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ay, 2s coer FROM THE HOUSE OF AMAR CHITRA KATHA THE FISHERMAN AND HIS-DAUGHTERS LET’S HAVE SOME BUBBLE GUM To say this, first blow o bubble, then put your fist under if. Blow a Big Fun and show it to your friends. It’s easy to iow and the fun never ends The big‘n'easy Trikaya. GP 2.93 bubble gum © IBH Publishers Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. January 5, 1984 Published by H.G. Mirchandani, for IBH Publishers Pvt. Ltd.. Mal Bhulabhai Desai Road, Bombav-400 026 and printed by him at IBH Mathursdss Vissanji Road, Andheri (East), Bombay-400 059. xmi Chambers, 22, rinters, Maro! Naka, Editor: Anant Pai Associate Editors: Nira Benegal e Luis M. Fernandes Art Consultant: Ram Waeerkar Production: Maranna 8, Shetty |A POOR FISHERMAN ONCE WELCOME, hi se E DECIDED TO VISIT HIS FATHER. GO a ELDER DAUGHTER. Pm ve : FISHERMAN AND HIS DAUGHTERS A Folktale from Kerala Script: Gayatri M. Dutt Mustrations: Ram Waeerkar HOW ARE” YOU, DEAR )--~ CHILD? SE NICE PLACE You / HAVE HERE, “4, ?M_GLAD 4ou LIKE IT, FATHER. ) COME, DINNER 1S ALMOST THE FISHERMAN HAD A DINNER Af OF FISH AND TAPIOCA. SH 40U ARE AGooD \ | COOK, M4 CHILD.) MUST TELL YOUR, MOTHER. HERE IS Your MAT, Dat now ‘ PUL StEEP LIKE A LOG ALTER A HAPPY STAY, THE FISHERMAN RETURNED HOME. —— DAUGHTER INTO A GOOD FAMILY, PLEASE SIT DOWN. ISOME DAYS AFTER THIS, THE E. ¢ PLL.GET YOU SOME FISHERMAN WENT TO SEE HIS IOUNGER DAUGHTER WhO WAS [| MARRIED TO A RICH MAN. HE REACHED THERE EARLY ONE ae FATHER!’ SO HAPPY TO SEE HERE |S SOME WATER, FATHER, TOOTH-POWDER! |SMELLS GOOD. |AND SOME TOOTHPOWDER. WHAT’S THIS | |1 SUPPOSE IT YOULL FEEL FRESHER FOR? TASTES GOOD, Too! YET, IF) DONT FINISH EVERYTHING, THEG’LL BE HOW MUCH DO THEY EXPECT HAVE YOU FINISHED; FATHER? THIS IS VERY GOOD, FATHER, PLL GIVE 4YOu A LARGE.HELPING. WHA...2! WHAT IS THIS FISH~NET| DOING HERE? OH, 1 SEE! 1 KNOW WHAT_IT’S. IT?S A GOOD THING, |USED TO CLIMB TREES IN MG YOUTH! THE NEXT MORNING— OH! THE MOS@UITO NET! FATHER, DID . WHAT HAPPENED 4OU SLEEP ec — PLL MEND IT QUICKLY = BEFORE THE I, dh| |sHxeeman RETURNED” CANNOT IMAGINE HOUSEHOLD WAKES: bss HOME. THE PLIGHT OF OUR| am Sais 1 YOUNGER DAUGHTER! Rs THE FOOD AT HER iy | |e HUSBAND'S HOUSE IS QUITE UNHEALTHY. IT HAS GIVEN ME A TUMMY-ACHE £ BUT WORST OF ALL| WAS THE HIGH JUMP | HAD TO TAKE IN THE NIGHT. THAT WAS TOO MUCH! | DECIDED TO RETURN HOME AT ONCE. ONE MORE NIGHT THERE, AND) PD SURELY HAVE BROKEN ALL MY BONES! TINKLE THE EARTHWORM, SO-CALLED BECAUSE IT LIVES IN BURROWS UN THE EARTH, 18 FOUND ALL OVER THE WORLD EXCEPT MEET THE EARTHWORM Script: Ashvin ilustrations: = Ajit Vasaikar IT MOVES ALONG BY WAVES OF MUSCULAR CONTRACTION TRAVELLING BACK ALONG THE BODY. at al HIND END MOYES UP => IE A BIRD TRIES TO PULL IT OUT OF IT BURROW... A in wes THE EARTHWORM HOLDS ON THE BURROW WITH /7TS BR/BTL 8 CAT OR A DOG CAN O16 WITH 178 CLAWS WHAT HAPPENS TO All THE SOIL IT SWALLOWS ? THE EARTHWORM DOESN'T HAVE CLAWS \IT THROWS IT QUT AG WASTE. THIS SOIL, HOWEVER, OR ANYTHING ELSE TOMELPIT DIG.80 \S FERTILE AND IE THERE ARE THOUGANDS OF IT UBT BATS WAY THROUGH THE |BARTHWORMS INV A FIELD AND IF ALL OF THEM BRING UP ALITTLE SOIL 70 THE SURFACE, THE zap |\WHOLE FIELD BECOMES FERTILE IN COURSE ee A OF TIME. EA NGOS Vee PE AS 2 x ‘ wy x 4 ALSO, THE BURROWS THAT THEY DIG