Kill Team 21 Rulebook GQ Part

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In order to playa bate of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, each player vill need a collection of Citadel miniatures. They will also need their miniatures’ accompanying rules, knowm as a faction army lst, which can be ‘ound in various Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team publications. You will also need a set of combat gauges a killzone and some dice. You may also find it helpful to have tokens ‘to use when your miniatures have acted, taken wounds or performed certain special actions during the game. ‘The Citadel miniatures that a player uses in Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team are known as operatives. Your operatives are known as ‘iendly’ operatives and your opponent's operatives ate known as enemy’ operatives. ‘When you select your operatives fr a battle, you ae not selecting individuals, but rather a specialist squad that works ‘together. Ths is known as your Kill Tam, A list ofthe Kill Teams available to you can be found in your facton’s army list In battle, all your friendly operatives are collectively referred to as your Kill Team. Once you have selected your way to play (pg 81), its mission Sequence will tell you when you must select a Kil Team fora battle, When you do, you must select one ofthe Kill Teams from your factions army lst, then select the operatives as specified by that Kill Team. Some Kill Teams will specify the exact configuration of operatives it consists of Others will allow you to Select your own configuration of operatives (with restrictions) In either case, te final configuration of operatives must conform to the requirements lai out by that Kill eam, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team captures the tactical engagement of elite operatives by using a collection of combat ‘gauges listed below to measure distances. Similaly, the tense and timely actions of operatives is often displayed in increments. Players can use a tape measure or other measuring device i they wish by converting the relevant distance below into inches, however the game is designed for and explained with araded distances. (A The tiangle distance is 1" OThe cite is 2° Mite squateis 3 The pentagon is 6" ‘Any distances of a symbol without a numerical value comtespond combat gauge, eg.) Multiple combat gauge distances will be specitied with a numerical value, eg. 2.) Distances can be measured at any time, and can be measured ‘ut indifferent increments, so long asthe total doesnot exceed the specified distance. For example, if an operative is going to bbe moved a distance of 3) this can be measured out as oreven A OME Many rules, such as a Normal Move or ability, will have a distance requirement. When measuring distances to and from operatives, measure from the closest part ofthe bases of ‘operatives, rather than the miniature Ia rule states that something must be within’ certain range, its in range ifthe closest pat of its base is no more than the specified distance. IF rule states something must be ‘wholly Within’ certain range, itis in range if every part ofits base {no more than the specified distance, An operative is always Within and wholly within range of ise Alen stopgap wage ar Cares f Warhammer 4000: eae etre to Deployed on 2 30"by 27" ata whch thesia ea gareoar tile wills crn vats in ets Blod Anges Scout Sergent Ratan, Shtadl emer ard taal doh yr gunes eran Anal See Span ate tnlane in mor detaon pgs 7280 WWM 40 STOOL - S]INW 1809 = SUUVIVIVG » SYIMYIHO9 | s= DATACARDS Each operative in your Kill ‘Team has its own set of individual rules known as a datacard. It states all the key characteristics of your operatives and the ‘Weapons they are equipped with, and details anything unique they can do. You will ind an example datacard opposite, and details of what information it provides below. All ofthe terms below are Screen t then explained over the rman nw following pages. 1. OPERATIVE TYPE The type of the operative 2. PHYSICAL PROFILE ‘Movement (M): The speed at which the operative moves ‘actos the killone, represented by a distance value. + Action Point Limit (APL): The number of action points an operative generates when iis activated, which are used to perform actions. Group Activation (GA): Most operatives are activated individually, but some operatives must be activated in a ‘group. This number states how many ofthese operatives are activated together, * Defence (Df): How many attacks the operative can defend each time another operative attacks it with a ranged weapon. + Save (Sv): How likely the operative isto avert an attack ‘each time another operative attacks it with a ranged ‘weapon, represented by the result required when rolling a 16. Note that a lower results a better characteristic + Wounds (W): How many wounds an operative can lose before itis incapacitated, This is explained on page 68, ® 3, RANGED WEAPON PROFILES <> “The ranged weapons the operative can be equipped with, and their characteristics and rules when shooting. Shooting is. explained on pages 64465. + Name: The name of the weapon © Attacks (A): The number of attack dice to roll when the ‘operative attacks with this weapon. istic Skill (BS): How accurate the operative is when attacking with this weapon, represented by the result required when rolling a D6, Note that a lower result is a better characteristic + Damage (Dmg): The amount of damage each attack dice can inflict. The fst value isthe Normal Damage characteristic. The second value isthe Critical Damage characteristic. * Special Rates (SR): Any special ules that apply each time the operative attacks with this weapon. Common, special rules are explained on pages 142-143. Special rules ‘marked with a * are explained on the operative'sdatacard * Critical Hit Rules (!): Any adcitional effects the weapon can cause with critical hits. 4 MELEE WEAPON PROFILES >< ‘added to your roster. Your choice replaces all instances of the angular bracket keyword on that operativ's datacard, The melee weapons the operative can be equipped with, For example, if you add an ADEPTUS ASTARTES and their characteristics and rules when fighting in combat. INTERCESSOR to your roster and you choose for itto be Fighting is described on pages 66:67. fom the Dark Angels Chapter, you replace the ‘keyword in all instances on that operatives datacard with the DARK ANGELS keyword + Attacks (A): The starting numberof attack dice to rol ‘when the operative attacks with tis weapon, + Weapon Skill (WS): How accurate and skilled the Churn er atctig wih hs weapon preset AMMA TE UD SME ACTS TOME | cocagement Range is the zone of threat that result fa beter characteristic ae ed * Damage (Dmg): The amount of damage each a a ue RL attack dice can inflict, The fist vale is the Normal and fighting, Engagement Range i mutual, therefore Damage characteristic. The second values the Cital Pee ee eae Damage charactristc. eee hr + Special Rules (SR): Any special rules that apply each cr time the operative attacks with ths weapon. Common special rules are explained on pages 142143. Special rules marked with a* ae explained on the operative's datacard + Ceitical Hit Rules (!): Any additonal effects the weapon one SERN ny 5. ABILITIES Some ules wll mot the characteristics of an ‘operative and/or theit weapons. All modifiers to a = = a 2 B a ‘+ Any unique rules the operative has. eee TS + Some abilities wll only affect operatives withthe relevant keywords, as explained below. Cea ot) ‘+ An operative gains no benefit fom the same ability from eee ec ‘wo different operatves- that ability only apples once, ‘Weapon Skil), the modifier will specify to improve Peat era eer ties 6. UNIQUE ACTIONS better characteristic, the modifier should be applied See eee ‘Any unique actions the operative can perform, in addition to ene ee the universal actions avaliable to all operatives Actions are ‘explained on page 60 Cee ne) Cee Ces 7. KEYWORDS CO eee Pee ee ne eters ‘+ Asetof keywords that help to identity the operative. Pe ee eg + Some rules wll nly affect operatives withthe relevant ee eee keyword, identified by the KEYWORD BOLD font Forexample, NIP oe TR Se sce Gat if aul species friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES PHOBOS Sree et he ues ‘operatives, it only affects operatives fom your kl tam that have bath the ADEPTUS ASTARTES and PHOBOS keywords + Some keywords are orange and have a skull symbol, eg. KOMMANDO8. This denotes a faction keyword, which is used for creating a roster (pg 90-91 and 97-98). + Plualisation ofa keyword does not affect which operative the rule applies to. + Some operatives have selectable keywords in angular brackets, such as . This denotes a keyword that you must choose for yourself when the operative is BITRE es CELT) AL: ‘A battle of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team consists of four Turing Points. A Turning Point includes Ce eee ee ee ee] completed, the next Tuning Point begins, the process repeating until the battle ends atthe end of the fourth Turning Point. The three phases are listed in order below, and are explained on pages 57-67. INITIATIVE PHASE In the Initiative phase, the players ready their kil teams and determine who has the iniatve forthe Turing Point. STRATEGY PHASE Each player reais all friendly operatives in the killzone by fipping their order token (pg 59) so they show an operative as ready. The players determine who has the ntative forthe Tuning Point. During the frst Tuning Pont, initiative is determined in the mission sequence of your ype of ply (pg 81). n subsequent “Turing Points, te players ol off and the winner decides who haste initiative, but if the result ofthe ll ois ie, the player who di not have initiative inthe previous Tuning Point has the initiative. Use the initiative token asa reminder of who has the itative Having the initiative will give a player influence over the diel order of certain aspects ofthe battle, such as deciding which ‘operative activates first during the Tuming Point. If more than ‘one rule would happen simultaneously, for example two rules that take effect atthe end of a Turing Point, the player with ‘the initiative determines the order in which they take effect. 2 = = = Z SHIN 2409 3SVid ASUIVULS 2 STRATEGY PHASE 1. GENERATE COMMAND POINTS tach player generates 1 Command Point (CP) and adds it to their CP pool. CPs remain in a player's pool until they are spent. CPs can be spent on Strategic Ploys. They are used inthe Strategy phase as described below, and are unique rules a Cunning general can use to aid their kill tam, Strategic Ploys can be found in your factions army lst. (CPs can also be spent on Tactical Ploys. It will specify when they should be used. Tactical Ploy are minor benefits that can have significant effects if used atthe right time. Other than Command Revoll opposite, each player can use each Tactical Ploy no more than once per Turning Point. fa Tactical Poy is not used during a Turning Pont, itis only limited by the number of Command Points you have, Tactical Ploys can be found in your faction’s army list. In addition, the Command Rexall Tactical Poy is available to all factions. 2. PLAY STRATEGIC PLOYS Stating with the player who has initiative, each player alternates either using a Strategic Ploy or choosing to pass, The players repeat this process until they have both passed Ifa player declare they are going to use a Strategic Pla, they ‘must st pay its CP cost by removing the specified CPs from their pool. Ifa player does not have enough CPs to pay the cost, they cannot use that Strategic Ploy. When a Svategic Ploy is used, resolve is effets immediately before alterating to the other player. Each player cannot use the same Strategic Play ‘more than once during each Strategy phase. 3. TARGET REVEAL Starting with the player who has initiative, the players alternate revealing Tac Ops that may be revealed in the Target Reveal step ofthis Turning Point, or choosing to pass. Note that players do not have to reveal a Tac Op, but some must be revealed in certain Turning Points in order to be achieved. The players repeat this process until they have both passed in succession ‘Tac Ops are tactical operations — selectable secondary objectives available to you in certain ways to play (see page 81). Tac Ops are explained on page 138. CO 1CP Tactical Ploy Use ths Tactical Poy after rolling one of your attack dice or defence dice. You can reroll that dice. FIREFIGHT PHASE “The player who has initiative activates fist. They select one ready friendly operative and activates it. Once they have completed that operativ’s activation, their opponent selects ‘one oftheir ready operatives and does the same. The players repeat this process until all operatives inthe killzone have been activated a group, rather than individually. In such cases the player selects one friendly ready operative ctivaes it. When that operative’s activation ends, they ‘then select another ready friendly operative of the same type to be activated. They repeat this process until they have activated the number of operatives specified by that operative’s Group Activation characteristic, or there are no ‘opponent then activates one oftheir operatives as norm: Each time a player