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Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

College of Engineering and Technology

Electronics and Communications


The Fifth Generation of Wireless

Communications (5G)

Prepared by:
Youssef Khaled Tolba
Mohamed Khaled Gamal
Habiba Hazim Talaat

Supervised by:
Dr. Sherif El-Dyasti
This report will discuss the fifth generation of wireless commutations (5G), starting with a brief history
of mobile generations and its development through time, then move to the importance of 5G and its
modulation scheme, while also providing real life applications. The upcoming of the 5G will be a start
for a different era for humans, an ear of speed and technologies we only saw in Si-Fi movies, that’s
why is important to understand the technologies pros and cons.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................6
2 5th generation cellular technology..........................................................................................9
2.1 5g requirements.............................................................................................................10
2.1.1 Data Rate.................................................................................................................................................10
2.1.2 Latency....................................................................................................................................................10
2.1.3 Energy and Cost:.....................................................................................................................................11
2.1.4 Device Types and Quantities..................................................................................................................11

2.2 key technologies.............................................................................................................11

2.2.1 Ultra-Densification and Offloading........................................................................................................11
2.2.2 Massive MIMO.......................................................................................................................................11
2.2.3 mm Wave................................................................................................................................................12

2.3 5g cellular network........................................................................................................12

3 Applications...........................................................................................................................14
3.1 Automotive.....................................................................................................................16
3.2 Big Data Analytics.........................................................................................................17
3.3 Health Care....................................................................................................................18
3.4 Smart Cities...................................................................................................................19
4 conclotions.............................................................................................................................21
5 References.............................................................................................................................22
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 mobile network evolution [13].......................................................................................6
Figure 1-2. A picture of Alexander Graham Bell [9]......................................................................6
Figure 1-3 Motorola DynaTAC 800x [10]......................................................................................7
Figure 1-4 First generation of smartphones. [11]............................................................................8
Figure 1-5 OFDMA sub-carrier [12]...............................................................................................8
Figure 2-1 5G vision [3]..................................................................................................................9
Figure 2-2: Distributed ultra-dense cellular networks with a single gateway: a) the deployment
scenario; b) the logical architecture [2].........................................................................................13
Figure 2-3: Distributed ultra-dense cellular networks with multiple gateway: a) the deployment
scenario; b) the logical architecture [2].........................................................................................13
Figure 3-1 5G Application Use-Cases / Drivers [14]....................................................................14
Figure 3-2 5G Enhancements and features [14]............................................................................14
Figure 3-3 Autonomous vehicles concept [4]................................................................................16
Figure 3-4 Data Analytics Maturity Model for 5G Applications and Services [14].....................17
List of Abbreviations

cMTC……………………………………critical Machine Type Communication

mMTC……………………………………massive Machine Type Communication
URLLC…………………………………….Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communication
IoT………………………………………….Internet of Things
IoMT………………………………………Internet of Medical Things
eMBB……………………………………..Enhanced Mobile Broadband
QoS………………………………………..Quality of service
3GPP…………………………….………..The 3rd Generation Partnership Project
IEEE…………………………..………….Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
RAN……………………………………….Radio Access Network
MIMO…………………………………...Multiple Input multiple output
mmMgaic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Millimetre-Wave Based Mobile Radio Access Network
Chapter One


Since the start of time humans always looked for a way of communication between each other, Native
Americans used to use smoke signals to communicate with each other from a distance, children used to
use cups and strings to also communicate with each other from their houses and now we use mobile
phones which has become a standard, each household member now a days has one and it doesn’t only
serve as a way to communicate using voice only, it also them to browse the internet, meaning they can
send each other messages and seek information online on the spot

Figure 1- 1 mobile network evolution [ CITATION Bob20 \l 1033 ]

Antonio Meucci created the very first phone by 1849, but the fames Alexander
Graham Bell won the first U.S. patent for the device in 1876. Bell began his
research in 1874.[1]
When Alexander Graham Bell created his phone he didn’t only see it as an one of
a kind invention we also saw a business plan, with the help of some bankers In
1877-78, the first telephone line was constructed , the first switchboard was
created and the first telephone exchange was in operation. Three years later,
almost 49,000 telephones were in use. In 1880, Bell merged this company with
others to form the American Bell Telephone Company and in 1885 American
Telegraph and Telephone Company (AT&T) was formed.[ CITATION Figure 1- 2. A picture of
Alexander Graham Bell
20Ap \l 1033 ] [ CITATION Elo20 \l
1033 ]

Several years later, the world’s first cell phone was launched in 1983. It was the
Motorola DynaTAC 800x. It was priced at around $4,000 and lasted for 30 minutes
of talk time before dying. It was very large compared to nowadays mobile phones.

