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The hybrid

working blueprint
5 steps to make hybrid working work
for your business strategy
The future is hybrid
(and the future is now)
March 2020 marked the What’s become clear since is that there’s no
going back to the old work model. Employees
dawn of a new era of work. and businesses alike have seen the benefits
of taking a different approach. Like it or not,
As employees around the we are now in a hybrid working world.
world retreated into their
The good news? This gives organizations a
homes, little did we know once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reinvent the
that this would kickstart a way we work. In doing so, we can throw off
a tired, obsolete model and forge a more
wave of innovation around productive, more agile future.
the fundamentals of how
As most businesses are quickly realizing,
people and businesses work. in this new world of work, where you work
is less important than the work you do.
But to radically reshape the workforce while
upholding your business objectives calls for
a nuanced understanding of the work itself.

This is what hybrid working is really about.

The hybrid working blueprint 02

The future is hybrid (and the future is now)

So, what do we really mean by hybrid working? The right time, the right place Making hybrid working work
There’s already evidence that when hybrid Despite recent events, hybrid working has been Of course, hybrid working is not without its
working focuses on the work itself rather than gaining traction for some years. This has largely challenges. The reality is that it’s not enough to
where it’s done, productivity and business growth been down to employees wanting a better simply convert physical interactions into virtual
follow. But what is it exactly about hybrid working work-life balance while businesses look to meetings. Making hybrid work for your business
that makes this possible? First, let’s look at what reduce their overhead costs. strategy, operations and employees demands

we mean by hybrid working. careful organizational design using robust data.
A recent study by LeadershipIQ found that
On a basic level, hybrid working is a way of 59% of employees say their work-life balance So, in this guide, we’ll explore some of the
organizing your workforce by balancing time improves when they’re able to work from home, challenges we see and outline some actionable
of high-growth organizations
spent in central offices with remote working, while only 9% of remote workers want to work steps you can take to help you accelerate your
have enabled “productivity
whether at home, in satellite offices or in “in the office” all the time. hybrid working journey.
anywhere” workforce models
“third space” coworking locations.
From a management perspective, global
But when you consider the implications for research by Steelcase reports that 87% of leaders
collaboration, innovation, skills transfer and around the world expect to allow people more
business continuity, it becomes clear there’s choice in where and how they work (a 38%
a lot at stake in getting your hybrid working increase from April 2020).
strategy right.
We’ve known for some time that location is 69%
Employees could be working in different places no longer the determining factor for most work.
at different points in time and that will likely While the recent focus on hybrid work models has of negative or no-growth
change on a week-by-week or even day-by-day been a response to challenging circumstances, companies are still focused
basis. This presents challenges for organizations it has provided the perfect chance to embrace on where people are
in aligning people and performance against the opportunities this approach offers to both physically working
business strategy and objectives. individuals and businesses. It’s shown that now
is the right time to redefine “place of work” and The Future of Work Report
move location out of the spotlight. Accenture

What does this mean for businesses? It’s time

to focus on how, not where, work is done.

The hybrid working blueprint 03

“We have a generational opportunity
to change traditional working patterns.
What we refer to as the standard five-day
working week will begin to change. And it
could emerge in lots of different forms.
Peter Cheese, Chairman
UK Government Flexible Working Taskforce

The hybrid working blueprint 04

Barriers to making
hybrid working work
When moving to a Organizations aren’t simply a collection
of boxes on an org chart. They’re complex
hybrid model, it’s essential systems with many moving parts and
interdependencies, constantly changing and
organizations balance evolving. Getting a grip on these systems
their business strategy requires a detailed understanding of the work
being done, how it gets done and by who.
with employee preferences
for where and how they Designing and implementing an effective hybrid
working strategy for your business must go
work. One without the well beyond basic policies that set boundaries
other is a recipe for failure. and guide behavior. It should be a blueprint to
inform your entire organizational design.
Achieving this, of course, Hybrid working will change how your business
is easier said than done. operates, how you attract talent and how you
profitably ride the waves of disruptive change.
Anything less will leave significant value on
the table.

