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(OPEN TILL DEC. 31, 1983) Choose any 12 back issues of from No. 1 to No. 40 (English), No. 1 to No. 31 (Hindi) and No. 1 to No. 22 (Telugu) and carry home a beautiful Plastic Satchel (priced Rs. 3) and Leo Toys Flying Disc (priced Rs. 16) INDIA BOOK HOUSE ‘© 22, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Bombay 400 026 © Humayun Court, 20-A, Lindsay Street, Calcutta 700 016 © Rayala Building, 1-156 Ar Gandhi Nagar, Bang: syanguda, Hyderabad 500 029 001 @ Mahatma Gandhi Road, Trivandrum 695 001 @ S.C.0. No. 68-70 Sector 17-C, Chandigarh 180 017@19-A, Ansari Road, New Delhi~2 iH Availaisle only from : 5th Main Road, Add Rs. 5 extra for delivery by post. Since the quantity is Rs. 40 postpaid. SendM.O./Draft limited please select at (No. V.P.P.) Postal enquiries to : least 16 issues to IBH PUBLISHERS PVT. LTD. guarantee the supply — Mahalaxmi Chambers, 22, Bhulabhai Desai Road, [of 12 issues. Bombay 400 026. @ IBH Publishers Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. November 5, 1983 ~ Published by H.G. Mirchandani, tor IBH Publishers Pvt, Ltd.. Mahalaxmi Chambers, 22, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Bombay-400 026 and printed by him at IBH Printers, Marol Naka, Mathuradas Vissanji Road, Andheri (East), Bombay-400 059. Editor: Anant Pai — Associate Editors: Nira Benegal e Luis M. Fernandes Production: Maranna B. Shetty &, ONE EVENING, AS A MAN WAS CROSSING & MUNGLE —| ies aa | JEWELLERY | Illustrations: Ashok Bongre * | Based on a | story sent by |Ashim Baruah,| 1 Tezpur ¢ ae 1 es A HAND OVER, a): your BAG! yi AN aS Gf H pe ' fai 4 NOW, LET’S SEE WHAT'S INTHE 2 wey BAG. a 'T’S DANGEROUS TO WALK AROUND WITH SUCH A TREASURE AT NIGHT. BUT THE NEXT MORNING, THE Tool TAPPER WHO HAD HUNG UP THE DY — | |\++» AND WHEN HE TOOK DOWN THE PITCHER! ER ov ee 7 ARRIVED BEFORE THE THIEF ++ PitcHt eg Pe ed = TINKLE 2 [irs Fasr-.. (PUFF): BUT PLL CATCH IT 2] fe, (T’S ESCAPING IN MY OWN | BOAT! +--AND WITH MG | SEWELLERYE 11:BUT THE BOAT CONTINUED 70 DRIFT DOWNSTREAM. i = BY z fy MERNWHILE, THE (AN | WHO HAD BEEN ROBEED WAS WANDERING AROUND IN DESPAIR. PLL REST HERE AWHILE AND THEN GO HOME AND TELL SU Eel THEM WHAT | ALL THE JEWELLERY | HAD} HAPPENED. BOUGHT FOR MY DAUGHTER'S MARRIAGE | 1S GONE. WHAT WILL pe MY WIFE SAY? 26g 1T’S DRIFTING THIS WAY... PERHAPS | COULD CATCH SOME FISH FOR DINNER! TINKLE EH! THIS LOOKS LIKE MY BAG! IT IST ALL MY JEWELLERY IS HERE! a =D) MY DAUGHTER CAN GET MARRIED AFTER ALL! TINKLE MEET THE CHICKEN | script and tiustrations : Pradeep Sathe WHEN YOL! GOTO A SHOP TO BUY EG6S, YOU FIND TWO HEAPS OF THEM. ONE HEAP 18 CALLED OES)? THE OTHER ONE ENGL/SH? DESI'MEANS NATIVE OR LOCAL. ‘DES!’ EGGS ARE EGGS 4AID BY DESICLOCALD HENS. THE SO-CALLED ENGLISH EGGS ARE | EGGS LAID BYA SPECIAL BREED OF | CHICKENS CALLED ‘WAITE LEGHORNS: TH/S BREED /S VERY POPULAR IN POULTRIES OF OUR COUNTRY. THE WHITE LEGHORN 18 ORIGINALLY FROM /TALY. NOW LET?S TEKE A LOOK AT OTHER BREEDS OF CHICKENS WHICH ARE EQUALLY POPULAR IN POLLTRIES. Rhode Island Red Black Minorka Cochin TINKLE 8UT THE ANCESTOR OF ALL THESE BREEDS WAS THE INDIAN JUNGLE FOWL, THIS B/D WAS FURST TAMED iN INDIA MANY CENTURIES AGO, AROUND BE 2000 8.6. Ga THE JUNGLE FOWL 16 STILL FOUND IN OUR JUNGLES. THEY LIVE IN SMALL FAMIL?- FLOCKS: A ROOSTER AND Z 707 HENS. EACH FAMLY HAS ITS OWN TERRITORY. THE ROOSTER CROWS TO WARN OTHER iB ROOSTERS TO KEEP AWAY FROM AIS TERRITORY AND HIS HENS. HE ATTACKS A ANY ROOSTER THAT DARES 7 ENTER A/S TERRITORY, AND THEY FIGHT FEROCIOUSLY, SOMETIMES TO THE AND THE HENS GO WITH THE VICTOR. JUNGLE FOWLS HAVE SMALL, ROUND WINGS. THEY CAN FLY FOR A SHORT DISTANCE BY BEATING THEIR WINGS RAPIDLY. THEY SPEND MOST OF THEIR TIME ON THE GROUND SEARCHING FOR FOOD. THEY FEED ON LEAVES, ROOTS, SEEDS, EARTHWORMS, INSECTS THEY DON?T HAVE ANY THE ROOSTER THE CHICKS CAN’T PARTICULAR BREEDING TAKES NO PART FLY OR RUN FAST. SEASON. HENS BUILD SIMPLE EITHER (IN TAKING CARE OF NESTS ON THE GROUND, LAY HATCHING ORIN THEM IS NOT AN. 77010 EGGS AND = PARENTAL EASY JOB, PARES HATCH CARE. SINCE THE TINKLE JUNGLE FOWL HAS MANY ENEMIES, THOUGH THE BIRD HAS BEEN TAMED FOR CENTURIES, /7 HAS NOT FORGOTTEN SOME OF THE HABITS OF ITS ANCESTORS. THE ROOSTER S7/LL CROWS. THOUGH IN A POULTRY FARM HE HAS NO TERRITORY OF HIS OWN. WM FA BUT THEY HAVE CHANGED IN IF THE POULTRY OWNERS WANT TO SOME WAYS. HATCH THE EGGS THEY DO SOIN WHITE LEGHORN HENS, FOR EXAMPLE, ELECTRICAL INCLIBATORS. HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW 70 HATCH EGGS. AND THEY JUST KEEP LAYING EGGS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR: CABOUT BLO EGGS A YEAR). THAT /8 WHY THIS BREED /S POPULAR. JBADOZEN HENS,NEW TO EACH OTHER, EVER AFTERWARDS, HEN THE ROOSTER ON THE ARE PUT TOGETHER THEY WILL START NO.ACTHE STRONGEST HEN) OTHER HAND, CAN PECK FIGHTING. AFTER SOME TIME THEY COME CAN PECK ALL THE OTHER ANY HEN INTHE YARD. TO KNOW WHO/S THE STRONGEST HEN, HENS,BUT THE OTHER HENS AND THE NEXT STRONGEST AND 80 CAN'T PECK HER. HEN NO.2 ON. AY CAN PECK ALL OTHER HENS EXCEPT NO.4.HEN NOS CAN PECK ALL HENS = EXCEPT HENS NOS.2 AND2. IN THIS WAY 8 PECKING ORDER IS ESTABLISHED. HEN NO. 12 18 THE WEAKEST Ni HEN: EVERYONE CAN PECK HER, AND SHE CAN’T PECK BACK. THESE TWO ARE NOT POULTRY Sikes! (THE YAROHAMA rHe assi. (FROM THE FAR EASIY//P \THIS BREED /S | SPECIALLY THIS 1S A SHOW- | RAISED FOR BIRD. THE ROOSTE FIGHTING. HAG VERY LONG | COCK FIGHTING TALL - FEATHERS, wy |/S A COMMON iy SPORT IN MANY SMETRES. | FARTS OF INDIA. | MORE THAN | | \. Illustrations: Ashok Dongre Upendra Singh, Manipur IN THE COURT OF THE CALIPH OF BAGHDAD — Da you KNOW WHOM AMONG US THE CALIPH LOVES THE MOST? a ay The Most Precious Pearl & Be Sree ycaut Qy WHY ARE YOU “{ SO FOND OF THAT DWARF, 0 CALIPH? HE [S FAITHFUL! LISTEN TO WHAT HAPPENED ONCE, MANY YEARS THE STREETS OF BASRA...