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8 You and your body drugs and drugtaking

Should taking drugs be legalis
How dangerous is drugtaking? Some people argue that all

Drug use can never be 100 per cent ● Not being used to drugs. ● What people are doing while drugs should be made legal
safe. It always involves risks, but it is Somebody new to drug use may be they are on drugs can be risky. and given the same legal
not always as dangerous as some anxious, unsure of what to do or Driving a car or bike or operating
status as alcohol and

people make out. How dangerous it is expect and be more likely to get into machinery while on drugs can greatly
depends on the drug itself, the person
tobacco. Others argue for
problems or have a bad experience. increase the chances of accidents.
taking the drug and how and where Having sex while on drugs can make decriminalisation, which
the drug is taken. THE DRUG would mean that possession
be legalised?
remembering safer sex – like using
The risk will also depend on: Different drugs carry different condoms – much more difficult. would not be a criminal
● How much is taken. risks. offence, but might be
● How strong the dose is, for Drugs such as heroin, alcohol or SO WHAT DOES ALL subject to penalties like
example two ecstasy tablets which tranquillisers can lead to physical THIS MEAN? those for speeding or
look the same may have very different
doses in them.
dependence or withdrawal
It means that it is impossible to
make simple statements like ‘If
parking illegally. Yes… No…
■It would immediately ■It would be a
● How often it is taken. Drugs like amphetamine, ecstasy and you take this drug then this will Surveys suggest that most
take the supply of the first step to more
● What else might be mixed in cocaine are uppers – they speed the happen.’ people would be in favour drug of the hands of widespread, and
with the drug, especially the rubbish body up – and can be particularly We are all individuals – what of seeing the personal use violent criminal potentially disastrous,
that is often mixed with illegal drugs. dangerous for people who have heart might be safe for one person of cannabis decriminalised. syndicates. liberalisation of other drugs.
● How a drug is taken; injecting is or blood pressure problems. could be dangerous for the next – But the majority of the ■ Compared to alcohol ■ It would lead to a great
the most dangerous way to use drugs Drugs like heroin, alcohol and solvents or even dangerous for the same public is firmly against and tobacco, which are increase in use, which
– the dose is taken all at once so are downers – they slow the body person in a different altering the restrictions on freely available, might put people on a
there is a danger of overdose – and if down – and can be very dangerous if situation. heroin and cocaine. cannabis is not very ‘slippery slope’ to harder
injecting equipment is shared, there is mixed because the body can stop harmful anyway. drugs.
the danger of passing on infections altogether. This is an overdose and ■ Any increased use of ■ Some forms of cannabis are
like hepatitis and HIV (the virus that can be fatal. the drug would be very harmful and have
leads to AIDS). Others are hallucinogens (LSD, greatly outweighed by been implicated as a cause
magic mushrooms) and can the benefits gained. of mental health problems.
THE PERSON lead to people freaking out
If you drink when you feel miserable, and doing dangerous things.
you will often feel worse; if you are Anybody with a mental
anxious and depressed before taking
LSD, you are more likely to have a
illness should steer well
clear of these drugs and
The benefits of
bad experience. Also the following
factors may influence the experience:
● Physical health problems. Drug
cannabis as well.

legalisation In groups

Discuss the arguments for and

Many people may think that taking drugs is inherently wrong and so against the legalisation of
use could be more dangerous for ● Where people use can be
should be illegal. But there is a question of effectiveness – does cannabis.
those with heart, blood pressure, risky. Some take drugs in dodgy
epilepsy, diabetes or liver problems. places, like canal banks, near making it illegal stop people doing it? The answer is clearly no. ‘Drugtaking is too dangerous to
● Weight. Drugs act differently railway lines, in derelict buildings. be legalised. People need to be
depending how heavy you are: the Accidents are much more likely in Drugs could be regulated in the same manner that alcohol and protected from harming
effects may be more in a lighter these places, especially if people are tobacco are regulated and, more importantly heavily taxed. themselves by taking drugs.’
person. out of their heads. Say why you agree or disagree
A sensible policy of regulation and control would reduce burglary, cut
with this view.
gun crime, bring women off the streets, clear out our overflowing
For your file prisons, and raise billions in tax revenue. Drug users could buy from Do you think it should be up to
In groups individuals or the government to
Write an article for a teenage magazine places where they would be sure the drugs had not been cut with
decide which substances they
Discuss what you learn from this page about the different based on the information on this page dangerous, cost saving chemicals. There would be clear information consume?
factors which affect how dangerous drugtaking is. explaining what makes drugtaking a about the dangers involved and on how to seek treatment.
risky business.

