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Self-Care Deficit Theory

HEALTH: Orem supports the WHO’s definition of health

Dorothea E. Orem as “the state of physical, mental, and social well-being
Credentials and Background: and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
- Born on 1914 in Baltimore, Maryland
- Began her nursing education at Providence Hospital Consists of physical, psychological, interpersonal &
School of Nursing in Washington,DC social aspects; according to Orem, these aspects are
- 1939 – she earned her BSN education at the Catholic inseparable.
University of America
Includes promotion & maintenance of health, treatment
- 1946 – earned her M.S.N. from Catholic
of illness & prevention of complication.
University of America.
- Her nursing experiences included ENVIRONMENT: Consists of environmental factors,
a. operating room nursing. environmental elements, environmental conditions
b. private duty nursing (external physical & psychosocial surroundings) &
(home & hospital). developmental environment (promotion of personal
c. hospital staff nursing development through motivation to establish
on pediatric and adult appropriate goals & to adjust behavior to meet these
medical and surgical units. goals; includes formation of or change in attitudes &
d. evening supervisor in the E.R. values, creativity, self-concept & physical development
e. biological science teacher.
- 1958-1960 curriculum consultant.
- 1959 – “Guides for developing the curricula for the NURSING: Helping clients to establish or identify ways
Education of PracticaL Nurses” was published to perform self-care activities.
- 1971 – “Nursing Concepts of Practice” which is Orem’s - Nursing actions are geared towards the independence
first book was published. of the client.
- Nursing is a human service-its focus is on persons with
- Orem’s theory addresses client’s self-care needs. inabilities to maintain continuous provision of
- It is defined as Goal-oriented activities that are set healthcare.
towards generating interest in the part of the client - Nursing is based on values.
to maintain life & health development.
Major Concepts & Definitions
- The theory is aimed towards making the clients * Self – Care
perform self-care activities in order to live * Self – Care Requisites
independently. * Universal Self-Care Requisites
* Developmental Self – Care Requisites
* Health Deviation Self – Care Requisites
PERSON: Defined as the patient- a being who functions * Therapeutic Self – Care Demand
biologically, symbolically & socially & who has the * Self-Care Agency
potential for learning & development. * Agent
* Dependent-Care Agent
Is an individual subject to the forces of nature, with a * Self-Care Deficit
capacity for self-knowledge, who can engage in * Nursing Agency
deliberate action, interpret experiences & perform * Nursing Design
beneficial actions. * Nursing System
* Helping Methods
Is an individual who can learn to meet self-care
requisites; if for some reason, the person cannot learn
self-care measures, others must provide the care.
Self-care deficit theory as a general theory is C. Health deviation self-care requisites - requisites
composed of 3 related theories: that result from illness, injury or disease or its
treatment; they include such actions as seeking medical
1. THE THEORY OF SELF-CARE - Describes why & how assistance, carrying out a prescribed treatment or
people care for themselves learning to live with the effects of illness or treatment
- These health care deviations set standards to which
Self- Care : refers to those activities an individual
the degree of self-care demand is needed.
performs independently throughout life to promote &
maintain personal well-being.
Therapeutic Self-Care Demand
Self- Care agency : the complex acquired ability of - Refers to all self-care activities required to meet
mature & maturing persons to know & meet their existing self-care requisites.
continuing requirements for deliberate, purposive - Involves the use of actions to maintain health & well-
action to regulate their own functioning & development being, each patient’s therapeutic self-care demands
varies throughout life.
- consists of two agents:
An agent (individual who is engage in meeting the need
of a person; like bridges that facilitate what has been
describes & explains why people can be helped through
done and what needs to be done)
Self-care agent – person who provides the self-care.
Self-care deficit : arises when the self-care agency
Dependent care agent – person other than the
cannot meet self-care requisites.
individual who provides cares