Figure 1-3 Motorola

DynaTAC 800x
[ CITATION Pet20 \l
1033 ]
Despite the phone’s large size, it was still considered to be the most portable telephone ever made. For
the first time in history, a human being could call someone without the constraints of wires or portable
phone holders.[2]

With the first phone the launch of the first generation of cellular networks also came, the 1G Cellular
Networks, “1G” refers to the first automated analog cellular networks around the world. 1G was first
deployed in Tokyo in 1979 and would spread throughout the rest of Japan in 1981. Sweden, Norway,
Finland, and Denmark also received 1G that same year.[2]

It took two more years before 1G technology was first introduced in the Americas. In North America,
the first 1G network was called the Advanced Mobile Phone System, or AMPS.[2]

This network suffered from some major security issues. The network was unencrypted, for example,
and easily vulnerable to eavesdropping using a basic scanner, the 1G Cellular Network was analog
based and it only preformed voice call using modulation scheme at was based on FDMA(frequency
division multiple access). [2]

Next came the 2G Cellular Networks, this technology was digital based, using TDMA(time division
multiple access), so several improvements came with it like, phone conversations were digitally
encrypted, significantly more efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum enabling more users per
frequency band and most importantly Data services for mobile, starting with SMS text messages, with
the 2G Cellular Networks the first generation of smart phone come to the market.[3]

Later on come some improvements for the 2G cellular

network, first came 2.5G that had implemented a packet-
switched domain in addition to the circuit-switched
domain meaning more voice call and internet service
with maximum transfer speed of 384 Kbit/s, and then
2.75G(EDGD), which only improved voice call quality.
[3] Figure 1-4 First generation of smartphones.[ CITATION
Sma20 \l 1033 ]
Our desire for more call with an effect was of
using the frequency bands increased with each
generation, so the 3G cellular network was made and Revolutionized the mobile network technology
by big digital based but using CDMA(code division multiple access), meaning each user had a code to
access the network making the number of users Theoretically Infinity only limited by the number of
codes, The 3G cellular network also introduced video calls providing the three together voice calls,
packet service with maximum speed of 21.6 Mbit/s and video calls.[4]
This system was improved to the 3.5 G which gave enhanced data rate then the system was improved
through the 3.9G which was the beginning of the LTE service.[4]

The successor for the 3G was the 4G cellular network, the 4G improved the spectrum efficiency and
the data speed, around 100Mbps, by using OFDMA(Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access)
now more users can use the network and data speed is enhanced compared to the 3G cellular network,
the only drawback of OFDMA that due to near bands power consumption is increased.[5]

Figure 1- 5 OFDMA sub-carrier[ CITATION SCF20 \l 1033 ]

As we can see from the brief given in this

chapter, the improvement of the cellular network doesn’t stop for with each improvement our uses of
the network increases, in the next chapter we will discuss the 5th generation cellular technology to
Chapter Two


The wireless cellular communication systems have experienced a rapid growth as mentioned in the
previous chapter. However, in the last two decades the industry began looking into 5th & 6th generation
technologies with the promise of speed improvements up to 100-fold over their predecessor 4G
technology. They are to be considered the extension of the 4G technology, offering more bandwidth
and services.
The “big three” 5G technologies: ultra-densification, mm Wave, and massive multiple-input multiple-
output (MIMO) all promise to deliver much more than just higher data rates and more capacity. 5G
targets new kinds of ultra-reliable, mission critical services such as applications that will allow doctors
to remotely control medical procedures or give consumers new levels of control over their homes or
cars. Presently, Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a more ongoing trend. Almost every country
aspires to build its Smart cities and 4G will not be able to manage the huge number of connections that
will be on the network. It is expected that there will be more than 20 billion connected devices by the
end of 2020, all of which will require a connection with great capacity. This is where 5G comes into
force, effectively connecting everything virtually from simple sensors to complex robots, all while
further enhancing traditional mobile broadband services.

