Dark Sagas PDF Cover

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Core Rules

By Mikael Hassel

José María Bravo Lineros (Order #29889873)

Welcome to DARK SAGAS

NTER A DARK WORLD of fantasy where magic corrupts
the soul and horrifying creatures lurks in the night.
A world of old and decadent kingdoms, filled with mys-
terious ancient ruins, dark and gloomy forests, treacherous
bogs, arid plains, rugged hills and towering mountains.
A world where Sorcerers and Wizards wield powerful but
risky magic, in contrast with Priests who wield the holy pow-
ers granted to them by their gods.
A world where adventurers explore long forgotten places,
searching for magical artefacts and other treasures they
might find.
A world filled with dangerous and horrifying beasts, an-
cient demons, the restless undead and of course dragons -
the mightiest of all the creatures that inhabit the world.
A world of DARK SAGAS...

DARK SAGAS is a fantasy roleplaying game that pays homage

to the games of old while having newer and more consistent
rules and is built on the concept of playing in a darker fantasy
world where magic is dangerous and can corrupt the soul and
body of anyone using it in a careless manner.

José María Bravo Lineros (Order #29889873)

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