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DIAGNOSTIC TEST in Oral Communication (2021-2022)

I AM ____________________________ FROM Grade ____________________


Test I. My choice, my love. STUDY THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS and/or statements and then choose the
correct answer by putting a heart on the letter that corresponds to it.
1. This refers to the aspects or persons that make up communication like message, speaker, etc.
a. process of communication c. definition of communication
b. elements of communication d. barriers of communication
2. Crisly just nods her head when asked whether she likes Kdrama or not. This is an example of?
a. verbal communication c.intrapersonal communication
b. non-verbal communication d. intercultural communication
3. These must be mainly considered in an intercultural communication
a. open-mindedness and sensitivity c. humor and humility
b. love and care d. open-mindedness and creativity
4. Larriexther and Agel Mark are talking in a cafeteria just along the highway. What could be the barriers
of communication considering their context?
a. other people’s conversation c. loud honking of cars, trucks and other vehicles
b. live band palying d. vendors yelling to sell their products
5. The following are samples of frozen speech styles except,
a. you giving your valedictory speech c. you reciting the Lord’s Prayer
b. you singing Lupang Hinirang d. you stating WLC’s vision, mission and goals
6. “Hey, have you heard about Kevin’s dog?”, belongs to which communicative strategy?
a. topic restriction c. topic alteration
b. topic shift d. nomination
7. The element being passed on or transmitted is the
a. speaker c. message
b. context d. channel
8. Which of the following demonstrates defense?
a. “All religions are the same.”
b. “I’m proud that I’m Korean. Our food, movies, music are the best in the world!”
c. “Angelita, don’t say that. We should all just respect each other’s differences.”
d. none of the above
9. What happens first in communication?
a. speaker encodes the idea c. speaker describes the context
b. speaker formulates the response d. speaker makes the idea
10. Which of these is NOT TRUE?
a. Performatives can be done by anybody.
b. Intercultural communication involves other cultural backgrounds.
c. Communicative strategies are techniques to keep the communication going.
d. Barriers of communication can be prevented.
11. Below are not part of 7C’s of effective communication, except
a. creativity c. consciousness
b. conciseness d. conscience
12. What is applied when the utterance has a result or performance already?
a. locutionary act c. perlocutionary act
b. illocutionary act d. interlocutionary act
13. Mrs. Noval wants to talk with her daughter about something. Which style is best suited for this kind
of conversation?
a. frozen b. casual c. consultative d. intimate
14. This is a cooperative strategy where members of a conversation help maintain the smooth flow of
a. topic control b. topic restriction c. repair d. termination
15. Responsible for the thought that communication is a one-way process
a. Bennet and Bennett c. Andrew Dlugan
b. Shannon-Weaver d. Hybels and Weaver
16. Which does not belong to the group?
a. assertive c. submissive
b. expressive d. directive
17. “From now on, I will help my Mama do all the household chores.” says Kyle. What is the speech act
classification being used?
a. declaration b. assertive c. commissive d. informal
18. Marisol gives Alyanna a chance to speak upon noticing that she just sits quiet while their group
discussion is on-going. Marisol displays…
a. turn-taking b. termination c. topic shift d. topic restriction
19. My retired veterinarian friend, Rodnie, can’t declare suspension of classes within the city because
only the city mayor can. This is a concept on…
a. communicative strategies c. barriers of communication
b. classification of speech acts d. performative utterances
20. Hubert and Chayanne thank their supportive fans during an interview. The function of
communication being served is
a. emotional expression c. control behavior
b. information dissemination d. social interaction

Test II. What Am I? Identify what is referred to in the following statements.

21. Interaction where words are used to relay a message _________________
22. Utterances like swearing, boasting and suggesting belong to which speech act classification?
23. The actual act of uttering is called ______________
24. Dionelyn comforted Blondelle who was feeling down. This belongs to which type of
interpersonal communication? ____________________________
25. Jose is a commentary radio DJ who regularly articulates his stand on current issues. This
manifests what speech context? ______________________
26. After decoding the message the receiver now _____________________ (which is the last
step in the communication process)
27. ”Please buy me some food.”, says Venz. As a result, Shian actually buys him some food.
What type of speech act is displayed? __________________________________
28. Jan Dean keeps on looking at his watch while talking with his neighbor to indicate that he
now wants to go. What communicative strategy is observed here? ______________________
29. This is to FIX the problems in speaking, listening and comprehending
30. A function of communication allowing individuals to interact with others

Test III. Havey or Waley? Draw a  if the statement is HAVEY and  if it is WALEY.
__________ 31. Enya delivering her valedictory speech is a sample of public communication.
__________ 32. “Get me a glass of water.” shows an expressive speech act.
__________33. Mario Maurer as a judge can legally wed a couple by saying “I now pronounce
you husband and wife.”
__________34. Nicole can use gay or street language when talking with the city governor.
__________35. Acceptance is when you mix your own culture with others’.

Test IV. The Matchmaker. Connect (by drawing a line) the items in side A with the correct
answers found in side B.
36. one-way speech style Topic shift
37. “Im sorry I didn’t love you Assertive
enough.” (speech act?)
38. the exact opposite of Shannon- Stages of Intercultural sensitivity
Weaver model
39. interaction of at least 3 but not Formal
more than 10 members
40. occurs between close family Expressive
41. medium or means by which the Intrapersonal communication
message is conveyed
42. Lordvan is both the speaker and breakdown
receiver of the message.
43. happens when there are barriers channels
in communication
44. acceptance, denial, defense, Transaction
45. moving from one topic to Small group
Mass communication

Test V. It’s as ESSAY as 1-2-3

46-48) For you, what does this mean: “Successful communication requires understanding of the
relationship between words and sentences and the speech acts they represent.”

49-50) Give two communicative strategies and illustrate this through a scenario. (One each).

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”

Prepared by:
Ms. Jonah L.Maningo

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