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no. 61 THE FORTNIGHTLY FOR CHILDREN - FROM THE HOUSE 0} AMAR CHITRA KAT! om THE SEASON Ss co ° Ring in the season BEST IN MUSIC © O {BK | \O0o,0 Of good cheer with DELIVERED AT YOUR BY his fabulous mai ‘7 t 2) Vo" order offer from DOORSTEP! | HiMv and IBH. Now, in the comfort of your home you | can sit back, relax and choose your kina of music from the exclusive selection of LPs listed below. The records will be sent to you by-VPP. Offer valid only in india C Morning and Evening © Raga Mallka— Please tick off selected LP sets Ragas—3 LP set 3 LP set alongside and mail coupon to Artistes: Ali Akbar Artistes: Bade HMV-1BH Festive Mail Khan, Ravi Shankar. Ghulam Ali Khan. India Book House Pvt Lid Pannalal Ghosh. Amir Khan, Bhimsen 12-H Dalamal Park CRaga Mood—3 LP set Joshi, Manik Verma, ||| 223 Cuffe Parade Artistes: Vilayat Khan, Nazakat Ali/Salamat Bombay 400 005 Imrat Hussain Khan, All, Abdul Karim Name Bismillah Khan Khan, Barkat Ali “ VG Jog. Khan, Begum Akhtar. Age ....... Occupation O Great Artistes-Great Address Melodies—3 LP set : Artistes : Shiv Kumar Sharma, Hari Prasad Chaurasia, Brijbhushan Kabra, Abdul Halim, Jaffar Khan, V G Jog Best entertainment; © 18H Publishers Pvt. Ltd, All rights reserved. June 20, 1984 Published by H.G. Mirchandani, for 18H Publishers Pvt. Ltd.. Mahalaxmi Chambers, 22, Bhutabhai Desai Road, Bombay-400 026 and printed by him at Usha Offset Printers Pvt. Ltd., 125 Government Industrial Estate. Kandivli (W), Bombay-400 067. Editor: Anant Pai Associate Editor: Nira Benegal Art Consultant: Ram Waeerkar Production: Maranna B. Shetty This story by Manoj Sharma won a Consolation Prize in the Tinkle Original Story Competition. The Good ‘| Fortune That Saturn Brought IN BIMALPURA VILLAGE ONE ORY, CHAUDHURI RAM SINGH WAS RELAXING, WHEN- NOTHING SERIOUS! pT A SPRAIN! |'LL Jus) SPRAIN! 1'L REST FOR A DAY OR TWO, ANP WILL BE WIFE! BRING THE ROOF TILES WE BOUGHT LAST WEEK! VLU REPAIR THIS LEAKING ROOF TODAY! ht T'LL DO IT MYSELF, SELF-HELP |S THE BEST HELP! ALL RIGHT, mt WAIT ANOTHER DAY. IT'S RAINING NOW. THE NEXT MORMING — UST YOU WATCH? li ee sal : Jif bm emt At ii IT 1S HIGH TIME | P'| (CONSULTED THE PANDITJI, y THINK MY STARS ARE : RESPONSIBLE FOR MY MISFORTUNES. er | | OF WoE— HMM... HMMe os SHOW ME YOUR PALM, BABU)! HMM... SEE... OH, MY LORD !.-+ out TTINKLE, | SEE DANGER... GREAT DANGER , BaBus!. YOU HAVE BEEN PASSING THROUGH THE SATURN PHASE FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS. DON’T WORRY, WHEN | SATURN DEPARTS, HE { WILL HEAP REWARDS — ON YOU. DO PUJA FOR FIVE SATURDAYS, AETER EXPLAINING EVERYTHING AND COLLECTING HIS: DAKSHINA*, THE PANDIT REST? RUBBISH! I’M FIT AS A FIDDLE. ILL PRAY FOR FIVE SATURDAYS.40U! ee == TOMORROW IS SATURDAY. GOOD! FLL START IMMEDIATELY. JUST WATCH. SATURN IS BOUND To HEAP RICHES ON ME. “GIET GIVEN TO A BRAHMIN 5 TINKLE aE eee SO THE NEXT SATURDAY — j Ls AUTTLE LATER— AT HOME — | WIFE... (UFR. = WIFE..