The hybrid working blueprint 05

Five steps to an effective hybrid working strategy

At its heart, hybrid working is an organizational design question.

As such, your business will face many obstacles as you formulate,
refine and evolve your approach.
In our experience, there are five core steps that can make or break
a hybrid working strategy, each building on the previous one:

01 02 03 04 05
Developing a clear Gaining a detailed Getting a clear view Understanding the location Profiling roles against In the following sections,
understanding of what perspective on how your of all roles across your and time dependencies of these dependencies, we’re going to look at
a hybrid working model organization functions in business, the core those activities so you can balance each of these steps in
would achieve for your practice, not just what it activities of each role business requirements turn and explore how
business and your looks like on an org chart and how much time is and employee your organization can
employees spent on each activity preferences through achieve an effective
role design hybrid working strategy.

The hybrid working blueprint 06

“Success with a remote workforce, hybrid
or fully remote, requires operational
intentionality. Unquestioningly sticking
to systems and processes that made an
office-based model successful will doom
any remote model to fail.
Sid Sijbrandij

The hybrid working blueprint 07

Be clear about why
you’re going hybrid
Because hybrid working Business-as-usual thinking tends to bring a
9-to-5 office-based mindset to a world that’s
has largely emerged leaving that way of working behind. Instead,
we need to think differently.
in response to easing
coronavirus restrictions, Rather than beginning with location, you should
start with the work. Because when you deeply
it has tended to focus on understand how work creates value for your
how to maintain business- business, you can see how hybrid can improve
how work gets done throughout your organization.
as-usual in challenging
circumstances. In reality, this It means you can focus more effectively on
the business benefits of making a change and
isn’t the best starting point less on implementing blanket policies around
for building your strategy. days spent in the office. This might lead to you
expanding access to the talent marketplace,
for example. Or it could be about improving
productivity by removing location dependencies.
Or even redefining your employee value
proposition in response to employee feedback.

The hybrid working blueprint 08

Step 01: Be clear about why you’re going hybrid

Building on success Getting strategic about going hybrid

The great home working experiment of the At its core, hybrid working is about business
last 18 months tore down many preconceptions
about remote working. Businesses were
pleasantly surprised that productivity increased
performance rooted in operational excellence.
It’s about:
> How you contain costs
“ The smart money in today’s highly
disrupted environment will flow to
when they’d expected the opposite.
> How you counter worsening industry-wide businesses that are ‘composable’ —
skills shortages
Sadly, they then began to discover the made up of interchangeable building
reasons behind this were neither wholesome > How you ensure the right people are
nor sustainable. This set the stage for the rise working on the right things blocks that can scale up or down or
in hybrid working, an acknowledgement that
remote working was here to stay but that it
> How you determine what work can be swap out, according to the context.
done remotely or even be automated
had to move on.
> How you improve processes and better
A hybrid workforce model offers
Many organizations now recognize that hybrid serve customers exactly that kind of radical flexibility.
working offers a way to capture the benefits > How you get products to market faster
of remote working for employees but also make
it work for the business. What began as an It’s this business-level strategic thinking that
7 Myths Standing Between
exercise in operational continuity has evolved should be the foundation of your approach You and a Hybrid Future of Work
into an ambition to determine the best mix to hybrid working and everything that
of people, skills and capabilities to meet key follows. It needs to be clear, compelling and Gartner
objectives and support business strategy. communicated effectively to management
and employees alike if it’s to succeed.

