Brochure Under Sleeper Pads For Ballasted Track en

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Under Sleeper Pads

for Ballasted Track

1 Getzner
Under Sleeper Pads
The elastic solution for
ballasted tracks and
lastic under sleeper pads from
Increasing operational loads and
speeds in modern railway traffic
present new technical and economic
E Getzner are a further development
of the classic railway superstructure.
challenges to railway managers The products are placed directly
around the world. beneath the track sleepers and in-
crease the vertical elasticity in the
nder sleeper pads offer one op- superstructure. With under sleeper
U portunity to meet these challeng-
es: They preserve the superstructure,
pads, the load of the rail cars is evenly
distributed over the elastic compo-
improve the quality of the track geom- nents in the subsoil. under sleeper
etry and reduce disruptive vibrations, pads with defined elastic properties
both in the track and in the switch. significantly reduce wear
on the rail line.
Under sleeper pads offer the fol-
lowing advantages: Highly elastic under sleeper pads can
also represent an economical alterna-
— Reduction of maintenance expenses tive to Under Ballast Mats as a vibra-
— Lengthening of the service life of the tion-isolating measure.
track structure
— Reduction of disruptive vibrations Getzner has produced under sleeper
pads since 1990. Today, they are used
Under sleeper pads offer operators the successfully around the world on all
opportunity to significantly reduce the types of railway lines, from high-speed
annual maintenance costs for tracks networks to regional transport.
and switches.

2 Functioning

Load distribution
with sleeper pads

Load distribution
without sleeper pads

Padded sleepers

he most common type of super-

T structure used in the world is
ballasted track. Ballast, as the weak-
est link in the system, is subject to
latent dynamic shifting. Constant loads
(ballast compression) lead to wear
and breaking up of the rocks. These
effects diminish the quality of the track
geometry, and the track bed must be

The effective installation of

under sleeper pads slows down this
process in the following ways:

Distribution of the axle Increase of the contact Weakening of the dynam-

load over a larger num- surface between sleeper ic forces and vibrations
ber of sleepers and ballast in the ballast

The elastic properties of the The unique properties of the Under sleeper pads from Getzner
under sleeper pads lengthen the polyurethane material from reduce the direct dynamic load
bending line of the rails. The load Getzner result in an ideal embed- on the ballast. They reduce
from the train is distributed over ding of the ballast in the surface shifting of the ballast as well as
a larger number of sleepers and of the under sleeper pads, settling of the track.
therefore over a larger area. This stabilizing the top-most ballast
reduced average compression layer. This yields an increase in
also reduces the load on the the contact surface between
ballast. sleeper and ballast from about
8 % (without padding) to up to
35 % (with padding).

3 Applications

Improvement in the
long-term behavior of
ballasted track
The effective use of under sleeper shown that the length of tamping
pads from Getzner results in a intervals can be at least doubled with
reduced load on the ballast. This in this procedure. The positive effect of
turn reduces ballast break-up and sleeper padding becomes clear particu-
abrasion. larly quickly in areas subject to heavy
loads, such as switches, structures or
he ballast is optimally embedded track sections with very small curve
T thanks to the plastic properties of
the pad, resulting in decreased ballast

shifting. This method directly helps The advantages of padded sleepers are
preserve the ballast bed and slows particularly impressive on heavy-laden
the settling of the track considerably. sections with up to 37 tons of axle load.
Experiences in recent years have

Track geometry quality

Changes in track geometry
Intervention threshold
quality on a test stretch in
Austria since 2001.