(PUFP). ? ANTS! RED ANTS? THEY VE STUNG ME ALL OVER. LD TCH. +e TCH IF ONLY YOU'D STAY HOME QUIETLY, 1M SURE SATURN WOULD FOLLOW SUIT, T DON'T GIVE UP SO EASILY, DEAR WIFE, TODAY 17Lt IT?LL BE BOTH QUIET AND SAFE. GO TO THE RIVER, Sou} BABU! WHAT IS IT? CAN’T A MAN PEACE AND Quiet! E) Tinkte i OUR PALMS) 2:2... PALMYRA PALM THE PALMYRA PALM 3 TRULY AN INDIAN PALM FOR IT CAN BE FOUND IN MOST IEARTS OF THE COUNTRY — FROM THE UPPER GANGA TO KANYAKUMARI~ Wy TINKLE (TS FRUIT, CALLED TADGOLA} 18 COOL AND DELICIOUS. THE SAP OF THE TREE (NEERA)/S RICH IN MINERALS, SUGAR AND VITAMINS. /F THE SHP 15 COLLECTED AFTER SUNRISE, 17 GETS FERMENTED DUE 70 HEAT ao AND BECOMES AN INTOXICATING, FROTAY ORINK. THIS, WE CALL PALMYRA FRONDS ARE USED FOR \MAKING FANS, MATS, BASKETS AND UNBRELLAS, j, THIS SLENDER AND I, GRACEFUL PALM GROWS ALMOST STRAIGHT. IT HAS| A DEEP GREEN CROWN. THE CLIMATE, HUMID. 17 DOE: NOT GROW WILD KE THE | PALMGRA PALM. | (T HAS 70 BE CULTIVATED. THE TREE 1S MAINLE GROWN FOR ITS FRUIT KNOWN AS BETELNUT. \ ? (THIS BEAUTIFUL PALM CAN BE SEEN GROWING WILD IN MOST PARTS OF INDIA. THE TREE /S ATTRACTIVE BECAUSE OF /TS GREAT HANGING CLUSTERS OF FLOWERS AND FRUITS. THE ¢ cEAVES RESEMBLE FIGH-TRILS. FROM fi STORED UP IN THE 1;| SOFT CELLS OF THE | STEM. TODDY 1S ALGO EXTRACTED | Wann TMS TREE. YOU WOULON'T ENJOY |EATING THE DATES OF THIS TREE. THEY HAVE LARGE S7ONES AND A [OUGH SKIN AND LITTLE ELSe.% THE TREE 1S TAPPED "GOR SUGARY SAP FROM WHICH EITHER FERMENTED /AUOR OR SUGAR \ (6 PREPARED. ‘\ \ \ THIG PALM WHICH Ye YOU MAY HAVE SEEN IN CITY GARDENS IS MAINLY CULTIVATED FOR DECORATION. THIS ELEGANT AND STATELY (PALM WAS INTRODUCED \_ INTO INDIA PERHAPS A ENTURY OR TWO AGO. \UNLIKE OTHER FALMS, THE STEM OF THIG PALM US SMOOTH AND GREVISH WITH A BULGE WERE: vith TINKLE ENGIEED) tiiustrations: Dilip Kadam SUDDENLY — THE “TICKET KL EXAMINER! TWO MEN WERE TRAVELLING I A TRAIN. | Wl TICKET PLEASE! (9 Grea] a THE TICKET EXAMINER CHECKED THE TICKETS OF All| THE PEOPLE IN THE COMPARTMENT. KNOCKED ON 17. TINKLE THEN SEEING THE TOILET DOOR LOLKED, |WHEN THE TICKET EXAMINER HAD GONE] As AN THE TE THOUGHT {waa DON?T WE THERE WAS ONLY ONE PERSON IN THE TOILET, |TRICK ON OUR RETURN | WOURNEY? ite THe came \. THEY HAD ONLY ONE TICKET BETWEEN THEM... AND THEY [= GOT pes WITH A BY CHANCE, ON THE RETURN JOURNEY ALL FOUR MEN FOUND THEMSELVES IN THE SAME \COMPARTMENT, | SOME TIME AFTER THE TRAIN HAD PULLED, OUT — HERE! NOW WE'VE 7 TICKET, PLEASE. HERE. PVE AN IDEA. WAIT SSeS a Moshi asec on an idea sent by Tome Godinho. Panjim RRNKKKRKRWPRRENH Readers Write... WHVYOY: Oh, what are surprises! Sending chills down your spine. | enjoy your animal features and so does my mother. And Suppandi is the funniest man I've ever come across | Can't you publish longer