ALLOW | ANOTHER WAY IN WHICH EARTHWORMS RAIN WATER TO GO DEEP DOWN INTO THE | IMPROVE THE SOIL 1S BY RODING MANURE SOIL. AIR TOO,CAN GO INTO THE GROUND \TO IT. THROUGH THESE BURROWS, WHEN THIS THEY DO BY PULLING IN LEAVES WHICH RAINWATER AND Ai CRN GO DOWN INTO | ARE LYING NEAR THE ENTRANCE TO THE EARTH THE G0IL BECOMES RICHER BND| THEIRS BURROWS. THEY EAT P PART OF THE AN GROW BETTER IN SUCH S0IL. \LEAF AND USE THE REST TO LINE THE 6 WALLS OF THE BURROW. THE LEAF ROTS AND PROVIDES NOURIGHMENT TO THE SOlL. THE HUMEGLE EARTHWORM THEREFORE, 13 A FRIEND OF MAN, HELPING HIM TO GROW CROPS BY ENRICHING THE SOIL. THE EARTHWORMS BODY 18 COVERED BY A THIN TRANSOAIRENT MEMBRANE CALLED THE CUTICLE. THE CUTICLE (8 ALWAYS KEPT MOIST. (208 THROUGH THIS CUTICLE THAT THE =} EPRTHWORM BREATHES. a IF AN EARTHWORM 19 CUT iN TWO, DURING ANO FOLLOWING HER YY RAING, LARGE THE HEAD PART OFTEN CONTINUES NUMBERS OF EARTHWORMS s% 70 LWE AND MAY REGROW THE ARE OFTEN SEEN S PART OF ITS BODY WHICH HAG —__" Belgaum One day | brought a copy of TINKLE home. My father was very angry and told me to stick to my school books. But | told him to read it. He was so happy when he finished reading that he rushed ‘out and came back with a whole bunch of TINKLE issues. Now he expects me to read TINKLE regularly to improve my general knowledge! Ravi Valecha Bombay Sal 0 \ Our whole family has enjoyed DOG | DETECTIVE RANJHA. But we want to know if the stories are true or not. Can you tell us? Rakesh Parekh Calicut (The RANJHA stories are based on fact — Editor) Could you please publish more Nasruddin Hodja stories? It’s nice to read humorous stories in simple language. Michael Siddhi Kathmandu I like TINKLE very much. Please place the entry form on the last page, separately. I don’tlike something to gettom from the middle of TINKLE. ~ Manoj Prithiani Bombay On the front cover of TINKLE No. 41 there is a picture of amonster. Sometimes very young readers may feel afraid on seeing such pictures! A.J. Jophy Bombay 15 TINKLE TINKLE TRICKS & TREATS os: (B) t ENTRY FORM SOLUTIONS TO TTT- 37 for TTT-38 : given on page no. 14| | [A—Water Polo || 8—Thirteen | { C—Praying Mantis. It flies. Fold in two sides of a 15cm. white- coloured square paper to the centre line. Make creases (AB) and (AC) at distances shown. Turn over the model and make creases PQ (P is 5 cm. away from the tip of the paper) Make two other creases XY and XZ. (Xis 3. em. away from the tip) Crease and fold in at AB and AC so that AB and AC coincide. Fold in at PO and PR Then fold up at XY and XZ. Paint on the eyes. +{Reader: Choice A PAIR OF CUCKOOS Mustrations ; Ram Waeerkar Based ona story sent by Praveen Kirpalani, Bombay VAGU WAS WALKING DOWN THE VILLAGE ROAD| ONE MORNING WHEN SUDDENLY — aI Cuck--.00---00! Cuck-+. 0000! Cuckooo! Cuck...0004 BIRDS LOVE mE 1 HAD GREAT FUN TALKING TOR / cuckoo suST Now! WHAT! WAS THAT 4OU CALLING OUT! | THOUGHT IT WAS A, REAL CUCKOO! 