we think you can learn to cook
better if we have an oven.
Sherly : Yes, daddy. I promise I will learn more. I will try new recipes
every weekend.
Mr. : …..

A. That’s great. I believe the oven will be very useful.

B. That’s great. We will not buy an oven for you.
C. That’s cool. The oven can bake a lot of cookies.
D. That’s good. The oven needs a repair.

23. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Putra : Wow. This computer is great. It has some programs to make

my design better.
Mr. Firdaus : I am glad you like the computer. We hope you can be a great
designer someday.
Putra : Thank you very much, father. I promise I will use the
computer to learn and create some new design.

From the dialog, we know that …

A. Putra asks the price of the computer.

B. Putra inform his father about the model of the computer.
C. Putra tells his father that he does not want to make new design.
D. Putra says that he wants to design things with his computer.

24. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Edo : I’m glad we have a new mop. It helps me much.
Rosa : Yes. We will only need ten minutes to make our floor clean
and tidy. We usually need twenty minutes.
Mother : That’s good. I want you to be responsible on your own room.
You have to clean and arrange everything by yourself. Mommy
will check your room every day.

What does Rosa mean?

A. She needs more time to clean her room using the new mop.
B. She needs more time to clean her room using the old mop.
C. She asks Mother to get the broom.
D. She asks Edo to clean her room.

25. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Mr. Kartono : The workers finish cleaning the garden and the playground today.
Tomorrow, everyone may enjoy the flowers on the benches under
the tree.
Students : Thank you very much, Sir.

The underlined word has the same meaning a …

A. complete
B. restart
C. begin
D. pause
26. Read the dialog and answer the question.
Ariezta : Liza, please tell me. How do pigeons move?
Liza : They fly.
Ariezta : What do they eat?
Liza : They eat grain.
Ariezta : OK. Done. I write down the answers in the book. Thank you.
Liza : Anytime.

Why does Ariezta ask Lisa about pigeons?

A. She has pigeons at home.
B. She reads about pigeon at home.
C. She needs to finish her homework.
D. She sees two pigeons at Liza’s house.

27. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Dayu : I am very happy. Finally we can join the school trip.
Siti : Yes. Look at the eagle. It has curved beak.
Lina : Yes, they do. Their beaks are sharp.
Beni : Look at the crocodile. They have a very large mouth full with teeth.
Udin : Guys, do you know that crocodile’s mother keeps their children in their
mouth before they get into the water?
Edo : … I never read or hear about it.
A. Yes, I know.
B. Really? That’s interesting.
C. The mother eats the young.
D. Yes, because the young like to jump.

28. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Pratiwi : Do you keep any pet at home?
Isti : Yes, I do. I have a turtle and some gold fish.
Pratiwi : Where do you keep them?
Isti : I keep them in a pond in front of my house.
Pratiwi : What does the turtle like to do?
Isti : It likes to sunbath under the sun. Sometimes it crawls to a shady
place and sleeps there.

From the text we know that …

A. Isti gives information about her turtle’s activity.
B. Isti asks information about her turtle’s activity.
C. Pratiwi gives information about her fish.
D. Pratiwi asks information about her fish.

29. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Siska : This is the first time I see an ostrich.

Ajeng : Really?
Siska : Yes. I don’t understand why they put their head under the
Ajeng : Let’s ask the zookeeper.

In the dialog, what does Siska mean with ‘Yes. I don’t understand why they put their
head under the ground?’

A. She is amazed with what the ostrich does.

B. She is unhappy seeing the ostrich.
C. She is bored with the activity.
D. She is sad being in the zoo.

30. Read the dialog and answer the question.

Perdana : Do you keep any pet at home?
Tertia : Yes, I do. I have a turtle and some gold fish.
Perdana : Where do you keep them?
Tertia : I keep them in a pond in front of my house.
Perdana : What does the turtle like to do?
Tertia : It likes to sunbath under the sun. Sometimes it crawls to a shady
place and sleeps there.

The underlined word is closest in meaning as … .

A. pool
B. cage
C. river
D. ocean

This text is for question 31 to 35.

Someone I adore the most is my mother. Her name is Susi Kumala Sari. She is
fourty years old. She is tall and slim. She has long straight hair. Her eyes are small and
brown. She has fair skin. She looks younger than her age. When my mother and I go out
together, people will think that she is my elder sister.
My mother is a teacher. She teaches English at a junior high school. She is a
favourite teacher. She always gives interesting and challenging activities in the classroom
for her students. They call her Miss Susi. They like her much. They enjoy learning English
with her.
My mother is also humorous. She often makes jokes that make people around her
laugh happily. She likes smiling to the people around her. She is also a loving mother of
mine. I am happy to be her daughter.

31. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To criticize her mother.
B. To show her admiration of her mother.
C. To promote her mother to her students.
D. To persuade the readers to admire her mother.

32. How is Miss Susi like?

A. She is short and slim, friendly, and lovely.
B. She is tall and thin, humorous, and loving.
C. She is tall and slim, lovely, and humorous.
D. She is short-haired, friendly, and humorous.

