كلمات انكليزي مهمة

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UB the 9243 (definite article,adverb) ‫ال‬

of 5220 (preposition,auxiliary verb) ‫من‬

and 5196 (conjunction) ‫و‬
to 4951 (preposition,adverb) ‫ل‬
a 4506 (indefinite article,noun,prepositio ‫أ‬
in 2822 (preposition,adverb) ‫في‬
is 2699 (verb) ‫هو‬
you 2041 (pronoun,noun) ‫أنت‬
are 1843 (verb) ‫نكون‬
for 1752 (preposition,conjunction) ‫ل‬
that 1743 (pronoun,adjective,adverb,conjunc ‫ التي‬- ‫الذي‬
or 1487 (conjunction) ‫أو‬
it 1386 (pronoun,noun) ‫ هي‬- ‫هو‬
as 1363 (adverb,conjunction,pronoun,prepo d
be 1145 (verb,auxiliary verb) ‫يكون‬
on 1087 (preposition,adverb,adjective) ‫على‬
your 1067 (pronoun) ‫لك‬
with 1062 (preposition) ‫مع‬
can 895 (auxiliary verb,noun) ‫تستطيع‬
have 891 (verb,auxiliary verb) ‫لديك‬
this 864 (pronoun,adjective,adverb) ‫هذا‬
an 754 (indefinite article) ‫ل‬
by 706 (preposition,adverb) ‫بواسطة‬
not 658 (adverb) ‫ليس‬
but 626 (conjunction,preposition,adverb,n ‫لكن‬
at 624 (preposition) ‫في‬
from 622 (preposition) ‫من عند‬
I 621 (pronoun) ‫أنا‬
they 617 (pronoun) ‫أنهم‬
more 597 (adjective,adverb) ‫أكثر‬
will 577 (auxiliary verb,noun) ‫إرادة‬
if 546 (conjunction,noun) ‫إذا‬
some 501 (adjective,pronoun,adverb) ‫بعض‬
there 470 (adverb,pronoun,noun,adjective) ‫هناك‬
what 461 (pronoun,adjective,adverb,interjec ‫ماذا او ما‬
about 451 (preposition,adverb,adjective) ‫حول‬
which 449 (pronoun,adjective) ‫الذي‬
when 442 (adverb,conjunction) ‫متي‬
one 441 (adjective,noun,pronoun) ‫واحد‬
their 439 (pronoun) ‫هم‬
all 438 (adjective,pronoun,noun,adverb) ‫الكل‬
also 419 (adverb) ‫أيضا‬
how 412 (adverb,conjunction) ‫كيف‬
many 397 (adjective,noun,pronoun) ‫عديدة‬
do 389 (auxiliary verb) ‫فعل‬
has 384 (verb) ‫لديها‬
most 378 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫عظم‬
people 372 (noun) ‫اشخاص‬
other 369 (adjective,noun,pronoun,adverb) ‫آخر‬
time 369 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫زمن‬
so 352 (adverb,conjunction,pronoun,adjec ‫وبالتالي‬
was 352 (past,verb) ‫كنت‬
we 352 (pronoun) ‫نحن‬
these 344 (pronoun,adjective) ‫هؤالء‬
may 336 (auxiliary verb) ‫مايو‬
like 324 (preposition,verb,conjunction,adv ‫مثل‬
use 319 (verb,noun) ‫استعمال‬
into 301 (preposition) ‫داخل‬
than 301 (conjunction) ‫من‬
up 296 (adverb,preposition,adjective,nou ‫فوق‬
out 294 (adverb,preposition,adjective,inter ‫خارج‬
who 281 (pronoun) ‫من الذى‬
them 269 (pronoun) ‫معهم‬
make 262 (verb,noun) ‫صنع‬
because 248 (conjunction) ‫ألن‬
such 236 (adjective,adverb) ‫مثل‬
through 235 (preposition,adverb,adjective) ‫عبر‬
get 233 (verb) ‫احصل على‬
work 224 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫الشغل‬
even 223 (adjective,verb,adverb) ‫حتى في‬
different 215 (adjective) ‫مختلف‬
its 215 (pronoun) ‫انها‬
no 213 (adverb,adjective,noun) ‫ال‬
our 213 (pronoun) ‫لنا‬
new 210 (adjective,adverb) ‫الجديد‬
film 209 (noun,verb) ‫فيلم‬
just 208 (adjective,adverb) ‫فقط‬
only 208 (adverb,adjective,conjunction) ‫فقط‬
see 204 (verb) ‫يرى‬
used 204 (adjective) ‫تستخدم‬
good 201 (adjective,noun,adverb,interjectio ‫حسن‬
water 201 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫ماء‬
been 200 (past,verb) ‫ايضا‬
need 193 (verb) ‫يحتاج‬
should 191 (auxiliary verb) ‫ينبغي‬
very 191 (adverb) ‫جدا‬
any 190 (adjective,adverb) ‫أي‬
history 187 (noun) ‫التاريخ‬
often 187 (adverb) ‫غالبا‬
way 185 (noun) ‫طريق‬
well 184 (adverb,verb,noun,interjection) ‫نحن سوف‬
art 183 (noun) ‫فن‬
know 181 (verb) ‫أعرف‬
were 180 (past,verb) ‫كانوا‬
then 179 (adverb,adjective) ‫ومن بعد‬
my 177 (pronoun) ‫لي‬
first 176 (adverb,adjective) ‫أول‬
would 176 (verb) ‫سيكون‬
money 174 (noun,adjective) ‫مال‬
each 173 (adjective,adverb) ‫كل‬
over 170 (preposition,adjective,noun) ‫على‬
world 169 (noun) ‫العالمية‬
information 168 (noun) ‫معلومة‬
map 167 (noun) ‫خريطة‬
find 166 (verb) ‫تجد‬
where 166 (adverb,pronoun,noun) ‫أين‬
much 165 (adjective,adverb) ‫كثير‬
take 164 (verb) ‫يأخذ‬
two 164 (noun) ‫اثنين‬
want 163 (verb) ‫يريد‬
important 160 (adjective) ‫مهم‬
family 159 (noun) ‫األسرة‬
those 156 (pronoun) ‫أولئك‬
example 147 (noun,verb) ‫مثال‬
while 147 (noun,conjunction,preposition,ver ‫في حين‬
he 144 (pronoun) ‫هو‬
look 144 (verb,noun,interjection) ‫نظرة‬
government 143 (noun) ‫حكومة‬
before 141 (preposition,adverb,conjunction) ‫قبل‬
help 141 (verb,noun,interjection) ‫يساعد‬
between 137 (preposition,adverb) ‫ما بين‬
go 131 (verb,noun,adjective,interjection) ‫اذهب‬
own 130 (adjective,verb) ‫خاصة‬
however 128 (adverb) ‫ومع ذلك‬
business 127 (noun,adjective) ‫اعمال‬
us 127 (pronoun) ‫نحن‬
great 126 (adjective,noun,adverb,interjectio ‫رائعة‬
his 125 (pronoun,adjective) ‫له‬
being 124 (verb,noun) ‫يجري‬
another 123 (adjective,pronoun) ‫اخر‬
health 122 (noun) ‫صحة‬
same 120 (adjective,pronoun,adverb) ‫نفس‬
study 118 (noun,verb) ‫دراسة‬
why 118 (adverb,conjunction,noun,interjec ‫لماذا‬
few 117 (adjective,noun,pronoun) ‫قليل‬
game 117 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫لعبه‬
might 116 (auxiliary verb,noun) ‫قد‬
think 116 (verb,adjective,noun) ‫فكر في‬
free 115 (adjective,adverb,verb) ‫مجانا‬
too 114 (adverb) ‫جدا‬
had 113 (auxiliary verb) ‫كان‬
hi 113 (interjection) ‫أهال‬
right 113 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫حق‬
still 112 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb) ‫ما يزال‬
system 111 (noun) ‫النظام‬
after 110 (preposition,adjective,adverb) ‫بعد‬
computer 109 (noun) ‫الحاسوب‬
best 108 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫أفضل‬
must 108 (auxiliary verb,verb,adjective,noun ‫يجب‬
her 107 (pronoun) ‫ها‬
life 107 (noun,adjective) ‫الحياة‬
since 107 (preposition,adverb,conjunction) ‫حيث‬
could 105 (auxiliary verb) ‫يستطع‬
does 104 (verb) ‫يفعل‬
now 104 (adverb,conjunction,adjective) ‫اآلن‬
during 103 (preposition) ‫أثناء‬
learn 102 (verb) ‫يتعلم‬
around 101 (adverb,preposition) ‫حول‬
usually 101 (adverb) ‫مستخدم‬
form 99 (noun,verb) ‫شكل‬
meat 99 (noun) ‫لحم‬
air 98 (noun,verb) ‫هواء‬
day 98 (noun,adjective) ‫يوم‬
place 98 (noun,verb) ‫مكان‬
become 97 (verb) ‫أصبح‬
number 97 (noun,verb) ‫عدد‬
public 97 (adjective,noun) ‫عام‬
read 97 (verb,noun) ‫اقرأ‬
keep 96 (verb,noun) ‫احتفظ‬
part 96 (noun,verb,adverb) ‫جزء‬
start 96 (verb,noun) ‫بداية‬
year 96 (noun) ‫عام‬
every 95 (adjective) ‫كل‬
field 95 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫مجال‬
large 95 (adjective) ‫كبير‬
once 95 (adverb,conjunction) ‫بمجرد‬
available 94 (adjective) ‫متوفرة‬
down 94 (adverb,preposition,adjective,verb ‫تحت‬
give 93 (verb,noun) ‫يعطى‬
fish 92 (noun,verb) ‫سمكة‬
human 92 (adjective,noun) ‫بشري‬
both 91 (adjective,adverb) ‫على حد سواء‬
local 90 (adjective,noun) ‫محلي‬
sure 90 (adjective,adverb) ‫بالتأكيد‬
something 89 (pronoun) ‫شيئا ما‬
without 89 (preposition,adverb,conjunction) ‫بدون‬
come 88 (verb) ‫تأتي‬
me 88 (pronoun) ‫أنا‬
back 86 (noun,adverb,verb,adjective) ‫عودة‬
better 86 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫أفضل‬
general 85 (adjective,noun) ‫جنرال لواء‬
process 85 (noun,verb) ‫عملية‬
she 85 (pronoun,noun) ‫هي‬
heat 84 (noun,verb) ‫الحرارة‬
thanks 84 (noun) ‫شكرا‬
specific 83 (adjective,noun) ‫محدد‬
enough 82 (adjective,adverb,interjection) ‫كافية‬
long 82 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb) ‫طويل‬
lot 82 (pronoun,adverb,noun,verb) ‫كثيرا‬
hand 81 (noun,verb) ‫يسلم‬
popular 81 (adjective) ‫جمع‬
small 81 (adjective,adverb) ‫صغير‬
though 81 (conjunction,adverb) ‫رغم ذلك‬
experience 80 (noun,verb) ‫خبرة‬
include 80 (verb) ‫تضمن‬
job 80 (noun,verb) ‫مهنة‬
music 80 (noun) ‫موسيقى‬
person 80 (noun) ‫شخص‬
really 79 (adverb) ‫حقا‬
although 78 (conjunction) ‫برغم من‬
thank 78 (verb) ‫شكر‬
book 77 (noun,verb) ‫الكتاب‬
early 77 (adverb) ‫مبكرا‬
reading 77 (noun) ‫قراءة‬
end 76 (noun,verb) ‫نهاية‬
method 76 (noun) ‫طريقة‬
never 76 (adverb) ‫مطلقا‬
less 75 (adjective,adverb,preposition) ‫أقل‬
play 75 (verb,noun) ‫لعب‬
able 74 (adjective) ‫قادر‬
data 74 (noun) ‫البيانات‬
feel 74 (verb,noun) ‫شعور‬
high 74 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫عالي‬
off 74 (adverb,preposition,adjective,nou ‫إيقاف‬
point 74 (noun,verb) ‫هدف‬
type 74 (noun,verb) ‫يكتب‬
whether 74 (conjunction) ‫ ما اذا‬،‫سواء‬
food 73 (noun) ‫غذاء‬
understanding 73 (noun) ‫فهم‬
here 72 (adverb,interjection) ‫هنا‬
home 72 (noun,adjective,adverb,verb) ‫الصفحة الرئيسية‬
certain 71 (adjective,pronoun) ‫تأكيد‬
economy 71 (noun,adjective) ‫اقتصاد‬
little 71 (adjective,adverb) ‫القليل‬
theory 71 (noun) ‫نظرية‬
tonight 71 (adverb,noun) ‫هذه الليلة‬
law 70 (noun) ‫قانون‬
put 70 (verb,noun) ‫وضع‬
under 70 (preposition,adverb,adjective) ‫تحت‬
value 70 (noun,verb) ‫القيمة‬
always 69 (adverb) ‫دائما‬
body 69 (noun,verb) ‫الجسم‬
common 69 (adjective,noun) ‫مشترك‬
market 69 (noun,verb) ‫سوق‬
set 69 (verb,noun,adjective) ‫جلس‬
bird 68 (noun) ‫الطير‬
guide 68 (noun,verb) ‫يرشد‬
provide 68 (verb) ‫تزود‬
change 67 (verb,noun) ‫يتغيرون‬
interest 67 (noun,verb) ‫فائدة‬
literature 67 (noun) ‫المؤلفات‬
sometimes 67 (adverb) ‫بعض األحيان‬
problem 66 (noun) ‫مشكلة‬
say 66 (verb,interjection,noun) ‫قل‬
next 64 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫التالي‬
create 63 (verb) ‫خلق‬
simple 63 (adjective,noun) ‫بسيط‬
software 63 (noun) ‫البرمجيات‬
state 63 (noun,verb) ‫حالة‬
together 63 (adverb) ‫سويا‬
control 62 (noun) ‫يتحكم‬
knowledge 62 (noun) ‫المعرفه‬
power 62 (noun) ‫قوة‬
radio 62 (noun,verb) ‫مذياع‬
ability 61 (noun) ‫قدرة‬
basic 61 (adjective) ‫أساسي‬
course 61 (noun,verb) ‫مسار‬
economics 61 (noun) ‫اقتصاديات‬
hard 61 (adjective,adverb) ‫الصعب‬
add 60 (verb) ‫يضيف‬
company 60 (noun,verb) ‫شركة‬
known 60 (adjective) ‫معروف‬
love 60 (noun) ‫الحب‬
past 60 (adjective,noun,preposition,adver ‫ماضي‬
