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Billabong High International School, Noida

Practise Assignment
Grade: IX
Topic: The French Revolution

1. France was a monarchy in 1789. Read the following statements and identify the odd one out.
(a) Louis XVI became a king at young age.
(b) The country’s society was divided in three estates.
(c) Livres was the country’s policy.
(d) The society of estates was a part of feudal system dating back Middle Ages.
2. Observe the diagram and identify the element that fits appropriately in A.
(a) Big businessmen, merchants, court official, lawyers etc.
(b) Peasants and artisans 1st Estate 2nd Estate 3rd Estate
(c) Small peasants, landless labourers, servants Clergy Nobility A
(d) All (a), (b) and (c)
3. Which of the following best describe the term ‘Subsistence Crisis’?
(a) An extreme situation where inflation is high and people get money with export. All were unable to
get job.
(b) A situation where second estate reported to third for jobs. There was lack of jobs.
(c) An extreme situation where the basic means of livelihood are endangered.
(d) None of the above
4. Identify the blanks in the below diagram:
Bad Harvest Scarcity of resources Rising food prices The poorest cannot
buy bread

Disease Epidemic A B

Increased number
of deaths

(a) Food riots, weaker bodies

(b) Weaker bodies, food riots
(c) Food riots, healthy bodies
(d) Healthy bodies, Food riots
5. Identify the reasons behind the French Revolution.
I. Social inequality in France due to the estates system
II. Tax burden on the second estate
III. The rise of Bourgeoisie
IV. Ideas put forward by the philosophers
V. Financial crisis because of war
(a) I, II, III, IV
(b) I, II, III, V
(c) I, III, IV, V
(d) All of the above
6. France becomes a constitutional monarch in 1791. Which citizens were not allowed to vote?
(a) Passive citizens
(b) Active citizens
(c) Men who did not pay minimum tax equal to three days of labour wages
(d) Both (a) and (b)
7. In the constitution of 1791 of France, the power of making laws was given to whom?
(a) Ministers
(b) King
(c) Electors
(d) National assembly
8. Identify the flaw of the constitutional monarchy from the following statements
I. People were still not treated equally
II. Women were not considered as contributors of revolution
III. King’s powers were reduced
(a) I, II, III
(b) I, II
(c) I, III
(d) Only I
9. Which of the following symbol is recognized as the ‘Strength in Unity’?
(a) Bundle of rods
(b) Sceptre
(c) Snake
(d) The winged woman
10. The sans-culottes refers to whom in the French Revolution?
(a) common people of the lower classes
(b) the nobility
(c) rich of the third estate
(d) the clergy
11. Two Treatises of Government was sought to refute the doctrine of the divine and absolute right of the
monarch. Who proposed the thought?
(a) Rousseau
(b) Locke
(c) Thomas Paine
(d) Denis Diderot
12. The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu proposed which of the following?
(a) Division of power within the government between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.
(b) Law applied as model of government was put into force in the USA, after the thirteen colonies
declared their independence from Britain.
(c) It pleaded in favour of ending of slavery, the preservation of civil liberties and the law
(d) All of the above
13. Louis XVI concluded to increase taxes because
I. The economy level in France was deteriorating.
II. The France had to pay loans to those who helped France by giving money.
III. The demand for bread has increased.
IV. Lot of money was spent in the War of the colonies
(a) Only I
(b) I and II
(c) I, II, III
(d) All of the above
14. Which of the following is NOT true about the Jacobian political group?
(a) The members of the Jacobin club belonged mainly to the less prosperous sections of society.
(b) It got its name from the former convent of St Jacob in Paris.
(c) They included small shopkeepers, artisans such as shoemakers, pastry cooks.
(d) There was no leader of the group.

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