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Listen to the Following Texts and Fill in the Blanks to Complete

each Sentences!

1. The ___________________________ _____________________ in the biology lab.

2. _______________________________________________ of several people every day.

3. The application process is ___________________________________

4. The ____________________________________________________ end of the bay.

5. The cafeterias ___________________________________________________ and fish.

6. ______________________________________________ once the research is finished.

7. The module of the works is ______________________________________________

8. The key ____________________________________________________ hypothesis.

9. The commission of found _______________________________ has raised an argument.

10. _________________________________ a single object.

11. _____________________ books are at ________________________________.

12. The book was __________________________________________________.

13. ____________________________________________ with the criterion to approach

14. The ______________________________ were not yet ________________________.

15. _____________________________________________ were not new.

16. The _________________________________________________ articles and other

publications by faculty.

17. The ________________________________________on the fourteenth of September.

18. __________________________________________________, sandwiches and toast.

19. The coffee house _____________________________________________ this week.

20. The ______________________ will be under renovation during _______________.

1 VALUE of People
Situation : Phill is talking with his friend. Phill is unhappy with his girlfriend, Michelle. Why is
he unhappy?
Brian : So, how’s Michelle? You guys are still _______________ together
Phill : Yeah, we are, but. I don’t know. It’s actually getting
______________ I’m not sure it’s going to last.
Brian : Are you serious? Man,________________ a way to make it last.
Michelle is ________________ ! She’ s got everything!
Phill : Yeah she is great. Really________________
Brian : Yeah!
Phill : And fun _________________, and … But, this is going to sound stupid.
Brian : What?
Phill : It’s her __________________.
Brian : Yeah, so, what about them?
Phill : Well, first she got her nose pierced
Brian : Cool.
Phill : And then her ______________ .
Brian : Her _________________ ? Wow. I don’t know she did that.
Phill : I guess that was okay.
Brian : Yeah!
Phill : But then she went and got her ______________ . I don’t know if I can deal with it
Brian : ______________________ ? Have you kissed her yet?
Phill : Yeah, I did kiss her!
Brian : Cool, huh?
Phil : It was __________________________ !
Brian : _____________________?
Phil : It _______________________ ! And now every time I think about it I just start
wondering _____________ her body she’s going to pierce next.
Brian : Well, have you told her how you feel about it ?
Phil : Yeah, I tired
Brian : And ?
Phil : I asked her if she could stop____________ of them, at least when we were together.
Brian : What did she says about that ?
Phil : She said it was her right __________________. You know, she said something like,
“Look, you can’t
control______________ . You should accept me the way I am. “ I was, Like, what ?
Brian : I don’t know, man, I think you just don’t get it. You can’t let
________________________ get
between you and the women of your dreams.
Phil : Well, I don’t know if she’s the women of my dreams anymore.
Brian : What ??
Phil : Besides, now every time when we get together she tells me how good I’d look with
___________________ . It’s bad enough that she’s ______________________ . Now
she went me to do it , too?
Brian : Why not, man ? It’s no _________________ . And, you know, if it turns Michelle on
Phil : I cant’ believe you agree with her.
Brian : Totality.
Phil : I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Brian : You’re going to get a piercing, man !

2 VALUE of People

TV or Not TV?
Situation : Leach is talking about her time as a collage student. Why did she decide to stop
watching television ?

My family loves television. My ___________________ are of watching TV with my

family. I think we had five or six ________________ at home the bedrooms, the kitchen,
everywhere! At least one television was on all of the time.
When I went to university, I lived in ______________ my first year. Of course I had a
TV, so I continued watching ______________________. But after a while, I realized I had a
problem. My courses were had – much harder than high school- and there was a lot of
homework. Also, I _________________ in my new environment. I started watching more TV to
_______________________. Guess what? Soon I was spending more time watching TV than I
was on homework. Plus, I didn’t have a lot of friends. Maybe _________________ made me less
social. At the end of my first year, my grades weren’t very good, and I
was___________________ in myself.
At home that summer, I watched television with my family a lot. At first I thought it was
great. But then ____________________. We talked all the time, but … always about TV.
Something was missing. Television brought us together, but in a way it also
When I go back to university, I _____________________ to do better. I walked into my
dormitory, and started to turn the TV on. But then an idea______________ my head : “stop
watching TV!” suddenly it became __________________ : my old friend television was really
_____________________! It had kept me from getting good grades, and from making friends. I
had to stop watching TV.
I did. I quit. I _______________________ my television, and I’ve never looked back. I
started doing better in school, made more friends, actually started having more energy.
I don’t know if I’ll continue to lead a _____________________. But if I do watch
television again, it won’t be like before, I _____________ that television will never again be a
major part of my life.

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