Effect of Fun at Workplace On Employee Job Satisfaction

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Course Name: - Principle of Management

Semester- I

Session: - July 2017 to November 2017

Course coordinator: - Dr.Arjyalopa Mishra

Submitted By:-

Sagnik Sarkar (17BBA042)

Shilpi Mondal (17BBA044)

Disha Chawdhury (17BBA018)

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Table of contents

Table of contents 2
Abstract 3
Introduction 4
Review of literature 5
Case study Analysis 13
Methodology 33
Discussion 34
Conclusion 35
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A work environment is made up different of factors, including company culture, management

styles, and implementation of recreational activities in workplace. Employee satisfaction,
productivity and morale is the degree to which employees feel personally fulfilled and
content in their job roles, with its co-workers and with the organisations. These three distinct
concepts are inseparably linked; workplace fun greatly influences employee satisfaction,
which in turn directly affects employee productivity. Knowing how to use recreational
environment to increase employee satisfaction is a key to developing a high-performance
workforce. Company cultures must fit with their employees to increase job satisfaction, or
else employees may look elsewhere to find a workplace better suited to their personalities.

Keywords: Employee Job Satisfaction, Recreational Activities, Monetary Measures, Fun

Culture, Work environment
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In this research paper, we have dealt with the topic, “effect of fun at workplace on employee
job satisfaction, productivity, and morale” and have critical analysis of the same. This topic
in particular is very important in the contemporary world as it deals with work performance
of employees and how to increase it without using monetary measures. In today’s world
monetary measures of all big companies by and large are the same and tat to make the
employees satisfied in their job non-monetary measures are needed to be taken, as inclusion
of monetary measures without having any non-monetary measures will make the employees
dissatisfied , and their work performance shall be minimal, but if non-monetary measures
like- fun in workplace which includes-annual functions, sports meet, birthday celebrations,
social gatherings will help the employees to have a special/ emotional attachment with the
org and as well as with its employees and then individual shall become engage employee
rather than being just motivated employees, which is an big asset for the company. It’s those
engaged employees who in turn give more than their 100% not into their department but also
in other departments as well, thus making sure that company achieves higher level of
productivity. So by doing this analysis we came to know how different organisations use their
non-monetary measures (fun) and whether that has any impact on the organisation and on
their employees.

We have divided the topic into two- segment, first being independent variable and being
dependent variable. We have fixed the independent variable and changed the dependent
variable to see the impact of the same on the independent variable. In thus topic, “effect of
fun at workplace “is the independent and “on employees job satisfaction, productivity, and
morale” is dependent variable, where we have fixed the independent variable and changed the
dependent variable to see the impact on the independent variable.
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Review of literature

To understand the topic clearly and to have critical analysis of the same, review of the
literature has been done. The review of literature has been done in three parts; first review of
literature has been done for the topic, “effect of fun at work place on employees job
satisfaction” where 3 journal articles has been reviewed, the second review of literature has
been done on the topic, “effect of fun at workplace on employees job productivity” where 4
journal articles has been reviewed, and the third review of literature has been done on the
topic, “effect of fun at workplace on employee morale”, where 3 journal articles has been

1. Effect of fun at work place on employees job satisfaction:-

I. “Impact Of Work Environment On Job Satisfaction1”, written by Dr Ruchi
Jain & Surinder Kaur. In it was discussed about the impact the work
environment has on the employee job satisfaction. The methodology used for
collection of data was SURVEY, in which population size were 100, and
both primary sources of information (survey) and secondary sources of
information (review of literature). The survey was conducted in Jaipur on the
Dominoes’ employees. Sampling Technique used:- Convenient & Random
Sampling Technique
The definition of work environment is first set first to avoid any further
confusion that is it can be described as the environment in which people are
working. Such as, it is very wide category that incorporates the physical
scenery (e.g. noise, equipment, heat), fundamentals of the job itself (e.g.
workload, task, complexity) extensive business features (e.g. culture, history)
and even extra business background (e.g. industry setting, workers relation).
Following which the work environment is divide in following 3 categories i.e.
physical, mental and social.
The focus of the problem in this paper is if employees are actually satisfied
with their working environment and working condition and, if not satisfied,
then what are the reasons for dissatisfaction of employees with the working
The analysis of the topic has been done on the basis of 9 sets of observations
which are:-
1) General work environment
2) Duties & responsibilities are equally divided in co-workers
3) Recreation and refreshment facilities
4) Grievance handling
5) Attitude of Supervisor
6) Fun at workplace
7) Work involves fatigue and boredom
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 4(1): 1-8
Page |6

8) Health & safety facilities

9) Problem facing by employees.

After analysing the 9 sets of observation, in which the recreational and

refreshment aspect which has direct linked with our research project, it has
been noticed that higher presence of these elements increases the job
satisfaction of the employees and that most of the Dominoes employees
are highly satisfied in their work employment. Suggestions offered in the
paper for those unsatisfied employees are that:-

1) Organisation should change the job time to time for avoiding fatigue &
2) Organisation should divide the work equally for workload or else
appoint more employees. As workload stimulus stress, so company has
to take some action.