stories about him ? Shiraz Zack, Gholnad They hold you in their power, Like the strongest-ever wine. Oh, what are surprises! | Keeping you in suspense. They hold you in that state, {ill the feeling is intense. ‘Oh, what are surprises! Like miracles of God. Making you believe in them, and the almighty Lord. Oh Lord! Bless every man — who believes in a surprise! Keep him in your protection, from sunset to sunrise! Soni A Manchanda, Ahmedabad One day our English teacher asked our class to write an essay on our favourite heroes or heroines. Everybody else wrote about cricket stars or film stars, but | wrote about Dog Detective Ranjha ! N.P. Harish Nanda, Madras REVISION IN PRICE Because of the rising cost of paper and printing and the increasing wage bill, we arc left with no alternative except to revise the price of Tinkle to Rs, 3.50 with effect from the issue dated July 5, 1984. We are sure readers will bear with’ us. - Editor ENTRY FORM NAME. ADDRESS ¥ STATE. PIN CUT HERE= Say it Yourself -12 Conductors reply: AND WIN A CASH PRIZE LV I YOURSELF WHAT DOES THE CONDUCTOR SAY? Mail your entry to: TINKLE Compatition Section, P. Bag No. 16541 Bombay 400026 OH HELLO, WENDY! WHERE ARE ¥0U OFF TO? FIRST PRIZ See PRIZE: Anjum H. Sheikh| | syipash Vib 11, Hill—Glade 7A, Pali Road, Bandra Bombay 400 050 75 First prize-Rs, 50/- @ Second prize + Rs. 25/- © Third prize - Rs. 15]- © 10 Consolation prizes of Rs. 10/- each THIRD PRIZE: isha Dhamija New Delhi Consolation Prizes of Rs. 10 each D. Bhagavantha Rao Decision of the judges A is final and binding, Names of the prize-winners will be announced in Saurabh Agrawal Tanuku New Delhi TINKLE No. 65. Shobha V. Raman Tushar Chandra No Aunty, | Villa Calcutta Bombay am going to a} | Entty form for N, Sujatha Narasimhan Anmol Bhate natket called |_| Sav it Yourself No.12 Rhecioa Bombay eee rs is given on page No. 18 Pritam M. Velingker Rahul Palkar purchase some Goa Bangalore knowledge. I. Shyamala Devi K.B. Somanna - - Last date for Anantapur Mangalore Sonyacmn| ‘owing entries: 10.7.1984 ; Anjum H. Sheikh TINKLE 16 Ganjifa (a Persian word) was the name given to playing cards in India in olden times. Playing cards and the games played with them probably came to India with the first Mughals who brought them from their ancestral homelands in Central Asia. Indian traditions, however, attribute them to a queen of Bengal who invented cards to break her husbanc’s habit of fiddling with his beard as cards would occupy both his hands and mind! Unlike modern-day playing cards, a Ganjifa set could have any number of cards from 96 to 360. They were more often round than rectangular and were made of various materials such as ivory, mother of pearl, paper, leather, starched cloth and fish scales. Since all the cards were hand-made and delicately painted, each pack was unique. Ganjifa cards are still made and used