activates one oftheir ready operatives, they ‘must determine whether it has the Engage ot Conceal order. If itis the frst Turning Point, it has the order that was given to it wien it was set up before the battle. In all subsequent Turing Points, they can choose what order to give it Inthe right circumstances, an operative withthe Conceal order isnot a valid target for an enemy operative's shooting attacks (as explained on pages 64-65), but itis unable to perform various actions. An operative with the Engage order can perform more actions, but is more susceptible to enemy ‘operatives’ ranged attacks. Each time you give an operative an order, place the relevant order token next to them. ‘The operative then generates 2 number of action points equal to its Action Point Limit (APL), which are used to perform actions. Actions are explained on page 60. Once all ther action points hhave been used and they have no other actions to perform, thei activation ends and they ae no longer ready. ‘When an operative's activation ends, tip their order token to ‘the activated side to signify they are no longer ready. Cancel Ordered 3 ai eres f i For example, when @ KOMMANDO {© DAKKA BOY performs 0 Dakka Dash action (se unique actions, right), it can perform a free Dash and free Shoot action without subtracting ‘any additional AP (other than the AP spent on the Dakka Dash action). However, itis subject to those actions requirements, therefore it ‘cannot perform the fee Dash action iit is within Engagement Range of enemy operatives, and cannot perform the free Shoot action it is within Engagement Range of enemy ‘operatives or has a Conceal onder. In ‘addition for each ofthe free actions it,performs, t cannot perform them ‘again during its activation. Each action has an associated cost in action points, e9. TAP Each time a player wishes to perform an action with an operative, they must subtract the specified action points from the numberof action points that operative generated for ‘that activation. they donot have enough action points to perform that action, they must select acifferent action, They then perform that action as specified. While an operative is performing an action, its known asthe active operative. ‘The controling player doesnot need to deca all oftheir ‘operative's actions when its activated: Instead, they can petform an action, and then decide the next action after seeing its effets. Unless otherwise specified, an operative cannot Peform the same action more than once during its activation, OVERWATCH ‘When it is your tum to activate an operative, ifyou do not have any ready operatives left to activate, but your opponent has not yet activated all oftheir operatives, you can select a friendly ‘operative that has an Engage order and has already activated this phase to perform a single Overwatch action (see page 63), Each operative can perform one Qverwattch action per “Tuming Point, and you can only select an operative to do so if your opponent stil has operatives left to activate. That means that once yout opponent has activated all their operatives, the Firefight phase ends ACTIONS ‘Actions are categorised as follows: * Universal actions can be performed by all operatives. They ae detailed over te following pages. + Unique actions are actions detailed on an operatives datacard that only they can perform, such a the Dakka Dash action found onthe example datacard on page 54 * Mission actions are specific tothe mission you are payin, and will be detaied by that misions briefing. Misions can be found on pages 8587 and 120137 | + Free actions can only be performed when another ule Species. Each time an operative would perfor a free action, the following ules apply ©The operative can perform the action, so long asthe requirements ofthe action are met. ©The player doesnot subtract any adeitional AP to perform | the action. | ©The operative would stil count as performing the action {or all rules purposes. For example, iit performed it during its activation, it would not be able to perform the action again during that activation. Move the active operative up toa distance that does not exceed its Movernent characteristic. Remember that tlistances canbe broken down into smaller increments, so long asthe total distance the operative moves does not ‘exceed its Movement characteristic. The operative must move in staightline increments each time it moves in a direction. An increment of movement canbe less than but such increments ae til treated as ‘The operative must fish the move ina location it ean be placed. If this is nt pssbl it cannot move thee. cannot move over the edge of the killzone or through any part of another operatives base and it cannot move within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, unless another friendly operative is already within Engagement Range of that enemy operative in which case it cannot fish ts ‘move within Engagement Range ofthat enemy operative. ‘An operative cannot move though tein features it must traverse or climb over them. If an operative wishes to move acoss the kllznne by jumping acoss gaps oF down from ledges, t mst ump or drop. The rls for climbing, traversing, jumping and dropping can be found on pages 7375 ‘An operative cannot perform this ction fits within Engagement Range ofan enemy operative. n addition, an ‘operative cannot perform this action in the same activation in which it performed the Fall Back or Charge action. ach time an operative makes any kind of move, it has ‘the FLY keyword, it can move around, across and ovr ather ‘operatives (and their bases) asi they were not there, but ‘must irish its mave following al requirements specified by that move, and cannot finish its move on top of other operatives (or ther bases} ct SNOILSY ~ 3SVid LHSHIWH - SHIH 3809 == il Nonmel one 1 Hloial Move 1 The operatve's M characteristics 3) Ist ‘moves in straight ine increment of) ctear the comer ofa wall. 1. The operatve's M characteristic s 3) I intends to stay close to the wall, therefore its movement wil be meosured out in diferent ‘increments without exceeding its M characteristic. It first moves {na straight line increment of ess than JA, but as the minimum 2 It then moves in a straight line increment Jncrement of movement i fy is stil treated as a movement ‘of 20) the remaining distance it can move oth without exceeding its M characteristic 2 It then moves in a straight fine increment of 2) 43. Finally, the operative wants tobe atthe camer ofthe wal. Its final increment of movement i ess than da, but os before, this is rounded up to The operative's final distance of movement is 2 Oand 2 SWOULIY - ISVHd LHOHIUH ~ SITNH HOI Move the active operative following the same rules as a Normal Mave action with the following exceptions Move the acive operative up a distance that doesnot exceed the distance eal its Movement characteristic plus (). itmmst ih he nove wan Engagenent Range ofan eneny open. iss ot posi You mst hee an te fa ool (the action points subtracted for the Charge acon arte iticmome win Engagement angect il aareee rome oot) aie sa fe ‘operatives are within Engagement Range ofthat enemy operative, t must frish the“ OBUtREA wont fo chage operative Et fst moves within Engagement move vthin Eagagement Range ofthat "20g fopertie CAs operative Cs within Engagement ange of enemy operative. ‘operative 8, operative Ai fe to continue. 