price 60 (noun,verb) ‫سعر‬
size 60 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫بحجم‬
away 59 (adverb,adjective) ‫بعيد‬
big 59 (adjective,noun) ‫كبير‬
internet 59 (noun) ‫إنترنت‬
possible 59 (adjective,noun) ‫ممكن‬
television 59 (noun) ‫التلفاز‬
three 59 (number) ‫ثالثة‬
understand 59 (verb) ‫تفهم‬
various 59 (adjective) ‫مختلف‬
yourself 59 (pronoun) ‫نفسك‬
card 58 (noun,verb) ‫بطاقة‬
difficult 58 (adjective) ‫صعبة‬
including 58 (preposition) ‫بما فيها‬
list 58 (noun,verb) ‫قائمة‬
mind 58 (noun,verb) ‫عقل _ يمانع‬
particular 58 (adjective,noun) ‫معين‬
real 58 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫حقيقة‬
science 58 (noun) ‫علم‬
trade 58 (noun,verb) ‫تجارة‬
consider 57 (verb) ‫انصح‬
either 57 (conjunction,adjective) ‫إما‬
library 57 (noun) ‫مكتبة‬
likely 57 (adverb) ‫المحتمل أن‬
nature 57 (noun) ‫طبيعة‬
fact 56 (noun) ‫حقيقة‬
line 56 (noun,verb) ‫خط‬
product 56 (noun) ‫منتج‬
care 55 (noun,verb) ‫رعاية‬
group 55 (noun,verb) ‫مجموعة‬
idea 55 (noun) ‫فكرة‬
risk 55 (noun,verb) ‫مخاطرة‬
several 55 (adjective) ‫العديد‬
someone 55 (pronoun) ‫شخص ما‬
temperature 55 (noun) ‫درجة الحرارة‬
united 55 (adjective) ‫متحد‬
word 55 (noun,verb,interjection) ‫كلمة‬
fat 54 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫سمين‬
force 54 (noun,verb) ‫فرض‬
key 54 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫مفتاح‬
light 54 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫ضوء‬
simply 54 (adverb) ‫ببساطة‬
today 54 (adverb,noun) ‫اليوم‬
training 54 (noun,adjective) ‫تمرين‬
until 54 (preposition) ‫حتى‬
major 53 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫رائد‬
name 53 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫اسم‬
personal 53 (adjective,noun) ‫شخصي‬
school 53 (noun,verb) ‫المدرسة‬
top 53 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫أعلى‬
current 52 (adjective,noun) ‫تيار‬
generally 52 (adverb) ‫عموما‬
historical 52 (adjective) ‫تاريخي‬
investment 52 (noun) ‫استثمار‬
left 52 (adjective,adverb) ‫غادر‬
national 52 (adjective,noun) ‫وطني‬
amount 51 (noun,verb) ‫كمية‬
level 51 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫مستوى‬
order 51 (noun,verb) ‫ترتيب‬
practice 51 (noun,verb) ‫حاجة‬
research 51 (noun,verb) ‫ابحاث‬
sense 51 (noun,verb) ‫اشارة‬
service 51 (noun,verb) ‫الخدمات‬
area 50 (noun) ‫منطقة‬
cut 50 (verb,noun) ‫يقطع‬
hot 50 (adjective) ‫الحار‬
instead 50 (adverb) ‫في حين أن‬
least 50 (adjective,adverb) ‫األقل‬
natural 50 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫طبيعي‬
physical 50 (adjective,noun) ‫ بدني‬- ‫جسدي‬
piece 50 (noun,verb) ‫قطعة‬
show 50 (verb,noun) ‫تبين‬
society 50 (noun) ‫المجتمع‬
try 50 (verb,noun) ‫يحاول‬
check 49 (verb,noun,interjection) ‫التحقق من‬
choose 49 (verb) ‫إختر‬
develop 49 (verb) ‫طور‬
second 49 (number,noun) ‫ثانيا‬
useful 49 (adjective) ‫مفيد‬
web 49 (noun,verb) ‫ويب‬
activity 48 (noun) ‫نشاط‬
boss 48 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫رئيس‬
short 48 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫قصير القامة‬
story 48 (noun) ‫قصة‬
call 47 (verb,noun) ‫يتصل‬
industry 47 (noun) ‫صناعة‬
last 47 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫االخير‬
media 47 (noun) ‫وسائط‬
mental 47 (adjective) ‫عقلي‬
move 47 (verb,noun) ‫يتحرك‬
pay 47 (verb,noun) ‫يدفع‬
sport 47 (noun,verb) ‫رياضة‬
thing 47 (noun) ‫شيء‬
actually 46 (adverb) ‫فعال‬
against 46 (preposition) ‫ضد‬
far 46 (adverb,adjective) ‫بعيد‬
fun 46 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫مرح‬
house 46 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫منزل‬
let 46 (verb,noun) ‫يترك‬
page 46 (noun,verb) ‫صفحة‬
remember 46 (verb) ‫تذكر‬
term 46 (noun,verb) ‫مصطلح‬
test 46 (noun,verb) ‫اختبار‬
within 46 (preposition,adverb) ‫في غضون‬
along 45 (preposition,adverb) ‫على امتداد‬
answer 45 (noun,verb) ‫إجابه‬
increase 45 (verb,noun) ‫زيادة‬
oven 45 (noun) ‫فرن‬
quite 45 (adverb,interjection) ‫الى حد كبير‬
scared 45 (adjective) ‫مقدس‬
single 45 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫أعزب‬
sound 45 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫يبدو‬
again 44 (adverb) ‫تكرارا‬
community 44 (noun) ‫تواصل اجتماعي‬
definition 44 (noun) ‫تعريف‬
focus 44 (noun,verb) ‫التركيز‬
individual 44 (adjective,noun) ‫فرد‬
matter 44 (noun,verb) ‫شيء‬
safety 44 (noun) ‫سالمة‬
turn 44 (verb,noun) ‫منعطف أو دور‬
everything 43 (pronoun) ‫كل شىء‬
kind 43 (noun,adjective) ‫طيب القلب‬
quality 43 (noun) ‫جودة‬
soil 43 (noun,verb) ‫تربة‬
ask 42 (verb,noun) ‫يطلب‬
board 42 (noun,verb) ‫مجلس‬
buy 42 (verb,noun) ‫يشترى‬
development 42 (noun) ‫تطوير‬
guard 42 (verb,noun) ‫حارس‬
hold 42 (verb,noun) ‫معلق‬
language 42 (noun) ‫لغة‬
later 42 (adverb,interjection) ‫الى وقت الحق‬
main 42 (adjective,noun) ‫رئيسي‬
offer 42 (verb,noun) ‫عرض‬
oil 42 (noun,verb) ‫نفط‬
picture 42 (noun,verb) ‫صورة‬
potential 42 (adjective,noun) ‫القدره‬
professional 42 (adjective,noun) ‫المحترفين‬
rather 42 (adverb) ‫على االصح‬
access 41 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫التمكن من‬
additional 41 (adjective) ‫إضافي‬
almost 41 (adverb) ‫تقريبيا‬
especially 41 (adverb) ‫خاصة‬
garden 41 (noun,verb) ‫حديقة‬
international 41 (adjective,noun) ‫دولي‬
lower 41 (adjective,adverb) ‫أدنى‬
management 41 (noun) ‫إدارة‬
open 41 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫افتح‬
player 41 (noun) ‫العب‬
range 41 (noun,verb) ‫نطاق‬
rate 41 (noun,verb) ‫معدل‬
reason 41 (noun,verb) ‫السبب‬
travel 41 (verb,noun) ‫السفر‬
variety 41 (noun) ‫تشكيلة‬
video 41 (noun) ‫فيديو‬
week 41 (noun) ‫أسبوع‬
above 40 (adverb,preposition,adjective,nou ‫في االعلى‬
according 40 (adjective,verb) ‫تبعا‬
cook 40 (verb,noun) ‫يطبخ‬
determine 40 (verb) ‫تحديد‬
future 40 (noun,adjective) ‫مستقبل‬
site 40 (noun,verb) ‫موقع‬
alternative 39 (adjective,noun) ‫لبديل‬
demand 39 (noun,verb) ‫الطلب‬
ever 39 (adverb) ‫أبدا‬
exercise 39 (noun,verb) ‫ممارسه الرياضه‬
following 39 (preposition,noun,adjective) ‫التالية‬
image 39 (noun,verb) ‫صورة‬
quickly 39 (adverb) ‫بسرعة‬
special 39 (adjective,noun) ‫خاص‬
working 39 (adjective,noun) ‫عمل‬
case 38 (noun,verb) ‫قضية‬
cause 38 (noun,verb) ‫موجه‬
coast 38 (noun,verb) ‫ساحل‬
probably 38 (adverb) ‫المحتمل‬
security 38 (noun) ‫األمان‬
1 38 (adjective,adverb,verb) ‫حقيقية‬
whole 38 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫كل‬
action 37 (noun,adjective) ‫عمل‬
age 37 (noun,verb) ‫سن‬
among 37 (preposition) ‫ضمن‬
bad 37 (noun,adverb,adjective) ‫سيئ‬
boat 37 (noun,verb) ‫قارب‬
country 37 (noun) ‫بلد‬
dance 37 (verb,noun) ‫رقص‬
exam 37 (noun) ‫امتحان‬
excuse 37 (verb,noun) ‫عذر‬
grow 37 (verb) ‫تنمو‬
movie 37 (noun) ‫فيلم‬
organization 37 (noun) ‫منظمة‬
record 37 (noun,verb) ‫سجل‬
result 37 (noun,verb) ‫نتيجة‬
section 37 (noun,verb) ‫القطاع الثامن‬
across 36 (preposition,adverb,adjective) ‫عير‬
already 36 (adverb) ‫سابقا‬
below 36 (adverb) ‫أدناه‬
building 36 (noun,verb) ‫بناء‬
mouse 36 (noun,verb) ‫الفأر‬
allow 35 (verb) ‫تسمح‬
cash 35 (noun,verb) ‫السيولة النقدية‬
class 35 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫صف دراسي‬
clear 35 (adjective,adverb,verb) ‫صافي‬
dry 35 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫جاف‬
easy 35 (adjective,adverb,interjection) ‫سهل‬
emotional 35 (adjective) ‫عاطفي‬
equipment 35 (noun) ‫معدات‬
live 35 (verb,adjective,adverb) ‫حي‬
nothing 35 (noun,pronoun,adjective,adverb) ‫ال شيئ‬
period 35 (noun,adjective) ‫فترة‬
physics 35 (noun) ‫الفيزياء‬
plan 35 (noun,verb) ‫خطة‬
store 35 (noun,verb) ‫محل‬
tax 35 (noun,verb) ‫ضريبة‬
analysis 34 (noun) ‫تحليل‬
cold 34 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫البرد‬
commercial 34 (adjective,noun) ‫تجاري‬
directly 34 (adverb) ‫مباشرة‬
full 34 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫ممتلىء‬
involved 34 (past,verb) ‫متضمن‬
itself 34 (pronoun) ‫بحد ذاتها‬
low 34 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb) ‫قليل‬
old 34 (adjective) ‫قديم‬
policy 34 (noun) ‫سياسات‬
political 34 (adjective) ‫سياسي‬
purchase 34 (verb,noun) ‫شراء‬
series 34 (noun) ‫مسلسل‬
side 34 (noun,verb) ‫الجانب‬
subject 34 (noun,adjective,adverb,verb) ‫موضوعات‬
supply 34 (verb) ‫يتبرع‬
therefore 34 (adverb) ‫لذا‬
thought 34 (noun) ‫فكر‬
basis 33 (noun) ‫أساس‬
boyfriend 33 (noun) ‫حبيب‬
deal 33 (verb,noun) ‫صفقة‬
direction 33 (noun) ‫اتجاه‬
mean 33 (verb,adjective,noun) ‫يعني‬
primary 33 (adjective,noun) ‫خبرات‬
space 33 (noun,verb) ‫الفضاء‬
strategy 33 (noun) ‫إستراتيجية‬
technology 33 (noun) ‫تقنية‬
worth 33 (adjective,noun) ‫يستحق‬
army 32 (noun) ‫جيش‬
camera 32 (noun) ‫كاميرا‬
fall 32 (verb,noun) ‫خريف‬
freedom 32 (noun) ‫الحرية‬
paper 32 (noun) ‫ورق‬
rule 32 (noun,verb) ‫قاعدة‬
similar 32 (adjective) ‫مماثل‬
stock 32 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫المخزون‬
weather 32 (noun,verb) ‫الجو‬
yet 32 (adverb,conjunction) ‫حتى اآلن‬
bring 31 (verb) ‫احضر‬
chance 31 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫صدفة‬
environment 31 (noun) ‫بيئة‬
everyone 31 (pronoun) ‫كل واحد‬
figure 31 (noun,verb) ‫الشكل‬
improve 31 (verb) ‫يحسن‬
man 31 (noun,verb,interjection) ‫رجل‬
model 31 (noun,verb) ‫نموذج‬
necessary 31 (adjective,noun) ‫من الضروري‬
positive 31 (adjective,noun) ‫إيجابي‬
produce 31 (verb,noun) ‫ينتج‬
search 31 (verb,noun) ‫بحث‬
source 31 (noun,verb) ‫مصدر‬
beginning 30 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫بداية‬
child 30 (noun) ‫طفل‬
earth 30 (noun,verb) ‫أرض‬
else 30 (adverb) ‫آخر‬
healthy 30 (adjective) ‫صحي‬
instance 30 (noun) ‫مثل‬
maintain 30 (verb) ‫الحفاظ‬
month 30 (noun) ‫شهر‬
present 30 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫الحالي‬
program 30 (noun,verb) ‫برنامج‬
spend 30 (verb,noun) ‫أنفق‬
talk 30 (verb,noun) ‫حديث‬