in certain areas of Orissa and neighbouring parts of Andhra Pradesh. TINKLE, COTTON AND GOLD THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Mlustrations: Abhilash Bhattacharya Readers’ Choice \ Based on a story sent by| 47 *) M. Pradyu,| => ONE DAY TO A MAN WENT TO THE MARKET Coimbatore TOWARDS EVENING — ON THE WAY WHAT ARE iN HOME — YOU DOING, } PURIFYING NOBODY © 3 WANTS MY = ie P MY GOLD COTTON, I7LL oe RETURN HOME. IN FIRE. S 4 MY COTTONe THATS ITYIF | DO THE SAME WITH se M4 COTTON TOO WILL BECOME PURE AND CLEAN { SO THE FOOL/SH MAN AURRIED HOME ANE PUT ALL HIS COTTON INTO THE FIRE... VF ® mie T TINKLE SURESH'S CAT wzizacc" FY Illustrations: Ashok Dongre Margao, Goa Ee COME ON NOW = JUMP IN WE'RE GOING FOR A LITTLE WALK! |SURESHS CAT WAS GETTING ON HIS NERVES. YOU ARE SO DISOBEDIENT AND NAUGHTY | I’LL HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOU! FAR AWAY FROM HOME = ALL RIGHT, GET OUT AND MAKE YOURSELF SCARCE! NOW TO GET BACK TO A PEACEFUL HOME! MEEEOW | OH! WHICH TURNING DO | TAKE? 1/M LOST: TT MUST BE GOING HEY | THERE’S HOME ++ I'LL FOLLOW THE CAT! : AND SOON SURESH STOOD IN FRONT OF HIS J OKAY, OKAY OWN HOUSE. | ASE E WE'LL HAVE TO YOu CRAZY CAT! TRY TO GET YOU BROUGHT ME, \ ALONG WITH HOME! EACH OTHER 19 TANCE Mlustrations : Ajit Vasaikar Bb ae a8 Orel Script: Vaijayanti Wagle THE AMAZON RIVER FLOWS THROUGH VERY THICK JUNGLE.| \THERE ISTHE CANNONBALL TREE, V7 /S SO DARK AND FORBIDDING THAT 17 /G ALMOST 7S FRUIT IS AS HARD AS IRON| WV TOUCHED BY MAN. STRANGE INGECTE, BIKES, PMMALS FALLS TO THE vA 7 & LOUD THUD! THE AMAZOMIAN VICTORIA LILY HAS HUGE| |THE ANACONDA 1S THE LARGEST SNAKE IN THE LEAVES THAT LOOK LIKE GIANT= SIZED | \WORLD; OFTEN GROWING 70 OVER 70 METRES. PLATES. /7 WRAPS ITSEL™ ROUND ITS VICTIM, Vaca oe IT AND THEN SWALLOWS /T | FINKLE 20 THE CAPYBARA /$ THE WORLD'S LARGEST RODENT, ALTHOUGH IT LOOKS: CIKE A FIRGT COUSIN OF THE PIG'S. IT CAN GROW UPTO 7% METRES AND WEIGHS ABOUT 73 KG. IT HAS ET AND /S A VERY GOOD SWIMMER. AND CARNIVOROUS ARMY ANTS CAN. TURN 8 CADAVER INTO A SKELETON WITHIN MINUTES. BECAUSE OF THE THICK VEGETATION VERY LARGE ANIMALS ARE RARE. G0 /T 19 THE INSECTS THAT RULE THE JUN OLE, ANTS ICROWD INTO EVERY AVAILAELE SPACE. FIRE) ANTS EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. LEAP = EATING SALINA ANTS CAN DESTROY GARDENS OVERNIGHT. ED THE BIRD-EATING SPIDER HASA THOUSINDS OF SPECIES OF BUTTERFLIES, 17%. CM. LEG SPAN. 17 RUNS AND LIT. THROUGH THE GLOOMY JUNGLE IN THEIR POUNCES ON TS PREYITS BITE IS FATAL 70 SMALL BIRDS AND INSECTS. GLITTERING COLOURS. THE RIVER WATERS ARE TEEMING WITH OVER 71800 VARIETIES OF FISH. THE DEROLT PIRANHA ARE TINY FISH THAT TRAVEL IN LARGE SCHOOLS. THEY CAN DEVOUR A MAN OR ANIMAL 70 THE BONE IN A MATTER OF MINUTES. AND THE AMAZON BASIN 1S THE HOME OF MORE THAN HALF OF THE 8 600 SPECIES OF THE BIRDS /N THE WORLD. TINKLE or This happened