2 Itthen moves within Engagement Range of operative D. As operative D is ‘rape cannot pero is acion fi has ntwithin Engagement Range of any ater Rendy opentves operative rifts within Engagement must now ish the move within Engagement Range of operative D Range of enemy operatives. In addtion, an ea ‘operative cannot perform ths acon inthe 3. However, as operative A stil has movement reining, it can till move same activation in which t pefomed the within ngageren Range of operative 0 long ait stil rshes the Normal Move, Dash o Fall Back action. ‘move within Engagement Range of operative . Move the active operative following the same rules as 2 Normal Move action withthe following exceptions: Itcan only perform this action if ts within Engagement Range of an enemy operative ican move vthin Engagement Range of enemy operatives, but ‘cannot fish the move within Engagement Range of an enemy ‘operate. this not possible, itcannot perfor this action the action points subtracted forthe a # Fall Back acon ae refunded), : : ‘An operative cannot perform this ction. It can move within Engagement action inthe same action in. MWe of operative 8 and can move within Engogement Range of operative C, but ‘hich t performed the Normal 20 ish te move within Engagement Range of peratve BoC, as it cannot ldots Cag ston finish the move within Engagement Range ofan enemy operative ‘Move the active operative following the same rules as a Normal Move action with te fllowing exception: Itcan only move up to Hl ‘An operative cannot perform this action fits within Engagement Range ofan enemy operative In addition, an operative cannot perform this action in the same activation in which it performed a Charge action No rules effect forthe active operative. This action is used ifthe player wishes to do nathing more with their ‘operative, but they have action points remaining, Unlike ‘other actions, operatives can perform this action more _ than once during their activation ‘Make a shooting attack with one ofthe active ‘perative's ranged weapons. For that shooting attack, worsen the Ballistic Skil characteristic ofthe active operative's ranged weapons by 1 ‘An operative cannot perform this action its within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. In adltion, an operative can only perform this action once per Tuning Poin ony iithas an Engage ore, and on as explained by Overwatch on page 60. To perform this action, an operative must be within A ‘of an objective marker or taken that the Plek Up action ‘an be performed upon. Remove that objective marker ‘or token from the killzone; the acting operative is now carrying it While an operative is canying an objective marker or token itis always in contol of it, and unless otherwise specified, acts normally. ‘An operative can drop an objective marker or token it is canying at any point during its activation without subtracting any additional AP. fan operative would be removed from the killzone while crying an objective ‘marker or token, before it is removed, it must drop it. ‘To drop an objective marker or token, the operatve's controlling player places the centre oft within JX of and Visible tothe operative. f that isnot possible, they ‘must place itn a location thats Visible and as close as possible to the operative ‘An operative cannot perform the Pick Up action if it is within Engagement Range of an enemy operative if it ASWHd LNSHIUH > SY1MH HO = iSHHH ST eLeh Make a shooting attack with one ofthe active operatve's ranged weapons. An operative cannot perform this action ifithas a Conceal order orf tis within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. To make a shooting attack, complete the shooting sequence as follows: In the shooting sequence, the player controlling the active operative i the attacker. The player controling the target operative isthe defender 1. SELECT RANGED WEAPON The attacker selects one ranged weapon their operative 's equipped with and collects their attack dice. Their attack dice are 2 numberof D6 equal tothe weapon's Attacks characteristic 2. SELECT VALID TARGET ‘The attacker selects a valid target forthe shooting attack, A valid targets an enemy operative in the active operatives Lin of Sight that has no fienly operatives within its Engagement Range: If thee are no valid targets forthe shooting attack, the Shoot action cannat be resolved and you mus choose a diferent action forthe operate (the action points subtracted forthe Shoat action would be refunded) If thee are no valid targets forthe shooting attack, the Shoot action cannot be resolved and you must choose a diferent action forthe operative (he actin pons spent onthe Shoot action would be refunded). 3. ROLL ATTACK DICE “The attacker rolls their attack dice. Each result that equals cor beats the selected weapon's Ballistic Skil characteristic {a successful hit and is retained, Each that doesnt is a failed hit and is discarded, A result of 6 is always a successful hit and a result of 1 i always a falled ht. Keep track ofeach retained result of 6 - this sa citical hit. Each other retained success isa normal it. Critical hits are well-placed or well-timed attacks. ‘They often have unique effects, such as inflicting additional damage or being harder to defend against. ‘This willbe shown inthe weapon's Damage, Critical Hit Rules and any Special Rules it has. vo 4 ROLL DEFENCE DICE The defender collects their defence dice and rlls them, “Their defence dice area number of D6 equal to the target’s Defence characteristic. Each result that equals or beats the target's Save characteristic isa successful save and is retained. Each that doesnt isa failed save and is iscarded. A result of 1 is always a failed save. Keep track ofeach retained result of 6 this is a critical save, Each other retained success isa normal save. Critical saves are well-timed dodges, esoteric Protection or lucky escapes. They are used to