truth 30 (noun) ‫حقيقة‬
upset 30 (verb,adjective) ‫منزعج‬
begin 29 (verb) ‫يبدأ‬
chicken 29 (noun,adjective) ‫دجاج‬
close 29 (adjective,adverb,verb,noun) ‫قريب‬
creative 29 (adjective,noun) ‫ خالق‬،‫إبداعي‬
design 29 (noun,verb) ‫التصميم‬
feature 29 (noun,verb) ‫خاصية‬
financial 29 (adjective) ‫األمور المالية‬
head 29 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫رأس‬
marketing 29 (noun) ‫تسويق‬
material 29 (noun,adjective) ‫مواد‬
medical 29 (adjective) ‫طبي‬
purpose 29 (noun,verb) ‫غرض‬
question 29 (noun,verb) ‫سؤال‬
rock 29 (noun,verb) ‫صخر‬
salt 29 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫ملح‬
tell 29 (verb,noun) ‫يخبار‬
themselves 29 (pronoun) ‫أنفسهم‬
traditional 29 (adjective) ‫التقليديين‬
university 29 (noun) ‫جامعة‬
writing 29 (noun) ‫جاري الكتابة‬
act 28 (noun,verb) ‫يمثل‬
article 28 (noun) ‫ سلعة‬- ‫مقالة‬
birth 28 (noun,verb) ‫والدة‬
car 28 (noun,adjective) ‫جمل‬
cost 28 (verb,noun) ‫كلفة‬
department 28 (noun) ‫قسم‬
difference 28 (noun) ‫فرق‬
dog 28 (noun,verb) ‫كلب‬
drive 28 (verb,noun) ‫قيادة‬
exist 28 (verb) ‫يخرج‬
federal 28 (adjective) ‫الفيدرالية‬
goal 28 (noun) ‫هدف‬
green 28 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫لون أخضر‬
late 28 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫متأخر‬
news 28 (noun) ‫اإلخبارية‬
object 28 (noun,verb) ‫موضوع‬
scale 28 (noun,verb) ‫مقياس‬
sun 28 (noun,verb) ‫شمس‬
support 28 (verb,noun) ‫الدعم‬
tend 28 (verb) ‫ينزع‬
thus 28 (adverb) ‫هكذا‬
audience 27 (noun) ‫جمهور‬
enjoy 27 (verb) ‫التمتع‬
entire 27 (adjective) ‫بأكمله‬
fishing 27 (noun) ‫صيد السمك‬
fit 27 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫نحيف‬
glad 27 (adjective,noun) ‫مسرور‬
growth 27 (noun) ‫نمو‬
income 27 (noun) ‫اإليرادات‬
marriage 27 (noun) ‫زواج‬
note 27 (noun,verb) ‫مالحظة‬
perform 27 (verb) ‫نفذ‬
profit 27 (noun,verb) ‫ربح‬
proper 27 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫سليم‬
related 27 (past,verb) ‫ذات صلة‬
remove 27 (verb,noun) ‫إزالة‬
rent 27 (noun,verb) ‫تأجير‬
return 27 (verb,noun) ‫إرجاع‬
run 27 (verb,noun) ‫يركض‬
speed 27 (noun,verb) ‫سرعة‬
strong 27 (adjective) ‫قوي‬
style 27 (noun,verb) ‫نمط‬
throughout 27 (preposition) ‫على مدار‬
user 27 (noun) ‫المستعمل‬
war 27 (noun,verb) ‫حرب‬
actual 26 (adjective) ‫فعلي‬
appropriate 26 (verb,adjective) ‫مالئم‬
bank 26 (noun,verb) ‫بنك‬
combination 26 (noun) ‫مزيج‬
complex 26 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫مركب‬
content 26 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫المحتوى‬
craft 26 (noun,verb) ‫حرفة‬
due 26 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫بسبب‬
easily 26 (adverb) ‫بسهولة‬
effective 26 (adjective,noun) ‫فعال‬
eventually 26 (adverb) ‫في النهاية‬
exactly 26 (adverb) ‫بالضبط‬
failure 26 (noun) ‫بالفشل‬
half 26 (noun,predeterminer,adverb) ‫نصف‬
inside 26 (noun,adjective,preposition) ‫داخل‬
meaning 26 (noun) ‫المعنى‬
medicine 26 (noun) ‫دواء‬
middle 26 (adjective,noun) ‫وسط‬
outside 26 (noun,adjective,preposition) ‫في الخارج‬
philosophy 26 (noun) ‫فلسفة‬
regular 26 (adjective,noun) ‫عادي‬
reserve 26 (verb,noun) ‫االحتياطي‬
standard 26 (noun,adjective) ‫اساسي‬
bus 25 (noun,verb) ‫أوتوبيس‬
decide 25 (verb) ‫يقرر‬
exchange 25 (noun,verb) ‫تبادل‬
eye 25 (noun,verb) ‫عين‬
fast 25 (adjective,adverb,verb) ‫سريع‬
fire 25 (noun,verb) ‫إطالق النار‬
identify 25 (verb) ‫تحديد‬
independent 25 (adjective,noun) ‫مستقل‬
leave 25 (verb,noun) ‫غادر‬
original 25 (adjective,noun) ‫أصلي‬
position 25 (noun,verb) ‫وضع‬
pressure 25 (noun,verb) ‫الضغط‬
reach 25 (verb,noun) ‫يصل‬
rest 25 (verb,noun) ‫راحة‬
serve 25 (verb,noun) ‫يخدم‬
stress 25 (noun,verb) ‫ضغط عصبى‬
teacher 25 (noun) ‫مدرس‬
watch 25 (verb,noun) ‫يشاهد‬
wide 25 (adjective,adverb) ‫واسع‬
advantage 24 (noun,verb) ‫أفضلية‬
beautiful 24 (adjective,noun,interjection) ‫جميلة‬
benefit 24 (noun,verb) ‫المنفعة‬
box 24 (noun,verb) ‫صندوق‬
charge 24 (verb,noun) ‫الشحنة‬
communication 24 (noun) ‫االتصاالت‬
complete 24 (adjective,verb) ‫اكتمال‬
continue 24 (verb) ‫استمر‬
frame 24 (noun,verb) ‫اإلطار‬
issue 24 (noun,verb) ‫قضية‬
limited 24 (past,verb) ‫محدود‬
night 24 (noun) ‫ليلة‬
protect 24 (verb) ‫يحمي‬
require 24 (verb) ‫تطلب‬
significant 24 (adjective) ‫بارز‬
step 24 (noun,verb) ‫خطوة‬
successful 24 (adjective) ‫ناجح‬
unless 24 (conjunction) ‫ما لم‬
active 23 (adjective,noun) ‫نشيط‬
break 23 (verb,noun) ‫فترة راحة‬
chemistry 23 (noun) ‫كيمياء‬
cycle 23 (noun,verb) ‫دورة‬
disease 23 (noun) ‫مرض‬
disk 23 (noun) ‫قرص‬
electrical 23 (adjective) ‫الكهرباء‬
energy 23 (noun) ‫طاقة‬
expensive 23 (adjective) ‫مكلفة‬
face 23 (noun,verb) ‫وجه‬
interested 23 (past,verb) ‫يستفد‬
item 23 (noun,adverb) ‫العنصر‬
metal 23 (noun,verb) ‫فلز‬
nation 23 (noun) ‫األمة‬
negative 23 (adjective,noun,interjection,verb) ‫نفي‬
occur 23 (verb) ‫تحدث‬
paint 23 (noun,verb) ‫رسم‬
pregnant 23 (adjective) ‫حامل‬
review 23 (noun,verb) ‫إعادة النظر‬
road 23 (noun) ‫طريق‬
role 23 (noun) ‫وظيفة‬
room 23 (noun,verb) ‫مجال‬
safe 23 (adjective,noun) ‫آمنة‬
screen 23 (noun,verb) ‫شاشة‬
soup 23 (noun) ‫حساء‬
stay 23 (verb,noun) ‫يقضي‬
structure 23 (noun,verb) ‫بنية‬
view 23 (noun,verb) ‫منظر‬
visit 23 (verb,noun) ‫يزور‬
visual 23 (adjective,noun) ‫المرئية‬
write 23 (verb) ‫كتابة‬
wrong 23 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫خاطئ‬
account 22 (noun,verb) ‫الحساب‬
advertising 22 (noun) ‫إعالن‬
affect 22 (verb,noun) ‫تؤثر‬
ago 22 (adjective,adverb) ‫منذ‬
anyone 22 (pronoun) ‫أي واحد‬
approach 22 (verb) ‫مقاربة‬
avoid 22 (verb) ‫تجنب‬
ball 22 (noun,verb) ‫كرة‬
behind 22 (preposition,adverb,adjective,nou ‫وراء‬
certainly 22 (adverb) ‫من المؤكد‬
concerned 22 (past,verb) ‫المعنية‬
cover 22 (verb,noun) ‫ يغطي‬،‫غطاء‬
discipline 22 (noun,verb) ‫انضباط‬
location 22 (noun) ‫موقعك‬
medium 22 (noun,adjective) ‫متوسط‬
normally 22 (adverb) ‫بشكل طبيعي‬
prepare 22 (verb) ‫إعداد‬
quick 22 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫بسرعة‬
ready 22 (adjective,verb) ‫جاهز‬
report 22 (verb,noun) ‫أبلغ عن‬
rise 22 (verb,noun) ‫يعلو‬
share 22 (noun,verb) ‫شارك‬
success 22 (noun) ‫نجاح‬
addition 21 (noun) ‫إضافة‬
apartment 21 (noun) ‫شقة‬
balance 21 (noun,verb) ‫الرصيد‬
bit 21 (noun,verb) ‫قليال‬
black 21 (noun,verb,adjective,adverb) ‫أسود‬
bottom 21 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫األسفل‬
build 21 (verb) ‫يبني‬
choice 21 (noun,adjective) ‫خيار‬
education 21 (noun) ‫التعليم‬
gift 21 (noun,verb) ‫هدية مجانية‬
impact 21 (noun,verb) ‫تأثير‬
machine 21 (noun,verb) ‫آلة‬
math 21 (noun) ‫الرياضيات‬
moment 21 (noun) ‫الوقت الحاضر‬
painting 21 (noun) ‫لوحة‬
politics 21 (noun) ‫سياسة‬
shape 21 (noun,verb) ‫شكل‬
straight 21 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫مستقيم‬
tool 21 (noun,verb) ‫أداة‬
walk 21 (verb,noun) ‫يمشي‬
white 21 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫أبيض‬
wind 21 (noun,verb) ‫ريح‬
achieve 20 (verb) ‫التوصل‬
address 20 (noun,verb) ‫عنوان‬
attention 20 (noun) ‫االنتباه‬
average 20 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫معدل‬
believe 20 (verb) ‫يصدق‬
beyond 20 (preposition,noun) ‫وراء‬
career 20 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫حياة مهنية‬
culture 20 (noun,verb) ‫حضاره‬
decision 20 (noun) ‫قرار‬
direct 20 (adjective,adverb,verb) ‫مباشرة‬
event 20 (noun) ‫حدث‬
excellent 20 (adjective,interjection) ‫ممتاز‬
extra 20 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫إضافي‬
intelligent 20 (adjective) ‫ذكي‬
interesting 20 (adjective) ‫مثير لإلعجاب‬
junior 20 (adjective,noun) ‫نجارة‬
morning 20 (noun,adverb) ‫صباح‬
pick 20 (verb,noun) ‫قطف او يقطف‬
poor 20 (adjective) ‫مسكين‬
pot 20 (noun,verb) ‫وعاء‬
pretty 20 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫جميلة‬
property 20 (noun) ‫منشأه‬
receive 20 (verb) ‫تسلم‬
seem 20 (verb) ‫يبدو‬
shopping 20 (noun) ‫التسوق‬
sign 20 (noun,verb) ‫الفتة‬
student 20 (noun) ‫طالب علم‬
table 20 (noun,verb) ‫الطاولة‬
task 20 (noun,verb) ‫مهمة‬
unique 20 (adjective,noun) ‫فريدة من نوعها‬
wood 20 (noun) ‫خشب‬
anything 19 (pronoun,noun,adverb) ‫اى شى‬
classic 19 (adjective,noun) ‫الكالسيكية‬
competition 19 (noun) ‫المنافسة‬
condition 19 (noun,verb) ‫شرط‬
contact 19 (noun,verb) ‫اتصل‬
credit 19 (noun,verb) ‫اإلئتمان‬
currently 19 (adverb) ‫حاليا‬
discuss 19 (verb) ‫مناقشة‬
distribution 19 (noun) ‫توزيع‬
egg 19 (noun,verb) ‫بيضة‬
entertainment 19 (noun) ‫وسائل الترفيه‬
final 19 (adjective,noun) ‫نهائي‬
happy 19 (adjective) ‫سعيدة‬
hope 19 (noun,verb) ‫يأمل‬
ice 19 (noun,verb) ‫جليد‬
lift 19 (verb,noun) ‫مصعد‬
mix 19 (verb,noun) ‫مزج‬
network 19 (noun,verb) ‫شبكة االتصال‬
north 19 (noun,adjective,adverb) ‫شمال‬
office 19 (noun) ‫مكتب‬
overall 19 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫شاملة‬
population 19 (noun) ‫تعداد السكان‬
president 19 (noun) ‫رئيس‬
private 19 (adjective,noun) ‫نشر‬
realize 19 (verb) ‫تدرك‬
responsible 19 (adjective) ‫مسؤول‬
separate 19 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫منفصل‬
square 19 (noun,adjective,adverb) ‫ميدان‬
stop 19 (verb,noun) ‫قف‬
teach 19 (verb,noun) ‫يعلم‬
unit 19 (noun) ‫وحدة‬
western 19 (adjective,noun) ‫الغربي‬
yes 19 (interjection) ‫نعم‬
alone 18 (adjective,adverb) ‫وحده‬
attempt 18 (noun,verb) ‫محاولة‬
category 18 (noun) ‫الفئة‬
cigarette 18 (noun) ‫سيجارة‬
concern 18 (verb,noun) ‫االهتمام‬
contain 18 (verb) ‫يحتوي‬
context 18 (noun) ‫سياق الكالم‬
cute 18 (adjective) ‫جذاب‬
date 18 (noun,verb) ‫تاريخ‬
effect 18 (noun,verb) ‫تأثير‬
extremely 18 (adverb) ‫الى ابعد حد‬
familiar 18 (adjective,noun) ‫معروف‬
finally 18 (adverb) ‫أخيرا‬
fly 18 (verb,noun) ‫يطير‬
follow 18 (verb) ‫إتبع‬
helpful 18 (adjective) ‫متعاون‬
introduction 18 (noun) ‫المقدمة‬
link 18 (noun,verb) ‫حلقة الوصل‬
official 18 (adjective,noun) ‫الرسمية‬