to m ’ This story has been sentto us by Vinay Dixit of Calcutta. My younger sister Reetu is very talkative and a gossip. A few days ago she boasted : “\ have seen lions and cheetahs many times at close quarters!” lasked her, “Are you telling the truth?” “Of course!” she replied. “Then tell me how big a lion is,” | said. She looked a bit nervous and then suddenly said, “Bhaiya, Mummy is calling me, | will tell you as soon as | return.” And she ran downstairs, shouting : “Coming, Mummy!” Actually,! could not hear anyone calling her. | became curious and followed her down the stairs and quietly peeped into the room where she had entered. What | saw made me burst into laughter. In that room there was a calendar on the wall with a picture of a lion on it. Reetu was standing on a stool and measuring the lion with a tape measure ! 23 (O10 NOON TINKLE THE PICNIC A BOY AND HIG PARENTS WERE ON A o PICNIC. BUT JUST AS THEY SETTLED Mustrations: DOWN TO EAT: Ram Waeerkar a story sent by = g_,| Suresh Poddar,| l = Darjeeling PLEASE RUN TO THE HOUSE AND GET ouR UMBRELLAS, OH-OH, IT?S CLOUDS HAVE VANISHED. HUNGRY, AREN’T G0U? HAVE A SANDWICH. TKNEW IT! | KNEW ITH V KNEW 4OU WOULD EAT THE FOOD WHILE'| WAS «GONE! f | WAS HIDING HERE AND WATCHING YOU ALL THE TIME! THE ADVENTURES OF Sree) SUPPANDI=9 — wrvstom,. | [esr LNBED A BOX OF MATCHES, SUPPANDI. TRIED ALL THE MATCHSTICKS ON THE ==> WAY HOME! YW THE MATCHBOX) Were YOU ARE, SUPPANDPIA ip. IT’S AVERY \ASRY RES! 268 5 ee TINKLE TWO FROGS eared newan at Py Hyderabad Illustrations: Ashok Dongre i \ [WHEN THEY WERE INSIDE — | WONDER WHAT ALL THESE BARRELS CONTAIN? THAT’S WHAT YOU THINK! CANT. STAND THIS SMELL! PM GETTING OUT! THERE'S NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. JUST KEEP SWIMMING AND) YOULL BE ALL IGHT. TINKLE 26 AGAIN AND AGAIN THE |FROG TRIED TO CLIMB OUT OF THE BARREL. T EACH TIME HE SOON HE LOST HEART AND eceeeal AND FELL, STOOD STit¢ - FINALLY — THE OTHER FROG KEPT THRASHING ABOUT THIS MILK IS. | MUST NOT GIVE BECOMING THICKER AND UP a EPORTS: THICKER... > = : ++ AND | IBY MORNING THE MILK HAD A THICK THICKER. j } 6 LAYER OF BUTTER ON THE TOR AND THE) FROG JUMPED OUT OF THE BARREL, VERY TIRED, BuT SAFE. Poe = TINKLE HOOL IR WAS ON A VISIT TO ANWAR*S SCHOOL. UKE SCHOOL? TELL WHY? SC A DAY! ANC AND 40U 2'DO YOU BECAUSE | GET A RIDE HOOL | Script: | Luis M. Fernandes illustrations: | V.B. Halbe THAT'S GOOD FOR US. THE MOON IS THE HUNTER'S: FRIEND. [ THERE’S ONY ONE \ WAY TO GET RID OF THOSE 7 THES Won't BOTHER US ANY MORE... HEH HEH. TO GET BACK TO WHAT | WAS SAYING... 7A MOONLIT NIGHT ISTHE BEST SORT OF (| NIGHT FOR HUNTING. YOU CAN SEE THE QNIMAL EVEN WHEN THES? RE COMING FROM THERE! TINKLE 30. FOUND SOMETHNG, UNCLE? INCLE ae YOU WERE RIGHT, \ >| [..We CAN RUN UNCLE... THE —} \. WITHOUT TRIPPING UP! ts S) A E lise PS wee 31 TINKLE “Muffy the Monkey’s great fun to make Swing ‘n’ stick with Fevicol That’s all he takes”—Fevi Fairy It's a neat trick. And it's quick. Alll you do is think and stick. Stick what? Anything at all. dust have a ball. Make a pencil stand, a basket .