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Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics

A. Bonifacio Street, Ormoc City

Diagnostic Test for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Name: _________________ Year & Sec: _____________ Score: ___ Date: _________

General Direction: This is a 100-item test, answer this test in 1 hour.

1. They proposed the Tidal theory on the origin of the solar system
A. Jeans-Jeffreys B. Kant-Laplace
C. Kuiper-Urey D. Chamberlin-Moulton
2. Which of the following is not a Jovian planet?
A. Jupiter B. Mercury C. Saturn D. Neptune
3. The first person to establish a geocentric universe in which fixed, spherical Earth is at the
center Surrounded by concentric celestial spheres of planets and stars.
A. Anaxagoras B. Aristotle C. Aristarchus D. Ptolemy
4. Rocks that are formed through the cooling and solidification of magma on the surface
A. sedimentary B. intrusive igneous C. metamorphic D. extrusive igneous
5. It refers to the hue of the mineral
A. hardness B. color C. luster D. cleavage
6. It is used as a material for fire proofing
A. aluminum B. asbestos C. granite D. phosphate rock
7. It is the 2 most abundant water reservoir available on earth based on total global water
A. Glaciers and Ice caps B. Groundwater C. Freshwater D. Surface water
8. The movement of water through the soil and its layers
A. Infiltration B. Percolation C. Interception D. Geologic formation
9. Which of the following is the correct sequence of coal formation?
A.. Peat – brown coal – sub-bituminous – bituminous
B. Peat - sub-bituminous – bituminous – brown coal
C. Peat – bituminous – sub-bituminous – brown coal
D. Brown coal – peat – sub-bituminous – bituminous
10. The temperature of the earth’s crust that heats the nearby rock and water
A. 700oF B. 800oF C. 900oF D. 1000oF
11. A soil conservation practice where level areas are constructed at right angles of a slope
A. Terracing B. Strip farming C. Contour farming D. Wind break
12. The threat of ground water contamination reduces the use of this practice
A. Landfills B. Incineration C. Compost D. Recycling
13. The outer layers of rocks subsequently peel off from its main mass due to successive
expansion and contraction
A. Block disintegration B. Frost action C. Exfoliation D. Hydration
14. Which is an example of oxidation?
A. The joints enlarge in size and lime is removed in solution
B. Rust decomposes rocks completely with passage of time
C. Due to the absorption of water, the rock’s volume increases and grains lose their shape
D. Some of the rock’s minerals get dissolved in water
15. It is an example of crustal folding
A. Trenches B. Mountain ranges C. Rift valleys D. Faults
16. It is produced when tensional stresses result in the subsidence of a block of rock
A. Dip-slip fault B. Horst fault C. Strike-slip fault D. Graben fault
17. This occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other.
A. Transform plate B. Convergent plate C. Divergent plate D. None of the above
18. It states that continents have always been stationary
A. Accretion B. Expansion C. Continental drift D. Seafloor spreading
19. In this principle of geology, it states that existing rock is lost and cannot be recovered
A. Cross-cutting relations B. Unconformities C. Horizontality D. Superimposition
20. This method is used to date rocks older than 100,000 years
A. Uranium – lead method
B. Carbon – 14 method
C. Potassium – argon method
D. Rubidium – strontium method
1. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called
A. Osmosis B. Active transport C. Diffusion D. Passive transport