Figure 2- 6 5G vision [ CITATION IEE18 \l 1033 ]


Important issues concerning the basic transmission waveform, the increasing virtualization of the
network infrastructure, and the need for greatly increased energy efficiency were the grand challenges
facing a 5G system. In order to more concretely understand the engineering challenges facing 5G, and
to plan to meet them, it is necessary to first identify the requirements for a 5G system. The following
are requirements in each key dimension, but it should be stressed that not all these need to be satisfied
simultaneously. Different applications will place different requirements on the performance, for
example, very-high-rate applications such as streaming high-definition video may have relaxed latency
and reliability requirements compared to driverless cars or public safety applications, where latency
and reliability are paramount but lower data rates can be tolerated.[6]

2.1.1 Data Rate

The need to support the mobile data traffic explosion is unquestionably the main driver behind 5G.
Data rate can be measured in several different ways, and there will be a 5G goal target for each such
 Aggregate data rate or area capacity refers to the total amount of data the network can serve,
characterized in bits/s per unit area. The consensus is that this quantity will need to increase by
roughly 1000× from 4G to 5G.
 Edge rate or 5% rate is the worst data rate that a user can reasonably expect to receive when in
range of the network, and so is an important metric and has a concrete engineering meaning.
Goals for the 5G edge rate range from 100 Mbps (easily enough to support high-definition
streaming) to as much as 1 Gbps. Meeting 100 Mbps for 95% of users will be extraordinarily
challenging, even with major technological advances. This requires about a 100× advance since
current 4G systems have a typical 5% rate of about 1 Mbps, although the precise number varies
quite widely depending on the load, the cell size, and other factors.
 Peak rate is the best-case data rate that a user can hope to achieve under any conceivable
network configuration. The peak rate is a marketing number likely to be in the range of tens of

2.1.2 Latency
It is the time required for data to travel from source to destination in milliseconds (ms). Current 4G
roundtrip latencies are on the order of about 15 ms, which is enough for most current services.
However, applications include two-way gaming and virtual and enhanced reality (e.g., Google glass or
other wearable computing devices) will need a much lower latency. As a result, 5G will need to be able
to support a roundtrip latency of about 1 ms.

2.1.3 Energy and Cost:

Costs and energy consumption ideally decrease as move up to 5G, as they should not increase on a per-
link basis. Since the per-link data rates being offered will be increasing by about 100x, the Joules per
bit and cost per bit will need to fall by 100x.
2.1.4 Device Types and Quantities
5G will need to be able to efficiently support a much larger and more diverse set of devices. A single
macro-cell would need to support 10 000 or more low-rate devices along with its traditional high-rate
mobile users. This will require changes to the 4G network, whose overhead channels and state
machines are not designed for such a diverse and large subscriber base.


2.2.1 Ultra-Densification and Offloading

A straightforward but extremely effective way to increase the network capacity is to make the cells
smaller, as used over several cellular generations [7]. Cell shrinking has numerous benefits, most
importantly is the frequency reuse across a geographic area and the ensuing reduction in the number of
users competing for resources at each BS. This allows each BS to devote its resources, as well as it’s
backhauled connection, to an ever-smaller number of users. As the densification becomes extreme,
some challenges arise:
 Determining appropriate associations between users and BSs across multiple radio access
technologies (RATs), which is crucial for optimizing the edge rate.
 Supporting mobility through such a highly heterogeneous network.
 Affording the rising costs of installation, maintenance and backhaul.

