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Notre Dame of Sto.


A Diocesan School

Sto. Nino, South Cotabato

Reaction paper:

Martial Law

(21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World)

Submitted by:

Maravie V. Venus

Submitted to:

Mary Catherine C. Habunal

Martial law, one of the biggest nightmares for all the Filipinos who had been there in

the year 1972-1981 and suffered a lot to fight for their freedom to the Marcos’ administration.

Martial law is an extreme and rare measure used to control society

during war or periods of civilunrest or chaos. According to the Supreme Court, the term mart

ial  law carries no precise meaning(Duncan  v.  Kahanamoku, 327 U.S. 304, 66 S. Ct. 606, 90 L. Ed. 

688 [1946]). However, most declarations of martial law have some common

features.Generally, the institution of martial lawcontemplates some use of military force.

[ CITATION far10 \l 13321 ]. But can you believe that the martial law was also implemented at the

United States of America by Former President Abraham Lincoln? And the Former President

Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos Sr., a lawyer, a politician, a dictator, a cheater, also

implemented this law to stay in his power to rule and play by his hands the people of this


Marcos’ intention was to maintain his power by 1.) Change the way the government
was to a parliamentary because he knew that after that two terms of ruling this country, he
cannot run for a re-election, and he thinks that if he can be a supreme minister. What a greedy
of power?!!! And the last plan 2.) was to implement martial law. For me he is one of the
intelligent yet brutal and a cheater politician. I do think so because of the fact that he was the
reason why the people have to suffered so much to the violence under his control with the
martial’s. Especially the beginning of the bombings in the Plaza Miranda where 9 of people
there died and thousands of them are injured, the NPA and the communists who are against
his wills that they tortured, killed and convicted for a very long time [ CITATION Jon97 \l 1033 ].

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