II. “A Study on Relationship between Workplace Fun Culture and Job

Satisfaction among It Professionals2” written by, Dr. B.Vimala & A.Jerina
It deals with fun in workplace and its effect in job satisfaction on IT
professionals. The research methodology used in the paper is SURVEY. And
both primary and secondary source of information have been used in the
paper. Job satisfaction as per them is Job satisfaction is defined as ‘the extent
to which a worker feels positively or negatively about his or her job. The fun
activities is defined as the culture that measures the individual’s fun culture in
four dimensions, namely fun activities, work engagement, co-worker
relationship and experienced fun. Fun culture is a multi-dimensional
constructs that has been operationalized differently across studies. Wide
interpretation on the aspect of and it includes focused on formal fun activities,
such as contests, gift exchanges, games, awards, sharing food and
refreshments, and company-wide outings. It has also been found in study that
three sectors public, non-profit, and private organizations and found no
significant differences across the three sectors in attitudes towards fun. The
purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between workplace fun
and employees job satisfaction. After the analysis of 102 employees answer to
the questionnaire, the conclusion reached was that it is revealed that there is a
positive relationship between jobs, the capacity to have fun is an important
component of a quality life. It is argued here that fun may provide a vehicle to
elicit positive affect and, therefore, contribute to perceived happiness
satisfaction and fun activities and experienced fun and it’s significant at 1
percent level. Furthermore the findings from the Survey indicate that the

Vimala,B. & Jerina Bee,A. (2014) A Study on relationship between Workplace Fun culture and Job
Satisfaction among IT Professionals. International Journal of scientific research and management (IJSRM)
Page |7

capacity to have fun is an important component of a quality life. It is argued

here that fun may provide a vehicle to elicit positive affect and, therefore,
contribute to perceived happiness
III. “Effects Of Recreational And Entertainment Activities On Employees Job
Satisfaction3”, written by Sobia Shujat, Farah Ameer & Farooq-E-Azam
In this research paper, Sobia Shujat & et.al have tried to find the relationship
between effects of recreational activities on job satisfaction through the
method of correlation analysis. The study has been conducted on 2 companies:
- Mobilink and Axact, both are companies in telecommunication sector. The
methodologies used in this paper are survey method and interview conducted
on 60 employees on both the companies, with the help of structured
questionnaire. To do the correlation analysis one factor has to be independent
and one has to be dependent. In this case Job satisfaction is the dependent
variable whereas recreational and entertainment activities are independent
variables. The sample size was 60 respondents, 30 from each company,
selected on convenient sampling basis. After correlation analysis it was found
that the correlation value of 0.974 shows strong positive correlation between
recreational and entertainment activities and job satisfaction. Since the value
of R Square, coefficient of determination is greater than 0.80, there is a good
fit to the data. It suggests that 95.00% of the variation in job satisfaction can
be explained by recreational and entertainment activities. Moreover it also
came to conclusion that that recreational and entertainment activities, more
than ever before, are becoming highly important for organizations at present
and in the future. Despite economic downturn, acknowledging and responding
to personal needs of employees continue to be significant. Presence of fun-
filled activities such as games, picnics, celebrations of special events not only
help the employees get engaged with each other resulting in better
interpersonal relationships but also lighten up the traditional work
environment while making workplace comfortable and a less stressful place.

2. Effect of fun at workplace on employee’s job productivity

IV. ”Effect of Work Environment on Productivity in Construction
Management4” written by, ArathyA S, MobinRaj T.
In this research paper ArathyA S, MobinRaj T, have analysed on the
relationship between effects of work environment on job satisfaction. For
doing the same they have used both the primary and secondary data in which,
primary data was used as a form of questionnaire and in secondary data review
of literature has been done. The research work also includes ranking
technique. They have conducted the survey in Thiruvananthapuram city’s

Shujat, S., Ameer, F. & Cheema F. (2011) Effects of Recreational and Entertainment Activities on Employees
Job Satisfaction. Journal of Management and Social Sciences 7(1):12-18
Arthy, A.S & Mobinraj, T. (2017) Effect of Work Environment on Productivity in Construction Management.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 6(3)
Page |8