2.2.2 Massive MIMO

The digital technology Massive MIMO, which stands for multiple input multiple output, that uses
multiple targeted beams to spotlight and follow users around a cell site, improving coverage, speed and
capacity. Current network technologies operate like floodlights, illuminating an area but with lots of
wastage of the light/signal. Part of the roll-out of 5G involves installing Massive MIMO and 5G New
Radio (NR) to all mobile network base stations on top of the existing 4G infrastructure [8]. The
proposal was to equip BSs with a number of antennas much larger than the number of active users per
time–frequency signaling resource, and given that under reasonable time–frequency selectivity’s
accurate channel estimation can be conducted for at most some tens of users per resource, this
condition puts the number of antennas per BS into the hundreds. This bold idea, initially termed “large-
scale antenna systems” but now more popularly known as “massive MIMO,” offers enticing benefits:
 Enormous enhancements in spectral efficiency without the need for increased BS densification,
with the possibility of trading some of those enhancements off for power efficiency
improvements [9], [10].
 Simple transmit/receive structures because of the quasi-orthogonal nature of the channels
between each BS and the set of active users sharing the same signaling resource. For a given
number of active users, such orthogonality sharpens as the number of BS antennas grows and
simple linear transceivers, even plain single-user beamforming, perform close-to-optimally.
2.2.3 mm Wave
Millimeter Wave is the spectrum of frequency bands in the 24 GHz to 100 GHz range. The spectrum
for 5G services not only covers bands below 6 GHz, including bands currently used for 4G LTE
networks, but also extends into those higher frequency bands not previously considered for mobile
Terrestrial wireless systems have largely restricted their operation to the relatively slim range of
microwave frequencies that extends from several hundred MHz to a few GHz and corresponds to
wavelengths in the range of a few centimetres up to about a meter. By now though, this spectral band
“beachfront spectrum” has become nearly fully occupied, particularly at peak times and in peak
markets. Regardless of the efficacy of densification and offloading, much more bandwidth is needed
[11], [12]. Therefore, mm Wave spectrum have increased bandwidth.


5G networks are known to be Ultra Dense, meaning that there is dense deployment of small cells. Said
networks face several problems, such as difficultly to forward the backhaul traffic of every small cell
BS by broadband Internet or fibre links considering the cost and geographic deployment challenges in
urban environments. Moreover, the small cell BS usually cannot directly transmit wireless backhaul
traffic to a given gateway since small cell BSs adopting millimetre-wave technology restrict the
wireless transmission distance. In this case, the wireless backhaul traffic must be relayed to the given
gateway by multi-hop links.
Considering those difficulties, there were two types of proposed distributed network architectures
found reasonable. One being Ultra-Dense network with a single gateway, there only one gateway is
deployed in the microcell as illustrated in Figure 2-2. The gateway is configured at the macro-cell BS,
which usually has enough space to install massive MIMO millimetre-wave antennas for receiving the
wireless backhaul traffic from small cells in the macro-cell. The backhaul traffic of a small cell BS is
relayed to the adjacent small cell BS by millimetre-wave links. All backhaul traffic of small cells is
finally forwarded to the macro-cell BS by multi-hop millimetre-wave links. In the end, the backhaul
traffic aggregated at the macro-cell BS is forwarded to the core network by fibre to the cell (FTTC)
The other proposed distributed network architecture is Ultra-Dense network with multiple gateways,
where multiple gateways deployment is flexible for forwarding the back- haul traffic into the core
network. As illustrated in Figure 2-3, gateways are deployed at multiple small cell BSs according to the
requirement of backhaul traffic and geography scenarios. The backhaul traffic of a small cell BS is
relayed to the adjacent small cell BS by millimetre-wave links. Different from the single gateway
configuration, the backhaul traffic of small cells will be distributed into multiple gateways in the
macro-cell. The backhaul traffic aggregated at the specified small cell BS, that is, the gateway, is
finally forwarded into the core network by FTTC links.[13]
Figure 2-7: Distributed ultra-dense cellular networks with a single gateway: a) the deployment scenario; b) the logical architecture
[ CITATION Res20 \l 1033 ]

Figure 2-8: Distributed ultra-dense cellular networks with multiple gateway: a) the deployment scenario; b) the logical architecture
[ CITATION Res20 \l 1033 ]
Chapter Three


5G is not just an evolutionary upgrade of the previous generation of cellular networks, but it is a
revolutionary technology envisioned that will eliminate the bounds of access, bandwidth, performance,
and latency limitations on connectivity worldwide. 5G has the potential to enable fundamentally new
applications, industries, and business models and dramatically improve quality of life around the world
via unprecedented use cases that require high data-rate instantaneous communications, low latency, and
massive connectivity for new applications for mobile, eHealth, autonomous vehicles, smart cities,
smart homes, and the IoT.

