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1. Online training with equipment available at home

2. One-on-one home training

3. One-on-one online training

4. Equipment selling & suggestions

5. Online Zumba class

6. Kickboxing training


ZONE FITNESS Gym Training App is the principal, strength and conditioning
program for people of all shapes and sizes, from the highly specialized combat
warrior to the grandmother trying to build enough strength to pick herself up after
a fall. This is a fitness program that is, by design, broad, general and inclusive. Our
franchise is a limited liability company located in Bramhapuri, Maharashtra, India.


ZONE FITNESS provides individuals the opportunity to exceed their fitness

expectations.  This is delivered through expert coaching, high-quality equipment,
convenient scheduling and exceptional exercise programs.

When a person exercises in a group, has fun and uses everyday functional
movements; he or she is far more likely to exercise more often, eat better, have less
injuries and lose weight while gaining muscle mass. Our program is provides all of
the elements necessary for participants to achieve their fitness goals.


 The purpose of a fitness app is to provide the user with instructions and
examples of one or more types of exercise, physical activity, nutritional
programs, or some other fitness topic.
 Many fitness apps are available to download from the internet. Some are
used to count calories, others record statistics on workouts or collect data
on walks, runs, and bike rides.

 Some fitness apps connect the user to a personal trainer or nutritionist to

help with areas of concerns when using a specific fitness routine or just
generally with workouts.

 Further, some fitness apps provide a coordinated series of songs, each

having the same beat when doing such workouts as running and fitness

 Paid User Acquisition (UA): This is the process of gaining customers by
acquiring them through advertising. Anytime you pay to promote your
service to attract new users you are employing paid UA. However, UA is more
complicated than simply acquiring users. You will also need to track those
users, calculate LTV and retain high value users. Not only will this lead to
better ROI, but it will also give you a great understanding of your app health.
This is a great way to identify ways in which your app can be optimized.

 In-app Messaging: In-app messaging: This allows you to communicate with

users when they have your fitness app open. For example, you may want to
trigger an in-app message after a workout to promote your subscription
package. Having just completed a workout — and therefore benefiting from
the app — it may be the best time to present your user with this additional
offering. Take this in-app message from ZONE FITNESS, for example. This
appears to non-subscribers when the user selects a new workout: In-app
messaging has the potential to disrupt the user experience and should
therefore be utilized sparingly. This is another feature that should be A/B
tested for optimal results.

 Push Notifications: Not to be confused with in-app messaging, push

notifications are another way to communicate with users who have your app
installed. The difference between push notifications and in-app messaging is
that users can get push notifications at any time, not just while they have
your fitness app opened. To learn how to craft the perfect push notification,
read our: Strategies to maximize the impact of push notification campaigns.
These messages are not in-app, and will therefore pop up on users’ screens
at any time that you define. To grab the user’s attention you need to provide
great content that peaks their interest. You can achieve this with
promotions, offerings or reminders to keep them on top of their fitness
journey. However, users do have the option to turn push notifications on
and off. If most of your users are opting out of push notifications, you can
use in-app messaging to prompt them with the benefits.

 Social Media Marketing: More than one billion people are active on

Facebook and over 100 million people use Instagram every month. According
to Statista, the average internet user spends 2 hours and 23 minutes on
social media every day. Although this varies per country, this presents an
unmissable opportunity for every fitness app developer. Social media
ecosystems can be used to get closer to your users, build a community and
spread awareness of your brand. As well as including social media in your
overall content strategy, you can integrate social media into your app so that
users can easily share their progress with their online networks.

 Influencer Marketing: Social media influencers are content creators who

have built a loyal following that is the target market for your fitness app. It’s
possible to work with influencers to raise awareness of your brand.
Moreover, this comes from a trusted source that has credibility with their
audience. Research suggests that the influencer marketing industry is set to
grow to approximately $13.8 billion in 2021 and 75% of companies are
intending to dedicate a standalone budget to the channel. This is a critical
marketing method for fitness apps because of the results-based nature of
fitness and health.