avoi critical hits. If the targets in Cover (pg 70-71), before rolling their defence dice, the defender can retain one asa successful normal save without ling it ‘Some weapons have Special Rules that affect dice ‘during an attack, such as Armour Penetration. Common ‘Special Rules can be found on pages 142-143, and more ‘unique ones will be found in the rolovant army list. 5, RESOLVE SUCCESSFUL SAVES “The defender resolves all oftheir successful saves, To resolve 2 successful save, they select one or more of their retained defence dice, discard one ofthe attackers successful hts then discard that defence dice * Ifthe defence dice they select i a normal save, they select one of their opponent's normal its to be discarded, If the defence dice they select are two normal saves, they select one of their opponent's critical hits to be discarded, lf the defence dice they select isa citical save, they select one of their opponent's normal hits or citicl hits ‘tw be discarded, B. RESOLVE SUCCESSFUL HITS ‘The attacker resolves any remaining successful hits. To resolve a successful ht, they select one oftheir retained attack dic, inflict damage on the target, then discard that attack dice, + tthe attack dice they selects @ normal ht, inflict ‘damage equal tothe weapon's Normal Damage. * Ifthe attack dice they selects a critical hit, inflict ‘damage equal tothe weapon's Critical Damage. 7. REMOVE INCAPACITATED OPERATIVES ‘Any operatives that vere incapacitated (se page 68) are remoted from the kilzane after the ative operative has finished making all ofits shoting attacks fr that action That means that inthe ae instance that an operative is attacking multiple targets (e., the weapon has the last special ule), they make all oftheir attacks for that action before any incapacitated operatives are removed 1 The Veteran Guardsman makes shooting attack. The attacker the Veteran Guardsman’ controling ployer, selects the Veteran Guardsman’ losgun os the ranged weapon to maketh shooting attack with and olctsfur attack dice. They ten select the Konmando asthe target. 2 The attacker ols their attack dice ond the results ore 4 follows: The result of 2s discarded as it does not equal or beat the weapon's BS characteristic, andthe rest are retained as successful hits. 2 Te defender the Korman’ contig ply colecss and ls ter defence die andthe results reas flows The results of 1 and 3 are discarded as they do not equol or ‘beat the Kommando’s Sv characters, and the result of 5 is retained 05 0 successful save. 4. The defender resolves their successful saves. As the retained defence dice isa normal save, they select one of the attacker's normal hits (a result of 4) tobe oscarded. They now have no remaining defence dice. 5. The attacker resolves thei ematning successful hits, The fist retained attack dice they resolve is o critical hit (the result of 6), therefore they infict Critical Damage on the Komando. The remaining retained attack dice they resolve ‘sa normal hit (the result of), therefore they infct Normal Damage on the Kommando. They now have no remaining ‘attack dice and the Kommando has los a total f 5 wounds. z = B = = = 2 Vv SNOLLOY - 3SVHd FIGHT Fight in combat with the active operative against an enemy ‘operative. An operative cannot perform this action unless itis within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. To fight in combat, complete the fight sequence as follows {Inthe fight sequence, the player controlling the active ‘operative isthe attacker. The player controlling the target operative is the defender. 1. SELECT VALID TARGET ‘The attacker selects a valid target for combat. A valid targets an enemy operative in the active operativ's Engagement Range. The rules for determining ifthe target ‘operative i Visible can be found on page 70. If there are [no vali targets for combat, the Fight action cannot be resolved and you must choose a different action forthe ‘operative the action points subtracted for the Fight action are refunded), 2. SELEGT MELEE WEAPONS The attacker selects one melee weapon ther operative is ‘equipped with and collects their attack dice. The defender then selects one melee weapon their operative i equipped with and collects their attack dice. Each player's attack dice ae a numberof D6 equal to their selected weapon's ‘Attacks characteristic 3. ROLL ATTAGK DICE Both players coll their attack dice simultaneously. Each result that equals or beats ther selected weapon's Weapon Skill characteristic isa successful hit and is etained, Each that doesnt sa failed hit and is discarded. A result of 6 is always a successful hit and a result of 1 is always a failed hit Keep track of each retained result of 6 - this is crtical hit. Each other retained success is a normal bit. ar 4, RESOLVE SUCCESSFUL HITS Starting wit the attacker, each player alternates resolving ‘one oftheir successful hits. They repeat this process until ‘one operative in that combat is incapacitated or they hhave no more hits to resolve, n which case their opponent resolves all of thet remaining hits. To reslve a successful hit they select one of ther retained attack dic, choose for their operative to strike or pry, then discard that attack dice, If they parry, one of their opponent's successful hits is discarded. «Ifthe attack dice they select isa normal hit, they select ‘one oftheir opponent's normal hts to be discarded «Ifthe attack dice they select is acitical hit, they select ‘one oftheir opponent's normal hts or critical hits to be discarded If they strike, inflict damage on the target + tf the attack dice they select i anormal it, infct damage equal to ther selected weapon's Normal Damage. «Ifthe attack dice they selects acta it, inflict damage equal to their selected weapon's Critical Damage SLL Each time an operative fights in combat, for eachother eee ee improve the Weapon Skill characteristic of melee weapons they are equipped with by 1 for that combat. For friendly ‘operative to support them, it must be within Engagement Range of the enemy operative in that combat and not Cn ee ed 1. The Kommando fights in combat. The attacker, the ‘Kommando's controlling player, seects the Veteran Guardsman as the target. The attacker selects the Kommando's choppa as the melee weapon to fightin the combat with and collects four attack dice. The defender, the Veteran Guardsman's controlling payer, then selects the Veteran Guardsman’s bayonet and collects three attack dice 2.The attacker and defender rol their attack dice simultaneously The attacker rolls The results of T and 2 ae discarded as they do not equal ‘or beat the weapon's WS characteristic, and the rest are retained as successful hits. The defender rol: The result of 1 is discarded as it doesnot equa or beat the weapon's WS characteristic, and the rest are retained as successful hits Operative Cand operative Bare fighting in a of operative B and not within Engagement Range of other enemy operatives, the WS characteristic of ‘operative C's melee weapons ae improved by 1 for that combat. 