The hybrid working blueprint 09

Gain perspective of your
organization as a system
Despite the standard Even basic elements such as job titles can Working out how to improve productivity
mean different things in different locations by streamlining work is complex. And
use of org charts and — a VP in the US may do the same job as introducing place and time dependencies
a director in the UK. So, when you begin within a hybrid working model complicates
other schematics, many to look at specific activities in a particular things even further.
organizations struggle role, things start to get complicated:
This level of complexity can appear daunting
to get a clear picture > Are those activities being duplicated at first. But if you want to ensure your hybrid
of their employees, or split across roles? working strategy contributes to business
productivity, you’ll need to get into the detail
the work they do and > Do employees have skills that
aren’t being used? and start looking at your workforce data.
how that work supports > Are senior managers spending
their business strategy. time on activities that belong to their
previous role?

The hybrid working blueprint 10

Step 02: Gain perspective of your
organization as a system
Examine your structure first What shape are you?
Begin by looking at the core structure of your Compared to a simple top-down org chart,
business. Understand the shape and scope of
your organization by looking at spans and layers.
a more visual approach means you can
gain valuable insights into the shape of
your organization:
“ Ais major transformation in the way work
done will bring many complications
How many layers do you have? Six or seven is
workable, nine or ten quickly becomes unwieldy. > Are some departments more top-heavy for organizations, from grappling with
What departments, divisions and subdivisions
than others? scheduling and how best to repurpose
> Do you have too many middle managers?
do you have and how do reporting lines work?
> Does the volume of entry-level positions
physical space to rethinking inclusion
These are the basics you want to get a handle
on first. make effective management difficult? and performance management.
By doing this, you can begin to see who is
Understanding the span of control of your
organization is vital and will help you clarify contributing most to business performance, who Roy Maurer
accountability. Because if ambiguities exist, the approvers are and who’s doing the work itself.
This will help uncover dependencies that could have
you can be sure a hybrid working structure
will quickly magnify them. a material effect on your hybrid working strategy.

When interrogating your organizational structure, This is important because it opens up the
spreadsheet analysis is no longer enough. opportunity to put processes in place that
To get clear insights and make fast decisions, it’s will minimize workflow bottlenecks in a hybrid
important to make your data as visual as possible. environment. For example, time-critical decisions
shouldn’t be unduly delayed because the
You need to be able to show where you are approver is in a different location.
and where you’re going in a way that everyone
can understand and get behind. This is central By gaining clarity into how the business operates
to effectively communicating what hybrid working as a system, you can begin to plan what must
means for the business and it will have a happen to take account of location dependencies
fundamental impact on your ultimate success. within your hybrid working strategy.

The hybrid working blueprint 11

Get a clear business-wide
view of roles
Org charts will show you Likewise, job descriptions will only give you
a partial view of what people do every day.
the people you have, their Yet this is exactly the data you need to make
hybrid working successful. It’s about how
job titles and reporting productive work gets done and how value
lines but they won’t tell you is created.
much about people’s roles So, you need to understand what defines
and activities. each role – its objectives, the specific
activities delivering value, and the skills
and competencies needed to deliver
target outcomes.

The hybrid working blueprint 12

Step 03: Get a clear business-wide view of roles

Discovering what employees actually do Adding the where and when

As we’ve said, to create an effective hybrid Finally, you’ll be able to see where roles and
working strategy, you need clarity on what
people do on a day-to-day basis. This can be
more complicated than it appears and you’ll
activities are currently being performed and when
each type of work typically happens. With this
insight, you can begin to optimize where and when
“ When thinking about jobs and tasks,
start by understanding the critical
most likely need to integrate data from multiple each task would best take place.
sources. But the result should deliver a clear drivers of productivity — energy,
picture of roles, activities and responsibilities. If you can see which activities need focus time,
which depend on collaboration and whether that
focus, coordination, and cooperation
You can then explore which roles are strategic, collaboration would produce better results done — for each. Next, consider how those
operational or tactical to help better align your virtually or in person, you can begin to engineer
people with your business strategy. You can productivity at the activity level. This should then drivers will be affected by changes
go further to look at the relative costs of each roll up to deliver significant gains overall. in working arrangements along the
activity, so you can factor this into your hybrid
working plans. Spending time and effort on this step will give you axes of time and place
the level of granularity you’ll need to work out how
This will show you who’s doing what, how much
time they’re spending on each activity and what
individual roles and activities fit into your hybrid
working strategy.
Lynda Gratton
it’s costing the business, so you can map it to Harvard Business Review
value creation.