Figure 3- 9 5G Application Use-Cases / Drivers [ CITATION IEE20 \l

1033 ]
Technologies for 5G and future generations
of connectivity, when deployed in the 2020s, will provide higher bandwidth and lower latency than
current generation 4G technology. 5G will enable bandwidth in excess of 100s of Megabits per second
(Mb/s) with latency of less than 1 millisecond (ms), as well as provide connectivity to billions of
devices. Most importantly, these technologies are expected to enable fundamentally new applications
that will transform the way humanity lives, works, and engages with its environment.

Figure 3- 10 5G Enhancements and features[ CITATION IEE20 \l 1033 ]

It is also interesting to note that most of the needs of the applications can be served with the current
networks; however, the element of human interaction (or lack of it) demands guaranteed latency and
makes most of the 5G requirements critical. The following table presents some emerging applications
and services for which 5G will be a pivotal enabler.
Table 3-1 Emerging applications and services enabled by 5G [ CITATION IEE18 \l 1033 ]

Fields Drivers Enablers 5G requirements

 Video streaming  Large bandwidth
 Remote delivery
Education  Augmented reality/ Virtual
 Immersive experiences
reality  Low latency
 High connection density
g  Industrial automation  Massive IoT networks  Ultra-reliability
 Low power consumption
 Video streaming
 Augmented reality/ Virtual  Low power
 Remote diagnosis and Intervention  High throughput
Healthcare reality
 Long term monitoring
 Embedded devices,  Low latency
advanced robotics
 High reliability
 Intelligent demand/ supply Control  Broad coverage of
Smart Grid
 Powerline communication
 IoT sensors and networks Network
 Low latency
 Immersive gaming and media
 Video streaming  Large bandwidth
Entertainment  Augmented reality/Virtual
 Multimedia experience at 4k, 8K
reality  Low latency
 Vehicle‐to‐vehicle (V2V)  Large bandwidth and
Automotive /  Collision avoidance
 Vehicle‐to‐infrastructure low latencies (< 5 ms)
Autonomous  Intelligent navigation and
(V2I) and other intelligent and high connection
Cars transportation systems
transport systems (ITS) reliability (99.999%)
 Massive IoT networks  Large bandwidth
 Connected utilities, Transportation,
 Automation  High throughput
Smart Cities Healthcare, Education and all
 Cloud infrastructure  High connection density
 Artificial intelligence  Low latencies

Autonomous vehicles are one of the most anticipated 5G applications. Vehicle technology is advancing
rapidly to support the autonomous vehicle future. Onboard computer systems are evolving with levels
of compute power previously only seen in data centers.
We hear about autonomous vehicles today, and many people wonder what the barriers are to make this
future technology a reality. Many different developments in vehicle technology, network speed, data
throughput and machine learning must come together for the fully autonomous vehicle future to

Figure 3- 11 Autonomous vehicles concept[ CITATION IEE201 \l 1033 ]

5G networks will be an enormous enabler for autonomous vehicles, due to the dramatically reduced
latency, as vehicles will be able to respond 10-100 times faster than over current cellular networks.
The goal is a vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication network. This will enable vehicles to
automatically respond to objects and changes around them almost instantaneously. A vehicle must be
able to send and receive messages in milliseconds in order to brake or shift directions in response to
road signs, hazards and people crossing the street.
When it comes to comparing latencies in terms of vehicular response there is no doubt that the fifth
generation has the upper hand. For instance, presume a car traveling down the road at 30 miles per hour
and requires a signal to avoid hitting an object. With current 4G latency at around 100 milliseconds, a
car would travel about 4 feet or 1.2 meters. On the other hand, with 5G latency around 10 milliseconds,
the vehicle would only have traveled 5 inches or 12 centimeters.  The difference is significant and
could mean life or death.[ CITATION IEE201 \l 1033 ]