“ |"Ouke CARAVAN WAS TRAVELLING THROUGH “see WHEN SUDDENLY A CAMEL SLIPPED AND CAINE DOWN IN A HEAP, PRECIOUS PEARLS FROM A CASKET 17 WAS CARRYING WERE STREWN Atl OVER...” TINKLE “ss THEY SCRAMBLED TO LOOK FOR THE PRECIOUS PEARLS — ALL BUT Ones” WHY ARE 4OU STILL HERE, AND NOT WITH THE REST, 4 PICKING PEARLS? 6” 4 “7 TURNED TO MY BODY-GUARDS..."” GO AND Pick UP THE PEARLS, WHATEVER YOu \ GATHER, you MAY KEEP. if | SHALL STAY TO PROTECT YOU WHILE THE OTHERS ARE Busy, MY LORD, TO ME 4OU ARE THE MOST PRECIOUS PEARL. ow OUR PRIDE IS SWEPT AWAY EXCELLENCY f WE HAD NOT REALISE » HIS WORTH. 3 We gota record number of entries for this competi- tion. But almost all the entries mentioned that the tree was knocked down by the elephant, making a bridge which allowed the man to get down on the other side and escape. Buta tew were different fo three of the most original, C/o P.N. Jagannathan No.5, Ayavoo Street we have given prizes. ae THE CHASE Consolation Prizes: The prize-winning entry: consolation prize of Rs. 25/- a 7 each has been awarded to The man, whose name was Hira Lal, did not ‘Aniruiddha A. joshi know that the elephant was running away from atiger. The elephant dashed blindly against the earn tree and fell down, stunned. At the same time, a Hira Lal who was on top of the tree, was knocked down. Falling, he landed on the back of the tiger which was chasing the elephant. The surprised tiger, not knowing what was on top ofit, jumped across the gap. in fear, it kept running with Hira Lal clinging on to it. It passed through a village and all the villagers stared in wonder at this strange sight of aman riding on the back of a tiger. Outside the village, the tiger gat rid of its burden and ran away. The dazed Hira Lal walked back to the village, where everyone greeted him as a hero. Hira Lal's name was changed ae) o ‘of Bombay My young friends, Once a vi lige was facing a severe drought. The farmers went to an astrologer. “When will it rain?” they asked. “Not for three years,” he replied. Many farmers, disheartened by this news, packed their belongings and left the village. But one farmer, who was very % attached to his land, refused to go. Instead, he went about his usual routine and began to sow seeds on his fields. A passing cloud saw this and shouted down to the farmer: “Why do you waste your enérgy? it won't rain for three years!” “If do not sow seeds and till my land for three years, | may forget how to do these things,” the farmer shouted back. Hearing these words the cloud thought to itself: “If| do not shower rain for three years, | may also forget how to do so! I'd better start working right now.” So the cloud began to shower rain and other clouds who saw this, came along to help. The ‘ farmer Continued to work on his . land and soon the villagers who 8 had left in despair, returned to e4% the village. f Affectionately yours, Ss ga SS Wf, TINKLE ng TINKLE SUBSCRIPTIONS : All new subscriptions and renewals of the old ones are accepted at : PARTHA BOOKS DIVISION Nav Prabhat Chambers, Ranade