The hybrid working blueprint 13

Understand location
and time dependencies
In many organizations, Often, activities will also be constrained by
time, such as customer contact roles and for
there will be work that’s employees located in specific time zones.
Today, however, the majority of knowledge
dependent on a particular economy work can be done at any time and
location. Some industries, in virtually any location.
like manufacturing, will Even so, it’s important to recognize that
always be tied to physical while certain activities can be done remotely
in theory, investment may be needed to
locations, as will others make this work in practice. You may need
where the work relies on to implement new technology or add a hub
location outside your existing property estate,
non-portable equipment. for example.

The hybrid working blueprint 14

Step 04: Understand location and time dependencies

People aren’t robots The four levels of hybrid readiness

Be mindful though that this kind of assessment Once complete, your analysis will allow you
shouldn’t be a mechanical exercise. Your people
aren’t task-completing units that can be slotted
into a rigid plan. Just because an activity can be
to categorize roles and activities by their
location and time dependencies. At a basic
level, you’re likely to identify the following
“ Inemployers
a true hybrid workforce model,
and employees agree
achieved remotely doesn’t mean the individuals four groups:
involved will want to work that way. that business objectives – the goal
A knowledge worker with a home office may
> Those roles and activities that are not
dependent on location
of achieving the highest levels of
have very different views to someone living in > Those that have partial location productivity and engagement –
a small, shared apartment with no dedicated
workspace. So, while it’s fundamental you base
dependencies are what determine where, when
> Those that could be made flexible with
your strategy on data, your decisions should
appropriate investment
and by whom the work gets done.
take into account both hard numbers and softer
human factors. > Those that are dependent on location
7 Myths Standing Between
Once you’ve defined all activities according
to these groups, you can look at the hybrid You and a Hybrid Future of Work
readiness of any role and compare this to Gartner
the preferences of the employees concerned.

Where alignment is good, you can begin

looking for optimization. Where there is
misalignment, you can consider what trade-
offs can be made and whether role redesign
is possible (see step 5). In the end, it’s about
balancing the needs of the business with
employee preferences and wellbeing.

The hybrid working blueprint 15

Profile roles against dependencies
and adjust role design
Once you understand what No job exists in isolation. In almost every
position, role, department and division,
activities can be achieved there will be many layers of crossover and
interaction. It’s why so many organizations
in which locations and the moving to a hybrid working structure
roles involved, you can are focusing so much effort on adapting
their office space to encourage easy,
begin to shape your hybrid effective collaboration.
working strategy.
Of course, collaboration can only happen
if the right people can get together when
needed. This means that once you know
which activities are suited to hybrid working,
you’ll need to ensure people can easily
connect – physically or virtually – with their
team members.

The hybrid working blueprint 16

Step 05: Profile roles against
dependencies and adjust role design
Finding the best-fit hybrid approach Nothing stands still for long
For every organization, there will be different Finally, your hybrid working strategy should be
ways of achieving an effective approach
to hybrid working. Each model will have
its strengths, weaknesses and trade-offs.
open to continuous improvement by tracking
employee sentiment, business performance and
competitor response. It’s unlikely you’ll find the
“ Most people have been working
virtually for less than a year.
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. optimum solution from day one. And even the right
solution for today will need to adapt to changes in While that amount of time seems
So, it’s important you’re able to map out
different scenarios and approaches to
the coming months and years. Like your business
planning, this work is never done.
substantial, it is unlikely that
decide which one best supports your business employers have discovered the full
strategy. This may mean running multiple So, you’ll need measures in place to monitor
what-if exercises to anticipate changes in the whether your approach is delivering for the range of opportunities that virtual
business, workforce or market. business and its people, whether roles need work provides during that period.
to be redesigned or augmented and to ensure
Importantly, you should be able to switch your hybrid working strategy supports longer-term
between different scenarios quickly, so you can business planning and goals. Gerald C. Kane,
compare changes and make faster decisions.
If you’re using slow, cumbersome spreadsheets Rich Nanda and Anh Phillips
to do this planning, you’ll be tempted to go MIT Sloan Management Review
with the first viable option at the expense of
potentially higher productivity gains.