The convergence of 5G cellular, IoT and Advanced Data Analytics is going to disrupt the Information
and Communications Technology (ICT) ecosystem. The combined effect of these technologies will
pave the path for new business models, technology innovation and countless opportunities for
applications across all industry verticals that rely on Telecom and IT services. 5G promises to enable
intelligent network and application services with connectivity to remote sensors, massive amounts of
IoT data and low-latency data transmissions. Big Data analytics will no longer be an afterthought, and
it will play a significant role in the evolution of 5G standards enabling the intelligence across network,
applications and business.
Data Analytics is at the sweet-spot taking full advantage of 5G network characteristics such as high-
bandwidth, low-latency and mobile edge computing (MEC). 5G’s ability to support massive
connectivity across diverse devices (sensors/gateways/controllers), backed by the distributed compute
architectures, creates the ability to translate the big data-at-rest and the data-in-motion into real-time
insights with actionable intelligence.

Figure 3- 12 Data Analytics Maturity Model for 5G Applications and Services[ CITATION IEE20 \l 1033 ]

Furthermore, when it comes to Mobile Cloud/Edge Computing, Mobile Cloud Sensing, Big Data, and
5G Network make an Intelligent and Smart World. Mission critical applications such as public safety
and healthcare domain would need analytics in real-time. Thanks to slicing-based traffic prioritization,
MEC-based local analytics or the latency improvements promised by new 5G air interface, 5G lays a
foundation for supporting mission-critical edge analytics and tactile internet applications. 5G makes it
possible to not just sense and analyze the edge, but also trigger actuators to trigger response actions
within fraction of seconds and all data seamlessly travels from cloud to an enormous number of end
points and vice-versa. [ CITATION IEE201 \l 1033 ]

The healthcare vertical globally is all set for a paradigm change with an increasing adoption of devices
with sensing equipment, technology and telemedicine evolution. The healthcare segment is a fast-
expanding market with an increase in the number of applications that will use the network – distinct
types of data in varying size and formats which in turn will place complex demands on the network in
terms of bandwidth, data rate and latency among other factors. This will begin with sensor devices in
health care centers running on existing technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and low power related
Today the healthcare ecosystem is faced with numerous challenges ranging from infrastructure,
connectivity, optimal resource, need for experts, precision, data management and real-time monitoring.
A close examination of the worldwide statistics with available data for 2005–2015 also indicate that
around 40% of countries have less than one physician per 1000 population and less than 18 hospital
beds per 10,000 population. [3] This clearly sets the stage for various technology models in health care to
meet this huge gap and requirement. various scenarios for health care are indicated in the table below.
Scenario Driver Technology Latency Data Rate
Inter campus Non-guaranteed 10s to 100s
Digital Hospital Wi-Fi Order of few Mbps
communication milli seconds
Emergency LTE 100 to 20 milli seconds Up to 100 Mbps
Emergency Medical
communication and LTE-A Up to 1 Gbps
speedy response LTE-A Pro Up to 3 Gbps
URLLC between various 20-30 ms
Remote surgery 5G Order of few Gbps
locations with guaranteed QoS
Haptic feedback -
URLLC, eMBB 5G < 5 ms with guaranteed QoS Order of few Gbps
Tactile communication
Seamless co-
A combination of Communication, latency, existence of 5G, ms level latency with From few Mbps to
above scenarios bandwidth, applications 4G, Wi-Fi, guaranteed QoS order of Gbps
Table 3- 2 Technology Drivers and path to 5G for Health Care [ CITATION WHO20 \l 1033 ]

As this market matures, the connectivity needs for the explosive growth of devices and machines with
sensor-based applications in larger hospitals will fuel the growth of Massive-Machine Type
Communication (mMTC). Further use cases such as Tactile Internet and robotic remote surgeries will
spur the need for Critical Machine Type Communication (cMTC) or Ultra Reliability and Low Latency
Communications (URLLC).
There is not a single technology or solution that will be utilized completely by the health care segment.
This will be a methodical, stepwise and need based evolution from existing technologies to the future.
Healthcare models are rapidly changing due to demographic and socio-economic changes from a
hospital based, specialist focused approach to a distributed patient centric care model.