Self-care requisites or Self-care needs : are insights of Helping Methods:

actions or requirements that a person must be able to
1. Acting or doing for another
meet and perform in order to achieve well-being.
2. Guiding and directing
3. Providing physical or psychological support
Categories of Self-care requisites:
4. Teaching
A. Universal Self-care requisites - These are universally
5. Providing and maintaining an environment that
set goals that must be undertaken in order for an
supports personal development.
individual to function in scope of healthy living.
1. Maintenance of sufficient intake of air.
2. Maintenance of sufficient intake of food.
3. Maintenance of sufficient intake of water. SYSTEMS - describes and explains relationships that
4. Provision of care associated with elimination. must be brought about & maintained for nursing to be
5. Maintenance of balance between activity and rest. produced
6. Maintenance of balance between solitude and social
interaction. - refers to the series of actions a nurse takes to meet a
7. Prevention of hazards to human life, human patient’s self-care requisites.
functioning and human well-being;
8. Promotion of human functioning and development. Nursing Agency: set of established capabilities of a
nurse who can legitimately perform activities of care for
a client.
B. Developmental Self-care requisites - result from - helps a person achieve their health care demand.
maturation or associated with conditions or events such Nursing Design: these are professional functions that
as adjusting to a change in body image or loss of a must be performed by the nurse in order to meet client
spouse. needs.
- They promote processes for life & maturation & - it serves as a guideline of needed & foreseen results in
prevent conditions deleterious to maturation or those the production of nursing toward the achievement of
that lessens those effects.
nursing goals.

3 Types of Nursing Systems:

- Each system describes nursing responsibilities, roles of
the nurse & patient, rationales for the nurse-patient
relationship & types of actions needed to meet the
patient’s self-care agency & therapeutic self-care

1. A wholly compensatory nursing system - is

used when a patient’s self-care agency is so
limited that the patient depends on others for
2. A partly compensatory nursing system - is
used when a patient can meet some self-care
requisites but needs a nurse to help meet
others - the nurse & the patient play major
roles in performing self-care.

3. Supportive – Educative Nursing System

- is used when a patient can meet self-care
requisites but needs assistance with decision
making , behavior control or knowledge
acquisition skills.

Major Assumptions
1. Human beings require continuous, deliberate
inputs to themselves and their environments to
remain alive and function in accordance with
natural human endowments.
2. Human agency, the power to act deliberately,
is exercised in the form of care for self and
others in identifying needs and making needed
3. Mature human beings experience privations
in the form of limitations for action in care for
self and others involving and making of life
sustaining and functionregulating inputs.
4. Human agency is exercised in discovering,
developing, and transmitting ways and means
to identify needs and make inputs to self and
5. Groups of human beings with structured
relationship cluster tasks and allocate
responsibilities for providing care to group
members who experience privations for making
required, deliberate input to self and others.
in 1970.

Acceptance by the Nursing Community

1. Practice- The first documented use of Orem’s theory - She published From Novice to Expert in 1984 and
as the basis for structuring practice is found in became a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in
descriptions of nursemanaged clinics at John Hopkins 1985.
Hospital in 1973.
Research articles on the use of SCDNT or components in A. PERSON - “ a self-interpreting being, that is, the
clinical practice include person does not come into the world predefined but
A. Teaching self-care to individuals with DM, ESRD, gets defined in the course of living a life.
hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, renal transplant
The three major aspects of understanding that the
B. Pain assessment
person must deal with:
C. Cardiac research
D. Oncology – focus cancer prevention, self-care after 1. The role of the situation
being diagnosed with malignancies. 2. The role of the body
3. The role of personal concerns
Psychiatry etc.. 4. The role of temporality.
Education “Guides for Developing Curriculum for the
Education of Practical Nurses” B. HEALTH
a. Orem worked on a book “Foundations of Nursing Health – what can be assessed
Practice” (Morris Harvey College) Well-being – human experience of health or wholeness.
Illness – the human experience of loss or dysfunction.
Research Disease – is what can be assessed at the physical level
a. First instrument to measure the exercise of Selfcare
agency (ESCA) was published in 1979 C. ENVIRONMENT
* She used the word situation because it suggests a
Further Development social environment with social definition and meaning.
- Orem is presently working with a group of scholars,
known as Orem study Group * Situation – defined by the person’s engaged
- International Orem Society for Nursing scholarships interaction, interpretation and understanding of the
(IOS est. 1993) situation.