The improvements in track

Good quality in track sections 1
and 2 as well as the station
area were achieved
Very good
through tamping.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Straight track section 1 (unpadded) Track section radius 425 m with padded sleeper

Straight track section 2 (unpadded) Stop in station area (unpadded)

Vibration protection and
reduction of secondary
air-borne sound
Highly elastic pads offer a simple No significant changes to the directly with vibration-isolating characteristics
method for reducing vibrations on emitted air-borne noise have yet been are a very effective measure for
railway lines that is cost-effective in identified. reducing secondary air-borne noise.
comparison with Under Ballast Mats.
In addition, they exhibit all the Secondary air-borne noise arises due
positive properties of elastoplastic to the sound emission of a structure
padding. that is stimulated to vibrate, for
example (e.g.) by a passing train.
epending on the maximum per-
D missible rail deflection, padded
sleepers achieve insertion losses on the
This applies in particular to metal
structures, such as steel bridges and
order of 10 dB(v) to 15 dB(v) (at 63 Hz). viaducts. Elastic under sleeper pads

Effect of sleeper padding

Insertion loss in dB


10 The vibrations are reduced in the
critical frequency range, which
also reduces the emissions to the
0 neighboring environment.
Amplification Source: Köstli K.; Sleeper Padding for Reduction of Structure-
Borne Noise Immissions; p. 10; conference articles, 10th
Symposium on Structural Dynamics and Vibration Measurements,
Ziegler Consultants 2007.
5 6.8 8 10 12.5 16 20 25 31.5 40 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250
Frequency in Hz

Open track section Tunnel near track bench

Tunnel far track bench

Reduction of short pitch Specifically defined elas-
rail corrugation ticity for padded switches
Short rail corrugations are periodic The bedding stiffness varies over the reduces passenger comfort. In addition,
bumps in the track surface. course of a switch. This is due to the vibrations are transmitted to nearby
different sleeper lengths and stiffen- buildings via the subsoil.
everal years of research have
S shown that under sleeper pads
significantly slow the occurrence of
ing components, such as the frog,
check rails or wing rails. Getzner offers a combination of
different under sleeper pads (stiff-
such track damage. This is particularly he different bedding stiffness nesses) specifically for switches. The
noticeable on narrow track bends that
are susceptible to short rail corrugation.
T values result in a dynamic load
when a train passes. This leads to a
load transmission to the superstruc-
ture can be homogenized with these
rapid wearing of the track, which pads. Differences in deflection are
increases maintenance costs and minimized, resulting in smoothing of

Short pitch corrugation development in track bends over time

Average pitch corrugation depth in mm

25 million t*
(Track bend radius: 230m) under sleeper pad
20 million t*

0.10 With Sylomer®

10 million t* 15 million t* under sleeper pad
with bedding
0.05 5 million t* 0.15 N/mm3
0 million t*
* Tack load in Final report Hief lau,
gross tons
University of Innsbruck
0.00 2001
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

the switch. An even load pattern is also — Smoothing of deflection during train
produced, which helps preserve the passes
ballast. — Increased passenger comfort
— Preservation of the ballast
Under sleeper pads from Getzner also — Reduction of disruptive vibrations
contribute here to lengthening the — Reduction of life cycle costs (LCC)
intervals between tamping and mainte-
nance work. Increased passenger The deflection during train passes can
comfort and lower life cycle costs make be simulated with a specially developed
under sleeper pads from Getzner a computer model and optimized through
popular solution among railway the effective use of Getzner pads.

Adaptation of track
stiffness at transitions
nder sleeper padding helps to
U decrease large jumps in stiffness
and thereby deflection as well as to
reduce voids under the sleepers. These
occur primarily at transitions where
superstructures with different stiffness
values meet. The sleeper padding
Ballasted track Bridge results in a more homogenous train
passage as well as preservation of the
superstructure components.

4 Using Under Sleeper Pads
Pays Off

Consideration of the life cycle costs (LCC)

when using under sleeper pads
The extent to which the use of under longer periods between tamping work
sleeper pads alters the track geometry point to a significant lengthening of
quality has been systematically the life of the entire track bed.
recorded for several years. The results
are continuously influencing develop- In addition, if costs for operating
ment work. complications that arise from track
closures for maintenance work are
ne observation is a lengthening of considered, under sleeper pads are an
O intervals between tamping work by
a factor of 2 to 2.5 thanks to the use of
extremely economical investment,
particularly on track sections subject
under sleeper pads. If one considers to heavy loads.
the tamping cycle as an indicator for
the achievable service life of a track,

