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Book 1 – Agamemnon refused to give back Chryseis to his father – a priest. Chryseis father then prayed
to Apollo and Apollo brought pestilence to the Greek army. Achilles tried to convince
Agamemnon to give up Chryseis but he still refused and Achilles got pissed off to the point that
Athena needs to hold Achilles down. After some convincing from Achilles, Agamemnon gave
Chryseis back but in exchange for Achilles’ own lady – Briseis. Achilles gave her up but he
sulked in his room and asked his mother – Thetis – to talk to Zeus to help the Trojans against

Book 2 – Zeus agreed to help the Trojans. He came out from Agamemnon’s dream and told him to
charge through at full strength. He also came to Hector’s dream and told him to prepare for the
incoming fight.

Book 3 – Menelaus (Husband of Helen) challenged Paris (Prince of Troy) to a duel and almost won until
Aphrodite aids Paris to escape. Menelaus was pissed that he didn’t get to kill Paris. Aphrodite
put Paris to Helen’s chamber. Helen and Aphrodite have a love-hate dynamic.

(Aphrodite was promised a golden apple and Paris is promised the most beautiful woman in
exchange. The golden apple was crafted by Eris who was pissed for not getting invited to a
wedding. Paris gave Aphrodite the golden apple and she gave Helen to Paris in exchange.)

Book 4 – The Greek gods decided to throw log to the existing fire. They decided that war is more
entertaining than creating peace. Athena flew down and convinced a Trojan archer to fire at
Menelaus but it bounced off his armor. The truce between the Trojan people and the army of
Menelaus was done.

Book 5 – Diomedes was a Greek hero that fights through the Trojan army like a butter. Athena saw Ares
and Aphrodite helping the Trojan army. Athena then gave Diomedes a powerful eye that lets
him see who’s God and who’s mortal. Athena warned Diomedes to lay off the Gods as he is far
from their strength except for Aphrodite. Aphrodite tries to save injured Aeneas but Diomedes
saw this and wounded Aphrodite, making her flee from the battlefield to Olympus. Apollo
then grabbed Aeneas but Diomedes interfered. Apollo warned Diomedes that he couldn’t take
him alone. Diomedes agreed but Athena convinced him again to fight Ares and he pushed a
blade through Ares making him flee from the battlefield as well. Ares comes to Olympus and
told his father, Zeus what happened.

Book 6 – Hector told his people to pray to Athena to stop Diomedes from tearing up their forces but
Athena didn’t listen.

Book 7 – Apollo convinced Athena to calm down on helping Diomedes to make the war last. The Greek
Gods puts up a lottery to fight a duel against Hector. The Greater Ajax was chosen and they
fought until nightfall and they decided to call it a day.

Book 8 – The tide of battle turns. Trojans start winning and the Greeks are losing.

Book 9 – Agamemnon is baffled in relation to their losses. He tried to convince his forces to go home but
Diomedes got angry after Agamemnon calling them cowards. He then changed his mind and
tried another way. He wants to convince Achilles (Their greatest war asset) to fight alongside
them. He sent Ajax, Odysseus, and Patroclus to talk to Achilles. Achilles refused to fight and
told Ajax and Odysseus that he will sail home tomorrow and nothing can stop him unless
something bad happen to Patroclus (FORESHADOWING).

Book 10 – Agamemnon gather his greatest warriors and planned an infiltration. Diomedes and Odysseus
were assigned to the task. Hector of Troy also had the same idea and assigned a warrior to
observe Greek ships. The Trojan spy was captured by Diomedes and Odysseus and
interrogated him. Using the intelligence they gathered, Odysseus and Diomedes stole a
chariot and an armor to the Trojan King from the Trojan Camp.

Book 11 – A guy was wounded and died in the battle to which Achilles is interested in. He asked
Patroclus to know who that is but the guy who took care of the body told Patroclus that death
would decrease if Achilles helped.

Book 12 – Zeus favored the Trojan warriors and made the Greek army run back to their ships.

Book 13 – Poseidon decided to help the Greeks by giving some stat boosts to the two Ajax and they start
winning again.

Book 14 – Hera distracts Zeus from buffing the Trojan army and nerfing the Greeks and in doing so, the
Greeks started to win again.

Book 15 – Zeus woke up and learned that the Trojan army is getting defeated and got mad. Ares then
sees that his son died in the battlefield and wants to use that as an excuse to fight at the war
again but Athena talked Ares out of this idea. She told Ares that Zeus is mad enough and if he
knows about the death of the son of Ares, he might lose it so they decided to lay off and with
Zeus interfering at the war again, the Trojan has gotten is feet back and starts winning AGAIN.

Book 16 – Patroclus then tries to convince Achilles to fight with them as they are getting destroyed.
Achilles then decided to allow Patroclus to fight using his armor and his army. Achilles made
Patroclus promise to come back alive. Surprise, surprise, Patroclus was killed by Hector.

Book 17 – The Greek warriors saw Patroclus body lying in the battlefield while Hector takes his armor
from his dead body.

Book 18 – The Greeks tries to defend Patroclus dead body. A messenger brought the news of Patroclus’
death to Achilles and is now motivated to fight. Thetis then told Achilles that he will die if he
tried to join the fight but Achilles is being hardheaded. Hephaestus then made an armor for

Book 19 – Nothing happens in this book. Just Achilles putting his new armor. Power-ranger style.

Book 20 – Achilles carved a canyon through the Trojan forces even with the Gods’ interference.

Book 21 – The river was filled up with dead bodies that it rose up and tries to fight Achilles but
unfortunately, it was defeated by Achilles himself. Apollo then agitates Achilles and they
played tag for a bit.

Book 22 – Achilles remembers his purpose and looked out for Hector. After chasing Hector, Achilles then
successfully killed Hector. He tied Hector to his chariot and rode around the kingdom of Troy
to show the King. Then, they put a burial party for Patroclus. Paris then killed Achilles buy
putting an arrow to his heel.

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