opportunity 18 (noun) ‫فرصة‬
perfect 18 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫في احسن االحوال‬
performance 18 (noun) ‫أداء‬
post 18 (noun,verb,adverb) ‫بريد‬
recent 18 (adjective) ‫األخيرة‬
refer 18 (verb) ‫أشير‬
solve 18 (verb) ‫يحل‬
star 18 (noun,verb) ‫نجمة‬
voice 18 (noun,verb) ‫صوت بشري‬
willing 18 (adjective) ‫مستعد‬
born 17 (verb,adjective,past particple) ‫ولد‬
bright 17 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫مشرق‬
broad 17 (adjective,noun) ‫عريض‬
capital 17 (noun,adjective) ‫رأس المال‬
challenge 17 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫تحدي‬
comfortable 17 (adjective,noun) ‫مريح‬
constantly 17 (adverb) ‫باستمرار‬
describe 17 (verb) ‫يصف‬
despite 17 (preposition) ‫بالرغم من‬
driver 17 (noun) ‫سائق‬
flat 17 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫مستوي‬
flight 17 (noun) ‫طيران‬
friend 17 (noun,verb) ‫صديق‬
gain 17 (verb,noun) ‫ربح‬
him 17 (pronoun) ‫له‬
length 17 (noun) ‫الطول‬
magazine 17 (noun) ‫مجلة‬
maybe 17 (adverb,noun) ‫يمكن‬
newspaper 17 (noun) ‫جريدة‬
nice 17 (adjective) ‫لطيف‬
prefer 17 (verb) ‫تفضل‬
prevent 17 (verb) ‫يحاولوا‬
properly 17 (adverb) ‫بصورة صحيحة‬
relationship 17 (noun) ‫صلة‬
rich 17 (adjective,noun) ‫ثري‬
save 17 (verb,noun,preposition) ‫حفظ‬
self 17 (noun,pronoun,adjective,verb) ‫الذات‬
shot 17 (noun,adjective) ‫اطالق النار‬
soon 17 (adverb) ‫هكذا‬
specifically 17 (adverb) ‫على وجه التحديد‬
stand 17 (verb,noun) ‫يقف‬
teaching 17 (noun) ‫تعليم‬
warm 17 (adjective,verb) ‫دافئ‬
wonderful 17 (adjective) ‫رائع‬
young 17 (adjective,noun) ‫صغيرة‬
ahead 16 (adverb) ‫امام‬
brush 16 (noun,verb) ‫فرشاة‬
cell 16 (noun) ‫زنزانة‬
couple 16 (noun,verb) ‫زوج‬
daily 16 (adverb) ‫اليومي‬
dealer 16 (noun) ‫تاجر‬
debate 16 (noun,verb) ‫النقاش‬
discover 16 (verb) ‫يكتشف‬
ensure 16 (verb) ‫التأكد من‬
exit 16 (noun,verb) ‫خروج‬
expect 16 (verb) ‫توقع‬
experienced 16 (past,verb) ‫يختبر‬
fail 16 (verb,noun) ‫يفشل‬
finding 16 (noun) ‫العثور على‬
front 16 (noun,adjective,verb,interjection) ‫أمام‬
function 16 (noun,verb) ‫وظيفة‬
heavy 16 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫ثقيل‬
hello 16 (interjection,noun) ‫مرحبا‬
highly 16 (adverb) ‫إدراك‬
immediately 16 (adverb) ‫فورا‬
impossible 16 (adjective) ‫مستحيل‬
invest 16 (verb) ‫استثمار‬
lack 16 (noun,verb) ‫قلة‬
lake 16 (noun) ‫بحيرة‬
lead 16 (verb,noun) ‫قيادة‬
listen 16 (verb,noun) ‫استمع‬
living 16 (noun,adjective) ‫معيشة‬
member 16 (noun) ‫عضو‬
message 16 (noun) ‫رسالة‬
phone 16 (noun) ‫هاتف‬
plant 16 (noun,verb) ‫النبات‬
plastic 16 (noun,adjective) ‫بالستيك‬
reduce 16 (verb) ‫يقلل‬
relatively 16 (adverb) ‫نسبيا‬
scene 16 (noun) ‫مشهد‬
serious 16 (adjective) ‫جدي‬
slowly 16 (adverb) ‫ببطء‬
speak 16 (verb) ‫تحدث‬
spot 16 (noun,verb) ‫بقعة‬
summer 16 (noun,verb) ‫الصيف‬
taste 16 (noun,verb) ‫المذاق‬
theme 16 (noun,verb) ‫سمة‬
towards 16 (preposition) ‫من اتجاه‬
track 16 (noun,verb) ‫مسار‬
valuable 16 (adjective,noun) ‫ذو قيمة‬
whatever 16 (pronoun,adverb,interjection) ‫ما من أي وقت مضى‬
wing 16 (noun,verb) ‫جناح‬
worry 16 (verb,noun) ‫قلق‬
appear 15 (verb) ‫يظهر‬
appearance 15 (noun) ‫مظهر خارجي‬
association 15 (noun) ‫منظمة‬
brain 15 (noun,verb) ‫مخ‬
button 15 (noun,verb) ‫زر‬
click 15 (noun,verb) ‫انقر‬
concept 15 (noun) ‫مفهوم‬
correct 15 (adjective,verb) ‫صيح‬
customer 15 (noun) ‫عميل‬
death 15 (noun) ‫الموت‬
desire 15 (noun,verb) ‫رغبة‬
discussion 15 (noun) ‫نقاش‬
explain 15 (verb) ‫يشرح‬
explore 15 (verb) ‫يكتشف‬
express 15 (verb,adjective,adverb,noun) ‫التعبير‬
fairly 15 (adverb) ‫تماما‬
fixed 15 (past,verb) ‫مثبت‬
foot 15 (noun,verb) ‫قدم‬
gas 15 (noun,verb) ‫غاز‬
handle 15 (verb,noun) ‫مقبض‬
housing 15 (noun) ‫اإلسكان‬
huge 15 (adjective) ‫تسربت‬
inflation 15 (noun) ‫تضخم اقتصادي‬
influence 15 (noun,verb) ‫تأثير‬
insurance 15 (noun) ‫تأمين‬
involve 15 (verb) ‫تنطوي‬
leading 15 (adjective,noun) ‫قيادة‬
lose 15 (verb) ‫تخسر‬
meet 15 (verb,noun) ‫يجتمع‬
mood 15 (noun) ‫مزاج‬
notice 15 (noun,verb) ‫تنويه‬
primarily 15 (adverb) ‫بالدرجة األولى‬
rain 15 (noun,verb) ‫تمطر‬
rare 15 (adjective) ‫نادر‬
release 15 (verb,noun) ‫إطالق سراح‬
sell 15 (verb,noun) ‫يبيع‬
slow 15 (adjective,adverb,verb) ‫بطيء‬
technical 15 (adjective) ‫فني‬
typical 15 (adjective) ‫عادي‬
upon 15 (preposition) ‫بناء على‬
wall 15 (noun,verb) ‫حائط‬
woman 15 (noun) ‫النساء‬
advice 14 (noun) ‫النصيحة‬
afford 14 (verb) ‫تحمل‬
agree 14 (verb) ‫يوافق على‬
base 14 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫يتمركز‬
blood 14 (noun) ‫الدم‬
clean 14 (adjective,adverb,verb) ‫ينظف‬
competitive 14 (adjective) ‫منافس‬
completely 14 (adverb) ‫تماما‬
critical 14 (adjective) ‫حرج‬
damage 14 (noun,verb) ‫تلف‬
distance 14 (noun,verb) ‫ بعد‬:‫مسافه‬
effort 14 (noun) ‫مجهود‬
electronic 14 (adjective) ‫اإللكترونية‬
expression 14 (noun) ‫التعبير‬
feeling 14 (noun,adjective) ‫شعور‬
finish 14 (verb,noun) ‫ينهي‬
fresh 14 (adjective,adverb) ‫طازج‬
hear 14 (verb) ‫سمع‬
immediate 14 (adjective) ‫فوري‬
importance 14 (noun) ‫أهمية‬
normal 14 (adjective,noun) ‫عادي‬
opinion 14 (noun) ‫رأي‬
otherwise 14 (adverb,adjective) ‫غير ذلك‬
pair 14 (noun,verb) ‫زوج‬
payment 14 (noun) ‫دفع‬
plus 14 (preposition,adjective,noun,conjun ‫زائد‬
press 14 (verb,noun) ‫صحافة‬
reality 14 (noun) ‫واقع‬
remain 14 (verb) ‫يبقى‬
represent 14 (verb) ‫تركيز‬
responsibility 14 (noun) ‫مسؤولية‬
ride 14 (verb,noun) ‫اركب‬
savings 14 (noun,adjective,preposition) ‫مدخرات‬
secret 14 (adjective,noun) ‫سر‬
situation 14 (noun) ‫قارة‬
skill 14 (noun) ‫مهارة‬
spread 14 (verb,noun) ‫انتشار‬
spring 14 (verb,noun) ‫ربيع‬
staff 14 (noun,verb) ‫العاملين‬
statement 14 (noun) ‫بيان‬
sugar 14 (noun,verb) ‫السكر‬
target 14 (noun,verb) ‫استهداف‬
text 14 (noun,verb) ‫نص‬
tough 14 (adjective,noun) ‫قاس‬
ultimately 14 (adverb) ‫أخيرا‬
wait 14 (verb,noun) ‫انتظر‬
wealth 14 (noun) ‫ثروة‬
whenever 14 (conjunction,adverb) ‫كلما كان‬
whose 14 (pronoun) ‫ملك من‬
widely 14 (adverb) ‫على نطاق واسع‬
animal 13 (noun,adjective) ‫حيوان‬
application 13 (noun) ‫طلب‬
apply 13 (verb) ‫تطبيق‬
author 13 (noun,verb) ‫مؤلف‬
aware 13 (adjective) ‫واعي‬
brown 13 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫بنى‬
budget 13 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫تبرع‬
cheap 13 (adjective,adverb) ‫رخيص‬
city 13 (noun) ‫مدينة‬
complicated 13 (past,verb) ‫معقد‬
county 13 (noun) ‫مقاطعة‬
deep 13 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫عميق‬
depth 13 (noun) ‫عمق‬
discount 13 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫خصم‬
display 13 (verb,noun) ‫عرض‬
educational 13 (adjective) ‫تعليمي‬
environmental 13 (adjective) ‫البيئة‬
estate 13 (noun) ‫ملكية‬
file 13 (noun,verb) ‫ملف‬
flow 13 (verb,noun) ‫تدفق‬
forget 13 (verb) ‫ننسى‬
foundation 13 (noun) ‫المؤسسة‬
global 13 (adjective) ‫عالمي‬
grandmother 13 (noun) ‫جدة‬
ground 13 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫أرض‬
heart 13 (noun) ‫قلب‬
hit 13 (verb,noun) ‫يضرب‬
legal 13 (adjective) ‫قانوني‬
lesson 13 (noun,verb) ‫درس‬
minute 13 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫دقيقة‬
near 13 (adverb,preposition,adjective,verb ‫قرب‬
objective 13 (adjective,noun) ‫هدف‬
officer 13 (noun,verb) ‫ضابط‬
perspective 13 (noun) ‫إنطباع‬
phase 13 (noun,verb) ‫مرحلة‬
photo 13 (noun) ‫صورة‬
recently 13 (adverb) ‫حديثا‬
recipe 13 (noun) ‫وصفة‬
recommend 13 (verb) ‫نوصي‬
reference 13 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫المرجعي‬
register 13 (noun,verb) ‫تسجيل‬
relevant 13 (adjective) ‫ذو صلة‬
rely 13 (verb) ‫يعتمد‬
secure 13 (adjective,verb) ‫يؤمن‬
seriously 13 (adverb) ‫عنجد‬
shoot 13 (verb,noun,interjection) ‫أطلق النار‬
sky 13 (noun,verb) ‫سماء‬
stage 13 (noun,verb) ‫المسرح‬
stick 13 (noun,verb) ‫عصا‬
studio 13 (noun) ‫استوديو‬
thin 13 (adjective,adverb,verb) ‫نحيف‬
title 13 (noun,verb) ‫لقب‬
topic 13 (noun) ‫عنوان‬
touch 13 (verb,noun) ‫يلمس‬
trouble 13 (noun,verb) ‫مشكلة‬
vary 13 (verb) ‫يتغير‬
accurate 12 (adjective) ‫دقيق‬
advanced 12 (past,verb,adjective,noun) ‫المتقدمة‬
bowl 12 (noun,verb) ‫صحن‬
bridge 12 (noun,verb) ‫كوبري‬
campaign 12 (noun,verb) ‫حملة‬
cancel 12 (verb,noun) ‫إلغاء‬
capable 12 (adjective) ‫قادر‬
character 12 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫حرف‬
chemical 12 (adjective,noun) ‫المواد الكيميائية‬
club 12 (noun,verb) ‫النادي‬
collection 12 (noun) ‫مجموعة‬
cool 12 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫بارد‬
cry 12 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫بكاء‬
dangerous 12 (adjective) ‫خطير‬
depression 12 (noun) ‫كآبة‬
dump 12 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫أحمق‬
edge 12 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫حافة‬
evidence 12 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫دليل‬
extreme 12 (adjective,noun) ‫شديد‬
fan 12 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫المعجب‬
frequently 12 (adverb) ‫في كثير من األحيان‬
fully 12 (adverb) ‫تماما‬
generate 12 (verb) ‫انشاء‬
imagination 12 (noun) ‫خيال‬
letter 12 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫خطاب‬
lock 12 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫قفل‬
maximum 12 (noun,adjective) ‫أقصى‬
mostly 12 (adverb) ‫خاصة‬
myself 12 (pronoun) ‫نفسي‬
naturally 12 (adverb) ‫بطبيعة الحال‬
nearly 12 (adverb) ‫تقريبا‬
novel 12 (noun,adjective) ‫رواية‬
obtain 12 (verb) ‫الحصول على‬
occasionally 12 (adverb) ‫من حين اخر‬
option 12 (noun,verb) ‫اختيار‬
organized 12 (past,verb) ‫نظمت‬
pack 12 (noun,verb,adjective,idiom) ‫علية‬
park 12 (noun,verb) ‫منتزه‬
passion 12 (noun) ‫شغف‬
percentage 12 (noun) ‫النسبة المئوية‬
plenty 12 (noun,adjective,adverb) ‫وفرة‬
push 12 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫يدفع‬
quarter 12 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫ربع‬
resource 12 (noun) ‫موارد‬
select 12 (verb,adjective) ‫تحديد‬
setting 12 (noun) ‫إعدادات‬
skin 12 (noun,verb) ‫بشرة‬
sort 12 (noun,verb) ‫فرز‬
weight 12 (noun,verb) ‫وزن‬
accept 11 (verb) ‫قبول‬
ad 11 (noun) ‫ميالدي‬
agency 11 (noun) ‫وكالة‬
baby 11 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫طفل‬
background 11 (noun,adjective) ‫معرفتي‬
carefully 11 (adverb) ‫بحرص‬
carry 11 (noun,verb) ‫احمل‬
clearly 11 (adverb) ‫بوضوح‬
college 11 (noun) ‫كلية‬
communicate 11 (verb) ‫يتواصل‬
complain 11 (verb) ‫تذمر‬
conflict 11 (verb,noun) ‫نزاع‬
connection 11 (noun) ‫اإلتصال‬
criticism 11 (noun) ‫نقد‬
debt 11 (noun) ‫دين‬
depend 11 (verb) ‫تعتمد‬
description 11 (noun) ‫وصف‬
die 11 (verb,idiom) ‫موت‬
dish 11 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫طبق‬
dramatic 11 (adjective) ‫دراماتيكي‬
eat 11 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫تأكل‬
efficient 11 (adjective) ‫فعال‬
enter 11 (verb) ‫أدخل‬
essentially 11 (adverb) ‫بشكل أساسي‬
exact 11 (adjective,verb) ‫بالضبط‬
factor 11 (noun,verb) ‫عامل‬
fair 11 (adjective,adverb,noun,idiom) ‫عدل‬
fill 11 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫ملء‬
fine 11 (adjective,adverb,verb,noun) ‫بخير‬
formal 11 (adjective,noun,adverb) ‫رسمي‬
forward 11 (adverb,adjective,noun,verb) ‫إلى األمام‬
fruit 11 (noun,verb) ‫فاكهة‬
glass 11 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫زجاج‬
happen 11 (verb) ‫يحدث‬
indicate 11 (verb) ‫تشير‬
joint 11 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom) ‫مشترك‬
jump 11 (verb,noun,adjective,adverb) ‫القفز‬
kick 11 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫ركلة‬
master 11 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫رئيس‬
memory 11 (noun) ‫ذاكرة‬
muscle 11 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫عضلة‬
opposite 11 (adjective,noun,preposition,adver ‫عكس‬
pass 11 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫نجاح‬
patience 11 (noun) ‫الصبر‬
pitch 11 (verb,noun) ‫يقذف‬
possibly 11 (adverb) ‫ربما‬
powerful 11 (adjective) ‫قوي‬
red 11 (noun,adjective,idiom) ‫أحمر‬
remote 11 (adjective,noun) ‫التحكم عن بعد‬
secretary 11 (noun) ‫سكرتير‬
slightly 11 (adverb) ‫بعض الشيء‬
solution 11 (noun) ‫المحلول‬
somewhat 11 (adverb) ‫قليال‬
strength 11 (noun,idiom) ‫الخضوع ل‬
suggest 11 (verb) ‫يقترح‬
survive 11 (verb) ‫ينجو‬
total 11 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫مجموع‬
traffic 11 (noun,verb) ‫المرور‬
treat 11 (verb,noun) ‫يعامل‬
trip 11 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫رحلة قصيرة‬
vast 11 (adjective,noun) ‫واسع‬
vegetable 11 (noun,adjective) ‫الخضروات‬
abuse 10 (verb,noun) ‫إساءة‬
administration 10 (noun) ‫االدارة‬
appeal 10 (noun,verb) ‫مناشدة‬
appreciate 10 (verb) ‫يقدر‬
aspect 10 (noun) ‫وجه‬
attitude 10 (noun) ‫موقف سلوك‬
beat 10 (verb,noun,adjective) ‫يهزم‬
burn 10 (verb,noun) ‫حرق‬
chart 10 (noun,verb) ‫جدول‬
compare 10 (verb) ‫قارن‬
deposit 10 (verb,noun) ‫الوديعة‬
director 10 (noun) ‫مدير‬
equally 10 (adverb) ‫على قدم المساواة‬
foreign 10 (adjective) ‫أجنبي‬
gear 10 (noun,verb,adjective,idiom) ‫هيأ‬
greatly 10 (adverb) ‫الى حد كبير‬
hungry 10 (adjective) ‫جوعان‬
ideal 10 (noun,adjective) ‫مثالي‬
imagine 10 (verb) ‫يتصور‬
kitchen 10 (noun,adjective) ‫مطبخ‬
land 10 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫األرض‬
log 10 (noun,verb) ‫سجل‬
lost 10 (adjective,verb,idiom) ‫ضائع‬
manage 10 (verb) ‫تدبير‬
mother 10 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom) ‫أم‬
necessarily 10 (adverb) ‫بالضرورة‬
net 10 (noun,verb) ‫صافي‬
party 10 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫حفل‬
personality 10 (noun) ‫الشخصية‬
personally 10 (adverb) ‫شخصيا‬
practical 10 (adjective) ‫عملي‬
principle 10 (noun,idiom) ‫المبدأ‬
print 10 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom) ‫مطبعة‬
psychological 10 (adjective) ‫نفسي‬
psychology 10 (noun) ‫علم النفس‬
raise 10 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫رفع‬
rarely 10 (adverb) ‫نادرا‬
recommendation 10 (noun) ‫توصية‬
regularly 10 (adverb) ‫بشكل منتظم‬
relative 10 (noun,adjective) ‫نسبيا‬
response 10 (noun) ‫استجابة‬
sale 10 (noun,idiom) ‫تخفيض السعر‬
season 10 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫الموسم‬
selection 10 (noun) ‫اختيار‬
severe 10 (adjective) ‫شديدة‬
signal 10 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫اإلشارة‬
similarly 10 (adverb) ‫بصورة مماثلة‬
sleep 10 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫نايم‬
smooth 10 (adjective,adverb,verb,noun) ‫ناعم‬
somewhere 10 (adverb,noun) ‫مكان ما‬
spirit 10 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫روح‬
storage 10 (noun) ‫تخزين‬
street 10 (noun,adjective,idiom) ‫شارع‬
suitable 10 (adjective) ‫مناسب‬
tree 10 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫شجرة‬
version 10 (noun) ‫إصدار‬
wave 10 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫لوح‬
advance 9 (verb,noun,adjective) ‫يتقدم‬
alcohol 9 (noun) ‫الكحول‬
anywhere 9 (adverb,noun) ‫في أى مكان‬
argument 9 (noun) ‫جدال‬
basically 9 (adverb) ‫في األساس‬
belt 9 (noun,verb) ‫حزام‬
bench 9 (noun,verb) ‫مقاعد البدالء‬
closed 9 (past,verb) ‫مغلق‬
closely 9 (adverb) ‫بعناية‬
commission 9 (noun,verb) ‫عمولة‬
complaint 9 (noun) ‫شكوى‬
connect 9 (verb,adjective) ‫االتصال‬
consist 9 (verb,noun) ‫تتكون‬
contract 9 (noun) ‫اتفافية‬
contribute 9 (verb,idiom) ‫يساهم‬
copy 9 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫ينسخ‬
dark 9 (adjective,noun,idiom) ‫داكن‬
differ 9 (verb) ‫اختلف‬
double 9 (adjective,noun,verb,adverb) ‫مزدوج‬
draw 9 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫رسم‬
drop 9 (noun,verb) ‫يسقط‬
effectively 9 (adverb) ‫على نحو فعال‬
emphasis 9 (noun) ‫تشديد‬
encourage 9 (verb) ‫يشجع‬
equal 9 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫مساو‬
everybody 9 (pronoun) ‫الجميع‬
expand 9 (verb) ‫وسعت‬
firm 9 (adjective,verb,adverb,noun) ‫مؤسسة‬
fix 9 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫يصلح‬
frequent 9 (adjective,verb) ‫متكرر‬
highway 9 (noun) ‫الطريق السريع‬
hire 9 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom) ‫توظيف‬
initially 9 (adverb) ‫بدءا‬
internal 9 (adjective,noun) ‫داخلي‬
join 9 (verb,noun) ‫انضم‬
kill 9 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫قتل‬
literally 9 (adverb) ‫حرفيا‬
loss 9 (noun) ‫خسارة‬
mainly 9 (adverb) ‫في األساس‬
membership 9 (noun) ‫عضوية‬
merely 9 (adverb) ‫مجرد‬
4 minimum 9 (noun,adjective) ‫الحد األدنى‬
numerous 9 (adjective) ‫عديد‬
path 9 (noun,idiom) ‫طريق‬
possession 9 (noun) ‫حيازة‬
preparation 9 (noun) ‫تحضير‬
progress 9 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫تقدم‬
project 9 (noun,verb) ‫المشروع‬
prove 9 (verb) ‫إثبات‬
react 9 (verb) ‫تتفاعل‬
recognize 9 (verb) ‫تعرف‬
relax 9 (verb) ‫يستريح‬
replace 9 (verb) ‫يستبدل‬
sea 9 (noun,adjective,idiom) ‫لحر‬
sensitive 9 (adjective,noun) ‫حساس‬
sit 9 (verb,idiom) ‫يجلس‬
south 9 (noun,adjective,adverb,verb) ‫جنوب‬
status 9 (noun,adjective) ‫الحالة‬
stuff 9
9 (noun)
(noun,verb) ‫شريحة لحم‬
sufficient 9 (adjective) ‫كاف‬
tap 9 (verb,noun) ‫صنبور‬
ticket 9 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫تذكرة‬
tour 9 (noun,verb) ‫جولة‬
union 9 (noun) ‫اتحاد‬
unusual 9 (adjective) ‫غير عادي‬
win 9 (verb,noun) ‫ينتصر‬
agreement 8 (noun) ‫اتفاق‬
angle 8 (noun,verb) ‫زاوية‬
attack 8 (verb,noun) ‫هجوم‬
blue 8 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫أزرق‬
borrow 8 (verb) ‫يستعير‬
breakfast 8 (noun,verb) ‫وجبة افطار‬
cancer 8 (noun) ‫سرطان‬
claim 8 (verb,noun) ‫مطالبة‬
confidence 8 (noun,idiom) ‫الثقة‬
consistent 8 (adjective) ‫ثابتة‬
constant 8 (adjective,noun) ‫ثابت‬
cultural 8 (adjective) ‫الثقافية‬
currency 8 (noun) ‫عملة‬
daughter 8 (noun,adjective) ‫بنت‬
degree 8 (noun,idiom) ‫الدرجة العلمية‬
doctor 8 (noun,verb) ‫طبيب‬
dot 8 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫نقطة‬
drag 8 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom) ‫يجر‬
dream 8 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫حلم‬
drink 8 (verb,noun) ‫يشرب‬
‫قال‬ duty 8 (noun,idiom) ‫مهمة‬
earn 8 (verb) ‫يكسب‬
emphasize 8 (verb) ‫التأكيد على‬
employment 8 (noun) ‫توظيف‬
enable 8 (verb) ‫ممكن‬
engineering 8 (noun) ‫هندسة‬
entry 8 (noun) ‫دخول‬
essay 8 (noun,verb) ‫مقال‬
existing 8 (adjective) ‫موجود‬
famous 8 (adjective) ‫مشهور‬
father 8 (noun,verb) ‫اآلب‬
fee 8 (noun,verb) ‫مصاريف‬
finance 8 (noun,verb) ‫المالية‬
gently 8 (adverb) ‫بلطف‬
guess 8 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫خمن‬
hopefully 8 (adverb) ‫نأمل‬
hour 8 (noun,adjective,idiom) ‫ساعة‬
interaction 8 (noun) ‫تفاعل‬
juice 8 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫عصير‬
limit 8 (noun,verb) ‫حد‬
luck 8 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫حظ‬
milk 8 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫حليب‬
minor 8 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫تحت السن القانوني‬
mixed 8 (past,verb) ‫مختلط‬
mixture 8 (noun) ‫خليط‬
mouth 8 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫فم‬
nor 8 (conjunction) ‫وال‬
operate 8 (verb) ‫العمل‬
originally 8 (adverb) ‫في األصل‬
peace 8 (noun,interjection,verb,idiom) ‫سالم‬
pipe 8 (noun,verb) ‫يضخ‬
please 8 (adverb,verb,idiom) ‫من فضلك‬
preference 8 (noun) ‫األفضلية‬
previous 8 (adjective,idiom) ‫السابق‬
pull 8 (verb,noun) ‫يحذب‬
pure 8 (adjective) ‫نقي‬
raw 8 (adjective,noun,idiom) ‫الخام‬
reflect 8 (verb) ‫يعكس‬
region 8 (noun) ‫منطقة‬
republic 8 (noun) ‫جمهورية‬
roughly 8 (adverb) ‫بقسوة‬
seat 8 (noun,verb) ‫مقعد‬
send 8 (verb) ‫إرسال‬
significantly 8 (adverb) ‫بشكل كبير‬
soft 8 (adjective,noun,adverb,interjectio ‫ناعم‬
solid 8 (adjective,noun) ‫صلب‬
stable 8 (noun,verb) ‫مستقر‬