3. The attacker resolves a successful hit fist. They selec their ‘attack dice result of 6 and choose to parry. As the retained attack dice is a critical hit, they select their opponent's caitical hit to be discarded. The defender then resolves successful hit. They select their attack dice result of 4 and choose to strike. As the retained attack dice is @ normal ‘i, they inflict Normal Damage on the Kommando, The ‘ttacker’s remaining attack dice is row. and the defender has no remaining attack dice: 4. The attacker resolves a successful hit again, Tey select their remaining attack dice result of 4 and choose to strike. As the retained attack dice is @ normal bit, they inflict Normal Damage on the Veteran Guardsman. Both players now have no remaining attack dice. The Veteran Guardsman operative has lst a total of wounds and the Komando operative has lost a total of 2 wounds. Operative C and operative B are fighting in a combat. As operative A ard combat. As operative Ais within Engagement Range operative D are within Engagement Range of opeatve B and not within Engagement Range of othe enemy operatives, the WS charactestic ‘of operative 5 melee weapons are improved by 2 for that combat. As ‘operative i within Engagement Range of operative C and not within Engagement Range of other enemy operatives, the WS characteristic of ‘operative B's melee weapons are improved by 1 for that combat 2 = = 5 2 = z 5 e 5 All operatives have a starting numberof wounds that are used to measure how much damage they can sustain before losing effectiveness and becoming incapacitated. Each time damage is infcted on an ‘operative, loses a number of wounds equal to the value of that damage, Ian operative's wounds are reduced to O a es, itis incapacitate, When an operative i incapacitated, it is removed from the killzone and you can no longer use its abilities. fan operative is incapacitated during a shooting sequence, itis remaved afterall shooting attack from that action have been made, as. specified inthe shooting sequence. if an operative is incapacitated during a fight sequence, any remaining hits are discarded and not resolved objectives and Tac Ops will require ‘operatives to incapacitate enomy operatives, and ‘may even specify the manner in which it must be -g.a shooting attack). This is achieved dl operative performs an action or ability (or, where necessary, the specified action or ability), and asa result of doing so, an enemy operative is incapacitated, ‘Some rules inflict mortal wounds, Mortal wounds are a powerful source of damage such that rolling defence dice will not help the operative defend agains them Each time an operative suffers a martal wound, one point of damage is applied to it Ifan operative has fewer than half ofits wounds remaining, itis injured. While an operative is injured, subtract ©) from its Movement characteristic ‘and worsen the Balistic Skill and Weapon Skill characteristics ofthe ranged and melee weapons iis equipped with by 1 respectively {tis a good idea to mark any lost wounds so that both players can keep track of the damage deal. Some players will place dice or tokens next to the operative or on its datacard, while others may choose to write it down on a piece of paper. Your operatives will most ften be batting for dominance of vital objective markers and token. Many ules will equi {your operatives to contol objective markers or tokes in oder to interact with them. Friendly operatives contro an objective marker or token ifthe total APL characterstic of fienly operatives within C) ofthe centre oft is greater than that of enemy operatives. Ian operative is carrying an objective marker or token (se the Piek Up action, page 63), itis always in ‘contol oft Finally unless otherwise specified, when seting up ‘or measuring a distance to an objective marker or token always measure fom its centr. Operative Ais within ofthe centre of the objective ‘marker fora total APL of 2. Operative Band C are within © of the centre ofthe objective marker for @ total APL oF. Therefore operative B ond C cont the objective marker The locations of objective markers on the battlefield are typicaly shown on the deployment map of the mission being played, and are represented by the ‘con above. ed il SUSIE EL eS UE A a eT ST en cat ed Se ee gets eee crea ros Cees Ce aus Coe en Pieters Tey Ce eed Cas re Pater ee ee tg este eee nts cat eee ees (known 2s a Visibility line) Imm wide from the head ofthe ee eee ene tad arene ett) ee ey target from being Visible tothe active operative, such as ‘when the active operative is directly below or above the DO ete ee ee ‘Some rare rules will require you to select a point CU eee Cee ee er or ae Ree ee enc active operative's miniature to the point you would select. Parad =) Fe ee ee eee eee So eer ce ee et tn eta ‘+ The intended target's more than @ from 2 point at which eee ee eee cs page 72). However, ithe ative operative is within /\ of eee eas is Obscuring, that pat of the terain feature isnot teated ety COVER I an operative positions themselves in Cover, they will use Ree een behind it while they have a Conceal order Fr an intended ee nr eet at + The intended targets more than @ fom the es Sas eee eet Serer Coe eeu te gain a defensive benefit for being in Cover as specified in De eon er Reed ee ee) Fe ee ne ‘any par of the active opeatve's base to every part of Seas a a eee fo the Veteran Guardsman, bt a train ena ea Cea Ne ee Veen gtd a ed ae na en eed ‘A Kornmando with an Engage order is vsble {othe Vetern Guardsman, but to terain ee a Pee een eee the eran features, therefore the Komando {snot Obscure by that tran feature, The Kommondo isnot more than @ fom a point Ce eed eee eee Ce yas ee teat Pen ete] an Ne eg) Ce reg oa) The Komando is both more than @ from the ee ea eed eer Cea ae eee ce eter ata ee tr ee Sa cae a enn gat Coe eer The Kommando s more than @) fom the eee eas en eat er tenet as ere tee er tog tas SUSTAET EL Tes UC Bd > SLIVUL MIVHUAL + SINOZTIIN - SYINH THO = KILLZONES Killzones are an essential component of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, providing an immersive experience as well as an engaging battlefield for your operatives to fight on. Securing objectives, climbing buildings, vaulting obstacles, taking cover