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Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter

agency approach)

Topic 1


POLICING Law Enforcement Administration: A Background

What is Law? Law is commonly understood as a system of rules that are created and
enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate conduct. It also refers to
the set of rules and regulations or orders, usually written, created and enacted by the
people that must be abided by the people themselves. In the specific sense, law is defined
as a rule of conduct. These rules of conduct are just and obligatory. They are promulgated
by legitimate authority (typically by the Legislature). They are of common observance and
benefit. For purposes of this manuscript, the law being referred to are the criminal laws
such as but not limited to:

a. The Revised Penal Code (Act 3815) and its amendments;

b. Republic Acts;
c. Presidential Decrees; and
d. Other Special Penal laws passed by the Philippine Commission, Philippine Assembly,
Philippine Legislature, National Assembly, the Congress of the Philippines, and the
Batasang Pambansa.

What is Enforcement? Enforcement refers to the act of enforcing; ensuring observance

of or obedience to; that which enforces, constraints, gives force, authority, or effect to.

What is Administration? Administration, for purposes of this textbook, refers to the

act of administering; government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed,
in conducting affairs; the conducting of any office or employment; direction. It is also
defined as the act of managing duties, responsibilities, or rules. The act of administering;
government of public affairs; the service rendered, or duties assumed, in conducting
affairs; the conducting of any office or employment; direction.

What is Law Enforcement? Law enforcement is any system by which some members of
government act in an organized manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring,
rehabilitating, or punishing people who violate the rules and norms governing that society.
Although the term encompasses police, [prosecution], courts, corrections, and [community]
it is most frequently applied to those who directly engage in patrols or surveillance to
dissuade and discover criminal activity, and those who investigate crimes and apprehend
offenders. Similarly, it is a task typically carried out by the police, or another law
enforcement organization or agency.

Law Enforcement is a broad term that refers to the act of preventing, correcting,
finding, and punishing any violations of the Law of the Land in the concerned country or
What is Law Enforcement Administration? Law Enforcement Administration,
therefore, based on the aforesaid definitions would refer to administering or managing the
enforcement of law in order to ensure its observance or obedience for the common good.

What is Law Enforcement Agency or Organization? Law Enforcement Agency refers

to a government agency that is responsible for the enforcement of the laws. Any agency in
the country that has the power to implement law for the purpose of public safety, law and
order, and prevention of crime is considered as law enforcement agency.

Who is a Law Enforcement Officer? A law enforcement officer is a government

employee who is responsible for the prevention, investigation, apprehension, or detention
of individuals suspected or convicted of offenses against the criminal laws. Usually, the
most evident and common agency that enforces the law in most of the countries of the
world is the Police [in the country, the primary law enforcers are called Policeman or Police
Officers of the Philippine National Police].

Law enforcement officer responds to, detect, and prevent crime. Within this perspective,
it is recognized that police officers play a significant role in adapting and responding to
unexpected or unknown situations, as well as recognized situations, such as theft or
domestic dispute [and other criminal activities].

Bases of Law Enforcement

1. Crime
2. Law and Order
3. Criminal Law
4. Criminal Justice


Eduardo, Jesster P. (2020). Law Enforcement Organization and Administration with Inter
Agency Approach.

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