2. Most of the sugars transported through the phloem is:

A. Sucrose B. Glucose C. Fructose d. Lactose
3. Photosynthesis generally takes place in which parts of the plant?
A. Leaf and other chloroplast bearing parts B. stem and leaf
C. Roots and chloroplast bearing parts D. Bark and leaf
4. Which of the following functions is NOT performed by the liver?
A. Blood detoxification
B. Production of RBC
C. Conversion of glucose to glycogen
D. Production of bile.
5. Plants absorb dissolved nitrates from soil and convert them into
A. free nitrogen B. urea C. ammonia D. proteins
6. Process of cell division can take place by
A. heterosis B. fusion C. mitosis D. None of these
7. A molecule that contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the ratio 1:2:1 respectively is:
a. lipid b. Protein c. Monosaccharides d. nucleic acid
8. Which of the following statements about the membranes is true?
a. The membrane is covered on both sides by a continuous layer of proteins.
b. The membrane is composed of double layer of phospholipids with the polar groups
facing the cytoplasmic side and exterior of the membrane.
c. The membrane is a rigid structure.
d. The membrane is composed of a double layer of phospholipids with the polar heads
facing the center of the membranes.
9. Rhizomes, tubers, and stolons are considered stems because they have:
A. Leaves B. Roots C. Branches D. Buds
10. Oxyreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases and ligases are all classes of
A. hormones B. enzymes C. proteins D. vitamins
11. Which of the following statements about proteins is false?
a. All proteins are enzymes
b. A given protein may contain over 20 different amino acids
c. Proteins have specific three-dimensoonal structure.
d. Proteins are formed from polypeptides chains
12. During photosynthesis
A. light reactions produce sugar, while the Calvin cycle produces O2.
B. light reactions produce NADPH and ATP, while the Calvin cycle produces sugar.
C. light reactions photophosphorylate ADP, while the Calvin cycle produces ATP.
D. the Calvin cycle produces both sugar and O2.
13. It consists of a series of reactions that reduce CO2 to produce the carbohydrate
glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate.
a. Reduction b. Carbon Fixation c. Regeneration of RuBP d. Both A and B
14. Nucleic acids are composed of repeating units of
A. Amino acids B. Carbon C. Nucleotides D. Fatty acids
15. The first organ to receive blood-borne products of digestion is the:
A. heart B. Brain C. Liver D. Lungs
16. Bacteria are classified as prokaryotes because they lack:
A. Nucleus B. Chloroplast
C. Mitochondria D. Complex internal membrane system
17. Cholesterol and steroid hormones are among biologically important macromolecules
grouped into
A. Proteins B. Lipids C. Carbs D. Nucleic acids
18. The step in protein synthesis when t RNA, r RNA, and m RNA are all active is known as:
A. Translation b. Transcription c. Replication d. RNA polymerization
19. Assuming that both parent plants in the diagram below are homozygous, why would all of
the f1 generation have yellow phenotypes?

A. because the f1 genotypes are homozygous

B. because yellow is dominant over green
C. because both parents passed on yellow alleles

20. In the diagram below, what accounts for the green pea seed in the f2 generation?

a. On average, 1 out of 4 offspring of

heterozygous parents will be
homozygous recessive.
b. The yellow allele is dominant over the green
c. The f1 generation parents are homozygous


1. What is a branch of physics that deals with the ideas like inertia, forces, and motion?
A. Wave Motion B. Mechanics C. Electromagnetism D. Thermodynamics
2. What addition property shows that the grouping of variables can be changed without
affecting the sum?
A. Commutative B. Identity C. Transitive D. Associative
3. What is an example of a fundamental quantity?
A. Length B. Force C. Volume D. Momentum
4. Which of the following refers to the physical nature of a quantity and the type of unit to
specify it?
A. Unit B. Dimension C. Variables D. Quantity
5. What is the process of dividing a vector into two?
A. Cross Product B. Components C. Resolution D. Dot Product
6. Which of the following is not true about quantities?
A. Only the same quantities can be added and subtracted.
B. There are two kind of quantities, the fundamental and the non – fundamental
C. There are 7 fundamental quantities.
D. There are two kind of quantities, the fundamental and the non – fundamental
7. What would happen to the value of x in an inverse variation, 𝑥 𝛼 𝑦, if the value of y is
A. Doubled B. Increase 4 times C. Halved D. Remain the same
8. What would be the product of a scalar quantity and a vector quantity?
A. Scalar B. Vector C. Unitless D. Zero
9. Which of the following is not true about vectors?
A. Vector Quantities obey the basic rules of algebra in addition, subtraction, and
B. Vector addition can be associative and commutative.
C. For vectors acting in opposite directions, the resultant’s direction is the direction of
the bigger vector.
D. For vectors in the same direction, the magnitude of the resultant is the sum of the two
10. The following are methods of adding two or more vectors, except:
A. Polygon Method B. Component Method
B. C. Dot Product D. Sine and Cosine Law
For numbers 11 – 13 refer to the problem:
A 4 meter flag pole is not standing up straight. There is a 4.17 meter long wire attached to
the top of the pole and anchored in the ground. The wire makes a 68 degrees angle with the

