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5 VALUE of People

I Can’t Say No.

Situation : Brad is a busy man, but somehow he is always helping people. Read is story. What is
his problem?

I hate to _________________ it, but I think I have a problem. Actually, I’m not sure
what my problem is. But ____________________, I need help.
It seems like I’m always ___________________ for people, and I never have time for
myself . I mean, I like people, and I want them to like me, but it’s getting to be to much.
You see, like this week, I’m taking care of Rex. It’s a dog that belongs to woman in my
office. How did __________________ taking care of this dog? I don’t even like dogs. I guess, it
was in the office, and Sheila mentioned that she was having _________________________, and
she said if she couldn’t find ______________________, she couldn’t go on vacation. And
suddenly I said. ‘Oh, I can take care of the dog for you. No problem. “Why did I say that? I
always seem to get into this kind of situation.
Just last week, this guy across the hall had a problem with his toilet. So he called me!
And I ________________ this guy. He said that another neighbor said that I was really good
fixing things, and that she was sure I ________________ to help him so how could I say no? So
I fixed it, and I really didn’t mind, it only took me about an hour.
It’s not only my neighbors and people at work. Like yesterday, my brother needed
helping fixing __________________. I drove two hours to his house to help. It only took ten
minutes to repair, but my whole day was shot. And Rex___________________ my sofa while I
was gone. ______________________ happen to me all the time.
Oh, there’s the phone. That’s probably Emily. She’s _____________________ this
weekend, and I told her I’d ________________________. I just couldn’t say no.
Oh, what am I going to do?

6 VALUE of People

Embarrasing Mother!
Situation : Risa is 15. Her mother is now 40 years old . Risa thinks her mother is acting strange.
Why does Risa think this?

Marie : Risa, I just saw your mom. It’s so cool that she___________________ that way. She
looks so __________________________.
Risa : ____________? ________________? Ugh! She’s so embarrassing!
She driving me crazy with the way that’s she always trying to wear young clothes and
talk to you guys about music and stuff.
Marie : But I don’t mind at all. I really like your mom. She’s fun
Risa : it’s not fun for me. It’s been crazy ever since her 40th birthday. She’s been trying to act
like she’s been trying to act like she’s our age or ___________________. It’s just
wrong. She wants to go shopping at the same stores as me, and half the time I can’t even
find my ___________________ because she “borrows” them .
Marie : Really?
Risa : She_______________ her hair, she started wearing these _______________ and short
skirts. And now she says she might get ________________!
Marie : No way!
Risa : If she does that I seriously won’t go out in public with her anymore.
Marie : I think it’s kind of cool that see wants to be your friend. She’s ___________________
than my mom. With her it’s always “ Where are you going? When are you coming
back? Who are you going with?” I mean, I would love it if she took me shopping or
asked me for _____________________
Risa : Yeah, but my mom has gone _____________________. And my dad, too. I mean, he
isn’t any help. He says she looks prettier and sexier than ever. “ you are just like a good
wine, “ he says, “ _________________________ with age.”
Marie : Eeewwww!
Risa : I’ts disgusting!

Listen to the Following Speech and Fill in the Blanks to Complete
each Sentences!

I’m sorry
But I don't want _________________________
That's not my business
I don't want to rule or _______________________
I should like to help everyone if possible
Jew, Gentile
Black man, White
_______________________________________ one another
Human beings are like that

We want to live by ____________________________________

____________________ other's misery
We don't want to _______ and ____________ one another
In ______________________________ for everyone and the good earth is rich
And can provide for everyone

The way of life can be free and beautiful

But we have lost the way

Greed _______________________________ men's souls

__________________________ the world with hate
Has goose-stepped us into __________ and ______________
We _________________________________, but we have shut ourselves in
Machinery that ___________________ has left us in want
Our knowledge ____________________________________
Our cleverness hard and unkind
We think too much, and feel too little

More than machinery, ____________________________
_______________________________, we need kindness and gentleness
Without these ______________________ will be violent
And all will be lost

The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together

The very nature of these __________________________ out for the goodness in men
___________________________________________________ for the unity of us all
Even now, my voice is __________________________________________ the world
Millions of despairing men, women, and little children
Victims of a system that __________________________________
___________________ innocent people
To those who can hear me I say
“Do not despair”

__________________ that is now upon us is but the passing of greed

The bitterness of men ________________________________________________ progress
The hate of men will pass
_____________________ die
And the power they took from the people
Will return to the people
And so long as men die
Liberty will _________________________

Song #2

Heart _____________ fast

___________ and promises
How ____________________
__________________________ when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
_______________________ , suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday, _________________________
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you _________________________
I'll love you for a thousand more

__________________ still
Beauty in all she is
I will be __________
I _____________________________, take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, ________________________________ to this

One step closer

I ____________________________, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And ________________________________, I would find you

_____________________ your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer

One step closer

I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, ________________, I have loved you for a thousand years
_______________________ for a thousand more

And all along I believed, I _____________________

Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more


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