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7 Issues in FAMILY

The Unborn Child

Sia and her husband , Ashat, have to make________________________. Sia, 38 years

old, and Ashat, 42 have always wanted a child. They have been married for 10 years and
_____________________ to have a baby.
Now Sia is _______________________. Their doctor just told them that
the___________________ is not developing properly. If Sia gives birth, the baby will be badly
__________________________, both mentally and physically. It will always need
_________________ and special schools.
Sia is ___________________. She is against abortion and she really wants to have a baby
now. Three years ago, Sia was pregnant but lost the fetus in the fourth mounth. This
_______________ may be her last chance. She thinks she can love and take care of the baby, no
matter how ____________________ it might be.
While Ashat has always been _____________________ to abortion, he is having second
thoughts. Ashat has a good job, and the ___________________ from his company will pay for
Sia’s pregnancy. But it will not pay__________________ of the special care and schools that the
child will need.
Ashat is worried about the future, after the baby is born. he wonders what kind of life it
can have . Ashat also wonders how________________________ baby will change their lives.
Finally, he is very worried about money. They will not have enough money for special care and
What should they do? Should Sia have an abortion? Or should she have baby and
________________ then? But she must consider the feelings of her husband. Together
they_____________ must make a decision.

8 Issues in FAMILY


Mae : I just don’t understand how you can think like that, Chew! It isn’t like you at all
Chew : My wife and I ________________ to send our daughter to a private school. That’s all.
And you act like I’ve killed someone! What’s the problem?
Mae : What about my daughter? You know my husband and I don’t have the money to send
Wai to a private school. She’ll have to go to public school.
Chew : And why don’t you have the money? Both you and Kuo have a good jobs, just like my
wife and I do.
Mae : You know why? We just bought a new house. All of our money
____________________ that new house.
Chew : Fine. If buying a house is more important to you than education, that’s
___________________. We want our daughter to have the best education possible.
Mae : But think how Wai would feel when ______________________ Shu-Ling goes to a
private school. Those two girls are very close to one another.
Chew : Yes, and I like that. But they’ll __________________, even though they won’t go to the
same school.
Mae : it’s not that simple. Your private school is ____________________ than the public
school Wai will go to.
Chew : That’s the reason we saved our money – so Shu-Ling can go to ________________.
Mae : But think what will be happen to the two girls, now, because they’re in the same class,

they go to school together, take ____________________ together and do their

homework together.

Chew : That’s right. Why ____________ of that before you bought your new house ?
Mae : Chew, listen to me. Don’t send Shu-Ling to private school. Don’t separate them. Wai
Chew : Perhaps, but she’ll_____________________

9 Issues in FAMILY

For the Sake of the Children

“Wali, the result of the tests show that your_______________________ is high… to high
for a man of your age. What’s wrong? ‘asks Dr. Netaka .
‘ I don’t know. Well, you know, I just don’t feel happy. I’m ______________________.
Is that strange?”
“No, not at all. Unfortunately, many people are like that. Do you have any idea
________________ your depressions?”
Wali hangs his head and___________________ the floor. He is __________________.
He starts to say something, but stops.
“Hmm, “says his doctor. “I think you know________________. You can tell me. I won’t
tell anyone else, not even your wife, Fionia.”
“My wife … Fionia. It’s funny that you should mention her name,” says Wali. “Actually,
I think my married is the problem. Did you know we’ve been married for 15 years?
____________________, “Wali sighs. “Our marriage is terrible. We _____________________
all the time. We can never agree on anything. It’s __________________ to live with her. I guess
… I don’t love my wife anymore.”
“What about your two children? Do you love them?”asks Dr.Netaka.
“Yes, very much. And that’s part of the problem. I’m afraid to _____________________
because of the children. I think Fionia and I will have to stay married____________________ of
the children.”
Dr. Netaka thinks about this for a minute and then asks Wali, Why? Why do you think
you have to stay with your wife because of your children?”
“Everyone know that children_____________________ when their parents get divorced.
I don’t want my children to_________________ and be unhappy and confused. And I don’t want
to lose them. If I divorce Fionia, she will probably keep the children. I would only be able to see
them every ______________________. I couldn’t _____________________. I would miss them
too much.”

Listen to the Following Dialogues and Fill in the Blanks to
Complete each Sentences!

Jessica Stanley : There is no way. He is _______________. It doesn’t ____________. Totally.

Bella Swan : Who are they?
Angela Weber : The cullens

Jessica Stanley : They are Dr. and Mrs.Cullen’s foster kids. They ___________________
from Alaska, like a few years ago.

Angela Weber : They __________________________ to themselves.

Jessica Stanley : Yeah.. .. ‘cause they ‘re all together. Like, together… together..
___________________, that’s Rosalie. And _______________________,
“Emmett”. They ‘re like a thing. I’m not even sure that’s legal.

Angela Weber : Jess, they’re not actually related.

Jessica Stanley : Yeah, but they live together. _________________. And, okay,
________________________ “Alice. She ‘s really weird. And she’s with
Jasper. The blond one who looks like he’s in pain. Ehmmm…. Dr. Cullen’s
like ______________________________________.

Angela Weber : May be _________________________.

Bella Swan : Who is he?

Jessica Stanley : That’s Edward Cullen. He ‘s totally ________________ , ___________.

But apparently nobody here’s good enough for him. Like I care, you know?
So.. yeah. Seriously, like, _________________________.

Bella Swan : I ___________________________ it.

Mike : Mr. Molina

Mr. Molina : Hi Mike… oh yes miss Swan. Hi.. …can I have ________________? Thank
you. Welcome to the class here. _______________________, okay? And I
got a seat for your right here. So come over the last one. Just follow along
till you catch up. All right guys today we are gonna be observing behavior
of planaria aka flatworms. So what we’re gonna do.
…..regenerate….Zombie worms. No cell phones. Guys, let’s get to it.
Gentle , gentle, certain areas. Please just don’t cut here. You won’t believe
this. Let’s try to focus. While we check those out, huh, guys?


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