Dominoes. The sample size was 20. After the analysing of data was done, the
result came was that 43% of the employee positively agreed on the general
work environment, 715 of the employee found fun at workplace, 61%
employees are agree for providing proper recreation & refreshment facilities in
the working place, 52% employees are satisfied with the attitude of supervisor.
From analysing all the data it was concluded in the research paper that
Supervisor Support helpful in developing a working environment that leads to
increase in employees’ productivity. Moreover good incentives, recreations,
refreshment and fun at work place are also helpful in developing a conducive
working environment that has increases the employees’ productivity as well as
the employees’ efficiency. Also supervisor support, good relation with co-
workers, training and development, attractive and fast incentives and
recognition plans and adequate work load are helpful in developing a working
environment that has positive impact on employees’ level of productivity in
the organization.
V. “Effects of Workplace Fun on Employee Behaviours: Focused on
Generation Y in the Hospitality Industry5” written by, Young Gin Choi,
Junehee Kwon, and Wansoo Kim.
In this paper, it was discussed that, Age Y is for the most part characterized to
comprise of the 71 million individuals conceived between 1977 also, 1994
(Nayyar, 2001; Paul, 2001). Partner ages are contended to share a typical and
particular character moulded by their encounters through their circumstances
(Scheme and Noble, 2000; Strauss and Howe, 1991). The latest contestants to
the workforce, the Gen Yers (likewise called Recent college grads, Netters,
and Nexters) grew up with visit IT developments amid prosperous
circumstances (Robbins and Judge, 2010). They are quiet with decent variety,
innovation, and on the web correspondence. It might suggest that they are
more adaptable to new data sources and potential outcomes than different
ages. As a rule, they have elevated standards and look for importance in their
work (Robbins and Judge, 2010). They see employments as essentially a way
to fabricate a vocation list of references and need long haul connection or
sense of duty regarding the association (Howe and Strauss, 2000). Further,
they are adaptable, fun, and group arranged (Hill, 2004; Howe and Strauss,
2000). Such particular attributes of Gen Yers lead supervisors to the likelihood
of utilizing working environment amusing to persuade this gathering (Karl et
al., 2008). Truth be told, Lamm and Meeks (2009) uncovered that Gen Yers
appear more grounded positive relationship between working environment fun
and individual results than other ages. It might be said, Gen Yers may see fun
in the working environment as a necessity, as opposed to an advantage (Lamm
and Meeks, 2009). This seems to agree with America's hard working attitude
change in which labourers expect adjust and cooperative energy between their
Young Gin Choi, Junehee Kwon, Wansoo Kim, (2013) "Effects of attitudes vs experience of workplace fun on
employee behaviors: Focused on Generation Y in the hospitality industry", International Journal of
Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 25 Issue: 3, pp.410-427
Page |9

own lives and work lives (Izzo and Wilts, 2001). As of late, in valuation for
the reasonable advancement of the working environment fun develop, Lamm
and Meeks (2009) characterized work environment fun as "lively social,
relational, recreational, or assignment exercises proposed to give
entertainment, happiness, or delight" (p. 614). In this way, fun condition at
work "deliberately energizes, starts, and backings an assortment of agreeable
and pleasurable exercises that decidedly affect the state of mind and efficiency
of people and gatherings" (Ford, McLaughlin, and Newstrom, 2003, p. 22).
Fundamentally, work environment fun includes intentionally composed fun
exercises that are required to enhance authoritative results. Aldag and Sherony
(2001) distinguished three measurements of demeanour toward work
environment fun: fittingness, striking nature, and saw outcomes of fun. People
are probably going to have wandering perspectives on in the case of having
some good times at work is fitting. Some may believe that work-hours are
exclusively for work while others believe that play and work are
corresponding in working environment. Workers likewise have shifting state
of mind toward the remarkable quality or significance of having fun at work
(Karl et al., 2005). Representatives with more uplifting state of mind toward
working environment fun would encounter more fun from a similar action
than those with more negative state of mind toward working environment fun.
VI. “Workplace Fun and Job Satisfaction: The Moderating Effects of
Attitudes toward Fun” 6- written by, Chan Ying and Yu Hiu Ching.
In this paper, the discussion was on the matter that Working environment fun,
in many individuals' psyche, is including bliss, happiness and feeling of
diversion into working environment. Having a ton of fun at work began from
the "Fish!" film. It demonstrates how representatives who function in Seattle's
reality celebrated Pike Place Fish Market can serve their clients cheerfully as a
result of their fun rationality (Strand, 2000). Working environment fun was
investigated in an exploration by McDowell (2004), she characterized working
environment fun fundamentally into the accompanying three viewpoints: "Fun
atmosphere" which is an climate being created in an organization that
backings fun at work like administration empower fun components, "Fun
individual" which is the individual characters toward working environment
fun, for example, fun loving nature, and "Fun at work" which speaks to fun
exercises that are pleasant, interesting and playful. In the review done by Ford,
McLaughlin and Newstrom (2003) announced that "more noteworthy than
90% positive understanding that a fun workplace prompts expanded
representative excitement, aggregate cohesiveness, and worker fulfilment".
Employment fulfilment demonstrates "a representative's full of feeling
reaction to his or her activity" (O'Brien and Allen, 2008). It was likewise
demonstrated that there exist a positive connection between Working
Simon C.H. Chan, Wai-ming Mak, (2016) "Have you experienced fun in the workplace?: An empirical study
of workplace fun, trust-in-management and job satisfaction", Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management,
Vol. 7 Issue: 1, pp.27-38.
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environment Fun and Job Satisfaction: the Moderating Effects of Attitudes

toward Fun encountering fun and employment fulfilment (Karl and Peluchette,
2006).The idea of "Requirement for Affiliation" by David McClelland may
clarify this relationship. As indicated by McClelland's Need Theory, there are
three sorts of show needs; they are requirement for accomplishment,
requirement for power and requirement for alliance. The requirement for
connection is discussing to construct and keep up a relationship which is warm
and insinuate with the general population around (Quick and Nelson, 2009). In
addition, there are some exact confirmation demonstrated the positive
relationship between working environment humours or fun and
representatives' activity fulfilment. A review done in Missouri Baptist
Hospital demonstrated that the quantity of workers who communicated "solid
fulfilment" has expanded from 25% to 75% after the healing facility ingrained
the fun theory to workers (Lundin et al., 2002). Thus, in the wake of
presenting a more right and upbeat working environment culture in Banner
Thunderbird Medical Centre over the past years, the inside got a 80 percent
endorsement rating which considered as "world class" from its representatives
(Patient Care Performed with Flair, 2009).