Composition of the normalized annual costs

(heavily used track)

120 %

100 %

80 %
60 %

40 % Statistical analysis
(interest rate 0 %)
Annual costs
20 % 16 13 Depreciation
Operating complication costs
0% Maintenance costs
Conventional Superstructure
superstructure with with 60E1 rails and
60E1 rails and padded sleepers
concrete sleepers

5 Experience with
Under Sleeper Pads

Widely proven
Almost all major railway companies in Getzner pads that have been removed
Europe have successfully used sleeper for testing. In addition, measurements
pads from Getzner for over 18 years. taken on padded track sections also
verify the excellent quality of the
nder sleeper pads are used for sleeper pads.
U vibration protection, to provide
elasticity for large bridge structures, to To ensure a long service life for sleepers,
improve track geometry quality and to the durability of all types is inspected
reduce track maintenance costs. according to BN 918 145-1. These tests
are either performed externally at a
The sleeper pads from Getzner have certified testing agency (e.g. Munich
outstanding long-term properties. This University of Technology) or internally
is demonstrated by sleepers with on Getzner’s large test bench.

Getzner’s large test


Getzner padding SLB 2210G after

190 million total tons. The plastic
impressions in the material prevent
shifting by the top ballast layer. No
cracks or perforations can be seen in
the padding.

6 Sleeper Selection – The Right
Getzner Pads for Every Application

Getzner under sleeper pads,

the broad product selection
hree materials – available with The three materials:
T different stiffness values – com-
pletely cover the application spectrum
SLB – Elastoplastic material
SLS – Elastic material with damping
from highly effective vibration protec- properties
tion to improvement of track geometry SLN – Highly elastic material without
quality. damping


Tram line
SLS 100 kN
Underground line
120 kN
Standard-gauge railway
250 kN
types Freight train
(heavy axle
Axle load 370 kN

Oresund Bridge

The right pad for Selection of the

every track ideal Getzner pad
Getzner’s specialty is microcellular If a reduction of vibrations is the Getzner has the optimal pad type for
polyurethane elastomers with a wide primary aim, SLS-type (Sylomer®) every application. The appropriate
range of properties for railway elastic pads and the highly effective types are selected according to the
superstructures. Sylomer® and SLN (Sylodyn®) types are used. maximum permissible rail deflection
Sylodyn® components have proven under a defined load.
themselves for decades under ex- While pads made of Sylomer® still
exhibit certain damping properties, he individual pad types within a
treme conditions in a wide range of
industries. solutions with Sylodyn® achieve a
nearly identical relationship between
T material group differ primarily in
terms of their elasticity. The elasticity
etzner offers the optimal under static and dynamic stiffness. This is determined using the bedding
G sleeper pad for every application:
from the elastoplastic SLB types
makes an extremely effective solution
possible even with minimal additional
modulus. This takes place according to
DIN 45673-1 in a test on a ballast
exclusively for improvement of track rail deflection. profile slab (standard ballast slab).
geometry quality to the highly elastic Getzner provides optimized pad types
pads made of Sylomer® (SLS types) for tram lines, underground lines, rapid
and Sylodyn® (SLN types) for effective transit, standard-gauge railways,
reduction of vibrations. high-speed tracks and special applica-
tions, such as heavy axle loads of up
SLB-type elastoplastic pads are used to to 37 tons.
reduce the load on the ballast. The
optimized material properties of these
types permit a particularly stable
embedding of the ballast. The high
damping of these pad types has a
positive effect on the vibration behav-
ior of the sleeper.

Elastoplastic pads reduce the annual

maintenance costs and lengthen the
service life of a track.