storm 8 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫عاصفه‬
substance 8 (noun,idiom) ‫مستوى‬
team 8 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫فريق‬
tradition 8 (noun) ‫التقليد‬
trick 8 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom) ‫الخدعة‬
virus 8 (noun) ‫فايروس‬
wear 8 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫ ارتداء‬،‫البس‬
weird 8 (adjective,noun) ‫عجيب‬
wonder 8 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫يتساءل‬
actor 7 (noun) ‫الممثل‬
afraid 7 (adjective) ‫خائف‬
afternoon 7 (noun,adjective) ‫بعد الظهر‬
amazing 7 (adjective,verb) ‫رائعة حقا‬
annual 7 (adjective,noun) ‫سنوي‬
anticipate 7 (verb) ‫يتوقع‬
assume 7 (verb) ‫افترض‬
bat 7 (noun,verb) ‫مضرب‬
beach 7 (noun,verb) ‫شاطئ بحر‬
blank 7 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫فارغ‬
busy 7 (adjective,verb) ‫مشغول‬
catch 7 (noun,verb) ‫قبض على‬
chain 7 (noun,verb) ‫سلسلة‬
classroom 7 (noun) ‫قاعة الدراسة‬
consideration 7 (noun,idiom) ‫اعتبار‬
count 7 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom) ‫عدد‬
cream 7 (noun,verb,adjective,idiom) ‫كريم‬
crew 7 (noun,verb) ‫طاقم العمل‬
dead 7 (adjective,noun,adverb,idiom) ‫في ذمة هللا تعالى‬
delivery 7 (noun) ‫توصيل‬
detail 7 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫تفاصيل‬
detailed 7 (past,verb) ‫مفصلة‬
device 7 (noun) ‫جهاز‬
difficulty 7 (noun) ‫صعوبة‬
doubt 7 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫شك‬
drama 7 (noun) ‫دراما‬
election 7 (noun) ‫انتخاب‬
engage 7 (verb) ‫يخطب‬
engine 7 (noun) ‫محرك‬
enhance 7 (verb) ‫تحسين‬
examine 7 (verb) ‫يفحص‬
0 7 (adjective,adverb,idiom) ‫خاطئة‬
feed 7 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫تغذية‬
football 7 (noun) ‫كرة القدم‬
forever 7 (adverb,noun,idiom) ‫إلى األبد‬
gold 7 (noun,adjective) ‫ذهب‬
guidance 7 (noun) ‫إرشاد‬
hotel 7 (noun) ‫الفندق‬
impress 7 (verb,noun) ‫اعجاب‬
install 7 (verb) ‫تثبيت‬
interview 7 (noun,verb) ‫مقابلة‬
kid 7 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫طفل‬
mark 7 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫عالمة‬
match 7 (noun,verb) ‫تطابق‬
mission 7 (noun,adjective) ‫مهمة‬
nobody 7 (pronoun,noun) ‫ال أحد‬
obvious 7 (adjective) ‫بديهي‬
ourselves 7 (pronoun) ‫أنفسنا‬
owner 7 (noun) ‫صاحب‬
pain 7 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫الم‬
participate 7 (verb) ‫يشارك‬
pleasure 7 (noun,verb) ‫بكل سرور‬
priority 7 (noun) ‫أفضلية‬
protection 7 (noun) ‫الحماية‬
repeat 7 (verb,noun) ‫كرر‬
round 7 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb) ‫ كروي‬- ‫مستدير‬
score 7 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫نتيجة‬
screw 7 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫أفسد‬
seek 7 (verb,idiom) ‫يطلب‬
sex 7 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫الجنس‬
sharp 7 (adjective,verb,adverb,noun) ‫حاد‬
shop 7 (noun,verb,interjection,idiom) ‫متجر‬
shower 7 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫دش‬
sing 7 (verb,noun) ‫يغني‬
slide 7 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫االنزالق‬
strip 7 (verb,noun) ‫قطاع‬
suggestion 7 (noun) ‫اقتراح‬
suit 7 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫تناسب‬
tension 7 (noun) ‫توتر‬
thick 7 (adjective,adverb,noun,idiom) ‫سميك‬
tone 7 (noun,verb) ‫نغمة‬
totally 7 (adverb) ‫تماما‬
twice 7 (adverb) ‫مرتين‬
variation 7 (noun) ‫االختالف‬
whereas 7 (conjunction,noun) ‫بينما‬
window 7 (noun,verb) ‫نافذة او شباك‬
wise 7 (adjective,verb,idiom) ‫حكمة‬
wish 7 (verb,noun) ‫يتمنى‬
agent 6 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫وكيل‬
anxiety 6 (noun) ‫القلق‬
atmosphere 6 (noun) ‫أجواء‬
awareness 6 (noun) ‫وعي‬
band 6 (noun,verb) ‫حافظة مسافة‬
bath 6 (noun) ‫حمام‬
block 6 (noun,verb) ‫منع‬
bone 6 (noun,verb,adverb) ‫عظم‬
bread 6 (noun) ‫خبز‬
calendar 6 (noun,verb) ‫تقويم‬
candidate 6 (noun) ‫مرشح‬
cap 6 (noun,verb) ‫قبعة‬
careful 6 (adjective) ‫حذر‬
climate 6 (noun) ‫مناخ‬
coat 6 (noun,verb) ‫معطف‬
collect 6 (verb,adverb,noun) ‫يجمع‬
combine 6 (verb,noun) ‫يجمع‬
command 6 (verb,noun) ‫أمر‬
comparison 6 (noun) ‫مقارنة‬
confusion 6 (noun) ‫االلتباس‬
construction 6 (noun) ‫اعمال بناء‬
contest 6 (noun,verb) ‫منافسة‬
corner 6 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom) ‫ركن‬
court 6 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫ملعب تنس‬
cup 6 (noun,verb) ‫فنجان‬
dig 6 (verb,noun) ‫حفر‬
district 6 (noun,verb) ‫منطقة‬
divide 6 (verb,noun) ‫يقسم‬
door 6 (noun,idiom) ‫باب‬
east 6 (noun,adjective,adverb) ‫الشرق‬
elevator 6 (noun) ‫مصعد‬
elsewhere 6 (adverb) ‫في مكان آخر‬
emotion 6 (noun) ‫المشاعر‬
employee 6 (noun) ‫الموظف‬
employer 6 (noun) ‫صاحب العمل‬
equivalent 6 (adjective,noun) ‫ما يعادل‬
everywhere 6 (adverb) ‫في كل مكان‬
except 6 (preposition,conjunction,idiom) ‫يستثني‬
finger 6 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫اصبع اليد‬
garage 6 (noun,verb) ‫كراج‬
guarantee 6 (noun,verb) ‫ضمان‬
guest 6 (noun) ‫زائر‬
hang 6 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫يشنق‬
height 6 (noun) ‫ارتفاع‬
himself 6 (pronoun) ‫نفسه‬
hole 6 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫الفجوة‬
hook 6 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫صنارة صيد‬
hunt 6 (verb,noun) ‫مطاردة‬
implement 6 (noun,verb) ‫ينفذ‬
initial 6 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫مبدئي‬
intend 6 (verb) ‫اعتزم‬
introduce 6 (verb) ‫تقديم‬
latter 6 (adjective) ‫أخير‬
layer 6 (noun,verb) ‫طبقة‬
leadership 6 (noun) ‫قيادة‬
lecture 6 (noun,verb) ‫محاضرة‬
lie 6 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫يكذب‬
mall 6 (noun) ‫مجمع تجاري‬
manager 6 (noun) ‫إدارة‬
manner 6 (noun,idiom) ‫طريقة‬
march 6 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫مارس‬
married 6 (past,verb,adjective,noun) ‫متزوج \ متزوجة‬
meeting 6 (noun,idiom) ‫لقاء‬
mention 6 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫أشير‬
narrow 6 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫ضيق‬
nearby 6 (adjective,adverb) ‫مجاور‬
neither 6 (conjunction,adjective,pronoun) ‫ال هذا وال ذاك‬
nose 6 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫األنف‬
obviously 6 (adverb) ‫بوضوح‬
operation 6 (noun) ‫عملية‬
parking 6 (noun,adjective) ‫موقف سيارات‬
partner 6 (noun,verb) ‫شريك‬
perfectly 6 (adverb) ‫تماما‬
physically 6 (adverb) ‫جسديا‬
profile 6 (noun,verb) ‫الملف الشخصي‬
proud 6 (adjective,idiom) ‫فخور‬
recording 6 (noun) ‫تسجيل‬
relate 6 (verb) ‫يتصل‬
respect 6 (noun,verb) ‫احترام‬
rice 6 (noun,verb) ‫أرز‬
routine 6 (noun,adjective) ‫نمط‬
sample 6 (noun) ‫عينة‬
schedule 6 (noun,verb) ‫جدول‬
settle 6 (verb) ‫يستقر‬
smell 6 (verb,noun) ‫رائحة‬
somehow 6 (adverb,idiom) ‫بطريقة ما‬
spiritual 6 (adjective,noun) ‫روحانية‬
survey 6 (verb,noun) ‫الدراسة االستقصائية‬
swimming 6 (noun,adjective) ‫سباحة‬
telephone 6 (noun,verb) ‫هاتف‬
tie 6 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫ربطة عنق‬
tip 6 (noun,verb) ‫تلميح‬
transportation 6 (noun) ‫نقل‬
unhappy 6 (adjective) ‫تعيس‬
wild 6 (adjective,adverb,noun,idiom) ‫بري‬
winter 6 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫شتاء‬
absolutely 5 (adverb,interjection) ‫إطالقا‬
acceptable 5 (adjective) ‫مقبول‬
adult 5 (adjective,noun) ‫الكبار‬
aggressive 5 (adjective) ‫عنيف‬
airline 5 (noun,adjective) ‫شركة طيران‬
apart 5 (adjective,adverb) ‫ على حد‬،‫ بمعزل‬،‫بعيدا‬
assure 5 (verb) ‫ضم‬
attract 5 (verb) ‫جذب‬
bag 5 (noun,verb) ‫كيس‬
battle 5 (noun,verb) ‫معركة‬
bed 5 (noun,verb) ‫سرير‬
bill 5 (noun,verb) ‫مشروع قانون‬
boring 5 (adjective) ‫ممل‬
bother 5 (noun,verb) ‫يزعج‬
brief 5 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫نبذة‬
cake 5 (noun,verb) ‫كيك‬
charity 5 (noun) ‫االعمال الخيرية‬
code 5 (noun,verb) ‫الشفرة‬
cousin 5 (noun) ‫ولد عم‬
crazy 5 (adjective,noun,idiom) ‫مجنون‬
curve 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫منحنى‬
designer 5 (noun,adjective) ‫مصمم‬
dimension 5 (noun,verb) ‫البعد‬
disaster 5 (noun) ‫كارثة‬
distinct 5 (adjective) ‫خامد‬
distribute 5 (verb) ‫نشر‬
dress 5 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫فستان‬
ease 5 (noun,verb) ‫يسهل‬
eastern 5 (adjective) ‫الشرقية‬
editor 5 (noun) ‫محرر‬
efficiency 5 (noun) ‫نجاعة‬
emergency 5 (noun,adjective) ‫حالة طوارئ‬
escape 5 (verb,noun,adjective) ‫يهرب‬
evening 5 (noun,adjective) ‫اخر النهار‬
excitement 5 (noun) ‫اإلثارة‬
expose 5 (verb,idiom) ‫تعرض‬
extension 5 (noun,adjective) ‫تمديد‬
extent 5 (noun) ‫مدى‬
farm 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫مزرعة‬
5 (noun) #VALUE!
fight 5 (noun,verb) ‫يقاتل‬
gap 5 (noun,verb) ‫الفارق‬
gather 5 (verb,noun,idiom) ‫يجتمع‬
grade 5 (noun,verb) ‫المرتبة‬
guitar 5 (noun) ‫غيتار‬
hate 5 (verb,noun) ‫يكره‬
holiday 5 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫يوم االجازة‬
homework 5 (noun) ‫الواجب المنزلي‬
horror 5 (noun,adjective) ‫رعب‬
horse 5 (noun,verb,adjective,idiom) ‫حصان‬
host 5 (noun,verb) ‫مضيف‬
husband 5 (noun,verb) ‫الزوج‬
leader 5 (noun) ‫زعيم‬
loan 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫يقرض‬
logical 5 (adjective) ‫منطقية‬
mistake 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫خطأ‬
mom 5 (noun) ‫أمي‬
mountain 5 (noun,adjective,idiom) ‫جبل‬
nail 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫مسمار‬
noise 5 (noun,verb) ‫الضوضاء‬
none 5 (pronoun,adverb,adjective) ‫ال أحد‬
occasion 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫مناسبات‬
outcome 5 (noun) ‫حصيلة‬
overcome 5 (verb) ‫التغلب على‬
owe 5 (verb) ‫مدينون‬
package 5 (noun,verb) ‫رزمة‬
patient 5 (noun,adjective) ‫مريض‬
pause 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫وقفة‬
permission 5 (noun) ‫اإلذن‬
phrase 5 (noun,verb) ‫العبارة‬
presentation 5 (noun) ‫عرض‬
prior 5 (adjective,noun,idiom) ‫قبل‬
promotion 5 (noun) ‫ترقية وظيفية‬