You and your body drugs and drugtaking

Drug problems How to help a

friend who has a What to do in an emergency
‘My Life’s a Mess ’ problem with drugs Drug use can be dangerous and it’s important that you know what to do
lk Suffo We all need friends. Sometimes we need in an emergency. The lives of friends and people around you could
Name: Sarah Age:16 Lives:
drugs. I was happy
the help they can give us. Sometimes it’s depend on you knowing basic first aid.
I used to think I’d never take
gs for? If only things our turn to help them out. If someone
enough – what did I need dru
had stayed that way... you know has a problem with drugs …
If people are tense and panicky If someone is overheating:
■ Stick by them. Don’t turn your back
on them.
This tends to occur with hallucinogenic drugs like LSD ✔ Move the person to a cool area – outside if
and magic mushrooms, but it also happens with drugs possible.
The first time I took speed I just
wanted to try it once – to see
■ Listen to them and how they say like amphetamines and ecstasy as well as high doses of ✔ Splash them with cold water to cool them down.
what it was like. We were going they feel. cannabis. If someone is really tense and panicky on ✔ Call an ambulance. Explain to the ambulance crew
to this party, and my friends said ■ Don’t start slagging them off to their drugs take the following steps: what has happened and what you have done.
that we’d have a better night if face or other people. ✔ Calm them down and reassure them.
If people are drowsy but
we were off our heads. I can’t ■ Suggest what they might do but don’t ✔ Talk quietly and explain that the panicky feeling
remember much about the party
keep on about it. They will have to will gradually go. conscious
now. I felt so tired afterwards –
really done in. make their own decisions. ✔ Keep them away from loud noises and bright lights. This usually happens with downer drugs like alcohol,

■ If they want, offer to go with them if

✔ Help them if they overbreathe (hyperventilate). tranquillisers and heroin, but can happen with solvents
Drug buddies When someone breathes very quickly and gasps (glue and gas). If someone is really drowsy take the
I started going out with these they are going to seek help from a for breath, they often get dizzy and feel sick. following steps:
friends quite a bit – they knew drug agency, doctor, counsellor or ✔ Put the person in the recovery position and keep
where all the good parties were. whoever. If people overheat or dehydrate talking to them.
We’d meet up on a Saturday night
and take some whizz to see us
■ Encourage them to be positive about This tends to happen with drugs like amphetamines ✔ Try to stop them becoming unconscious and
and ecstasy when people really exert themselves. don’t put them to bed as they might lose
through. We were having a themselves.
These drugs raise body temperature. Overheating and consciousness in their sleep.
brilliant time. My other friends at but I was broke. Me and a mate ■ Encourage them to feel they can do
school seemed really immature went into town and nicked some
something positive about their
dehydration can result.This can be very dangerous and ✔ If they want a drink only give them sips of
stuff from one of the department has been the main reason for ecstasy-related deaths. lukewarm water.
and boring.
stores. I was really scared. We problems.
The warning signs include: ● cramps in the legs, ✔ Call for medical assistance.
Out of control thought we’d got away with it, arms and back ● failure to sweat ● headaches and
After school, we’d meet up and but then the store detective came
dizziness, vomiting ● suddenly feeling very tired If people faint or lose
smoke some spliffs. I could never
be bothered to do any homework
up to me – it was the worst
moment of my whole life.
● feeling like a pee but not doing much when you consciousness
In groups Give them emergency first aid, by putting them in the
when I got home – I always felt
go ● fainting.
so tired. When I failed the end of Shunned Discuss Sarah’s story. Talk about how
recovery position, checking their breathing and
The police told my parents – and It can be prevented by: loosening any tight clothing that might restrict it, and
year exams I had this massive getting into drugs has affected her life. If
row with my Dad. now my Dad won’t speak to me.
you were Sarah’s friend, what would you
✔ Avoiding amphetamines or ecstasy in the first call for an ambulance.
He says he never thought his place.
I hated being at school and I say to her to try to help?
hated being at home. I started daughter would turn out to be a ✔ Not dancing for long periods at a time; taking
stealing money from my mum’s thief. My friends at school have regular rests and relaxing in a cool area.
purse to pay for the drugs and found out about the shoplifting
For your file ✔ Drinking water, fruit juice or a sports drink at
the nights out. I knew I was and some of them are keeping about the rate of one pint an hour (sipping the For your file
letting her down – but it had got away from me. I don’t know how drink regularly) and avoiding alcohol.
all this happened. I never thought ‘Dear Melanie, My friend’s got Draw a cartoon strip of an incident
so I only felt good when I was off
my head on something. I’d be in trouble with the police. involved in the drug scene. She’s ✔ Drinking or eating something that keeps the salt
in which a teenager becomes ill
got real problems. How can I help levels in the body up. Salty snacks, fruit juice, fizzy
It’s going to take a long time after taking drugs. Show how the
drinks and sports drinks will all help to keep the
Disaster before people trust me again – I her?’ Shania
body provided with the minerals it needs.
person is given first aid by their
There was this big night out just wish everything was back Write the reply you would send to friends
planned. I wanted to try some E – to normal. Shania if you were Melanie. ✔ Wearing cool clothes and not wearing hats (hats
keep heat in).

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