 Email Marketing: According to GetResponse, 47% of marketers rate email

marketing as the most effective marketing channel. This practice is a great
way to keep users engaged with your content. To learn more about email
marketing, read everything you need to know about email marketing for
mobile apps.

 Content Marketing: Developing your content marketing strategy involves

several different ways to reach your audience. Gymshark understands that
motivational content plays a large role in encouraging new users to begin
their fitness journey. To capitalize on this, they frequently share user-
generated content from their clothing and app users on their social media
pages. Create engaging content on your website and find ways to ensure you
have a media presence.

 ASO: Investing in ASO is also crucial in ensuring that your app is optimized

and findable in the app stores. This is the practice of optimizing your app
store listings. The aim is to become visible to organic users and increase
conversions by utilizing the category rankings. To learn everything you need
to know about ASO, read our: Guide to App Store Optimization.

 Blog: Your website is a great way to find new users with SEO while also
generating content for your social media channels. Create a blog and offer
content that represents the value of your company. You can find examples of
engaging fitness-focused content on blogs operated
by MyFitnessPal, 8Fit and Google Fit. Each blog should provide content
based on popular search terms, requests from users, and analytics that
show what users need to know to move forward.

 Media and PR: This is a great way to raise brand awareness in respected

media outlets. At Mobile Spree San Francisco, Leigh Isaacson and Casey
Isaacson, co-founders of Dig Dates, outlined ways in which you can help
media outlets share your brand. Before co-founding a dating app, Leigh was
an investigative reporter.
By combining these marketing methods you can reach your target market,
retain valuable users and grow your fitness app while standing out from the
competition. To learn more about fitness app growth and essential features
for this vertical, you can read our Best practices for health & wellness apps.

Key players are taking up strategies such as product launches, investments,
collaborations, partnerships, and mergers & acquisitions to gain a greater market
share and increase their presence. They are launching new products owing to a rise
in investment and funding. Some prominent players in the global fitness app
market include:
 Adidas
 Fitbit, Inc.
 Appster
 Azumio, Inc.
 MyFitnessPal Inc.
 Applico
 FitnessKeeper
 Aaptiv
 Nike
 Noom
 Under Armour, Inc.
 Appinventiv

According to the market segmentation ladies are the target audience. Ladies from
25 to 40 are mainly target market of fitness. Working class ladies are more heath
conscious and enjoy their exercise in health and fitness centre as they get relax in
the environment. These facts show that there still can be growth in the target
market. We can offer these ladies special packages after job and same as Christmas
and Easter holidays by which ladies will get attracted more to Fitness.

 Product:

Its main service is exercise and health & fitness packages to the target audience.
This service will include some promotional plans too; seasonal packages, special
events packages and late night offers.

For better facilities and quality service to customers it is also made sure that the
environment and work out in fitness centre is ideal time for the membership
holders.For the better quality and services it will make sure that furniture & fixture
of the centre will be improved.

Track suits and sports bags will be provided to the customers so that it will create
a brand image, in addition this will also create awareness within the targeted
market. Circulation and booklet saying, all the positive and improved health plan
will also be provided to the customers, so that they will come to know what is their
perfect shape.
 Price:

Membership and day service will depend upon the length of workout the customer

 Day work out in week days: 3 Per Hour (Peak Hours)*

 2.50 Per Hour (Off Peak)*
 Day work out on weekends: 4 Per Hour
 Membership 500 Whole Year
 Membership 300 semi annually
 Joining Fee 100 Per Person
 Family (Includes 4 members)
 *Peak Hours: 7 -11 am, 5 – 8 pm

Price line is quite competitive and (targeted) customers and members of the Zone
Fitness will afford this surely.

 Promotion:

Followings are the most important aspects of positing strategy.