Road, Dadar, Bombay 400 028. The annual subscription rate for 24 issues is Rs. 72/- per year (add Rs. 5/- on outstation cheques). Drafts/cheques/M.O. should be in favour of PARTHA BOOKS DIVISION. To Our Readers Readers’ Choice: * Please send only folktales you have heard and not those you have read in books, magazines or textbooks. Rs. 25/- will be paid for every accepted contribution. + Send a self-addressed stamped envelope if you want the story to be returned. * Please do not send photographs until asked jor. This happened to me: Readers’ Contributions should be addressed to Editor, TINKLE, Mahalaxmi Chambers (Basement), 22 Bhulabhai Desai Road, Bombay 400 026. You can write on your own strange, thrilling or amusing experience or adventure. As, 15)- will | be paid for every accepted contribution leaders Write... 1, Mail your entry to : Tinkle Competition Section, P. Bag No, 16541. Bombay 400 026 Mcoshiie: + NE Seat pant, 400 026. u ; ;ag No. Bombay Bs, 107, will b paid for every original idea 2. Please give your address in your letters, if you : want a reply. TINKLE TRICKS AND TREATS 2. The first 40 all-correct entries will each receive a “3. The next 350 all-correct entries received by ‘__win a copy of the AMAR INDIA WALL PAPER NO. 20’. LEO Scrambler costing Rs. 29/- from M/s. Blow Plast 'Ltd., P.O. Box No. 9145, Bombay 25 us will each Je CUT HERE@ = == == eee eee eee ee eee eee eee ENTRY FORM MY SOLUTIONS NAME :: Ae ee eee ADDRESS : B Kasruddin Hodja HODJA, WHICH IS\) 4 MORE USEFUL— KA THE SUN OR THE MOON? Ifyou don’t mind, | wish to complain about TINKLENo. 38.’The Naughty Smile” wasavery silly story. |hope youwon’t publish stories like this again; otherwise | will be very angry. ‘Melvin Krupakar Hyderabad InTINKLE No. 39 you have told us how to take care of cats. But | havea dog! So please publish a feature on how to take care of dogs. Meena Bombay Lam very fond of Nasruddin Hodja, but I'm disappointed at not finding him in recent issues of TINKLE. Hashe takenavacation orhas he been retired? | hope the former so that he will reappear soon. Manish Pandeya Jamshedpur THE MOON. WE DON’T NEED THE} SUN’S LIGHT DURING THE. DAY 7..BUT WE CERTAINLY NEED THE MOON'S LIGHT AT NIGHT? Why: dontyel publish a super poster of Kalia, Doob-doob, Chamataka and Babloo? i Baroowa Golaghat ‘min the Vith standard and your feature on the Moon has helped me a lotin my General Science class. ¥ Dinesh Parab Bombay Iwas astonished to see the feature on the Moon ~ Our Strange TINKLE No. 38.1 showed it to my parents and friends and they were excited to read it. In fact everyone was thrilled with the feature. So thank you very much. < A.Guru Prasad Udupi I wish I had a “magic pot” (TINKLE No.39) so that | could sit all day and produce thousands of TINKLE magazines and distribute them to all my friends! ; Vijay Hattiholi Dhanwar. (1am so pleased with your reply that | have sent you ten back issues free. Give them away! — Editor) TINKLE What's the major