Dark Field Illumination

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Dark-field microscopy

Microscopy: technical field uses microscopes to view an object or area that can’t be seen by naked eyes

bright field microscope: Most organic specimens are often transparent, so we

need a staining material to make them visible under the bright field
dark field microscope is a kind of microscope that lets its user observe
specimens under a completely dark background. The specimen will appear
brightly lit against its contrasting dark field. It is best used to illuminate
unstained specimens with similar refractive values to that of the background
 Among the specimens you can view under the dark field microscope are:
aquatic organisms like algae and planktons, live bacteria, insects, yeast, hairs,
and many more. Researchers prefer using dark field microscopy when they
want to examine the external details of their specimens. When we say
“external details,” this includes the outlines, boundaries, edges, or surface
defects of the specimen

1. When you view a particular specimen under a bright field

microscope, you will observe that the specimen is dark while its
background is bright; hence the name bright field microscope.

2. On the other hand, when you view a particular specimen under a

dark field microscope, you will observe that the specimen is bright
while its background is dark; hence the name dark field

3. Specimens which are transparent are often stained and observed under
a bright field microscope. Specimens which absorb little or no light are
kept unstained and observed under a dark field microscope.


Cost 66mm: 20 000kc

81mm: 26 000kc


Material Type S
-Extremely high wear resistance
-Excellent high slide property


- https://www.thorlabs.com/navigation.cfm?guide_id=2065

- https://www.thorlabs.com/newgrouppage9.cfm?objectgroup_id=209&pn=AP180/M

- Đưa ra giải pháp
ban đầu: +Turn table liền+ aluminum
+ tiếp xúc bằng mặt ( stable?)
sau: +sử dụng Post có sẵn, dễ dàng khi lắp lên breadboard
+ tách turn table thành 2 part
- + Txuc bevel edge( more stable??), k làm nguy hại đến mặt kính, tăng độ dài đường tiếp xúc
⇒ tăng khả năng lắp lẫn( nhận thấy 2 đường kính xấp xỉ nhau có thể dùng chung 1 mẫu khuôn)

Transparent Material
(Plexiglass=mica=Acrylic) https://www.plexi.cz/



The contrast between the defective region and the normal region is very low


Door acessories supply https://www.elesa-ganter.com/en

Pack and go https://meslab.org/threads/nhung-cau-hoi-ve-inventor.10241/page-11

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