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Unit 1: Nature of Inquiry and



A REVIEW Directions: Based on your stock knowledge and on the
words surrounding the middle word, define the middle
There are many things you want to know in word in each cluster.
this world. People, things, places, events—their
characteristics or qualities make you wonder
continuously, frequently, or intermittently.
It involves the utilization and analysis of
numerical data using specific statistical techniques to
answer questions like who, how much, what, where,
when, how many, and how. (Oberiri, 2017)

Describes characteristics, strengths,
weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research

OBJECTIVES: ____________________________________________
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to: ____________________________________________
a. explain the meaning of research in relation to ____________________________________________
inquiry; ____________________________________________
b. point out the similarities and differences of ____________________________________
research and inquiry
c. appraise the value of concepts learned about
inquiry and research UNLOCKING OF DIFFICULTIES:

Hello! Let’s start here!

INQUIRY, a term that is synonymous with the
word ‘investigation,’ is the answer to this question.
Directions: Circle the letter of the correct word to
RESEARCH is a scientific, experimental, or
complete the sentence.
1. You tend to inflate something in a qualitative inductive manner of thinking.
research because of your ____________.
a. objective views c. personal traits
b. teacher’s influence d. mathematical skills DISCUSSION:
2. This line, “The truth is out there.” is true for
________. a. qualitative research c. all research
designs b. quantitative research d. any
research type 3. People inclined to doing a
quantitative research wants to discover truth in
____________. a. an exact One goal of education is knowledge
manner c. an indirect way b. a acquisition. However, education is not just stocking
careful way d. a personal way your brain with knowledge, but it also encourages you
4. Some think of quantitative research as complex to use acquired knowledge for a deeper understanding
because of its use of _________.
of the world—an understanding that inspires you to
a. hypotheses c. factual data
b. numerical data d. theories create, construct, or produce things for the betterment
5. A quantitative research presents research findings in of not only your own life, but of the whole world as well.
this manner: You do this kind of examination through your
a. Many prefer to study with textbooks. HOTS or higher-order thinking strategies of inferential,
b. Students find textbooks indispensable or necessary. analytical, critical, creative, and appreciative thinking to
c. Perhaps, 30% consider textbook unnecessary in discover more understandable or meaningful things
their studies.
beyond such object of your inquiry. Thinking in this
d. Out of 100 college students, 90 find textbooks
beneficial to their studies. manner makes you ask open ended questions to elicit
views, opinions, and beliefs of others in relation to your
research. (Small 2012)



1.Accuracy. It must give correct or accurate data,

which the footnotes, notes, and bibliographical entries EXERCISE # 1
should honestly and appropriately documented or
acknowledged. Directions: GROUP WORK. Form a group of three and
2. Objectiveness. It must deal with facts, not with do any of these group activities. Determine whether
mere opinions arising from assumptions, Inquiry or Research is applicable to the given
generalizations, predictions, or conclusions. situations. Check the corresponding column of your
3. Timeliness. It must work on a topic that is fresh, answer.
new, and interesting to the present society.
4. Relevance. Its topic must be instrumental in SITUATION INQUIRY RESEARCH
improving society or in solving problems affecting the 1. A person wants to know
lives of people in a community. the occupant of one
5. Clarity. It must succeed in expressing its central condominium. 2. A
point or discoveries by using simple, direct, concise, student wants to know the
and correct language. medicinal effects of guava
6. Systematic. It must take place in an organized or leaves. 3. Mr. Cruz wants to
orderly manner. know the technique to make
Giving credit to people from whom you derived his electric fan function
your data is your way of not only thanking the authors instantly.
of their contribution to the field, but also establishing 4. Professor Gomez wants
the validity and reliability of the findings of your to discover the impact of
research that ought to serve as instrument for world social networking on his
progress. (Muijs 2011; Ransome 2012) students’ learning abilities.
5. Aling Rosa wants to
METHODS OF RESEARCH know the reason behind the
To be a researcher is to be a scientist, who decrease of her sales for
must think logically or systematically; that is, your the day.
research activities must follow a certain order, like 6. A business man wants to
doing inductive thinking that makes you ponder on find out which between
specific ideas first, then move to more complex these two marketing
concepts like conclusions or generalizations. strategies: free tasting and
Or, do the opposite of inductive thinking which attractive packaging, could
is deductive thinking that lets you start from forming increase daily sales.
generalizations to examining details about the subject
matter. These are not the only approaches, though,
that you can adhere to in planning your research work.
Depending on your topic and purpose, you are free to
choose from several approaches, methods, and types
of research. (Gray 2011; Sharp 2012)


One scholarly activity that greatly involves
inquiry is research. Similar to inquiry that starts from
what you are ignorant about, research makes you learn
something by means of a problem-solving technique. Learning is your way of obtaining
Both inquiry and research encourage you to formulate knowledge about your surroundings. This
questions to direct you to the exact information you takes place in many ways, and one of these is
want to discover about the object of your curiosity. inquiry, which many people in the field of
Your questions operate like a scrutiny of a education consider effective. Inquiry is a
person’s attire to find out what are hidden between or learning process that motivates you to obtain
among the compartments or folded parts of his/her knowledge or information about people, things,
clothes. Although the core word for both inquiry and places, or events.
research is investigation or questioning, they are not
exactly the same in all aspects. Research includes
more complex acts of investigation than inquiry
because the former follows a scientific procedure of
discovering truths or meanings about things in this
world. (Goodwin 2014; Lapan 2012)



Directions: Use percentage grade (50% to 100%) to

indicate the extent of your learning about each of the
following topics:

1. Differences and similarities between

Inquiry and Research

2. Behavior of people practicing Inquiry

and Research

3. Reasons behind people’s inquisitive


4. Research as an inductive thinking

5. Lower-order and higher-order

thinking strategies


Baraceros, Esther L.(2016), “Practical

Research 2”. Published, copyrighted 2016, and
distributed by Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBSI) with main
office at 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St., Sampaloc, Manila.
Gray, T. 2013. “How To Do Your Research
Project.” Los Angeles: Sage.
Muijs, D. 2011. Quantitative research in
education. Los Angeles: Sage
Oberiri Destiny Apuke (2017).“Quantitative
Research Methods A Synopsis Approach”
Department of Mass Communication, Taraba State
University, P.M.B 1167, Jalingo, Nigeria.
Ransome, P. 2013.”Ethics and values in
social research.”New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Sharp, J. 2012.“Success With Your
Educational Research Project.” Los Angeles: Sage.
Small, R. V. et al. 2012.“Teaching For
Inquiry: Engaging Learners Within.”New York:
NealShuman Publishers, Inc.

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