11. Based on the problem’s given, what law will be used to get the missing quantity?
A. Sine law B. Cosine Law C. Both D. None
12. What is the angle between the flag pole and the ground?
A. 68° B. 75.24° C. 75.14° D. 36.86°
13. What is the angle between the flag pole and the wire?
A. 36.76° B. 75.24° C. 75.14° D. 36.86°
For numbers 14 – 16 refer to the problem:
When air is pumped into a balloon, the pressure required varies inversely as the volume.

14. What would be the equation for the relationship?

A. PV = k B. P = kV C. P α V D. P α kV
15. If the pressure is 3 kg when the volume is 14 dm , what is the constant of variation?
A. 42 kg ‧ dm3 B. 0.21 kg ‧ dm3 C. 0.24 kg ‧ dm3 D. 10 kg ‧ dm3

16. If the pressure is 3 kg when the volume is 14 dm3, what is the pressure if the volume is 10
A. 42 kg B. 10 kg C. 0.21 kg D. 0.24 kg
For numbers 17 – 18 refer to the problem:
Vector A of magnitude 5.0 units has a horizontal component of 2.0 units.

17. What is the angle that vector A makes with the horizontal?
A. 85.1° B. 66.2° C. 64.85° D. 66.4°
18. What is the vertical component of vector A?
A. 2.0 units B. 10.0 units C. 4.6 units D. 2.6 units
19. If A – B = 20 units, 30° S of E, what would B – A be?
A. – 20 units S of W B. – 20 units 30° N of W
B. C. 20 units 30° N of E D. 20 units 30° N of W
20. Physics comes from the greek word “physike”, which means?
A. Matter B. Physical C. Physique D. Nature


1. Which of the following is not an empirical formula?
A. HNO3 B. HCl C. C6H12O6 D. ClO2
2. Which of the following is not a molecular formula?
A. HNO3 B. C2H6 C. C6H12O6 D. H2O2
3. The pressure exerted by the gas results from the impact of its molecules on the walls of the
container. The collision rate, or the molecular collisions with the walls per second is
proportional to the number density of the gas.
A. Charles’ Law B. Boyle’s Law C. Compressibility of gases D. Dalton’s Law
4. The pressure of a gas is directly proportional to both the density and the temperature of the
A. Charles’ Law B. Boyle’s Law C. Avogadro’s Law D. Dalton’s Law
5. Which of the following is not a compound?
A. H2O B. Na2Cr2O7 C. S8 D. CH4
6. Observed fluorescence behind a perforated cathode, discovered canal rays.
A. Eugen Goldstein B. John Dalton C. Joseph Priestly D. Julius
7. How many neutrons are there in bromine atom?
A. 35 B. 45 C. 40 D.30
8. How many protons are there in aluminium atom?
A. 13 B. 27 C. 14 D. 15
9. The following are considered as weak electrolyte except;
A. ammonia B. glucose C. acetic acid D. nitrous acid
10. Which is an example of strong electrolyte?
A. urea B. ethanol C. nitric acid D. hydrofluoric acid
11. The process in which an ion is surrounded by water molecules arranged in a specific
A. diffusion B. hydration C. osmosis D. dissociation
12. The breaking up of compound into cations and anions.
A. diffusion B. hydration C. osmosis D. dissociation
13. The following ionic compounds are insoluble except;
A. Silver sulfate B. Calcium carbonate C. Sodium phosphate D. lead(I) iodide