4 TINKLE 18 IT WAS | WHO WAS RESPONDING TO, 4ouR CALLS! _ Fe MARVELLOUS MELON jas 2s: Mlustrat CHOICE tions : V.B. Halbe by Zakir Ali Jodhpur ONE DAY A WOODCUTTER CUT GOaT AND MYSeLE WITH THIS MELON! WOOD IN THE FOREST... se AND TOOK IT TO THE MARKET TO SELL. THERE — IPS SUCH A TINY BUNDLE! PLL GIVE YOU JUST ONE MELON FOR IT, HE CUT aes. THE MELON .. +» GAVE THE PEEL TO HIS =| |GOAT... [. ATE THE FLESH... | +» ANO THE SEEDS TO THE PARROT. THERE ! NOW NONE OF US WILL GO HUNGRY! TINKLE SCHWABE WAS A SIMPLE MAN WHO WORKED | eS MGHT SHIFT AT. A eMar. THE SUN-III Script: J.D. Isloor Illustrations: Anand Mande |e LOVED ABTRONOM. HE WANTED 70 STUDF (HE MOON AND THE STARS. BUT 9OL CANNOT 'STUOY THE MOON AND THE STARS DURING . THE DAY AND THAT WAS THE ONLY TIME HE WAS FREE. SO HE STARTED STUDYING THE |SUN INSTEAD. AN INTERESTING FERTURE ABOUT THE SUN 13 SUNGPOTS. THES. PRE DARK SPOTS WHICH APPEAR ON THE BRIGHT SURFACE OF THE SUN AND MOVE AND DISAPPEAR AFTER SEVERAL DAYS, THESE SPOTS ARE ACTUALLY AREAS WHERE THE SUN'S SURFACE 1S SLIGHTLY COOLER THAN NORMAC> ABOUT 4000 °C INSTEAD | OF 6000°C. TINKLE 20 SCHWABE STARTED STUDYNG THESE SUNSPOTS. AE KEPT A RECORD OF HOW MANY SLINGPOTS ME SPW EVERYTIME HE LOOKED AT THE SUN. DURING SOME YEARS HE | SAW VERY FEW SPOTS, DURING | OTHERS HE SAW SEVERAL. HE FOUND THAT THE GREATEST NUMBER OF SUNGPOTS COULD BE SEEN EVERY ELEVEN YEARS. THE DISCOVERY WAS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO ASTRONOMERS. \SINSPOTS SOMETIMES /NTERFERE WITH | RADIO PROGRAMMES ON EARTH. AND SCIENT/STS GAY THEY AFFECT OUR WEATHER TOO. >| Bip SINSEOTS CERTAIN HELPED BCENTETS FOLEAEN SOMETHING ABOUT, THE SUN. BY WATCHING THE POSITIONS OF THE SUNEPOTS ON THE SURFACE \ OF THE SUN: THEY FOUND OUT THAT THE BUI SPINS ON ITS AXIS. | Hasrudain Hogja sen Son | Fi Ne DAY THE kine FORCED |p WASRUDDIN HODTATO {dll} GOON A BEAR HUNT (res WITH HIM. WHEN THE HUNTING PARTY RETURNED IN THE EVENING — \MARVELLOUSLY. HOW MANY BEARS DID YOU KILL? / fe Bur you SAID THE HUNT WENT MARVELLOUSLY ?, MY DEAR FELLOW, WHEN YOURE HUNTING A DANGEROUS ANIMAL LIKE A BEAR... Pe ves IT?S MARVELLOUS, NOT TO COME ACROSS ANY! RESULTS OF THE COMPLETE— ~THE-STORY COMPETITION NO7 Ehpriya Matharu Clo. H.S. Matharu P. O. Box 57359 Nairobi, Kenya. Shridhar Shivaramu and S. Krishna Dass both of Bangalore, have each been awarded a consolation prize of Rs. 25 Most of our TINKLE readers must have been very busy with their exams, because we re- ceived fewer entries this time than ever before! However, three entries were found eminently suitable for prizes. ‘The Prize-winning entry: The people started to chase the jeep and managed to stop it. The mon jumped outand ran through the crowd, ack to the circus tent. Ittook offits face mask and its furry costume and VOILA! It was a man! The man performed a juggling act and then began to throw pies at the other animals. The crowd realized that the man was a clown and this was all part of the act! THE VALUE OF TIME fies) oor &Y 2 jemendra Kumar, Ilustrations : Ashok Dongre Hi 1 TIT Wy | A MAN ONCE WENT TO SEE THE KING. [aman oni eas “{ MAHARAT, PM_ VERY MY ENEMIES | HAVE SPREAD THE RUMOUR, THAT PM NOT NOBODY 15 ) ] WILLING TO GIVE ME WORK. ALL RIGHT. TAKE ALL Y= | y THE MONEY YOU NEED \] FROM MY TREASURY... / | ?, J « y SH GC I | i ( Ori ( TINKLE ry THE HAPPY MAN RUSHED HOME. WIFE! THE KING HAS GIVEN ME PERMISSION TO TAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS | WANT FROM THE TREASURY. Eo | How DO you EXPECT \ ME TO LIFT THE BAGS \. ON AN EMPTY NS stomacu? “3 \ FOOLISH WOMAN FIRST GIVE ME SOME FOOD. [TAKE ALL THESE | BAGS! You MusT | BRING AS MUCH POH, IT IS SO HOT! WHY XY DON'T | REST ]\: 25 FINKLE AFTER some TIME— [f[|.