 Awareness of brand and Fitness will be more prominent campaign for this.
 To increase sales figure.
 On regular basis circulations and pamphlets within Huddersfield Town
centre and in the areas of HD1, and HD2.
 For promotional activities, track suites, sports bags, towels are enriched with
the name of Zone Fitness.
 Adding more to promotion, face book page will be maintained for the
customer awareness. This will definitely influence the target audience.
 Internet marketing is always best for the target audience, a number of ladies
use internet in their daily routine.
 Later on, value added services will be offered to the loyal members, so they
can enjoy the facilities and spend quality time.
 Seasonal and occasional offers will be main aspects of promotional

 Place:

CENTRE OF STRENGTH will come up as good as the other fitness centres are in
town by its value added products, it will increase number of customers and allow
Zone fitness to increase its sales. Web presence, (Strauss, D. (2008) these days is
elementary role in the marketing and expansion of any business. Web presence
always makes business more authentic and customers are loyal with the


Demographic segmentation divides the market into smaller categories based on

demographic factors, such as age, gender, and income. Instead of reaching an
entire market, a brand uses this method to focus resources into a defined group
within that market.
Dividing the market into smaller segments, each with a common variable,
allows companies to use their time and resources more efficiently. They can
better understand the prospective market, and use advertising
personalization to ensure the needs of the targeted group are fulfilled: This
customer segmentation method is one of the most commonly used because
it’s easy to acquire through census data, analytics software, consumer insights,
and more. It’s also considered by many businesses to be the  cheapest way to
divide a target market.

 Age

Age is the most basic variable of them all, albeit the most important because
consumer preferences continually change with age. Almost all marketing
campaigns target age-specific audiences.

This variable can be viewed regarding specific age ranges or life cycle stages:
babies, children, adolescents, adults, middle-age, and seniors. For example,
many famous fashion designers have different collections to target other age
groups. They aim certain clothing lines at specific age ranges, such as a chic
fashion line at younger prospects and a more formal and elegant line at older

Age segmentation is also generation-based: baby boomers, gen X, millennials,

etc. Since members within each of these individual groups were born around
the same time and grew up with similar experiences, they often share similar
characteristics and thought processes. Targeting baby boomers and gen X with
the same offer and marketing strategy is likely to produce undesirable results
because they think and act differently.
Not only do age groups and generations differ in their buying habits, but also
in how they respond to advertising. They tend to have distinct ways of speaking
and often spend their time on separate platforms. For example, millennials may
spend most of their time on Instagram and Facebook, while seniors prefer their
email inboxes.

 Gender

Men and women generally have different likes, dislikes, needs, and thought
processes. For instance, few men apply makeup, and most women don’t wear
boxers. Also, women typically do most of the household grocery shopping and
are more likely than men to donate to charitable causes. These are all key
factors to consider when creating a campaign.

Shein has the right idea with their Facebook ad: They created this ad
specifically for women (hence the women’s swimsuits and the “for women” in
the description). They purposely targeted them on Facebook for the most
engagement and click-throughs.

Be careful not to assume gender stereotypes, such as considering pink a

feminine colour and blue a masculine colour. Advertising with gender
stereotypes like this could easily make your brand look sexist and cause you to
miss out on or anger your target audience.

 Income and Occupation

If people can’t afford your product or service, there is no point in targeting

them. After all, you wouldn’t promote a Mercedes or Ferrari to someone who
can’t afford a used vehicle with more than 100,000 miles.
Income targeting lets you measure the buying power of your audience. When
you know the income range of consumers, you can usually find data to support
how people spend money on both the higher and lower end of the spectrum.
Many companies use this data to sell different tiers of the same product, based
on income level. For instance, airlines have three classes: economy, business
class, and first-class.
Occupation targeting is also important since certain resources are aimed at
different industries and job titles. Take this Pardot ebook display ad, for

Job titles are especially necessary with an account-based advertising campaign.

In comparison to traditional demand gen, account-based marketing is often
described as a flipped funnel approach because it inverts the process. Rather
than targeting individual leads, it targets the account level. The intent is to
reach highly-relevant accounts with the most revenue potential, so knowing
occupation is integral.

 Ethnicity and Religion

With the tremendous increase in international business and global advertising

brings an increase in segmentation based on ethnicity, race, nationality, and
religion. These groups have many individual cultures that come with conflicting
interests, preferences, attitudes, and beliefs. This could impact both their
response to marketing and their buying habits.