mistake in this picture? TINKLE TRICKS & TREATS ENTRY FORM for TTT-36 | given on page No. 14 SOLUTIONS OF TIT NO. 35 B—The boy‘s shirt has one long sleeve : and one short sleeve. A-No.4, The Canadian flag ¢ pc, The boy is puzzled by the markings on the crates. Can you tell him what the markings(the arrows, the umbrelia and the broken glass) stand for? DODDS IGSS You will need: 1. An old tin—cleaned 3. Glue COLOURFUL DUSTBIN 2. Stripe of colourful ioe cloth or paper Method: . Keep the tin upright on the paper or cloth and cut a round shape to fit the bottom. Wrap the fabric-round the tin to see how much you should cut. Unwrap the fabric from the tin and cut the length you require. |. Glue the fabric round the tin. e. Glue the round shape you have cut out from the fabric to the bottom of the tin. . Cut out pictures of flowers from old greeting cards and stick them on the tin. . Glue lace neatly all around the rim. Your dustbin is now ready for use! Based ona story READERS’ sent by| Fe = CHOICE FOR’ You nn THE MONKEY’S DANCE Illustrations: V.B. Halbe Asharam Apoom, Shillong ’ Cla ONCE IN A FOREST— " HeY FRIEND, WaIT! PLL THROW Vd yousome a HE'S ONLY THROWING ME JHE PEELS. 7 P SG, OH, THAT WOULD BE LOVELY! CATCH! A REAL Juicy ONE! CALLING ME NAMES, ARE you! TINKLE HEY, FRIEND! THAT'S A NICE BUGLE YOU'VE Gor! AFTER ALL, AREN'T WE OLD PLL LEND ir TO _40U But DANCE FOR ME YES... GET UP ON THAT TREE AND DANCE , / TINKLE TAL THAT’S A FUNNY DANCE ! BUT } MUST GO NOW...TA d 2b, \v A ‘anll © f oon et ! ry A AS YOU CAN SEE SEVERAL STARS IN THE SKY) AT NIGHT 1 aaa HE SUN Script: J.D. Isloor Illustrations: Anand Mande 10 BUT IN THE DAYTIME, THE ONL7 STAR YOU CAN SEE IS THE SUN. JF THE SUN IS A STAR WHY DOESN'T IT LOOK LIKE OTHER STARS! WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE A HUGE RED BALL? THE SUN LOOKS DIFFERENT FROM OTHER STARS BECAUSE IT IS MILLIONS OF TIMES CLOSER TO EARTH THAN ANY OTHER STAR. JF OUR SUN WERE AS FAR AWAY AS THE OTHER STARS; /T~ T00,WOULD HAVE APPEARED TO US AS A TWINKLING SPECK IN THE SKY. a na STAR 1S PROXIMA CENTAURI, TINKLE IF THE RAJDHANI EXPRESS WERE TO TRAVEL NON-STOP AT A SPEED OF 120 KM. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN| BOMBAY ANP PELHI, JF IT WERE POSSIBLE TO LAY. TRACKS BETWEEN THE EARTH AND THE HEAVENLY] BODIES, THE SAME TRAIN TRAVELLING AT THE SAME SPEED WOULD TAKE Al, MONTHS TO REACH THE MOON. + 4NP ABOUT 140 YEARS} TO REACH THE SUN... | SO YOU CAN SEE | AOW FAR THE SUN see AND POO Oe 000 YEARS TO RE: PROXIMA Cen auen 1S AND HOW MUCH FURTHER THE NEXT NEAREST STAR 1S. - LIKE ALL OTHER STARS THE SUN 700,15 A BALL THERE ARE SEVERAL STARS BIGGER THAN OUR SUN, BUT COMPARED TO THE EARTH, THE SUN HAS A VERY GREAT S/ZE./T WOULD TAKE OVER 4 MILLION EARTHS TO FILL THE SPACE OCCUPIED BY THE SUN. Ex} TINKLE THE SUN IS THE SOURCE OF ALL ENERGY ON EARTH. THE ENERGY FROM THE SUN CAUSES THE WINDS... +e THE WAVES AND CURRENTS OF THE OCEANS... we CLOUDS ANP RAIN AND Snow, HOW THE