VII. “Benefits and Challenges of Fun in the Workplace”7, written by, April
In this paper it was discussed that Regardless of contrasts between open, non-
benefit, and private segments, all associations are contending in a typical work
showcase with regards to worker enrolment and retention.6 People regularly
work in the general population or non-benefit divisions to satisfy a selfless
want to serve others. Lamentably, these workers frequently feel
underestimated and exhausted, particularly given the present condition of the
economy. This is especially valid in numerous libraries, which have
encountered critical spending plan and staffing cuts as of late. Without a
doubt, enrolment endeavours have decreased because of a staggering number
of jobless library representatives, and occupation searchers are more intrigued
by stable business and advantages as opposed to guarantees of having a great
time at work. Notwithstanding, working environment fun can influence a
manager’s capacity to look for and hold the most qualified and skilled
representatives. A work environment that supports imagination and perkiness
will experience little difficulty enrolling and holding representatives. Google,
for instance, has turned into the highest quality level for the sake of
entertainment working environments, and is supposed to draw in more than
3000 candidates every day. Google Co-Founder Larry Page keeps up that
"[w]e don’t simply need you to have an extraordinary activity. We need you to
have an extraordinary life. We furnish you with all that you should be
profitable and upbeat on and off the clock." Among the main ten self-

Everett, April. (2011). Benefits and Challenges of Fun in the Workplace. American Library Association 25(1)
P a g e | 11

attributed motivations to work at Google, number four on the rundown

expresses that "work and play are not fundamentally unrelated: it is
conceivable to code and pass the puck at the same time". For the fourth
sequential year, Google positioned among the best five of FORTUNE‟s "100
Best Companies to Work For". According to Page, "Google is sorted out
around the capacity to pull in and use the ability of excellent technologists and
business people", a fascination that is expected in extensive part to Google’s
capacity to effectively adjust work and play.
While it might challenge, implanting a perky soul into non-benefit and open
settings may end up being a genuinely necessary discharge from unpleasant
obligations. Fun working environments tend to upgrade learning, efficiency,
and imagination while lessening odds of non-attendance and burnout. Burnout
happens when an individual sees a risk to assets, which might be gotten from
business related requests, loss of business related assets, or inadequate return
of assets following a venture of resources. Sponsoring work environment fun
demonstrates thankfulness for the employees’ time and exertion and is a
dynamic counteractive action measure for burnout. For instance, when
representatives at the Rowan County Public Library volunteered to put in
additional hours assisting with a region wide nightfall education program, the
library executive remunerated workers with a pizza supper. Later when the
area updated its online free index, representatives were required to prepare on
the new framework hours before it was to go live. The executive urged
representatives to take a break to appreciate natively constructed biscuits and
squeeze in valuation for their endeavours and uplifting states of mind. Amid
the break, workers could loosen up, share contrasts and likenesses of the new
and old framework, and get ready for the day ahead in which they would be
required to put the new framework to utilize. For this situation, taking a
breakfast break may have fetched a little time and exertion, yet it upgraded
worker learning and productivity

3. Effect of fun at workplace on employee’s morale:-

VIII. “Moral reasoning as a determinant of organizational citizen behaviours
:A study in the public accounting profession”8 :- written by, John J. Ryan
It was a study conducted by the author who examined the employee’s level of
moral reasoning and the organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB).
Prior research found that the public behaviour were present to the other type of
ethical behaviour. It is basically an article that focuses upon the employee
employer relationship that results in economic contract and may result in
employee contribution on job satisfaction (i.e. extra role job performance)
respondents from a public accounting firm from northeast region of united
states gives a positive and perfect relationship between moral, relationship and

Ryan, J.J. (2001).Moral Reasoning as a Determinant of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Study in the
Public Accounting Profession. Journal of Business Ethics, 33: 233. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1017584021475
P a g e | 12

organizational citizenship behaviour, interpersonal helping behaviour,

sportsmanship behaviour, etc. Organizational citizenship behaviour is a way to
expand the definition and measurement of employee performance. In this
article the author has described or performed tests on organizational
citizenship behaviour based on demographic variables such as age ,sex ,tenure,
and social desirability, it was seen that the moral reasoning of women were
higher compared to male workers
IX. “Relationships among employee perception of their manager’s
behavioural integrity, moral distress, employee attitude and well-being9”
written by David j.prottas
This article defines the relationship between the employee and the manager
over moral distress and their perception on manager’s behavioural integrity,
and the employee reports on job satisfaction, job engagement, health and life
satisfaction, job engagement, health and life satisfaction, business integration
and basically the honesty and tiltedness towards one’s work even if you are
not watched by your comates or your seniors. Here the article defines the
distinction as to how the behaviour, morals and ethical views of an employee
changes (decreases or increases) in contrast to the BI value of the managers
how the perception of the employee changes according to the manager’s BI
value and how it influences their attitudes, managerial ethics and person
environment fit .It used data for the test from national study of changing
workforce. The article also focuses upon the manager’s behaviour to his or her
employee in accordance with different BI values .It describes the leader’s
behaviour as perceived by the employee and how they will react according to
the situations.
X. “Business moral values of supervisors and subordinates and their effect
on employee moral effectiveness10”, written by, Ding yu jiang, yi chen lin
and lin chin lin
Basically larger or smaller each corporate or business firm has to deal with
moral issues with day today life, this article deals with the moral behaviours
among the employees supervisors and subordinates which may benefit
organization functioning and may also facilitate the function and construction
of business morals. Tests were performed to check the moral values by many
methods like sample and data collection.
Measures such as supervisors rated the supervisor’s moral value and sub
ordinates rated the subordinate’s moral values such as organization
commitment , job performance and attendance and perceived organizational
moral values ,they developed a chart on business moral values by 24 items
developed in it for example – male, female ,age ,education ,junior, high, or