and leaping over gaps are all part of mastering the environments your operatives wage war within In ths section you will ind all the rules forthe Features that makes up your killzone, and how your operatives interac with it. TERRAIN TRAITS Killzones wll include a multitude of terrain features for yout operatives to ight around, and the various parts of each terain feature hve traits that convey cetain rules effects. If you ceate a killzone using a Killane Environment, each train feature wil be built ina specic way and te diferent pars of it wil be defined. If your killzone is of your own devising, you and your opponent must Aefine each pat ofa terain feature and is accompanying tats. Examples of how to do this canbe found on pages 7880. HEAVY VANTAGE POINT Freavy terrain provides Cover and ‘AVentage Point is a terain feature with Each time a shooting attack is made is Obscurng vertical element (ie a level higher than against an operative on a Vantage Point, ‘the floor ofthe killzone) that operatives for that shooting attack LgHT canbe placed upon. fa part ofa terain feature is not defned as a Vantage Point,» The operative cannat use the floor Light terrain provides Cover unless ‘operatives can cli over or traverse it ofthe Vantage Point as Cover orto otherwise spectied (eg. Vantage Point), (see pages 73.74), but they cannot finish be Obscured, ‘a move or be setup upon it “+ The operative cannot use parts ofthe TRAVERSABLE ‘Vantage Point’ terrain feature that s Each time an operative on a Vantage lower than the operative as Cover or Traversable terrain can be traversed (see Pint makes a shooting attack, each 10 be Obscued, page 73). ‘enemy operative that has @ Conceal order ‘thats in Cover provided by Light tain Instead, the operative must use parts INSIGNIFICANT ‘or another operative, and ist least(_) that ae the same height as or higher lower than them, is treated as having an than the operative, such asa rampart or Insignificant terain is tern too small to Engage order for that attack instead. battlement on the Vantage Point have an impact on your operatives and provides no rules Barricades are tein that players st up before a batte. They are) wide and A all They are Light and Taversable Vantage Point 1: The Kormando ‘ona Vantage Pint males sheting ‘3k, The Veteran Guardsman has @Coneal rer ann Cover provided by ight eran Asis at fest > lmer tan the Koran, the Vien Guardsman tent shaving an Engage ode fr that ‘tack instead, making it valid | atgt forthe shooting atace Vantage Point 2: The Vesan CGardsman males shooting stack “Tha Konmande has a Conceal oe ands ona Vantage Point, but ast ‘anno ee the foo ofthe Vantage Pont or pars ofthe Vantage Post ‘hat are lower than it as Caer ot | be Obscured tis aval target or fhe shooting atacand cannot use ‘he Vantage Pitas Cover MOVING THROUGH TERRAIN ‘As your operatives navigate the killone, tetain features may restrict their ‘movement, To manoeuvre across or over them, your operatives must traverse, im or jump. TRAVERSE ‘traverse is when an operative must leat «a small obstacle in their way such as a batricade or pipe. During an operative’ move, itcan ascend and descend terain with the Taversable wait ata cost of () but cannot finish a move on top oft IF this is not possible it cannot ravers it it must move ‘around it instead, Note that a traverse is not ‘2 climb - the operative simpy vauits over the ‘obstacle in their way a it moves horizontally ‘across the killzone The operative has @ M characteristic of 3). (of its M characteristic must be used to cross the Traversable terrain feature, ‘meoning the operative can move a total of X_) uM ‘jump is when an operative crosses a gap between toain tha within lf horontly and © vertical from one edge tothe other, ‘The operative must be within & ofthe exige ofthe terain feature the operative wll jump from. T jum, take a jump test forthe operative by rling one DS:on a I the test, is unsuccessful the operative remains where it is and that action ends ona 2+, the test is sucessful and you can move the operative ‘across the gap. Only the horizontal distance an operative moves during a jump coun towards how fart has moved. Note that an operative cannot ump instead of climbing IF an operative simply wishes to ascend or descend aterain feature, it must crop or climb instead NIVHH3L HSNOWHL SHINO ~ SINDZITIN - S31f The operative intends to coss a gap between two terrain features Remember that an operative must finish a without dropping and/or climbing. The operative is within J of move in a location it can be placed. this is | the edge of he tenain feature it wil jump from. The gop is within not posible, such as fan operative doesnot | ll horizontily and) vertically fom one edge to the other. The have enough Movement reachits intended | opeatv's controling player rls one D6 and the result is a5 destination, it cannot attempt the jump therefore the testi successful. The operative moves across the .g0p, and only the horizontal distance i travel is counted for the move ‘climbs when an operative ascend or descends a tera feature tat it cannot traverse ass dutng a move. First, the operative must be within 4& of a physical and climbable part of a terrain feature to climb it - a wall, pipe, chain et. The operative can then climb that train feature, counting the distance it tael towards the total distance it moves, rounding up any incremental distances of les than ©) to) Remember that an operative must finish a move ina location it can be placed f ths is not possible, such as if an ‘operative does not have a high enough Movement characteristic to reach its intended destination, i cannot begin the climb, Ths means an operative cannot finish a move partway through a climb, An operative can, however, perform a Dash action during a climb inorder to reach it intended destination, 1.An operative wth an M characteristic ‘of 3) intends to cmb onto the ret evel. It is within & of a physical part ofthe termin feature it can climb, It must move a vertical distance of ‘more than ) but less than 2.) As | increments are rounded up, it moves 20 vertically. 