\ > an ANYWAY, THERE'S ENOUGH IME FOR ME TO GET TO THE { «ee THE SUN 1S STILL UP, 1?LL \ WATCH FOR A TINKLE ONE Howe LATER — OH... OH... THE SUN |S ABOUT TO SET... PD o\ BETTER HURRY. I7’S NOT A FALSE RUMOUR HAVE THE ANYWAY, YOU'VE JUST LOST A FORTUNE BECAUSE OF IT. te THE CITY ] | Basedon a story sent by | RECDERS Hemal Parikh LOWER CHOICE llustrations: Ram Waeerkar | |So How ARE |THINGS IN THE OF wonverruL ay EY) Just WONDERFUL! 40U SHOULD TASTE THE TEA IN THE REALLY? FLOWERS, BIRDS, TREES — EVERYTHING 1S FANTASTIC IN THE CITY! Se LOOK AT THE Fut MOON, KISAN! ISNT, IT BEAUTIFUL! AS THE MOON OVER THE CITY! | HARDLY FELT THAY SLAP! YOu GET BETTER (\ SLAPS IN THE e CITY af LL: TINKLE =| illustrations : RAM WAEERKAR [reane ie -AND WE HOULD MAKE IT\SAFE FOR SOME SAFER FOR EVERYBODY. 4 ‘SAFER! IT’S TOO ANIMALS: ALREADY. al | HAVENT CRUGHT A RABBIT IN is MONTHS. HAMATAKA... DID 4OU RAID BABLOO'S CAVE ) gp TES... BUT ALLY Vg 27 GOT WAS HALF A a > HONEYCOMB. [F wew. ners \\ comin |\ eRe. THIS 1S AMAZING! | TINKLE La wnew) \ 2 HAT WAS “4 aN, CLOSE! wHaT A \\ DELIGHTFUL, Ld AND PUL THROW SOME ANIMAL DOWN FOR YOU IN THE SAME WAY, t's ROTTEN. I7°S. NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE TO CROSS OVER IT. LET GO! ms ME, You (Dior! TINKLE Di Secret Now sli Amaze and astonish your friends, with these astounding tricks. Easy to do but hard to believe. ‘And here's a trick that’s most simple to do, Open a State Bank Savings Account in your-name. If you are below 10, ask Daddy to ‘open an Account for you. Put in your pocket money. And all the gift money you receive. And then watch your savings double and even treble as you grow. Saving can be fun! (CHAITRA-S@.-1067 Wonder Bridge: Challenge someone to make a 2 of paper support a glass atop two spaced glasses. Fold the paper concertina-wise. It's strong enough to carry Disappearing Pencil Place a pencil under ‘Toss the handkerchief aside and the As soon as you've placed the pencil lunder the handkerchief, extend your, 4.Coins to 8: Set up four coins on 2 tablein front of you, Count them off so that there an be no mistake about the fact that there are only four coins on the table. and — vol glass! fore-finger to make it appear to be the ‘pencil holding up the handkerchief. [At the same time. drop the penci down your sleeve. When the handkerchief is removed, the pencil is ‘gone! Remember, magic means Practice and practice builds your Confidence in the art of maaic. handkerchief Secret: Under the table thers is a filth coin ‘which you have attached with a ~ place of soap. While you are’ gathering the four coins from the table top, ‘Simply reach under the table with your fingers, palming the fifth coin Arrest trick. these coins off the table you have five! (e/ _ State Bank Security is a warm feeling NOW AVAILABLE Cation ae Special Tinkle Collections From the pages of the ever popular children’s fortnightly TINKLE IBH Distributed by D1 India Book House For V.P P. orders write to : f\ India Book House on & L 3A, Rashtrapati Road YG XS Secunderabad 500 003 Amul Chocolates in attractive cartons Soft and creamy, like Its creaminess sealed and foll-board carton Swiss chocolates... in silver foll .. to keep it fresh, Amul CHOCOLATES A gift for someone you love Marketed by: Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation ltd, Anand '

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