Prottas, D.J. (2013). Relationships Among Employee Perception of Their Manager’s Behavioral Integrity,
Moral Distress, and Employee Attitudes and Well-Being. J Bus Ethics, 113: 51.
Jiang, DY., Lin, YC. & Lin, LC. (2011).Business Moral Values of Supervisors and Subordinates and Their
Effect on Employee Effectiveness. J Bus Ethics 100: 239. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-010-0678-8
P a g e | 13

under etc. It was observed that the supervisor business moral values had a
significantly positive effect on subordinate business moral values had
significantly positive effect on organizational commitments, attendance and
job performance, the control variable; organizational morale value had a
significant effect on supervisor business moral values.

Case study Analysis

For doing research on the topic “effect of fun at workplace on employee’s job satisfaction,
productivity, and morale” we have selected one start-up company, based on Kolkata
“TaxMantra”, which works with other start-ups and SMBs to provide legal and tax-related
services. The company has been bootstrapped and operates out of Kolkata’s Salt Lake City
area with the aim of making all tax-related activities paperless and painless. We have sent 30
questionnaires out of which 20 have been received and the analysis has been done on the
basis of the same.

The analysis has been divided into two parts:-

1. The first being the demographics analysis

2. The second being the analysis of the primary data

1) Demographics Analysis

a) Age

From analysing the bar-graph it can be clearly seen that most of the employees in the org are
young, that out of the 20 respondent, 50% of the respondent(10) are young employees and
only 10% of the respondent(2) are somewhat are old.

b) Gender
P a g e | 14


MALE (14)

Out of the 20 respondents, 14 respondents (70%) of the respondents are male, where 30% of
the respondents are female

c) Qualifications

3 Qualification

Diploma Under-Grad Post- Grad Higher

Out of the 20 respondents who responded, 35% of them have degree of higher studies to them
(7), whereas only 10% of them have only diploma. And 25% of them have Under-graduation
degree to them, which shows that company is an active participant in campus recruitment

2) The analysis of primary data

I. While on the job, I get the chance to engage in recreational things from time to time
P a g e | 15

Out of the 20 respondents 35% of the them (7) strongly agree that they get chance to do
recreational activities when they are in office and 20% of them (4) strongly disagree on
the same

II. I believe that if these recreational and entertainment activities are absent and are not
part of company culture, then I would seek out another job

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly

Out of the 20 respondents, 35% of them(7) of them have strongly agreed that absent of funn
at workplace would increase that attribution rate in the company, and 115% of them(3) have
strongly disagreed.

III. Those organizations that encourage such fun-filled activities are more effective than
those who do not.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly

Out of the 20 respondents, 30% of them (6) have strongly agreed to it and 25% of them (5)
have disagreed to it.
P a g e | 16

IV. These activities result in maintaining friendly and close interaction with each other in
our company.



Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 35% of them (7) have strongly agreed to it and 20% of them (4)
have disagreed to it.

V. These activities help in enhancing our job satisfaction

3 Chart-5
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 30% of them (6) have strongly agreed to it and 25% of them (5)
have disagreed to it.
P a g e | 17

VI. My company is an exciting and amusing place to work.

Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 35% of them (7) have strongly agreed to it and 15% of them (3)
have disagreed to it.

VII. Games at work (fantasy sports, card games, board games), increases job satisfaction

Chart- 7
Chart- 7
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 25% of them (5) have strongly agreed to it and 15% of them (3)
have disagreed to it.
P a g e | 18

VIII. Social gatherings (company sponsored athletic teams, movie nights), increases job


4 Chart-8

Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 40% of them (8) have strongly agreed to it and 25% of them (5)
have disagreed to it.

IX. If an employee feels depressed, fellow employers tries to cheer him up

4 Chart-9
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly

Out of the 20 respondents, 45% of them (9) have strongly agreed to it and 10% of them (2)
have disagreed to it.

X. Does your organisation encourage recreational activities?


4 Chart-10

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
P a g e | 19

Out of the 20 respondents, 45% of them (9) have strongly agreed to it and 10% of them (2)
have disagreed to it.

XI. I am satisfied with the recreational activities company provides such as indoor and
outdoor sports, gym, etc.

4 Chart-11
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 40% of them (8) have strongly agreed to it and 15% of them (3)
have disagreed to it.

