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Disciplines and Ideas in

Social Sciences
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
The Emergence of Social Science

First Quarter
MODULE 2 – Week 2
The Emergence of Social Science
Content Standard
: Performance Standard :
Learning Outcomes
Social Science and the different
Competencies The learner shall be able to connect the
: disciplines with their historical and social
foundations Upon completion of the
Topic module, the learner is expected to outline
: the historical circumstances that led to
the development of Social Sciences
Explain the major events and its
contribution that led to the emergence of
the Social Science disciplines Historical
What I Know context of the emergence of each
The learner demonstrates an discipline
understanding of the Emergence of the

Let us check your knowledge on our next lesson. Write the letter of your
answer in a separate sheet.
1. Branch of social science pertaining to the study of humans and human
a. Anthropology c. Psychology
b. History d. Sociology
2. The social science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of
goods and services.
a. Geography c. Political Science
b. Economics d. Sociology
3. The distribution of the features of the physical environment & of the people
who use those features.
a. Anthropology c. Demography
b. Geography d. Sociology
4. The organizations people have developed to make rules and laws for their
a. History c. Economics
b. Sociology d. Political Science
5. The scientific name of for the human is?
a. Homo Habilis c. HomoPithicus
b. Homo Genus d. Homo Sapiens

What I Need to Know

Welcome to module 2 …your journey towards understanding our society
continues. Isn’t it exciting, right? At the end of this lesson you can: ▪ trace the
historical foundations and social contexts that led to the development of each
▪ explain the relevance of the social contexts of the various discipline in your

What’s In
Hello senior high school students! Let us check if you can identify the various
discipline of Social Sciences, arrange the jumbled letters into word.
1. C I N O E O S M C -
2. G P H O Y O S C L Y –
3. E O G Y H P R A G –
4. I S H Y O T R –
5. C O S O O I Y G L –
Did you get them right? Well then, lets proceed…

What’s New
The term "Social Science" did not appear until the nineteenth century, when the
social sciences began to be recognized as distinct disciplines. However, the origins of
their ideas and goals are located much further back in time. Human beings have
always been curious about themselves, their nature and behavior as individuals and
as groups, their relationship to the natural environment, and to God. However, it is
more difficult to study these topics than to study the natural environment or even
theorize about the nature of God since the nature of the social scientific inquiry is
necessarily subjective. We are studying ourselves. Perhaps, therefore, it was inevitable
that scholars first developed their understanding of God and nature before making
inroads into the study of human beings.

What Is It
Social Science has not been a clearly defined area historically; indeed, the
classification of the various disciplines as social sciences rather than humanities or
life sciences has not been consistent over the years. Instead, each discipline that can
be considered a social science has developed rather independently. Thus the history
of the social sciences has generally been divided according to discipline, and there
have been few attempts to write a history of the social sciences as a whole other than
to relate to a specific historical context.
Historical Foundation of Social Science
Ancient Times:
In ancient civilizations, there was no distinction between the disciplines now
considered the liberal arts and the sciences. There was no difference between
mathematics and the study of history, poetry, or politics. Aristotle studied planetary
motion and poetry with the same methods, and Plato mixed geometrical proofs with
his demonstration on the state of intrinsic knowledge. Only with the development of
mathematical proof did there gradually arise a perceived difference between "scientific"
disciplines and others, the "humanities" or the liberal arts.
Medieval Times:
After the fall of Rome, which did little in the way of science, theorizing was
transferred to the priesthood and a group of scholars known as the Scholastics.
Thomas Aquinas of the thirteenth century, in his Summa theologiae, developed ideas
about man and society that contain political, social, economic, anthropological, and
geographical conceptions. The influence of the church through the Scholastics,
remained strong until the Enlightenment, leaving no room for the development of
ideas regarding human nature that were separate from theology.
In the second half of the 18th century, urbanization and population growth
became accelerated, and during this period slums, alcoholism, brutality of manners
developed which were to become the targets of social reforms. At the beginning of the
19th century, in response to the above there is a multiplication of works with a
scientific character: Auguste Comte ( 1798-1853) invented the term sociology, he was
the first to systematize and give a complete analysis of the principles of the positive
character of the social sciences. His principle was also supported by Emile
Durkheim, another sociologist, who initiated the study of “social facts”. Montesquieu
and Voltaire broke a new path for politics and history. Karl Marx gave the first
general theory of social
science and introduced the materialist analysis of history which discounts religious
and metaphysical explanation for historical development.
In the first half of the twentieth century, statistics became a free-standing
discipline of applied mathematics. Statistical methods were used confidently, for
example in an increasingly mathematical and scientific view of biology by such
pioneers as Gregor Mendel and CharlesDarwin.
This encouraged psychologists, sociologists, economists, and other social
scientists to apply these methods to their fields of inquiry. The first thinkers to attempt
to combine inquiry of the type they saw in Darwin with exploration of human
relationships, were Sigmund Freud in Austria and William James in the United
States. Freud's theory of the functioning of the mind, and James' work on
experimental psychology had enormous impact on those that followed.
The Industrial Revolution created a series of social, economic, and political
problems, particularly in managing supply and demand in their political economy, the
management of resources for military and developmental use, the creation of mass
education systems to train individuals in reasoning and problems in managing the
effects of industrialization itself. To manage the new enterprises, private and
governmental, required more data. More data required a means of reducing it to
information upon which to make decisions. Numbers and charts could be interpreted
more quickly and moved more efficiently than long texts. Increasingly, quantitative and
qualitative methods began to be integrated in the study of human action and its
implications and consequences.
Other personalities that shaped Social Sciences and their contribution:
✓ Nicolaus Copernicus – Scientific Revolution refers to historical changes in
thought and belief, to changes in social and institutional organization, that
unfolded in Europe.
✓ Iasaac Newton – proposed universal laws of motion and mechanical model of
the universe. Laid the foundation that allowed science and technology to
change the world.
✓ Francis Bacon – established the supremacy of reason over imagination ✓
Rene Descartes – French Philosopher, mathematician, and writer who
considered the of Father of modern philosophy. Advocated the use of rigorous
philosophical analysis to arrive the truth rather than basing them to dogmas. ✓
Martin Luther – Organized the protestant movement and eroded the power of
the Roman Catholic
✓ Immanuel Kant – Challenge the use of Metaphysics or absolute truth derived
mainly from unjustified tradition and authority such as the existence of God.
Advocated the use of reason in order to know the nature of the word and
human beings.
✓ Max Weber – One of the leading figures in modern sociology and described this
process as Rationalization, which means that social life is more and more
subjected to calculation and prediction.
✓ Francois Lyotard – French Sociologist points out science triumphed because it
provided reliable results.
✓ Harriet Martineau – founding mother of sociology, a social scientist shifted
their attention to non-western world as a model of the early stage of Western
✓ George Simmel – German Sociologist in the early 20th century, to decry the
growing depersonalization of life due to the introduction of money. The Rise of
✓ Franz Boas – considered as the father of modern American Anthropology. The
first to have rejected the biological basis of racism or racial discrimination. ✓
Bronislaw Malinowski -contributed to the development of modern anthropology.
Participation Observation, a social science research that requires the
anthropologists to have the ability to participate and blend with the way of life of a
given group of people.