proof 5 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫دليل‬
race 5 (noun,verb) ‫العنصر‬
reasonable 5 (adjective) ‫مسؤول‬
reflection 5 (noun) ‫انعكاس‬
refrigerator 5 (noun) ‫ثالجة‬
relief 5 (noun,idiom) ‫ارتياح‬
repair 5 (verb,noun) ‫يصلح‬
resolution 5 (noun) ‫الدقة‬
revenue 5 (noun) ‫إيرادات‬
rough 5 (adjective,noun,adverb,verb) ‫الخام‬
sad 5 (adjective,noun) ‫حزين‬
sand 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫رمل‬
scratch 5 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom) ‫خدش‬
sentence 5 (noun,verb) ‫جملة او حكم على‬
session 5 (noun) ‫جلسة‬
shoulder 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫كتف‬
sick 5 (adjective,noun,idiom) ‫مرض‬
singer 5 (noun) ‫مغني‬
smoke 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫دخان‬
stomach 5 (noun,verb) ‫معدة‬
strange 5 (adjective,adverb) ‫غريب‬
strict 5 (adjective) ‫صارم‬
strike 5 (verb,noun,adjective,idiom) ‫إضراب‬
string 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫خيط‬
succeed 5 (verb) ‫ينجح‬
successfully 5 (adverb) ‫بنجاح‬
suddenly 5 (adverb) ‫فجأة‬
suffer 5 (verb) ‫يعاني‬
surprised 5 (past,verb) ‫فوجئ‬
tennis 5 (noun) ‫تنس‬
throw 5 (verb) ‫رمي‬
tourist 5 (noun,adverb) ‫سائح‬
towel 5 (noun,verb) ‫منشفة‬
truly 5 (adverb) ‫حقا‬
vacation 5 (noun,verb) ‫عطلة‬
virtually 5 (adverb) ‫عمليا‬
west 5 (noun,adjective,adverb,idiom) ‫غرب‬
wheel 5 (noun,verb,idiom) ‫عجلة‬
wine 5 (noun,adjective,verb,idiom) ‫خمر‬
acquire 4 (verb) ‫يستحوذ على‬
adapt 4 (verb) ‫تأقلم‬
adjust 4 (verb) ‫يعدل‬
administrative 4 (adjective) ‫إداري‬
altogether 4 (adverb) ‫كليا‬
anyway 4 (adverb) ‫على أي حال‬
argue 4 (verb) ‫تجادل‬
arise 4 (verb) ‫تنشأ‬
arm 4 (noun,verb) ‫ذراع‬
aside 4 (noun,adverb) ‫جانبا‬
associate 4 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫مساعد‬
automatic 4 (adjective) ‫التلقائي‬
automatically 4 (adverb) ‫تلقائيا‬
basket 4 (noun) ‫سلة‬
bet 4 (noun,verb) ‫رهان‬
blow 4 (noun,verb) ‫نفخ‬
bonus 4 (noun) ‫عالوة‬
border 4 (noun,verb) ‫حدود‬
branch 4 (noun,verb) ‫فرع‬
breast 4 (noun,verb) ‫صدر‬
brother 4 (noun,interjection) ‫شقيق‬
buddy 4 (noun,verb) ‫صاحب‬
bunch 4 (noun,verb) ‫حزمة‬
cabinet 4 (noun) ‫خزانة‬
childhood 4 (noun) ‫مرحلة الطفولة‬
chip 4 (noun,verb) ‫رقاقة‬
church 4 (noun) ‫كنيسة‬
civil 4 (adjective) ‫مدني‬
clothes 4 (noun) ‫مالبس‬
coach 4 (noun,verb,adverb) ‫مدرب رياضي‬
coffee 4 (noun) ‫قهوة‬
confirm 4 (verb) ‫تؤكد‬
cross 4 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫تعبر‬
deeply 4 (adverb) ‫بشدة‬
definitely 4 (adverb) ‫بالتااكيد‬
deliberately 4 (adverb) ‫عن عمد‬
dinner 4 (noun) ‫عشاء‬
document 4 (noun,verb) ‫وثيقة‬
draft 4 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫مسودة‬
drawing 4 (noun) ‫رسم‬
dust 4 (noun,verb) ‫غبار‬
employ 4 (verb,noun) ‫توظيف‬
encouraging 4 (verb) ‫تشجيع‬
expert 4 (noun,adjective) ‫خبير‬
external 4 (adjective,noun) ‫خارجي‬
floor 4 (noun,verb) ‫األرض‬
former 4 (adjective) ‫سابق‬
god 4 (noun,interjection) ‫هللا‬
golf 4 (noun,verb) ‫جولف‬
habit 4 (noun,verb) ‫عادة‬
hair 4 (noun) ‫شعر‬
hardly 4 (adverb) ‫بالكاد‬
hearing 4 (noun) ‫سمع‬
hurt 4 (verb,noun) ‫يؤذي‬
illegal 4 (adjective,noun) ‫غير شرعي‬
incorporate 4 (verb) ‫أدخل‬
initiative 4 (noun) ‫مبادر‬
iron 4 (noun,verb) ‫حديد‬
judge 4 (noun,verb) ‫القاضي‬
judgment 4 (noun) ‫حكم‬
justify 4 (verb) ‫يبرر‬
knife 4 (noun,verb) ‫سكين‬
lab 4 (noun) ‫مختبر‬
landscape 4 (noun,verb) ‫المناظر الطبيعيه‬
laugh 4 (verb,noun) ‫يضحك‬
lay 4 (verb,noun,adjective) ‫بسط‬
league 4 (noun,verb) ‫الدوري‬
loud 4 (adjective,adverb) ‫بصوت عال‬
mail 4 (noun,verb) ‫بريد‬
massive 4 (adjective) ‫جسيم‬
measurement 4 (noun) ‫قياس‬
mess 4 (noun,verb) ‫تعبث‬
mobile 4 (adjective,noun) ‫التليفون المحمول‬
mode 4 (noun) ‫الوضع‬
mud 4 (noun) ‫طين‬
nasty 4 (adjective,noun) ‫مقرف‬
native 4 (noun,adjective) ‫محلي‬
opening 4 (noun,adjective) ‫افتتاح‬
orange 4 (noun) ‫البرتقالي‬
ordinary 4 (adjective,noun) ‫عادي‬
organize 4 (verb) ‫تنظم‬
ought 4 (verb) ‫ينبغي‬
parent 4 (noun,verb) ‫األبوين‬
pattern 4 (noun,verb) ‫نمط‬
pin 4 (noun,verb) ‫دبوس‬
poetry 4 (noun) ‫الشعر‬
police 4 (noun) ‫شرطة‬
pool 4 (noun,verb) ‫تجمع‬
possess 4 (verb) ‫يمتلك‬
possibility 4 (noun) ‫إمكانية‬
pound 4 (noun,verb) ‫جنيه‬
procedure 4 (noun) ‫إجراء‬
queen 4 (noun) ‫ملكة‬
ratio 4 (noun) ‫نسبة‬
readily 4 (adverb) ‫بسهولة‬
relation 4 (noun) ‫عالقة‬
relieve 4 (verb) ‫يخفف‬
request 4 (noun,verb) ‫طلب‬
respond 4 (verb,noun) ‫رد‬
restaurant 4 (noun) ‫مطعم‬
retain 4 (verb) ‫يحتفظ‬
royal 4 (adjective,noun) ‫رويال‬
salary 4 (noun,verb) ‫راتب‬
satisfaction 4 (noun) ‫إشباع‬
sector 4 (noun) ‫قطاع‬
senior 4 (adjective,noun) ‫أول‬
shame 4 (noun,verb) ‫عار‬
shelter 4 (noun,verb) ‫مأوى‬
shoe 4 (noun,verb) ‫حذاء‬
shut 4 (verb) ‫اغلق‬
signature 4 (noun) ‫التوقيع‬
significance 4 (noun) ‫داللة‬
silver 4 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫فضة‬
somebody 4 (pronoun) ‫شخص ما‬
song 4 (noun) ‫أغنية‬
southern 4 (adjective) ‫الجنوبي‬
split 4 (verb,noun) ‫ينقسم‬
strain 4 (verb,noun) ‫أضنى‬
struggle 4 (verb,noun) ‫تعثر في الشئ‬
super 4 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫ممتاز‬
swim 4 (verb,noun) ‫السباحة‬
tackle 4 (noun,verb) ‫يتصدى‬
tank 4 (noun,verb) ‫خزان‬
terribly 4 (adverb) ‫رهيب‬
tight 4 (adjective,adverb) ‫مشدود‬
tooth 4 (noun) ‫سن‬
town 4 (noun) ‫قرية‬
train 4 (verb,noun) ‫قطار‬
trust 4 (noun,verb) ‫يثق‬
unfair 4 (adjective) ‫غير منصف‬
unfortunately 4 (adverb) ‫لسوء الحظ‬
upper 4 (adjective,noun) UPPER.
vehicle 4 (noun) ‫مركبة‬
visible 4 (adjective) ‫مرئي‬
volume 4 (noun) ‫أربعة حجمالخامس‬
wash 4 (verb,noun) ‫غسل‬
waste 4 (verb,adjective,noun) ‫المخلفات‬
wife 4 (noun) ‫زوجة‬
yellow 4 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫األصفر‬
yours 4 (pronoun) ‫خاصة بك‬
accident 3 (noun) ‫حادثة‬
airport 3 (noun) ‫مطار‬
alive 3 (adjective) ‫على قيد الحياة‬
angry 3 (adjective) ‫غاضب‬
appointment 3 (noun) ‫موعد‬
arrival 3 (noun) ‫وصول‬
assist 3 (noun,verb) ‫مساعدة‬
assumption 3 (noun) ‫افتراض‬
bake 3 (noun,verb) ‫خبز‬
bar 3 (noun,verb,preposition) ‫شريط‬
baseball 3 (noun) ‫البيسبول‬
bell 3 (noun,verb) ‫جرس‬
bike 3 (noun,verb) ‫دراجة هوائية‬
blame 3 (noun,verb) ‫إلقاء اللوم على‬
boy 3 (noun,interjection) ‫صبي‬
brick 3 (noun,verb) ‫قالب طوب‬
calculate 3 (verb) ‫حساب‬
chair 3 (noun,verb) ‫كرسي‬
chapter 3 (noun) ‫الفصل‬
closet 3 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫خزانة‬
clue 3 (noun,verb) ‫فكرة‬
collar 3 (noun,verb) ‫طوق‬
comment 3 (noun,verb) ‫تعليق‬
committee 3 (noun) ‫لجنة‬
compete 3 (verb) ‫تنافس‬
concerning 3 (preposition) ‫بخصوص‬
conference 3 (noun,verb) ‫مؤتمر‬
consult 3 (verb) ‫شاور‬
conversation 3 (noun) ‫محادثة‬
convert 3 (verb,noun) ‫يتحول‬
crash 3 (verb,noun,adjective,adverb) ‫يصطدم‬
database 3 (noun) ‫قاعدة البيانات‬
deliver 3 (verb) ‫ايصال‬
dependent 3 (adjective,noun) ‫متكل‬
desperate 3 (adjective) ‫متحرق إلى‬
devil 3 (noun,verb) ‫شيطان‬
diet 3 (noun,verb) ‫حمية‬
enthusiasm 3 (noun) ‫حماس‬
error 3 (noun) ‫خطأ‬
exciting 3 (adjective) ‫مثير‬
explanation 3 (noun) ‫تفسير‬
extend 3 (verb) ‫يمتد‬
farmer 3 (noun) ‫مزارع‬
fear 3 (noun,verb) ‫يخاف‬
fold 3 (verb,noun) ‫يطوى‬
forth 3 (adverb) ‫من الواضح‬
friendly 3 (adjective) ‫ودود‬
fuel 3 (noun,verb) ‫وقود‬
funny 3 (adjective,noun) ‫مضحك‬
gate 3 (noun) ‫بوابة‬
girl 3 (noun) ‫فتاة‬
glove 3 (noun,verb) ‫قفاز‬
grab 3 (verb,noun) ‫إختطاف‬
gross 3 (adjective,adverb,verb,noun) ‫أزداد‬
hall 3 (noun) ‫قاعة‬
herself 3 (pronoun) ‫نفسها‬
hide 3 (verb,noun) ‫يخفي‬
historian 3 (noun) ‫مؤرخ‬
hospital 3 (noun) ‫مستشفى‬
ill 3 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫سوف‬
injury 3 (noun) ‫إصابة‬
instruction 3 (noun) ‫تعليمات‬
investigate 3 (verb) ‫التحقيق‬
jacket 3 (noun,verb) ‫السترة‬
lucky 3 (adjective) ‫محظوظ‬
lunch 3 (noun,verb) ‫غداء‬
maintenance 3 (noun) ‫اعمال صيانة‬
manufacturer 3 (noun) ‫الصانع‬
meal 3 (noun) ‫وجبة‬
miss 3 (verb,noun) ‫يفتقد‬
monitor 3 (noun,verb) ‫مراقب‬
mortgage 3 (noun,verb) ‫الرهن العقاري‬
negotiate 3 (verb) ‫تفاوض‬
nurse 3 (noun,verb) ‫ممرض‬
pace 3 (noun,verb,preposition) ‫خطوة‬
panic 3 (noun,verb) ‫هلع‬
peak 3 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫قمة‬
perception 3 (noun) ‫المعرفة‬
permit 3 (verb,noun) ‫يسمح‬
pie 3 (noun) ‫فطيرة‬
plane 3 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫طائرة‬
poem 3 (noun) ‫قصيدة‬
presence 3 (noun) ‫حضور‬
proposal 3 (noun) ‫اقتراح‬
provided 3 (past,verb) ‫قدمت‬
qualify 3 (verb) ‫مؤهالت‬
quote 3 (verb,noun) ‫اقتبس‬
realistic 3 (adjective) ‫واقعي‬
reception 3 (noun) ‫استقبال‬
recover 3 (verb,noun) ‫استعادة‬
replacement 3 (noun) ‫إستبدال‬
resolve 3 (verb,noun) ‫حل‬
retire 3 (verb) ‫تقاعد‬
revolution 3 (noun) ‫ثورة‬
reward 3 (noun,verb) ‫مكافأة‬
rid 3 (verb) ‫يتخلص‬
river 3 (noun) ‫نهر‬
roll 3 (verb,noun) ‫تدحرج‬
row 3 (noun,verb) ‫صف‬
sandwich 3 (noun,verb) ‫ساندويتش‬
shock 3 (noun,verb) ‫صدمة‬
sink 3 (verb,noun) ‫مكتب المدير‬
slip 3 (verb,noun) ‫ينزلق‬
son 3 (noun) ‫ابن‬
sorry 3 (adjective) ‫آسف‬
spare 3 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫إضافي‬
speech 3 (noun) ‫خطاب‬
spite 3 (noun,verb) ‫رغم‬
spray 3 (noun,verb) ‫رذاذ‬
surprise 3 (noun,verb) ‫مفاجئة‬
suspect 3 (verb,noun,adjective) ‫مشتبه فيه‬
sweet 3 (adjective,noun) ‫حلو‬
swing 3 (verb,noun) ‫تأرجح‬
tea 3 (noun) ‫شاي‬
till 3 (noun,verb) ‫حتى‬
transition 3 (noun,verb) ‫انتقال‬
twist 3 (verb,noun) ‫إلتواء‬
ugly 3 (adjective) ‫البشع‬
unlikely 3 (adjective) ‫من غير المرجح‬
upstairs 3 (adjective,noun) ‫الطابق العلوي‬
usual 3 (adjective,noun) ‫معتاد‬
village 3 (noun) ‫قرية‬
warning 3 (noun) ‫تحذير‬
weekend 3 (noun,verb) ‫عطلة نهاية االسبوع‬
weigh 3 (verb) ‫وزن‬
welcome 3 (noun,interjection,verb,adjective) ‫أهال بك‬
winner 3 (noun) ‫الفائز‬
worker 3 (noun) ‫عامل‬
writer 3 (noun) ‫كاتب‬
yard 3 (noun,verb) ‫حديقة منزل‬