XII. Recreational /fun activities result in maintaining friendly and close interaction with
each other in our company.

Stongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 30% of them (6) have strongly agreed to it and 10% of them (2)
have disagreed to it.
P a g e | 20

XIII. Each individual employee is valued by my organization.

4 Chart-13
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 30% of them (6) have strongly agreed to it and 10% of them (2)
have disagreed to it.

XIV. I feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from my job.

4 Chart-14
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Out of the 20 respondents, 40% of them (8) have strongly agreed to it and 10% of them (2)
have disagreed to it.
P a g e | 21

XV. Would you consider staying in a job where there are lots of recreational activities but
low in remuneration?




6 Chart-15

Yes No May be Don't Know

Out of the 20 respondents, 25% of them (5) have strongly agreed to it and 25% of them (5)
have disagreed to it.

XVI. Which Recreational activities are used to escape from continuous work pressure?

2 Chart-16
Talk to friend/ Check e- mail Take assort break Quizzes/ games/
socialization with and go out and other stuff
co- workers

Out of the 20 respondents, 35% of them (7) have strongly agreed to it and 15% of them (3)
have disagreed to it.
P a g e | 22

XVII. What is the rate of absenteeism and turnover intentions when fun/ recreational are
there in workplace?

6 Chart-17

0-10% 10-20% 20-40%- 40-50%- Above 50%

Out of the 20 respondents, 65% of them (13) have strongly agreed to it and 5% of them (1)
have disagreed to it.

XVIII. Are employees satisfied with the entertainment/fun activities in workplace?




Satisfied Not satisfied Dissatisfied No Effect

Out of the 20 respondents, 50% of them (10) have strongly agreed to it and 20% of them (4)
have disagreed to it.
P a g e | 23

XIX. What are the entertainment activities that take place in the organisation?



Annual events Birthday’s Festivals Category 4

Out of the 20 respondents, 25% of them (5) have strongly agreed to it and 15% of them (3)
have disagreed to it.

XX. Do you feel that there is need of fun or recreational activities in your workplace?

6 Chart-20
Yes No

Out of the 20 respondents, 60% of them (12) have said they need recreational activities in
workplace and 40% of them (8) said they don’t.

XXI. Does workplace fun have any effect on your motivation at work?


P a g e | 24

Out of the 20 respondents, 80% of them (16) have strongly agreed to it and 20% of them (4)
have disagreed to it.

XXII. Do you think fun at workplace is harmful to the work quality?

No Yes Sometimes

Out of the 20 respondents, 90% of them (14) have strongly agreed to it and 10% of them (2)
have disagreed to it.

XXIII. Do you think fun at workplace affects the attendance of employees in any way?

Yes, in a positive way Yes, in a negative way No, it doesn't



Out of the 20 respondents, 50% of them (10) have strongly agreed to it and 50% of them (10)
have said no.
P a g e | 25

XXIV. How often do you believe employees should have the opportunity to experience fun in
your organization?

Very Often




Out of the 20 respondents, 35 % of them (7) have very often agreed to the fact to it and 15%
of them (3) have said no/never.

XXV. Companies that promote fun at work arc more effective than companies that don't."
What do you think?

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree




Out of the 20 respondents, 75% of them (15) have strongly agreed to it and 25% of them (5)
have said no.

XXVI. If you were a manager, what would be your views about workplace fun?

Extrmely Important Moderately Important Not important

13% 27%

P a g e | 26

XXVII. According to what the optimum amount of fun at work should be, what is the level of
fun at your workplace?


4 4

Much less Moderately less About the right amount Moderately more

Out of the 20 respondents, 40% of them (8) have agreed to the right amount and 20% of them
(4) have agreed to the much less.

XXVIII. Some people tend to avoid the concept of fun at workplace. What according to you
could be the reason?


Time Constraints Financial Costs Fear of feeling silly


P a g e | 27

XXIX. Do non-profit organisations have more workplace fun than profit organisations?



Out of the 20 respondents, 60% of them (12) have strongly agreed to it and 40% of them (8)
have said no.

XXX. Would you rather work at a slightly low paying but fun workplace or at a
comparatively high paying but dull workplace?

Low paid but fun High paid but dull


Out of the 20 respondents, 80% of them (16) are high paid but dull, and 20% of them (4) are
low paid but fun.
P a g e | 28

XXXI. Are you happy with the amount of work allotted to you?

Chart- 31
6 question 21
yes no

Out of the 20 respondents, 60% of them (12) have said and 40% of them (8) have said no.

XXXII. What type of environment persists in your work place?



question 22

nice amazing its ok for me

Out of the 20 respondents, 30% of them (6) have said nice and 50% of them (10) have said is
P a g e | 29

XXXIII. Are you happy with the amount of salary provided to you?




6 question 23

yes no

Out of the 20 respondents, 60% of them (12) have strongly agreed to it and 40% of them (8)
have said no.

XXXIV. Are there any security measures that the company provides their employees?

Chart- 34
6 question 24
yes no

Out of the 20 respondents, 65% of them (13) have strongly agreed to it and 35% of them (7)
have said no.
P a g e | 30

XXXV. How these security measures do influence your business integration and moral
reasoning towards the company?

Chart- 35
6 question 25
yes tilted towards I don’t know dissatisfied

Out of the 20 respondents, 75% of them (15) have said they are tilted towards the company
and 15% of them (3) have said they are dissatisfied.