TITEERI TOOK TO WATER Mlustrations: M. Mohandas THE TITEER! WAS ONCE A LAND BIRD. WHENEVER SHE FLEW HIGH IN THE SKY, YOU COULD HEAR HER LOUD SHRIEKING CRY ~ TTTREEEYA..1 TTREEYAL | AM SAD BECAUSE | KNOW THAT THE SkY WILL FALL ON ME SOME pay! POOR TITEER! REALLY BELIEVED THAT ONE DAY THE SKY WOULD FALL — AND ON HER. OH, TITEERI, WHY ARE YOU LYING ON YOUR BACK LIKE THAT Z EVER FALLEN? THE Sky CAN NEVER FALL. Based ona story sent by) *" Aditya Vij, New Dethi OH, TITEERI! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SEEM SO HEARTBROKEN? BUT | KNOW IT WILL FALL we ++ (S0B)...(S08).. THE SKY WILL COME CRASHING DOWN ANY MOMENT, | MUST BE READY 70 HOLD IT UP WITH MY FEET OR ELSE (LL BE CRUSHED, UNDER IT! <=. THE REST WILL SURELY FOLLOW | WHAT? 15 IT TRUE 1 Is THE SKY REALLY FALLING? TINKLE I(T WAS ONLY A PIECE ie BLUE CLOTH BLOWN UP BY THE WINE IT'S THE SKY! THE SKY HAS BEGUN To FALL! THIS MUST BE ONE OF THE PIECES... ITTREEEYA!! TTREEYA!! THE SKY IS FALLING! THE sky 15 FALLING} CAN'T You SEE? IT OF COURSE THE SKY DID NOT FALL, POOR HAS CRACKED AND TITEER! WAS RELIEVED. BUT ONE DAY — A PIECE HAS FALLEN OUT, TTREEYA! TTREEYAL TITEER/ DID NOT KNOW THAT THE MOON WAS /NV ECLIPSE. AND NOW IT WILL POOR TITEERI! BE THE TURN OF WE REALLY MUST DO) THE Sky SOMETHING TO RID HER OF THIS FEAR. THEY ALL THOUGHT HARD. AND HIT UPON AN EXCELLENT PLAN. THE NEXT EVENING, Ree TITEER! TO A CLEAR WATER SEE TITEER!, HERE INSIDE THIS LAKE IS THE SKY. WE HAYE BROUGHT IT DOWN FOR YOU. NOW IT CAN Zp NEVER FALL ON you! Kv WHY! YoU ARE NOW | NEED NEVER RIGHT! THE Sky BE AFRAID AGAIN. 15 ALL DOWN HERE! 1 CAN SEE THE cLoups! SINCE THEN, THE TITEERIES OF THIS WORLD HAVE BECOME WATER BIRDS, HAPPY AND GAY, GAZING INTO THE WATER AT THE SKY THAT CAN NEVER FALL ON THEM: IMlustrations: Ram Weeerkar MISERLY WIT READERS’ CHOICE Based on a story sent by Reema Kasti, Digboi THREE FRIENDS WERE RETURNING HOME ONE EVENING. A. LOT OF MONEY TODAY! WE MADE QUITE ) YES! WHAT /WILL YOU DO WITH YOURS?) | WELL,IT 1S GOD WHO HAS GIVEN US THIS MONEY, iso VM GOING TO KEEP A QUARTER AND GIVE ¢ THE REST N TO THE TEMPLE. PM GOING: TO KEEP HALE AND GIVE THE OTHER HALF PUL TIE UP ALL THE MONEY IN A PIECE OF CLOTH AND 4, THROW IT UR.. a) GOD WILL TAKE AS MUCH AS HE WANTS AND WHATEVER FALLS BACK DOWN... | | | THE CROW, a nomena 2 WHAT AN HONOUR! THE Eh { nee fee ss FLOWERS Of ae NN | y Va im sue) »y Ss PM GLAD | DID'NT SAY ANYTHING THE FIRST TWO THOSE LEAVES WERE FOR ME. But | WON?T SAY ANYTHING. s D os TINKLE OH» YESP LET’S WALK PM SURE THAT ROTTEN MANGO, was FOR 40uU, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! THAT FRUIT] WAS THE ONLY THING WHICH WAS. REALLY FOR YOu! Newyrine WP ys \ "asp S| = > 2 SEE}... NOTHING! 