What I Have Learned

The Social Sciences are still relatively new, not more than two centuries
old, and there are number of issues and directions about which there is still no
consensus. One issue concerns the possibility of a "grand theory" of the social
sciences. There continues to be little movement toward consensus on what
methodology might have the power and refinement to connect such a "grand
theory" with the various mid-range theories that have been developed within the
various social sciences. According to Verheggen et. al. (1999), Social Science is
commonly used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields outside of
the natural sciences. These fields include: Anthropology, Archaeology,
Economics, Geography, History, Linguistics, Political Science, Sociology, and in
certain context Psychology.

What I Can Do
Alright, were you able to follow everything? The historical development of
Social Sciences came along with its different discipline that comprises the
essence of Social Science. I think you are now ready for a challenge, do the
activities and put your answers in a separate sheet. (Choose one activity for this
Activity A:
Make your Creative Timeline on the development of Social Science.
Activity B: Write a 100 word essay.
Among all the disciplines of Social Sciences, what do you think would be
the most useful discipline? What is the significance in studying Social Science?
And if given a chance what particular area of social science you would like to
develop and why?
How are you Senior High Students? I hope that you have unlocked yourself after
exploring the module. Now, you will answer the questions below and be careful
because this is a formative assessment meaning this is graded test.
Multiple Choice: Write the letters of your answers in a separate answer sheet.
1. Proposed universal laws of motion and mechanical model of the universe.
a. Karl Marx c. Francois Lyotard
b. Isaac Newton d. Immanuel Kant
2. Introduced the materialist analysis of history which discounts religious and
metaphysical explanation for historical development.
a. Karl Marx c. Francois Lyotard
b. Isaac Neewton d. Immanuel Kant
3. Challenged the use of Metaphysics or absolute truth derived mainly from
unjustified tradition and authority such as the existence of God.
a. Karl Marx c. Francois Lyotard
b. Isaac Neewton d. Immanuel Kant
4. French Sociologist points out science triumphed because it provided reliable
a. Isaac Newton c. Francois Lyotard
b. Karl Marx d. Immanuel Kant
5. Bronislaw Malinowski is known for his contribution on
a. Metaphysics c. Participation Observation
b. Materialist d. Feudal System
6. Means that social life is more and more subjected to calculation and predictin.
a. Rationalization c. Participation Observation
b. Socialization d. Feudal System
7. Thomas Aquinas developed the following ideas about man and society, except:
a. Politic b. Geography c. Economic d. Arts
8. He was the first to systematize and give a complete analysis of the principles of
the positive character of the social sciences.
a. Auguste Comte c. Segmund Freud
b. Francis Bason d. Rene Descartes
9. The rise of Individualism brought about by the introduction of:
a. Commodity c. Money
b. Machines d. All of the above
10. Education is the single most important factors in the rise of social sciences.
Which of the statement below, support this development.
a. The growth of universities.
b. The development of Medical Knowledge
c. The beginning of Enlightenment
d. Secularization of Learning
11. The triump of reason and science over dogma and religious authority began
with the reformation. Who among the philosophers supported this?
a. Karl Marx c. Martin Luther
b. Immanuel Kant d. Max Weber
12. The Greek philosophers who spearheaded the growth of Social Sciences,
except: a. Socrates b. Weber c. Plato d. Aristotle
13. If Franz Boas an American Anthropologist; George Simmel is
_______ a. German Anthropologist
b. German Sociologist
c. German Geographer
d. German Philosopher
14. Gravity is discovered by Isaac Newton while the idea of Supremacy of reason
over imagination was established by:
a. Max Weber c. Francis Bacon
b. Montesquieu d. Voltaire
15.Emile Durkhiem was considered one of the Fathers of Sociology, who is then
considered the mother of Sociology?
a. Harriet Martineau c. Mary Wollstone
b. Simone Beauvoir d. Hannah Arendt

Additional Activities
Thank you for completing the activities… as for your reflection, answer
creatively this statement and use a separate sheet of paper.
“The COVID-19 pandemic brought us the idea of “New Normal”, What is your
understanding of “New Normal”? How will the society interact and move with this new


Jose, M. D. & Ong, J. (2016). Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences.
Quezon City. Vibal Group, Inc., pp. 20-37.
“Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences.” Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House,

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