XXXVI. Are you affected by the moral values of the seniors in your company? If yes then

Chart- 36
8 question 26
positively influenced confused not affected

Out of the 20 respondents, 75% of them (15) have said they are positively influenced by the
company and 10% of them (2) have said they are confused.
P a g e | 31

XXXVII. Does your company appreciate the staff views and your participation in work place?

2 question 27
ample appriciates with no recognition of less interested
opportunities incentives participation on employee
and appreciates morale but more
us on productivity

Out of the 20 respondents, 35% of them (7) have company provided ample opportunity and
appreciates them and 10% of them (2) have said no recognition.

XXXVIII. How is the relationship with the comates of your company?

Chart- 38
question 28
like to stay in monotonous and friendly relations are not
their company non friendly binding with

Out of the 20 respondents, 30% of them (6) would like to stay in their company, and 20% of
them (4) have said no relations are binding to them.
P a g e | 32

XXXIX. Do you get any influence on moral reasoning and business integrity from you senior




6 question 29

yes no

Out of the 20 respondents, 60% of them (12) have strongly agreed to it and 40% of them (8)
have said no.

XL. Is the workload in your company congenial or exhaustive?




6 question 30

cogenial exhaustive

Out of the 20 respondents, 40% of them (8) have said workload in the company is congenial and 60%
of them (12) have said exhaustive.
P a g e | 33


For analysis of this topic, we take the use of both the primary source of data and secondary
source of data. The primary source being the Survey, where a questionnaire has been sent to
the 30 employees of the start-up company called TaxMantra, based in Kolkata from which 20
responses came and on the basis of which whole analysing of the finding has been done.

For understanding of the topic before undertaking of research and survey, we have taken the
help of secondary sources, where we have analysed 10 the previously written journal articles
published in peer-reviewed journals in India. We have divided the review of literature in 3
sections, were we have kept the independent variable constant and changed the dependent
variable accordingly for better understanding of the topic. We have kept the “Effect of fun at
workplace” constant as its independent variable, and “on employees job satisfaction,
productivity and morale” as dependent factor as job satisfaction, productivity and morale
will change if the effect of fun at workplace changes, both the independent and dependent
variable are inversely proportional to each other.
P a g e | 34


The finding of this study provides a better understanding of TaxMantra employees’ value of
workplace fun, the extent to which they experience fun in the workplace, and their level of
job satisfaction, productivity and morale. The most common observation from the data was
that positive feeling associated with workplace fun influence feelings about one’s job. The
review of journal articles and our analysis had discovered that positive feelings tend to
generalize or spread from whatever caused them to other stimuli in the temporal and social

Moreover, the present study showed that employee’s high value on workplace fun, and the
relationship between workplace fun and job satisfaction, productivity and morale was greater
for employees who value fun and experiencing workplace fun will have the highest job

However, those employees who places less value on workplace fun and are not having fun
will have lowest job satisfaction. According to this finding, it was clear that there were
individual differences in the attitude towards fun and it played a key role to determine the
extent of implementing workplace fun in fostering higher level of job satisfaction.

Moreover, different individuals have different needs. According to McClelland’s Need

Theory, some people have higher need for affiliation, whereas others may have moderate or
low need for affiliation. In our analysis, employees have relatively positive attitudes toward
fun, which imply they have quite a high need for affiliation. They seek for establishing a
warm and close relationship with other as well as with the organisation, so when MTRC
provides a happy workplace to them, they will be motivated and satisfied.


I. Organisation should adapt virtuous strategies for overcome with the problem related
to fatigue and boredom. Company would be change the job for decay the fatigue and
II. Organisation should employ different recreational activities to keep job more
interesting and to thereby increasing the job satisfaction, productivity and morale.
III. Organisation should implement any policy keeping in mind that there will be
employees who shall not be affected by it should design policies to keep them
motivated to increase job satisfaction.
P a g e | 35


After doing the overall analysing of the research project through the medium of survey and
review of literature, following discussion can be generated that every coin has 2 sides,
meaning in the organisation, there will be employees who will be highly motivated by
inclusion of recreational facilities in the organisation, and then there will be employees who
doesn’t have any effect of it in their job production or satisfaction or morale. There are
employees in the company who are motivated only by the monetary factor and then there are
employees who don’t care about monetary values. Company, when implementing any policy
or suggesting any changes in the policy of the organisation should think about both these
types of employees before implementing any changes.

The findings from this research suggest that recreational activities, more than ever before, are
becoming highly important for organizations at present and in the future. Despite economic
constraints, responding to personal needs of employees continue to be significant. Presence of
fun-filled activities such as games, picnics, help the employees get engaged with each other
and with the company, resulting in better interpersonal relationships.

