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ROLEPLAYING GAME GEo FORCE is =f ed ==DESTINY RR eee RESCUE ON THE VECTOR aT ARS WARS RESCUE ON THE VECTOR Terror from the EMPIRE! The REBEL ALLIANCE eae eel eh mC On ela Ma TLL Navy. An experimental bioweapon was released on the Imperial Star Destroyer VECTOR, forcing Rau to call for an extraction. Rau has vital infor- ET MTA LCL tT TL ey ee RRO ae Rem UCR rena ee eee one oo BRUNET system to recover Rau and discover the cause of the weapon’s release. Little do they ema ale CT 19 they can possibly i ure en Tenet Peete a ected Neu s ‘ f es eee Pc. ireniisas Deeper into the Ship. i Sr iret ery Srnec KnightCreep ST UT) eet _INTRODUCTION This booklet contains an exciting adventure designed {oe run in one to two sessions. This can be run as part ‘of a campaign or as a stand-alone experience. The players should have already created their characters ‘nd established their individual or group Duties. GMs should read this entire adventure to familiarize themselves with the overall narrative before running i Should the players or GM want to have another adventure involving the Bla Virus, the GM may. reduce both the Intellect by 1 (toa minimum of 1) to increase brawn by 1 (not affecting soakiwound threshold) and increase the ‘wound threshold by I to 5, at the GM's dise ADVENTURE SUMMARY This adventure sends th wer & Rebel informant with vital information regarding Imperial bioweapons. In order to rescue hi, they rst sneak aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Vector From there, they find tht the Imperials on board have all been tured into fearsome undead monstrosities ‘nce finding the informant, he insists that they destroy” the ship to prevent the infection from spreading INVOLVING THE PLAYERS. Getting players involved in an Age of Rebeltiom adventure is often a matter of having an element of Alliance leadership, be it 2 local Rebel organizer or Alliance High Command, In this case, the Rebels are fen their mission by General Ithao Izrie of the Rebel = The party can be a team that has worked previous missions, or they can meet each give the party aad) se eee alsa ence aly (Ese Eee becca vacene, they become infected. Meaney RU Ae ea ae Han Solo ‘Once the PCs are within sensor range, a sean of the [ector shows most ofthe ship has weak life signs, par- Ticularly consentrated on the bridge and throughout the ‘center portions of the ship. Attempting to make contact with the Vector through ‘comms results in only static at first, but after a few short moments, a soft pinging can be heard. It sounds like a distress beacon, ‘A successful Average (@@) Mechanies check: reveals the source of the beacon to be originating from the armory. Landing in the only accessible har requires an Easy (@ Ml) Piloting (Space) check. NIGHTMARE BEGINS ‘Once the PCs have landed safely. organics roll @ Read or paraphrase the following: Ifthe PCs decide to investigate the body they find he is holding a datapad in one hand and a holdout blaster in the other. He has been bitten multiple times on the arms Ftd facg, some bites taking large chunks of flesh out of “RESCUE ON THE VECTOR: ‘The adventure begins as the PCs exit hyperspace into the Brunet system, Read or paraphrase the following, him. There’s a blaster mark on the side of his head. ‘On the datapad, along with countless mundane dealings on the ship, there are two notable files, The first is a map of the Vector and the power consumption of different areas. Most of the ship only has back up power. The closest place with full power is the ship's main armory. The second file is a voice recording, Have the players roll a d20 die. Ifthe result is <10 then nothing happens and the PCs may move on. Ifthe result is >10 then the dead Imperial Navy Officer comes to life and attacks. Roll Vigilance for Initiative. IMPERIAL NAVY OFFICER (INFECTED) [RIVAL] @ =< Skills: Discipline ¢ @ @. Vigilance Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against this target once) Abilities: None Equipment: Heavy Uniform Clothing (+1 soak), Datapad INFECTED TERRORS When the PCs exit the hanger, read or paraphrase the following: The PCs may attempt an Average (4 @) Stealth check in order to get a closer look. Ifthe check is suc- cessful, read or paraphrase the following If the PCs failed the Stealth check or decided to attack, read or paraphrase the following: cea Roll Vigilance for initiative. STORMTROOPER (INFECTED) [MINION] SGQQVe CG) Skills (group only): Athletics, Discipline, Melee, Ranged (Heavy) Talents: None Abilities: None Equipment: Utility Belt, Stormtrooper Armor (+2 soak) DEEPER INTO THE SHIP Organics, roll As the PCs continue down the hall, it’s obvious thatthe ‘control panels for the doors on either side have been smashed or shot. One door has a compse in front of it His right hand has been tom off. His remaining hand is ‘covered in blood and there is a combat knife embedded in his skull, Written on the door are the words “DT inside stay away” in what looks like blood. Read or paraphrase the following: As you pass Ifthe PCs don’t respond to him: SAKI RAU REBEL SLEEPER AGENT [RIVAL] IBeEEes COCCI E® Skills: Ranged (Light) @ Cool igilance 4 ©, Brasil © @, Stealth $@ “Talents: None Abilities: None Equipment: DL-7H Heavy Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light]: Damage 8; Critical 3: Range [Medium],). Det- ‘nator. Datapad, 3 Stimpacks THE ARMORY Inside the armory is a large pile of rations and water, three enormous racks of various weapons and equip. ment, and a servant droid. eters ‘a ftting Cmca a whl, Cu save you if you Pant ee ee PCs can make a Survival check ‘supplies based on the following difficulties: * Easy (@): Melee Weapons, Rations, Stimpaks, Extra Reloads, * Average ( Pistols, ): Medpak, Stun Grenades, Blaster * Hard ( Blaster Rifles, Light Repeating Blasters, Frag Grenades, Vibro Weapons, © Daunting ( ): Heavy Repeating Blaster. Thermal Detonators, They find as many the number of 3 Organics, roll @ Whichever PC is in front, make a Hard ( Vigilance check. If the check is successful Ifthe check fails: an Average ( If the check fails: All PCs, roll Vigilance. The grappled player niakes an Average (@ @) Brawl check to try to escape. If the check isa failure, the PC is bitten, and must make an upgraded Daunting (@ @ @ @) Resilience check There are a total of 3 Deathtroopers with blaster pistols, and 4 that are unarmed, ‘Once the battle is over, organics roll epee “VACCINES AND VIOLENCE AAs the PCs continue on, they will be facing 10 Deatht- roopers unarmed, 2 infected Tie Pilots with holdout blasters, 4 Deathtroopers with blaster pistols, 6 Storm- troopers with blaster rifles, and 1 Stormtrooper Sergeant with blaster rifle Po atuete Wee Cae Sees pe Ahn fcoeeerel BP The datapads may be repaiced and searched for infor- mation with an Average (@ @) Mechanics check. While most of the data has been corrupted due to damage, one file remains. It appears to be some kind of a for a virus. The file’s name is “Blue Shadow Ifthe PCs ask Rau about the virus: IMPERIAL STORMTROOPER SERG: [RIVAL] BOBBIE Skills (group only): Athletics, Discipline, Melee, Ranged (Heavy) Talents: None Abilities: None Equipment:Light Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light] Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun Setting), Utility Belt, Stormtrooper Armor (+2 soak) IMPERIAL TIE PILOT (INFECTED) [MINION] Skills (group only): Gunnery, Piloting (Space) Talents: None Abilities: None Equipment: Light Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light] Damage 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium] Stun Setting) Flight Suit IMPERIAL STORMTROOPER [MINION] Skills (group only): Athletics, aad Melee Ranged (Heavy) Talents: None Abilities: None Equipment: Blaster Rifle (Ranged [Heavy]: Damage 9; Critical 3; Range [Long]; Stun Setting), Utikty Beli Stormtrooper Armor (+2 soak) Bae Skills: Athletics @ @ ©. Discipline @ @ .Leader- ship @@@ ©, Melee @ @@, Ranged (Heavy) + Ranged (Ligh) @ Resilience © © ©. Vigilance @ Talents: Adversary | (upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against this target once) Abilities: Tactical Direction (may perform a maneuver to direct one stormtrooper minion group within medium range; the group may perform an immediate froe maneuver to add [ll to its next check) Equipment: Heavy Blaster Rifle (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 10; Critical 3; Range [Long] Auto-Fire, Cum- bersome 3), Utility Belt, Stormtrooper Armor (+2 soak) After the battle, if the Stormtrooper Sergeant is the last one alive THE CORE As you enter the core, you are hit by the heat ofthe itself. ship: aa eto aad Setting the charges requires an Easy (4) Mechanics check. Once everyone is dane aa Ittakes 40 minutes for the PCs to reach the hanger from the core, ‘Once the PCs reach the hanger, they will face 3 Deatht- roopers with blaster rifles, | Dark Trooper, 2 infected officers with blaster pistols, and 6 Deathtroopers ‘unarmed, oe rial Navy OM ‘ cra .. Any of the PCs who make a successful Hard (# © @) Knowledge (Warfare) check will know that it i @ Dark Trooper. An Average ( @) Perception check. will reveal that the cockpit of a Tie Fighter is hanging, directly above the Dark Trooper. Performing a success ful Hard (@ @) Ranged check to shoot it loose’ from its docking clamps will result init crashing down) on, and killing, the Dark Trooper. DARK TROOPER [RIVAL} Skills: Brawl @@ + Perception Talents: Adversary 1 (uparade difficulty of ll combat checks against this target once) Abilities: Droid (does not need to breathe, eat, or drink and can underwater; immune to poisons and toxins), Enhanced Senses (add automatic J to all Perception checks) Equipment: Plasma Shell Assault Cannon Gunnery Damage 10; Critical 2; Range [Long]; Auto-Fire, Breach ody Concussive 1, Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate 1), Power Armor (+2 soak. +1 defense), Internal Comlink youn The PCs may make an Average (@ @) Stealth check, If all/almost all succeed ind the crates about & Sear: LS lt ei Roll Cool for initiative. Ce ee Each round.ef combat takes 30 seconds. Each player eas 15 experience points, and 1 to! f° Duty based on their individual Duty and Motivations. ~ — = On $$ |———} CHARACTER FOLIO STAR. WARS J STAR. WARS STAR. WARS EDGE: AGEs FORCE EMPIRE REBELLION =DESTINY RE Tug A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... Be eae ere ee nee Pree ORC IR Conn ce Lea Re coer Cesena ee RoC eae im a POR eC ur ee ce Re Cue ae a Red Pcie sa CCL CRS ene destroy the ship to prevent the infection from spreading.

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