-even a doll. It's not messy at all. How can that be? With Fevicol. With Fevicol MR you could go on and on... and whatever you make, will last and last. Because Fevicol MR really Sticks to its job. You will need: ¢ tard cardboard Soft card © Velvet paper (black, blue, yellow) © Brown paper * Cotton or sponge @ White silk cord © Thin satin ribbon © Large metal ring (diameter 4”) 1. Cut 4eardboaed pieces for arms and legs, * Fevicol MR Adhesive ‘and a circle for face as shown. 8. Make a cone for | 2. cut out body (shape as shown) from hard | paper Stick ton velbet goes above hi nose. A the two. | cardboard. Stick cotton wool/sponge on | ofthe cone and stick yolow circle for tends of stip stick yellow paper for ears body, arms legs and face. and cover with | Muffy's nose. A black velvet pa Make eves from black velvet and white Back velvet paper. circles Mulfy’s mouth paper and stick on the stip, ~ Co 5. Stick body, legs, arms and face together 6. Cut out yellow fringes for skirisleeves | 7, Stick ribbon in loop behind left hand. Use as shown. Cut out blue velvet paper for | and collar The white silk cord makes a ribboa to stick ripg behind right foot. Stick feet, hands, shorts and apron. Stick them | pretty bow round his neck and waist. Stick TEBE brown paper on Mufly's back, as shown, along wrists, ankles and shoulders too. Chatter, chatter! Muffy the Monkey's all ready to swing with your napkins now! PAR” FEVICOL® ‘ Synthetic Adhesive When you do your best, you stick with the best. @ Both W.-K” and FEVICOL brand are the Registered Trade Marks of PIDILITE INOUSTRIES PVT. LTD... Bombay 400.021 Regd No. MH/BYW-216 Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers orincia _—_~Registration No. R.N. 37601/80 wy Lu PENTAGON LESSON AUNTY. WE || OH, POORTINAS. J HOPE ALUS || VERY ILL. DO CMON SHYAM, WELL WITH || COME AND CHEER TINA... HER UP! LETS FIND OUT WHY LITTLE TINA DIDN'T ATTEND SCHOOL, HETINAT , HOW COULD You, BUT, RAM, THE WHATEVER wal eee TINA P THESE ARE || SILVER STRIPES ARE. HAPPENED? = - . NoT REAL POPPINS} | | HERE AS IN POPPINS | IT'S VERY SAD. SOME IMITATORS. HAVE STARTED BUT, TINA. WHY DIDN'T RAM ANP SHYAM SHOW TINA THE NAME ON YOU LOOK FOR THE NAME | |_THE REAL POPPINS ROLL. PARLE IN A BLUE ‘SO NEXT TIME,| EN THE PARLE COPYING THE PENTAGON ?THEN, ALSO. | | REMEMBER. = IN ABLUE SILVER STRIPES TOO! | SPELLOUT P-0-P-P--N'S?| |FirsrcHece P= rAGON—TO SSS | THE SILVER MAKE DOUBLY GET WELL SOON- ‘AND your WE PROMISE YOU MORE || FAVOURITE SweETS-| OF YOUR FAVOURITE THE REAL POPPINS! | | [Mickey MOUSE COMICS... yaa | SX fy Seiddlvaseiene LICKABLE © LIKEABLE * LOVABI

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