* Persons enter into situations with their own sets of

The Sixth International SelfCare deficit theory meaning, habits & persperctives.
Conference which was held in Bangkok, Thailand in
February 2000.
- She described nursing as a caring relationship, an
From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in “enabling condition of connection and concern.
Clinical Nursing Practice
Credentials and background of the theorist: - Viewed nursing practice as the care and study of the
Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N. lived experience of health, illness, and disease and the
- Professor, University of California-San Francisco relationships among these three elements.
- obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from Pasadena
College in 1964.
- Earned a master’s degree in nursing from the
University of California, San Francisco Schoolof Nursing
Key aspects of the expert nurse practice:
- Demonstrating a clinical grasp and resource-based
- Possessing embodied knowledge
- Seeing the big picture
- Seeing the unexpected


1. Helping role
2. Diagnostic client-monitoring function
3. Effective management of rapidly changing situations
4. Administering & monitoring therapeutic interventions
& regimens.
5. Monitoring & ensuring quality health care practices
6. Organizational & work-role performance
7. Teaching or coaching function
BEING • Undeviating field which is not constricted by space or
time, it is an infinite domain without boundary.
Martha Roger's theory Science of Unitary Human Principle of Homeodynamics:
- is Beings is mainly focusing on the four concepts and • Homeodynamics refers to the balance between the
three principles of homeodynamic that are energy dynamic life process and environment.
fields, openness, pattern, pandimensioal, integrality, • These principles help to view human as unitary human
resonancy, and helicy respectively. being. The three separate principles are integrality,
resonancy, and heliecy.
Principles of integrality:
-Human being is considered as whole which cannot be • Energy fields are dynamic and constantly interact with
viewed as subparts. the human and environment, which affects our
- The life process of human is irreparable and one way environment and vice versa.
i.e. from birth to death. • This is the principle on which meditation and humor
- Health and illness are the continuous expression of the works to produce a positive environment.
life process.
-The energy flows freely between the individual and Principles of resonancy:
environment. • is an ordered arrangement of rhythm characterizing
-Human being possesses the ability to think, imagine, both human field and environmental field.
sense, feel, and can use language for expression. • Constant change in the way or pattern of the energy
- Human beings have the ability to adapt according to field from a lower to higher frequency.
the new changes in the environment. • This movement of energy can be made by human
touch. guided imagery activities, drawing, storytelling
and other active use of imagination.
• All the human beings are viewed as an integral part of
Principles of heliecy:
• Any minute change in the environment which leads to
• Human beings and the environment have energy field,
ripple effect i.e. results in a larger changes in other field
nursing action is directed towards patterning and
• This change is constant, unpredictable and there are
maintaining these energy fields.
many factors which mutually interact and cause the
Energy fields: change.
• it is the inevitable part of life. Human and
environment both have energy field which is open i.e. METAPARADIGM
energy can freely flow between human and Person:
environment. • a unitary human being is open systems which a
continuously interact with environment. A person
Openness: cannot be viewed as parts, it should be considered as a
• there is no boundary or barrier that can inhibit the whole.
flow of energy between human and environment which Environment:
leads to the continuous movement or matter of energy. • it includes the entire energy field other than a person.
• These energy fields are irreducible, not limited by
Pattern: space and time, identified by its pattern and
• is the distinguishing character of the energy field. organization.
• Not clearly defined by Roger. It is determined by the
Nursing Education:
interaction between energy fields i.e. human and
• Emphasis should be given on the understanding of the
patient and self, energy field and environment.
• Bad interaction or misplacing of the energy leads to
• Training should lay more focus on teaching non-
invasive modalities such as therapeutic touch,
Nursing: meditation, humor, regular in-service education
• Is both science and art. programme etc.
• It constantly maintains the energy field which is
Nursing Research:
conducive for patient.
• Rogerian theory has been used in many research
• Nursing action directs the interaction of person and
works and has always been found testable and
environment to maximize health potential.
applicable in research.

2. EDUCATION Pattern appraisal:
3. RESEARCH • It is an inclusive assessment of human and
environment energy fields, its organization of energy
Clinical Practice: field, and identification of areas of dissonance.
• Nursing action iS always focused on unitary human • Nurses validate the entire appraisal along with the
being and change the energy field between human and client.
• Nursing interventions include all the noninvasive Mutual patterning:
actions such as guided imaginary, humor, therapeutic • It is the proper patterning of the energy fields
touch, music etc. which are used to increase the between the human and environment.
potential of human being. • It is the mutual interaction between the client and
• The more importance should be on the management nurse
of pain, supportive psychotherapy and rehabilitation of • Patterning can be done by suggesting the various
the human being. alternatives, educating, empowering, encouraging etc.
depending on the client's condition and needs.
• Pattern appraisal include appraisal of nutrition, rest
and sleep, exercises, discomfort, and relation with
• The pattering activities can be therapeutic touch,
meditation, humor, imaginery etc.

• Evaluation is done by repeating the pattern appraisal
after the mutual patterning to determine the extents of
dissonance and harmony.

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