Consider Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Both companies advertise globally, but localize
their campaigns for each country, too.The messages are entirely different, based
on local customs, religions, nationality, etc.

 Family Structure

Family makeup can be instrumental in segmentation because when a family’s

dynamic changes, its needs and desires often do too. This strongly affects their
buying habits and your sales process.

Single individuals tend to prioritize themselves, while newly married couples

are likely prioritizing each other and their homes. Couples with several children
have different needs than those who just had their first child. Large families
might be more interested in low-cost household products, as compared to a
couple with the same income, but without any children.
In this example of market segmentation for fitness centers the overall market is
segmented into benefit segments. As implied by the word “fitness” there is a
generalization that consumers visit a fitness center to get fit. However, this would
be a simplification of the various consumer segments and their needs.
Like any approach to market segmentation, the key goal is to cluster consumers
together with their related needs in order to allow the organization to tailor an
appropriate marketing mix. In this segmentation example for fitness centers, six
different market segments have been constructed, as follows:

 Making friends
 Losing it
 Taking shape
 Peak performers
 Health requirements
 Sports focus

 Making Friends

Let’s start this market segmentation example by looking at a group of consumers

who are less interested in the fitness benefits provided by a gym. In this case, the
“making friends” market segment sees fitness centers as an opportunity to mix with
people with similar goals and lifestyles and to make new friends.

These consumers are probably moderately fit and enjoy some of the fitness
activities, but their prime motivation is to fulfill their social needs.

Fitness centers are able to attract and retain this consumer segment by having a
defined target market (so that all gym members tend to have something in
common), have a variety of exercise classes that are fun and energetic, and
providing some space in the facility for mixing with other people – perhaps with a
small refreshment bar/shop.
 Losing It

The next market segment is “losing it”, which refers to the goal of losing weight. It
is quite common for some gyms and fitness centers to specialize in weight loss
programs and overweight people perceive that regular exercise is important for
them to participate in.

The best marketing approach to this market segment is to be very welcoming of

these consumers and to have established programs in place to meet their needs.
This is because this segment has some fear of attending a fitness center,
particularly where most other customers already fit and muscular.

In other words, it is an emotional support and reassurance and motivation,

delivered by the fitness center staff, which is primarily the key to success with this
market segment. This market segment is also a prime candidate to utilize a
personal trainer.

 Taking Shape

The “taking shape” market segment consists of consumers who are primarily
interested in improving the look of their body, perhaps through bodybuilding and
weight training, as well, as forms of body sculpture.

Typically this segment is comprised of a younger demographic, but has an equal

mix of males and females.

This market segment is interested in both the facilities offered – in terms of weight
training equipment – and suitable exercise classes that support their goals.

 Peak Performers

Consumers in the “peak performers” segment are highly disciplined and self-
motivated individuals when it comes to their health and fitness. They are highly
focused upon achieving their personal best, in terms of running times, endurance,
weight lifting, bodybuilding and so on.

A downside of this market segment is sometimes they liked to “own” the gym and
may dominate certain pieces of equipment and may slightly intimidate other
customers as a result.

These consumers are attracted by flexible opening hours and a broad choice of
equipment and facilities. They will tend to be longer term customers of fitness
centers, although not always loyal to one outlet.

 Health Requirements

Consumers in this particular market segment attend a fitness center because they
are trying to improve their health, strength, or because of “doctor’s orders”. They
typically do not overly enjoy exercise programs, perhaps seeing it as a chore.
These consumers can benefit from personal trainers and relationships with fitness
center staff, which should increase their level of attendance. Unfortunately, due to
a lack of enjoyment or underlying motivation, many of these customers tend to be
infrequent visitors or short-term clients.

 Sports Focus

The last market segment in this example are those consumers who are heavily
involved in sport, perhaps at competitive level, and use a fitness center to help
improve their strength and general fitness in order to participate in their chosen

They are generally quite motivated and are looking for exercise classes and
equipment which are supportive of their particular sporting requirements.

Brand positioning is the process of positioning your brand, and therefore also your
Gym, in the mind of your customers. This the first aspect to cover if you want to
have a successful Gym.