Another aspect associated with such activities is that they may provide firms with a
competitive staffing advantage. Results from this research indicate that recreational and are
very important to employees and they believe that they should exist in the organization. This
implies that employees may now expecting work to be more enjoyable and pleasing.
P a g e | 36


i. Name:-
ii. Age:-
a) 21-30
b) 31-40
c) 41-50
d) Above 50
iii. Sex:
iv. Department:-
v. Designation:-
vi. Qualification:-
a) Diploma-
b) UG-
c) PG-
d) Higher studies-
vii. Place of working:-
viii. Office Address:-
ix. Email- Address:-
x. Mobile number:-

Instruction: -

A. For the first set of 15 question, tick (✓) on the any of the four column, where (1)
represent strong agreement with the question and (4) represent the least agreement
with the question.
B. The next set of 25 question are MCQs, put tick (✓ ) on the answer the respondent
seem deemed fit.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1) While on the job, I
get the chance to
engage in recreational
things from time to
2) I believe that if
these recreational
and entertainment
activities are absent
and are not part of
P a g e | 37

company culture, then

I would seek out
another job
3) Those
organizations that
encourage such fun-
filled activities are
more effective than
those who do not.

4) These activities
result in maintaining
friendly and close
interaction with each
other in our company.
5) These activities
help in enhancing
our job satisfaction.
6) My company is an
exciting and
Amusing place to
7) Games at
work(fantasy sports,
card games, board
games), increases job
8) Social gatherings
(company sponsored
athletic teams, movie
nights), increases job
9) If an employee
feels depressed,
fellow employers tries
to cheer him up.
10) Does your
recreational activities?
11) I am satisfied with
the recreational
activities company
provides such as
indoor and outdoor
sports, gym, etc.
P a g e | 38

12) Recreational /fun

activities result in
maintaining friendly
and close interaction
with each other in our
13) Each individual
employee is valued by
my organization.
14) I feel a sense of
accomplishment and
satisfaction from my

15) Would you consider staying in a job where there are lots of recreational activities but
low in remuneration?

a) Yes
b) No
c) May be
d) Don’t know

16) Which Recreational activities are used to escape from continuous work pressure?

a) Talk to friend/ socialization with co- workers

b) Check e mail
c) Take assort break and go out
d) Quizzes/ games/ and other stuff.

17) What is the rate of absenteeism and turnover intentions when fun/ recreational are
there in workplace?

a) 0-10%
b) 10-20%
c) 20-40%
d) 40-50%
e) Above 50%

18) Are employees satisfied with the entertainment/fun activities in workplace?

a) Satisfied
b) Not satisfied
c) Dissatisfied
d) No effect
P a g e | 39

19) What are the entertainment activities that take place in the organisation?

a) Annual events
b) Birthday’s celebrations
c) Festivals
d) Picnics

20) Do you feel that there is need of fun or recreational activities in your workplace?

a) Yes
b) No

21) Does workplace fun have any effect on your motivation at work?

a) Yes
b) No

22) Do you think fun at workplace is harmful to the work quality?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Sometimes

23) Do you think fun at workplace affects the attendance of employees in any way?

a) Yes, in a positive way

b) Yes, in a negative way
c) No, it doesn't

24) How often do you believe employees should have the opportunity to experience fun
in your organization?

a) Never
b) Infrequently
c) Frequently
d) Very Often

25) Companies that promote fun at work arc more effective than companies that don't."
What do you think?

a) Strongly Agree
b) Agree
c) Disagree
d) Strongly Disagree
P a g e | 40

26) If you were a manager, what would be your views about workplace fun?

a) Extremely Important
b) Moderately Important
c) Not important

27) According to what the optimum amount of fun at work should be, what is the level of
fun at your workplace?

a) Much less
b) Moderately less
c) About the right amount
d) Moderately more

28) Some people tend to avoid the concept of fun at workplace. What according to you
could be the reason?

a) Time Constraints
b) Financial Costs
c) Fear of feeling silly

29) Do non-profit organisations have more workplace fun than profit organisations?

a) No
b) Yes

30) Would you rather work at a slightly low paying but fun workplace or at a
comparatively high paying but dull workplace?

a) Low paid but fun

b) High paid but dull

31) Are you happy with the amount of work allotted to you?

a) Yes
b) No

32) What type of environment persists in your work place?

a) Nice
b) It has an amazing environment
c) Its suitable for me

33) Are you happy with the amount of salary provided to you?

a) Yes
b) No
P a g e | 41

34) Are there any security measures that the company provides their employees?

a) Yes
b) No

35) How do these security measures influences your business integration and moral
reasoning towards the company?

a) Yes, positively tilted towards the company in each case

b) Yes , keeps me happy but fails to influence in case of BI
c) No, I am not satisfied

36) Are you affected by the moral values of the seniors in your company? If yes then

a) Yes, I am positively influenced

b) No, I am confused
c) I am not affected

37) Does your company appreciate the staff views and your participation in work place?

a) Yes, there are ample of opportunities and they support us

b) Yes, they appreciates us with required incentives for better performance
c) No, recognition of our participation
d) Company is less interested on employee moral but on greater

38) How is the relationship with the comates of your company?

a) Like to stay in their company

b) All are monotonous and non-friendly
c) Their friendliness keeps me out of work load
d) Relation is not binding

39) Do you get any influence on moral reasoning and business integrity from you senior

a) Yes
b) No

40) Is the workload in your company congenial or exhaustive?

a) Congenial
b) Exhaustive

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