Conversely, being able to rapidly model different

scenarios and quickly see the impact will enable
you to make more informed decisions and have
contingency plans ready if things change.

The hybrid working blueprint 17

How orgvue helps you make the move
to hybrid working with confidence
In this blueprint, we’ve While there are many ways to plan and
implement hybrid working, businesses
outlined the main steps often default to old-school spreadsheets
and simple org charts. For many larger
today’s organizations need companies, this can make the entire
to take to fully capture the process slow and cumbersome.
opportunities hybrid working That’s where orgvue comes in.
offers. We’ve shown how
you can create an approach
that works both for individual
employees and your wider
business strategy. But, of
course, the real challenge
comes in making it happen.

The hybrid working blueprint 18

How orgvue helps you make the move
to hybrid working with confidence
The orgvue difference Create deeper engagement Planning your hybrid future with confidence
Our organizational design and planning With orgvue, you’ll be able to move away No two businesses are the same. What’s right
platform enables you to quickly make from hard-to-read spreadsheets and begin for one organization in a particular context may
connections between your business strategy, using intuitive visualizations that uncover the underperform for another.
the specific work that needs to be done and issues and challenges your organization faces.
the people who’ll need to do it. Visualizations that will help you communicate So, with orgvue, you’ll be able to quickly
the changes you need to make across plan across many what-if scenarios. You’ll
It allows businesses the world over to departments and reporting lines. be able to test your organizational design
streamline the entire process of designing their thinking using highly visual drag-and-drop
organizations to thrive in the modern world You’ll be able to view your organization through tools. All before you commit to any single
of work and adapt to changing circumstances. many different lenses, giving you a greater route forward. Once you do activate your hybrid
Hybrid working is just one example. perspective on your business as a dynamic, working strategy, you’ll be able to easily monitor
interconnected system (not a static org chart). the effects of the changes you make. By using
Put simply, orgvue will help you accelerate It means you can more easily align your the platform’s intuitive dashboards, you’ll gain
your move to hybrid working with clarity strategic business goals with your people’s clarity on how the business, its departments and
and confidence. capabilities and the locations they use. its people are performing against the plan.

It delivers the insights you need to make What’s more, you’ll be able to do this on an
more informed decisions, removing data ongoing basis, freeing you from traditionally
inconsistencies between departments and slow planning cycles that are often out of
locations with drag-and-drop simplicity. date before they’re even published. Let’s talk
This means you can quickly compare like
with like, no matter how many employees Ultimately, with orgvue, you can transform If you’re considering how to move
and locations you have. how you make decisions, model the future to hybrid working, we’d love to
with confidence and plan how to turn your show you how we can help you
organizational designs for hybrid working make the entire process faster,
into reality. easier and more effective.

The hybrid working blueprint 19

About orgvue
Welcome to fearless performance design
When change is the only constant, unpredictability One where you can quickly spot trends,
the only guarantee and clarity is increasingly difficult capitalize on opportunities and plan for
to achieve, how can you plan with confidence? whatever comes next.

Let us help. And one where you can engage the entire
organization in your strategy.
The orgvue organizational design and planning
platform has been developed to help you create The result? No matter what the future brings,
a fearless future. you can ensure that every foot you put forward
is placed with total confidence.
A future where you can effortlessly see, design,
plan and monitor your organization. Learn more at

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