Popularized in Reis and Trout’s bestselling Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind,
the idea is to identify and attempt to “own” a marketing niche for a service using
various strategies.

The goal is to create a unique impression in the customer’s mind so that the
customer associates something specific and desirable with your Gym
services that is distinct from rest of the marketplace, for example from your
next door local competitor or even the biggest gym chains.

Reis and Trout define positioning as “an organized system for finding a window in
the mind. It is based on the concept that communication can only take place at the
right time and under the right circumstances.”

Brand positioning statements are often confused with company taglines or slogans.
Positioning statements are for internal use. These statements guide the marketing
and operating decisions of your business.

A positioning statement helps you make key decisions that affect your customer’s
perception of your brand.

In order to create a position strategy, you must first identify your brand’s
uniqueness and determine what differentiates you from your competition.
7 key steps to effectively clarify your positioning in the marketplace:

1. ·      Determine how your Gym is currently positioning itself

2. ·      Identify your direct competitors
3. ·      Understand how each competitor is positioning their Gym
4. ·      Compare your positioning to your competitors to identify your
5. ·      Develop a distinct and value-based positioning idea
6. ·      Craft a brand positioning statement (see below)
7. ·      Test the efficacy of your brand positioning statement

 Positioning Statement:

For the health and fitness conscious, Zone Fitness provides an:

“Excellent Environment” to exercise and spend “Quality Time”.

In the sensitive part of budgeting it will be closely under observation that major
share of budgeted figure will be spent on promotional objectives, then on
advertising in the local schools,

university, and organizations through circulations, some budget will be spent on

publicity in the local area through sales persons, and in the sponsorship of local
events in Huddersfield.

 Budgeting Evaluation:

At the end of the promotional activities it is mandatory to evaluate the budgeting

and its effects on the business and sales figures of the company. This stage mainly
comprises of financial and business analysis. The main task or question of
evaluation will be “has the message been conveyed to the targeted audience?”. This
question will communicate the responses, either IMC strategy met or not.

 Pricing Strategies:

Pricing strategies are made for meeting the pricing objectives. These strategies
enable the business to resolve the issue and criticalities relative to product pricing.

Zone Fitness will be making choice of pricing strategies from the following different
strategies. This pricing strategy allows Zone Fitness to meet the pricing objectives,
to survive in the market, and also to achieve financial gains.

By keeping in view the different pricing strategies, Zone Fitness will be doing
Psychological Pricing, where bundle pricing strategies will be followed. In the
Bundle Pricing Zone fitness will offer to members not only exercise and fitness
activities but also other passes and coupons for different fitness seminars in
Huddersfield events. Another Pricing Strategy will be followed that is Special event
Prices, on Christmas and Easter occasion Zone Fitness will allow its daily
customers to prescribe the membership on low rates.

 Competitive Advantage Strategy:

For the competitive advantage, companies follow value chain, where it can define
its suppliers, main operations, distributors, marketing and sales activities and its
main customer services. These are some activities (Primary & Support) one
organization can take competitive edge on other organizations. These activities are
also called core competencies and the organization achieves its expected financial
gains through Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Porter, (1985).

 Value Chain Analysis

By using the value chain, Zone fitness will develop the competitive prices with
market and its value chain will help Zone fitness to develop cost-Leadership and
differentiation strategies. To gain the competitive edge Zone fitness needs to analyze
its primary and support activities, where it can make its distinctive position. By
keeping the view, the resources and its core competencies with effective capabilities
it will create a low cost leadership and differentiation strategies that will lead Zone
fitness to competitive advantage. To take more than one competitive edge Zone
fitness needs to revive its value creation from up-stream to down-stream channel

It is to be noted that Zone Fitness will achieve this advantage through low cost and
services to its customers.

By reviewing all the strategies this marketing reports concludes that Zone Fitness
has potential to go for growth and success. Internal & external marketing analysis
shows that present situation is suitable for Zone Fitness to go for new marketing
trends and strategies and future prospect is also bright. By flowing some models
and techniques Zone fitness can actually make improvements in the marketing

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