abroad 2 (adverb,noun) ‫خارج البالد‬
alarm 2 (noun,verb) ‫إنذار‬
anxious 2 (adjective) ‫قلق‬
arrive 2 (verb) ‫يصل‬
assistance 2 (noun) ‫مساعدة‬
attach 2 (verb) ‫يربط‬
behave 2 (verb) ‫تصرف‬
bend 2 (noun,verb) ‫يلوي‬
bicycle 2 (noun,verb) ‫دراجة‬
bite 2 (noun,verb) ‫عضة‬
blind 2 (noun,verb,adjective,adverb) ‫أعمى‬
bottle 2 (noun,verb) ‫زجاجة‬
brave 2 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫شجاع‬
breath 2 (noun) ‫نفس‬
briefly 2 (adverb) ‫باختصار‬
buyer 2 (noun) ‫مشتر‬
cable 2 (noun,verb) ‫كابل‬
calm 2 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫بارد االعصاب‬
candle 2 (noun,verb) ‫شمعة‬
celebrate 2 (verb) ‫احتفل‬
chest 2 (noun) ‫صدر‬
chocolate 2 (noun) ‫شوكوالتة‬
clerk 2 (noun,verb) ‫كاتب ملفات‬
cloud 2 (noun,verb) ‫غيم‬
comprehensive 2 (adjective) ‫شاملة‬
concentrate 2 (verb,noun) ‫تركيز‬
concert 2 (noun,verb) ‫حفلة موسيقية‬
conclusion 2 (noun) ‫استنتاج‬
contribution 2 (noun) ‫مساهمة‬
convince 2 (verb) ‫يقنع‬
cookie 2 (noun) ‫بسكويت‬
counter 2 (noun,verb,adverb,adjective) ‫عداد‬
courage 2 (noun) ‫شجاعة‬
curious 2 (adjective) ‫فضولي‬
dad 2 (noun) ‫بابا‬
desk 2 (noun) ‫طاولة مكتب‬
dirty 2 (adjective,verb) ‫متسخ‬
disagree 2 (verb) ‫تعارض‬
downtown 2 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫وسط البلد‬
drawer 2 (noun) ‫الدرج‬
establish 2 (verb) ‫إنشاء‬
establishment 2 (noun) ‫مؤسسة‬
estimate 2 (verb,noun) ‫تقدير‬
examination 2 (noun) ‫فحص‬
flower 2 (noun,verb) ‫زهرة‬
garbage 2 (noun) ‫قمامة‬
grand 2 (adjective,noun) ‫كبير‬
grandfather 2 (noun,verb) ‫جد‬
grocery 2 (noun) ‫خضروات‬
harm 2 (noun,verb) ‫ضرر‬
honest 2 (adjective,adverb) ‫صادق‬
honey 2 (noun) ‫عسل‬
ignore 2 (verb) ‫يتجاهل‬
imply 2 (verb) ‫لمح‬
impression 2 (noun) ‫انطباع‬
impressive 2 (adjective) ‫بديع‬
improvement 2 (noun) ‫تحسين‬
independence 2 (noun) ‫استقالل‬
informal 2 (adjective) ‫غير رسمي‬
inner 2 (adjective) ‫داخلي‬
insect 2 (noun) ‫الحشرات‬
insist 2 (verb) ‫يصر‬
inspection 2 (noun) ‫تفتيش‬
inspector 2 (noun) ‫مفتش‬
king 2 (noun) ‫ملك‬
knee 2 (noun,verb) ‫ركبة‬
ladder 2 (noun) ‫سلم‬
lawyer 2 (noun,verb) ‫محامي‬
leather 2 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫جلد‬
load 2 (noun,verb) ‫حمل‬
loose 2 (adjective,verb) ‫واسع‬
male 2 (adjective,noun) ‫الذكر‬
menu 2 (noun) ‫قائمة‬
mine 2 (pronoun,noun,verb) ‫الخاص بي‬
mirror 2 (noun,verb) ‫مرآة‬
moreover 2 (adverb) ‫وعالوة على ذلك‬
neck 2 (noun,verb) ‫رقبه‬
penalty 2 (noun) ‫ضربة جزاء‬
pension 2 (noun,verb) ‫راتب تقاعد‬
piano 2 (noun) ‫بيانو‬
plate 2 (noun,verb) ‫طبق‬
pleasant 2 (adjective) ‫جذاب‬
pleased 2 (past,verb) ‫مسرور‬
potato 2 (noun) ‫البطاطس‬
profession 2 (noun) ‫مهنة‬
professor 2 (noun) ‫دكتور جامعى‬
prompt 2 (verb,noun,adjective) ‫استدعى‬
proposed 2 (past,verb) ‫مقترح‬
purple 2 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫نفسجي‬
pursue 2 (verb) ‫الحق‬
quantity 2 (noun) ‫كمية‬
quiet 2 (adjective,noun,verb) ‫هادئ‬
reaction 2 (noun) ‫تفاعل‬
refuse 2 (verb,noun) ‫رفض‬
regret 2 (verb,noun) ‫يندم‬
remaining 2 (verb) ‫متبقي‬
requirement 2 (noun) ‫المتطلبات‬
reveal 2 (verb,noun) ‫يكشف‬
ruin 2 (noun,verb) ‫خراب‬
rush 2 (verb,noun) ‫سرعه‬
salad 2 (noun) ‫سلطة‬
sexual 2 (adjective) ‫الجنس‬
shake 2 (verb,noun) ‫هزة‬
shift 2 shaft (verb,noun) ‫تحول‬
shine 2 (verb,noun) ‫يلمع‬
ship 2 (noun,verb) ‫سفينة‬
sister 2 (noun) ‫أخت‬
skirt 2 (noun,verb) ‫تنورة‬
slice 2 (noun,verb) ‫شريحة‬
snow 2 (noun,verb) ‫ثلج‬
specialist 2 (noun,adjective) ‫متخصص‬
specify 2 (verb) ‫حدد‬
steal 2 steel (verb,noun) ‫يسرق‬
stroke 2 (noun,verb) ‫السكتة الدماغية‬
strongly 2 (adverb) ‫بقوة‬
suck 2 (verb,noun) ‫مص‬
sudden 2 (adjective) ‫مفاجئ‬
supermarket 2 (noun) ‫سوبر ماركت‬
surround 2 (verb,noun) ‫تحيط‬
switch 2 (noun,verb) ‫تحول‬
terrible 2 (adjective) ‫كريه‬
tired 2 (past,verb) ‫مرهق‬
tongue 2 (noun) ‫لسان‬
trash 2 (noun,verb) ‫ يهدم‬،‫ يدمر‬،‫قمامة‬
tune 2 (noun,verb) ‫نغم‬
unable 2 (adjective) ‫غير قادر‬
warn 2 (verb) ‫حذر‬
weak 2 (adjective) ‫ضعيف‬
weakness 2 (noun) ‫ضعف‬
wedding 2 (noun) ‫حفل زواج‬
wooden 2 (adjective) ‫خشبي‬
worried 2 (past,verb) ‫قلق‬
yeah 2 (adverb,interjection) ‫بلى‬
zone 2 (noun,verb) ‫منطقة‬
accuse 1 (verb) ‫اتهم‬
admire 1 (verb) ‫معجب‬
admit 1 (verb) ‫يعترف‬
adopt 1 (verb) ‫يتبنى‬
affair 1 (noun) ‫قضية‬
ambition 1 (noun) ‫طموح‬
analyst 1 (noun) ‫المحلل‬
anger 1 (noun,verb) ‫غاضب‬
announce 1 (verb) ‫أعلن‬
anybody 1 (pronoun,noun) ‫اي شخص‬
apologize 1 (verb) ‫اعتذر‬
apple 1 (noun) ‫تفاحة‬
approve 1 (verb) ‫يوافق‬
asleep 1 (adjective) ‫نائم‬
assignment 1 (noun) ‫تكليف‬
assistant 1 (noun) ‫مساعد‬
attend 1 (verb) ‫حضر‬
award 1 (noun,verb) ‫جائزة‬
bathroom 1 (noun) ‫حمام‬
bear 1 (verb,noun) ‫يتحمل‬
bedroom 1 (noun) ‫غرفة نوم‬
beer 1 (noun) ‫بيرة‬
belong 1 (verb) ‫ينتمي ل‬
bid 1 (noun,verb) ‫المناقصة‬
birthday 1 (noun) ‫عيد الميالد‬
bitter 1 (noun,adjective) ‫مر‬
boot 1 (noun,verb) ‫حذاء طويل‬
brilliant 1 (adjective,noun) ‫متألق‬
bug 1 (noun,verb) ‫حشرة‬
camp 1 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫معسكر‬
candy 1 (noun,verb) ‫حلويات‬
carpet 1 (noun,verb) ‫سجاد‬
cat 1 (noun,verb) ‫قط‬
celebration 1 (noun) ‫احتفال‬
champion 1 (noun,verb) ‫بطل‬
championship 1 (noun) ‫بطولة‬
channel 1 (noun,verb) ‫قناة‬
cheek 1 (noun) ‫الخد‬
client 1 (noun) ‫زبون‬
clock 1 (noun,verb) ‫ساعة‬
comfort 1 (noun,verb) ‫راحة‬
commit 1 (verb) ‫ارتكب‬
confident 1 (adjective) ‫موثوق‬
conscious 1 (adjective) ‫واع‬
consequence 1 (noun) ‫عاقبة‬
cow 1 (noun,verb) ‫بقرة‬
crack 1 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫كسر‬
criticize 1 (verb) ‫ينتقد‬
dare 1 (verb,noun) ‫جسارة‬
dear 1 (adjective,noun,adverb,interjectio ‫العزيز‬
decent 1 (adjective) ‫مقبول‬
delay 1 (verb,noun) ‫تأخير‬
departure 1 (noun) ‫االقالع‬
deserve 1 (verb) ‫استحق‬
destroy 1 (verb) ‫هدم‬
diamond 1 (noun) ‫الماس‬
dirt 1 (noun) ‫التراب‬
disappointed 1 (past,verb) ‫خائب االمل‬
drunk 1 (adjective,noun) ‫سكران‬
ear 1 (noun) ‫أذن‬
embarrassed 1 (adjective) ‫باإلحراج‬
empty 1 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫فارغة‬
engineer 1 (noun,verb) ‫مهندس‬
entrance 1 (noun,verb) ‫مدخل‬
fault 1 (noun,verb) ‫خطأ‬
female 1 (adjective,noun) ‫أنثى‬
fortune 1 (noun) ‫حظ‬
friendship 1 (noun) ‫صداقة‬
funeral 1 (noun) ‫جنازة‬
gene 1 (noun) ‫جين‬
girlfriend 1 (noun) ‫صديقة‬
grass 1 (noun,verb) ‫نجيل‬
guilty 1 (adjective) ‫مذنب‬
guy 1 (noun,verb) ‫شاب‬
hat 1 (noun) ‫قبعة‬
hell 1 (noun,interjection) ‫الجحيم‬
hesitate 1 (verb) ‫يتردد‬
highlight 1 (noun,verb) ‫تسليط الضوء‬
honestly 1 (adverb) ‫بصدق‬
hurry 1 (verb,noun) ‫عجل‬
illustrate 1 (verb) ‫توضيح‬
incident 1 (noun,adjective) ‫حادث‬
indication 1 (noun) ‫إشارة‬
inevitable 1 (adjective,noun) ‫حتمي‬
inform 1 (verb) ‫يخبر‬
intention 1 (noun) ‫نية‬
invite 1 (verb,noun) ‫يدعو‬
island 1 (noun,verb) ‫جزيرة‬
joke 1 (noun,verb) ‫نكتة‬
jury 1 (noun,verb,adjective) ‫هيئة المحلفين‬
kiss 1 (verb,noun) ‫قبلة‬
lady 1 (noun) ‫سيدة‬
leg 1 (noun,verb) ‫ساق‬
lip 1 (noun,verb) ‫شفة‬
lonely 1 (adjective) ‫وحيد‬
mad 1 (adjective) ‫مجنون‬
manufacturing 1 (verb) ‫تصنيع‬
marry 1 (verb,interjection) ‫الزواج‬
mate 1 (noun,verb) ‫زميل‬
midnight 1 (noun) ‫منتصف الليل‬
motor 1 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫محرك‬
neat 1 (adjective,noun) ‫مرتب‬
negotiation 1 (noun) ‫تفاوض‬
nerve 1 (noun,verb) ‫عصب‬
nervous 1 (adjective) ‫متوتر‬
nowhere 1 (adverb,pronoun,adjective) ‫في أي مكان‬
obligation 1 (noun) ‫فرض‬
odd 1 (adjective) ‫الفردية‬
ok 1 (adjective,adverb,noun,verb) ‫نعم‬
passage 1 (noun,verb) ‫العبور‬
passenger 1 (noun) ‫راكب‬
pen 1 (noun,verb) ‫قلم جاف‬
persuade 1 (verb) ‫اقناع‬
pizza 1 (noun) ‫بيتزا‬
platform 1 (noun) ‫برنامج‬
poet 1 (noun) ‫شاعر‬
pollution 1 (noun) ‫التلوث‬
pop 1 (verb,noun,adverb,adjective) ‫بث‬
pour 1 (verb) ‫يصب‬
pray 1 (verb,adverb) ‫صلى‬
pretend 1 (verb,adjective) ‫يدعي‬
previously 1 (adverb) ‫سابقا‬
pride 1 (noun,verb) ‫االعتزاز‬
priest 1 (noun,verb) ‫كاهن‬
prize 1 (noun,adjective,verb) ‫جائزة‬
promise 1 (noun,verb) ‫يعد‬
propose 1 (verb) ‫اقترح‬
punch 1 (verb,noun) ‫لكمة‬
quit 1 (verb,noun) ‫استقال‬
recognition 1 (noun) ‫التعرف على‬
remarkable 1 (adjective) ‫الفت للنظر‬
remind 1 (verb) ‫تذكير‬
reply 1 (verb,noun) ‫الرد‬
representative 1 (adjective,noun) ‫وكيل‬
reputation 1 (noun) ‫سمعة‬
resident 1 (noun,adjective) ‫مقيم‬
resist 1 (verb,noun) ‫يقاوم‬
resort 1 (noun,verb) ‫ملجأ‬
ring 1 (noun,verb) ‫حلقة‬
rip 1 (verb,noun) ‫إرقد بسالم‬
roof 1 (noun,verb) ‫سقف‬
rope 1 (noun,verb) ‫حبل‬
rub 1 (verb,noun) ‫فرك‬
sail 1 (noun,verb) ‫ريشة‬
scheme 1 (noun,verb) ‫مخطط‬
script 1 (noun,verb) ‫النصي‬
shall 1 (verb) ‫يجب‬
shirt 1 (noun) ‫قميص‬
silly 1 (adjective,noun) ‫سخيف‬
sir 1 (noun) ‫سيدي المحترم‬
slight 1 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫طفيف‬
smart 1 (adjective,verb,noun) ‫ذكي‬
smile 1 (verb,noun) ‫ابتسامة‬
sock 1 (noun,verb) ‫جورب‬
speaker 1 (noun) ‫مكبر الصوت‬
spell 1 (verb,noun) ‫يتهجى‬
station 1 (noun,verb) ‫محطة‬
stranger 1 (noun) ‫شخص غريب‬
stretch 1 (verb,noun) ‫تمتد‬
stupid 1 (adjective,noun) ‫غبي‬
submit 1 (verb) ‫إرسال‬
substantial 1 (adjective) ‫حقيقي‬
suppose 1 (verb) ‫افترض‬
surgery 1 (noun) ‫الجراحة‬
suspicious 1 (adjective) ‫مشبوه‬
sympathy 1 (noun) ‫ عطف‬،‫تعاطف‬
tale 1 (noun) ‫حكاية‬
tall 1 (adjective) ‫طويل‬
tear 1 (verb,noun) ‫دمعة‬
temporary 1 (adjective,noun) ‫مؤقت‬
throat 1 (noun) ‫حلق‬
tiny 1 (adjective) ‫صغير الحجم‬
toe 1 (noun,verb) ‫إصبع قدم‬
tomorrow 1 (adverb,noun) ‫غدا‬
tower 1 (noun,verb) ‫برج‬
trainer 1 (noun) ‫مدرب‬
translate 1 (verb) ‫يترجم‬
truck 1 (noun,verb) ‫شاحنة نقل‬
uncle 1 (noun) ‫اخو االم‬
wake 1 (verb,noun) ‫استيقظ‬
weekly 1 (adjective,adverb,noun) ‫أسبوعي‬
whoever 1 (pronoun) ‫كل من‬
witness 1 (noun,verb) ‫الشاهد‬
wrap 1 (verb,noun) ‫لف‬
yesterday 1 (adverb,noun) ‫في االمس‬
youth 1 (noun) ‫شباب‬

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