33. The writer’s mother is humorous. Which sentence supports the idea? She ...
A. often makes jokes.
B. makes people around her sad.
C. likes smiling to the people around her.
D. always gives interesting and challenging activities.

34. I am happy to be her daughter. The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. sad
B. shy
C. joyful
D. sorrow

35. They call her Miss Susi. The word “they” refers to ...
A. the writer and her mother.
B. the writer’s students.
C. Miss Susi’s students.
D. Susi Kumala Sari.

This text is for questions no 36 to 40.

Andatu is the first Sumatran rhino born in a breeding center in Indonesia. He was
born on June 23, 2012. He represents a unique international love story between Ratu, a
rescued female Sumatran rhino and Andalas. His father, Andalas, was born at the
Cincinnati Zoo on September 13, 2001 and came to Indonesia when he was six years old.
Andatu’s mother, Ratu, was born in Way Kambas National Park, but wandered outside the
park’s boundaries in 2005. Fortunately, she was rescued and brought to the Sanctuary for
Andatu’s name is a combination of his mother’s and father’s names, but it is also
short for an Indonesian term that means a “Gift from God.” At birth, he weighed
approximately 60 pounds, but reached 500 pounds – a quarter of a ton – before the end of
2012! He is now fully grown, weighing in at 1,041lbs and lives independently in his own
enclosure at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary. He is one of the critically endangered species
numbering no more than 100 on Earth. We have to support protecting the endangered
species like Andatu.
(modified from
36. Why does the writer write the text?
A. To admire the Sumatran rhino.
B. To persuade readers to visit Andatu.
C. To criticize the government for Andatu’s birth.
D. To promote protecting Andatu and other rhinos.

37. What are the aspects described in the text?

A. Andatu’s origin, physical appearance, and habitat.
B. Andatu’s origin, social environment, and habitat.
C. Andatu’s origin, physical appearance, and habit.
D. Andatu’s origin, social environment, and habit.

38. Which of the following statement is TRUE about Andatu?

A. Andatu was born at the Cincinnati Zoo.
B. Andatu’s name means “Gift from God.”
C. Ratu is the name of Andatu’s daughter.
D. Andatu’s mother is Andalas.

39. Andatu’s name is a combination of his mother’s and father’s names...

The underlined word is closest in meaning to...
A. gift.
B. name.
C. reward.
D. mixture.

40. He is now fully grown, weighing in at 1,041lbs...

What does the word “he” refer to?
A. Ratu.
B. Andatu.
C. Andalas.
D. Andalas and Ratu.

This text is for number 41 to 45.

My bedroom
I have a cozy bed room at home. It is large.
The wall is white and yellow. There are dots on the
yellow wall. They are red.
There is a bed in my room. It is small. There
are two bedsides or drawers on the right and left
side. They are also small. There are two
bookshelves on the wall. They are yellow and
white. The curtains are green. On the corner of the
room, I put a flower pot.
I like spending my spare time in my
bedroom. I can read novels or study there. I love my
room very much.

41. Why does the writer write the text?

A. To persuade readers to visit her bedroom.
B. To promote the interiors of her bedroom.
C. To criticize the design of her bedroom.
D. To show her pride to her bedroom.

42. What does paragraph 3 talk about?

A. The size of the room.
B. The colour of the room.
C. The things in the room.
D. The activities done in the room.

43. Which of the following statement is TRUE about the bedroom?

A. There is a small bed in my room.
B. There are red dots on the white wall.
C. There are three bedsides or drawers in my room.
D. It is large and the colours of the wall are white and green.

44. I like spending my spare time in my bedroom. The word “spare” is closest in meaning
to ....
A. full
B. free
C. busy
D. hectic

45. The writer’s room is cozy ... she loves it very much.
The right conjunction to fill in the blank is ...
A. so
B. but
C. because
D. although

This text is for questions no 46 to 47.

You’ve got a friend
By Mc Fly


You just call out my name

And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a friend

If the sky above you

Should turn dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud, yeah
Soon I'll be knocking upon your door


46. What is the writer’s intention to write the lyric of the song?
A. Show her loyalty to her/his friends.
B. Persuade the readers to be her/his friends.
C. Tell her bad experience with her/his friends.
D. Inform the readers about her/his hard times with friends.

47. And that old north wind should begin to blow.

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. finish
B. start
C. stop
D. end

This text is for number 48 to 50.

The Best Day

By Taylor Swift

I'm thirteen now
And don't know how
My friends could be so mean
I come home crying
And you hold me tight
And grab the keys

And we drive and drive

Until we find a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop
'Till I forgotten all their names

48. Why does the writer write the lyrics?

A. Show her happiness to her friends.
B. Express her gratitude to her parents.
C. Describe her sadness with her parents.
D. Retell the sad story happened when she was a kid.

49. And we talk and window shop. The underlined word means ...
A. The activity of buying many new items at the store.
B. The intention of going to some stores where windows are sold.
C. The activity of looking the products at the store without buying them.
D. The intention of leaving the shop without telling the owner through a window.

50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the song?

A. When the singer was sad, her mother/father comforted her.
B. The singer’s mother/father drove her to another country.
C. The lyric shows the time when the singer was an adult.
D. The singer’s friends are kind at that time.



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