14. ZnS will be named as;

A. Zinc sulfide B. Zinc sulfur C. Sulfur zincate D. asbestos
15. What is the common name of NaCl which can be found mostly in the kitchen?
A. Table sugar B. Table salt C. Vinegar D. Soy sauce
16. Worked as Davy’s assistant, proposed the Law of Electrolysis, establishing quantitative
relationship between electricity and chemical change.
A. Michael Faraday B. John Dalton C. Joseph Priestly D. Julius
17. It states that if two elements can combine to form more than one compound, the masses of
one element that combine with a fixed mass of the other element are in ratios of small
whole numbers.
A. Law of Definite Proportions C. Law of Conservation of Mass
B. Law of Multiple Proportions D. Law of Conservation of Energy
18. This law states that different samples of the same compound always contain its constituent
elements in the same proportion by mass.
A. Law of Definite Proportions C. Law of Conservation of Mass
B. Law of Multiple Proportions D. Law of Conservation of Energy
19. Matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
A. Law of Definite Proportions C. Law of Conservation of Mass
B. Law of Multiple Proportions D. Law of Conservation of Energy
20. What coefficients must be supplied to balance the chemical reaction below:
KClO3 KCl + O2
A. 2,3,2 B. 2,2,3 C. 3,2,2 D.


1. 0.035 = ?
(A) 7/20 (B) 35/100 (C) 7/1000 (D) 7/200
2. If 4x < 0 then?
(A) 4x > x (B) -x < 0 (C) x < -x (D) None of these
3. If 3 < x then?
(A) -3 < -x (B) –x < 0 (C) -3 = -x (D) None of these
4. Tom takes 20 coins from a box, and she gets 12 red coins and 8 black coins. If the whole
box contains 10 000 coins, about how many of the mare black?
(A) 8000 (B) 4000 (C) 400 (D) 6000
5. Roger is looking at a map where the scale I 2km=4.5cm. If the measures and the distance
from his house to the center of town on the map is12.6cm, how many kilometers from the
(A) 2.8 (B) 5.6 (C) 6 (D) 7.6
6. For which of the following inequalities is the point (-7, 3) a solution?
(I) x – 3 ≤ 4y (II) -3x > 15 + 2y (III) –x – 4 ≥ 3y

(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) II and III only

7. (𝑋 + 2𝑦)2
8. If𝑦 = 𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 + 8, what is the value of y when x=2
(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12

9. What is the equation of the line that passes through the points (5,1) and (3,5)?
(A)2x+ y=22 (B)2x+y=11 (C)x+2y=22 (D)x+2y=11

10. If John can run 9km in y minutes, how many km can he run in 10 minutes?
(A) 9y/10 (B) 90y (C)1/90y (D)90/y

11. y/(1+1/x)=?
(A)x/(1+1/y) (B)y/(x+y) (C)xy/(x+1) (D)(x+y)/xy

12. At which points does the graph of y=𝑥 2 –6x+8 cross the x-axis?
(A)(6,0)&(2,0) (B)(-4,0)&(-2,0) (C)(4,0)&(2,0) (D)(-6,0)&(-2,0)

13. Let a = 1/4 and b = -1/3. Then compute 1/ (a + b)

(A) 12 (B) 1/12 (C)-12 (D)-1/12

14. A new Company is formed by Paul and Jane. The total investment by them is AED 60,000. It
is known that Paul’s investment is twice as much as Jane’s. What is Jane’s investment in
(A) 20,000 (B) 30,000 (C) 40000 (D) 15,000

15. Let a = 5/6 and b = -3/5.Thencompute ab + 1

(A) 2 (B) 1/2 (C) -1/2 (D) 2

16. The edge of square A is three times that of square B. Then the area of square A is how many
times the area of square B?
(A) three times (B) nine times (C) one-third (D) one-ninth

17. In the system of equations 3x+y=5 and -6x –5y= -17, the value of x which satisfies both
equations is:
(A)0 (B)1 (C)2 (D)4

18. Find the solution of the following equation. (x – 4)(x + 3)(x + 1) = 0

(A)1,3,-4 (B)-1,-3,4 (C)-1,3,-4 (D)1,-3,4

19. Find the solution of the following equation 3(𝑥 + 10)2 = 0

(A)3,10 (B)3,-10 (C)10 (D)-10

20. Find the solutions of the following equation 𝑥 2 = -8

(A)8 (B)-8 (C)2 (D)-2

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