7 Secure

Assembly at the Installation of padded

sleeper plant concrete sleepers
Under sleeper pads from Getzner can Padded sleepers can be installed
be adapted to every sleeper type. using all typical methods.

ads for concrete sleepers are ue to the relatively low weight of

P typically manufactured with an
installation grate (“G” at the end of the
D the pads, the number of sleepers
per car can remain unchanged. There
type designation). This unique installa- are also no restrictions on track
tion grate from Getzner is integrated maintenance work.
into the padding and permits a full-
surface attachment of the pad to the At the transitions between padded and
sleeper. The installation grate is unpadded tracks, it may be necessary
pressed into the concrete while it is still to change the stiffness in stages. This
Sleeper production
moist during the production of the applies primarily to soft pads (bedding
sleepers. The form-fitting, full-surface modulus < 0.15 N/mm3). Getzner
connection ensures a lasting bond recommends using padding with a
between the pad and the concrete higher stiffness over a length of 20 to
sleeper independent of the production 30 meters for such stiffness adaptation.
process and concrete consistency.

The connection process requires no

additives or extensive preliminary work
while fulfilling even the very high
requirements of the standard BN 918
145-1. If desired by the customer, pads
can also be attached to concrete
sleepers that have already hardened.
Installation train with switch
In such cases, the sleeper pads are
delivered without an integrated
installation grate. The pads are glued
on with a suitable adhesive, which
Getzner can also supply, if desired.

8 International

Getzner projects
speak for themselves
Getzner solutions can be found around Goal: Under sleeper pads for vi- Goal: Elastically supported
the world – as can the Getzner team. bration isolation switches

etzner Werkstoffe is present in the — Metro Amsterdam East Line, — ÖBB, Austria
G most strategically important parts
of the world with its ten branch offices.
— Bruchsal Tunnel, Germany
— DB, Germany
— SBB, Switzerland
The company serves practically all of — Umega Oka Line, Japan — CR, Czech Republic
the relevant markets in the world — Britomart Station, New Zealand — Pro Rail, Netherlands
through numerous sales partners. — Matstetten-Rothrist, Switzerland — Jernbaneverket, Norway
— Timelkam, Feldkirch and Hallwang,
“Sleeper Padding for Ballasted Track” Austria
reference list (excerpt):

Goal: Ballast preservation and

improvement of track geometry

— ÖBB, Austria
— DB, Germany
— SBB, Switzerland
— SNCF, France
— Bane Denmark, Denmark
— KR, Korea
— Jernbaneverket, Norway
— CR, Czech Republic
— Infrabel, Belgium
— ADIF, Spain

Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH
Herrenau 5 Middle East Regional Office
6706 Bürs Abdul - Hameed Sharaf Str. 114
Austria Rimawi Center - Shmeisani
T +43-5552-201-0 P. O. Box 961294
F +43-5552-201-1899 Amman 11196, Jordan T +9626-560-7341
F +9626-569-7352
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH
Am Borsigturm 11
13507 Berlin Getzner India Pvt. Ltd.
Germany 1st Floor, Kaivalya
T +49-30-405034-00 24 Tejas Society, Kothrud
F +49-30-405034-35 Pune 411038, India T +91-20-25385195
F +91-20-25385199
Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH
Nördliche Münchner Str. 27a
82031 Grünwald Nihon Getzner K.K.
Germany 6-8 Nihonbashi Odenma-cho
T +49-89-693500-0 Chuo-ku, Tokyo
F +49-89-693500-11 103-0011, Japan T +81-3-6842-7072
F +81-3-6842-7062
Getzner Spring Solutions GmbH
Gottlob-Grotz-Str. 1
74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen Getzner Materials (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Germany No. 905, Tower D, the Vantone Center
T +49-7142-91753-0 No. Jia 6, Chaowai Street, Chaoyang District
F +49-7142-91753-50 10020, Beijing, the P.R.C. T +86-10-5907-1618
F +86-10-5907-1628
Getzner France S.A.S.
Bâtiment Quadrille
19 Rue Jacqueline Auriol Getzner USA, Inc.
69008 Lyon 8720 Red Oak Boulevard, Suite 400
France Charlotte, NC 28217, USA
T +33-4 72 62 00 16 T +1-704-966-2132
SL en © Copyright by Getzner Werkstoffe GmbH | 07-2018

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