The significant growth in the global urban population is expected to drive sustainability, resource
conservation, economic and technology development initiatives. Cities will evolve to attract and retain
investments, businesses, residents, and visitors. Ecosystems will adapt and drive cross-industry
applications such as Connected Vehicles, Smart Grids, Connected Healthcare, and Connected
Workforce, etc. The underlying communications infrastructure is critical for smart cities development,
economic growth, and quality of life.
Smart Cities may be viewed as a connected ecosystem of ecosystems, the underlying communications
infrastructure is critical for economic growth and quality of life. The Internet of Things and the
combined satellite, 5G, and wireless local area network (WLAN) communications will help create new
applications and provide greater operational efficiencies for existing applications. Cities may choose to
integrate connected services for desired sectors or to create a market-based platform to facilitate
multiple services across sectors.
During these changes, a robust communications infrastructure is vital in addressing the needs within
Smart Cities as well as the addressing the necessary supply chains that may be based in rural areas. The
3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) 5G technology is expected to enable

Table 3- 3 IoT Applications for smart cities [ CITATION Gha20 \l 1033 ]

Massive Machine Type Communications (MTC) [5] – IoT applications using a massive number of
devices such as agricultural, wearables, etc.
 Critical Communications [6] - applications depending on stringent latency, reliability, and
availability requirements for drones, mission critical data, etc. [6]
 Enhanced Mobile Broadband [7] - applications such as Augmented Reality (AR)/ Virtual Reality
(VR) and high mobility (trains, planes, etc.) that benefit from very high data rates, deployment and
coverage density, high user mobility, etc.
 Network Operations [8] - functional system requirements such as network slicing, connectivity and
routing, etc.
 Enhancement of Vehicle-to-Everything – autonomous driving, safety and non-safety related vehicle

The 3GPP, 3GPP2, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) family of
communication technologies provide a diverse set of technologies that span 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, and
WLAN wireless communications that may be used to provide the underlying communications
infrastructure to directly or indirectly support Smart Cities. These applications include:
 Healthcare – Continuum of Care with health-based technologies such as Electronic Health
Record (EHR), mHealth, and telehealth
 Utilities – mesh or narrowband radio communications
 Waste Management / Sanitation - trash can monitoring, coordinated pickups
 Electricity – Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), transmission and distribution networks
(e.g. smart grids), renewable energies (e.g. wind, solar), storage (e.g. batteries, fuel cells)
 Transportation Modes (public / private) – Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC),
Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V), etc.
 Roads – autonomous vehicles, connected vehicles
 Quality of Life and Economic Growth – Connected Workplace, Smart Buildings, AR/VR,
parking applications, etc.
 Public Safety – Police, Fire, Emergency Medical System (EMS) emergency response
 smart streetlights, parking availability applications, etc.
 Safety – sensors and detectors to detect gunshots, chemicals, etc.
 Supporting Services – IoT to support information visibility and inspection stations
 Agricultural Supply Chain Management – food safety inspections

The global market for smart cities technology is estimated to grow from $6.1 billion annually in 2012
to more than $20 billion in 2020 (a compound annual growth rate of 16.2%) which represents a
cumulative investment of over $117 billion in smart city technologies between 2012 and 2020
[ CITATION Gha20 \l 1033 ]
Chapter Four


As discuss in the previous chapter Communications is key of the evolution of the human race, through
time our ways of Communications has changed from the one bulky phones to the new smart phone and
while each enhancement in the phone technology the network also improve, first we only used to make
call only through 1G, later came the internet through 2G, 3G and 4G and now we look to enhance the
way our world works through 5G.
the 5G technology is not easily to implement it has its unique modulation technique and new way of
transmission through massive MIMO that transmitted Millimeter Wave which causes a huge heath risk
if not calculated properly, but that doesn’t mean that it’s all bad the new possibilities are endless form
the automotive and the smart city/houses to the heath care, these application will change the way we
live our day to day lives and the way we preform our daily tasks

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