1 TOLD YOU THOSE LEAVES AND. FLOWERS WERE FOR | HOPE NO ROTTEN DROP SOME LEAVES ON ME! PLEASE DROP SOME LEAVES ON ME? NO FLOWERS boos DodB?, - DEAR TREE, PLEASE DROP SOME FLOWERS INDIA BOOK HOUSE will soon release a New Comic Series of The comic duo with their i equally comic bunglings! Also featuring : THE LOVE RANGER, BATMAN, SUPERMAN AND AMITABH BACHCHAN IN BOMBAY AND CALCUTTA !! To celebrate TINKLE’s third birthday, we will be showing two films, one each in Bombay and Calcutta. Bombay (on 20.11.83): y Naani Maa (Hindi—about a treasure hunt involving a king, a magician and Naani Maa.) Calcutta(on 14.11.83): Zangbo arid Zing Zing Bar (Hindi — about the adventures of aboy from the Himalayas and his dog.) Those interested are requested to collect passes from the following offices against the coupon given below. The number of passes are limited. They will be issued strictly on the basis of first come, first served. For Bombay: IBH Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Mahalaxmi Chambers 22, Bhulabhai Desai Road Bombay 400 026 For Calcutta: India Book House Humayun Court 2 20-A Lindsay Street,Calcutta 700 087.“ ¢ x a _-* e oe ie Regd No. MH/BYW-216 Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for india, __—Ragistration No. LN. 37601/80 Jeevan and Hanu look forward to COMMUNICATIONS TO COME Laser is so versatile that it can also be used in delicate eye ‘operations. The military uses laser as an accurate and powerful weapon. In heavy industry laser is used for cutting metals. A laser beam can slice through steel as easily as a knife cuts through butter! In the future, everyone may be able to talk to anyone else on earth by using a personal portable transceiver. It will connect with any other transceiver through hundreds of satellites that will orbit the earth. Every country and individual will have an identifi- cation number. And these millions of figures will be stored in fingernail-size computers which will,serve as directories! After 1988, phone calls across the Atlantic will probably be made by using laser pulses guided through glass fibres. Laser (very intense and concentrated light] can conduct more information than electric currents or radio waves. In fact, the glass fibres will carry 560,000,000 ‘bits’ of information every second: permitting 40,000 simultaneous phone conversations! Pictures too can be simulta- neously broadcast through 100 million TV channels using visible light instead of radio waves. * merges these colours into 2 narrow beam of a certain colour) “mix’ which actually changes thousands of timesevery second! Here’s how laser canbe used —_This narrow beam moves over inside 2 TV receiver to project _the screen at incredible speed, images. A laser gun sends an painting’ the whole image. At intense beam of white light such high speeds, it lcoks as through a prism. The beam though the whole screen is splits into three colours: red, continuously lit. . .with blue and green. Another prism beautiful, crystal-clear image, Life Insurance is the safest surest way to protect your future. Find out about it. y t Gi GD FS aconce Prats ae) - = Corporation 1863 WORLD COMMUNICATIONS YEAR dacunha/LIC/144/83

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