8 2 Itthen climbs the tern feature ° 3. To reach a location it can be placed, ‘it must also move horizontally The operative has ofits M characteristic remaining, allowing it to move onto the next level. You could then move the operative the full distance ont the level. eS NIVHHAL HONOUHL SNIAOW ~ SINOZTIIN 4 An operative with an M characteristic of intends to climb onto the next level. It ist moves(to be within (Aco psa atta ean 8 ‘feature it can ci, 5. ft then attempts to climb the terain feature. It must move 2 vertically (increments rounded up) and) E hhozontally As this would eceed its M characteristic, it cannot begin the climb, 6 If the operative has any action points remaining, however it could perform a Dash action to complete the climb, so long as it hasn't already performed « Dash action | during it activation. ‘Adiop is when an operative descends from height without climbing Te operative must be within of the ege ofthe terain feature it wll drop fom, and the intended location must be vertically within 3.) of the level it occupies. The operative can drop fom that terrain feature counting the vertical distance it travels towards the total stance it moves, rounding down any incremental distances of more than ©) to). Note ‘that a total vertical distance of therefore ignored Remember that an operative cannot move through ‘any pat of another operativ's base (unless it can FLY). Therefore if the intended location has any ‘operatives that would prevent the operative moving in that direction, itcannot make the drop. aL ee UL climb or traverse and can move freely across. pee ae ed ree an ee ey vertical distance and the vertical distance they travel does not count towards the total cet es |The operative intend odop tothe next lvl I frst moves to be within ofthe edge of the tera feature twill shop fo 2 The operative then dops fom that terrain feature. The horizontal distance it moves is measured as normal. The vertical distance it moves is more than ) but les than 2.) As increments are rounded down, it moves) vertically 43 After the model has finished the crop it can complet its mave as nermal with any remaining M characteristic it has. B = 5 = WIV ZN iT This is an ideal setup fora klzone. It has numerous terain features and a variety of terain traits, allowing players to ‘make crucial decisions on how their operatives will nteract With the klzone.Thete ae plenty of opportunites to keep ‘operatives out of Line of Sight, as well as ky positions to establish firing lanes and engage the enemy, Finally, it creates an exiting and dynamic battlefield that can set the scene for an intense skirmish between two forces {08 TIMI - SANOZTIIN - SH1NH TH09 Se CORE AULES - KILLZONES - EXAMPLE BOARDS EXAMPLE TERRAIN FEATURES If players are using a specific klzone for their game, its terrain features and traits wl be specified. However, if players ae using a klzone of te'r own devising, te players should agree upon the traits ofthe kllzne's terrain features before the battle. We have provided examples of different terrain features below as guidance: PIPE All parts of a Pipe terain feature have the Light and Tiaversabe trait LOW WALL All parts of a Low Wall train feature have the Light and Traversable trait. WALL fattleeld Deis ar tein features that are usual les than dal They have the sigan alt Note that f the cates below were tacked together, they could become 2 Kilone Mate! train etre KILLZONE MATERIEL Apart of a Killzone Materiel tera feature have the Light tuait.They can also be Taversable, usualy if they are no more ‘than & tall | BUILDING A Building terrain feature can include parts with different traits Traversable and Light Vantage Point INDUSTRIAL MACHINE All pats of an Industral Machine tertain feature have the Heavy tit, FOREST A Forest terrain feature includes pats with different trait Insignificant WIVHUIL JTdWWH] ~ SINOZTIIM- SYIMH HOI a WIVUUIL TTAWWHG - SONOZTIIN - SHIN IH09 = INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE ‘An Industrial Strucure terrain feature can include pars with different traits, Vantage Point Traversable and Light MUNITORUM CONTAINER ‘A Munitorum Container terain feature includes pats with different traits Insignificant Vantage Point (Once you have familiarsed yourself with the rules presented cover the preceding pages, i's time to wage skirmish warfare with your operatives in a game. Games of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team are categorised by three ways to play: open play, matched play and narrative play Each method of play has @ series of steps you should {allow to play a game, known as the mission sequence. Within these steps you will play a battle —the four Turning Points in which your operatives attempt to complete their mission. Open play isa freeform and permissive style of ply. I you are new to Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, itis a great way to start. Open play provides a degree of simplicity, allowing you to practice all youve learnt so far and become familiar With the core mechanics of the game without any added depth. Open play is also a great way to play for those wanting the freedom to create their own battles, so even for the accomplished generals, it provides the creative mind the perfect chance to craft games that match their vision. Open play can be found on pages 82-87 Matched play is the most mechanically balanced style of play. From this foundation its suitable for players looking for a fair game under common principles. Matched play is also suitable for players looking for an indepth tactical battle, \where smart decisions and decisive action achieves victory. Matched play can be found on pages 8893, "Narrative play isa style of pay for those looking to explore an element of storyeling, Whether it’ playing unique missions that capture the cinema of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, or embarking upon campaigns where each game is linked and the consequences matte, narrative play turns your games into a rich and thematic experience where the deeds and exploits of your operatives can be recorded and rewarded. Narrative play can be found on pages 94:41 the different ways to play have distinct philosophies, the game mechanics of paying a battle are the same. ‘Therefore, it two players prefer a different way to play, they ‘can sill play one another with afew tweaks to the mission ‘sequence. For example, if one ofthe players is playing through a Spec Ops campaign in narrative play, they would ‘complete the Update Dataslates step ofthe mission sequence (pg 117)to keep track of their kill team’s experience and injuries, white their opponent would sip ths step. a 5 2 = cilable. What do you say, brothers - shall we disabuse them ofthat ea Uifrich Wyrmslayer, Space Wolves Sergeant JONINDIS NOISSIM - AVI MIdO = > MISSION STOUENCE ‘An open play game is completed by following the sequence below, Alternatively, ifthe players want the freedom to create their own experience, they can devise a mission and mission, sequence as descrited opposite 1, DETERMINE MISSION ‘The players determine which mission they will play. Ifthe players want a simple game, the mission presented on pages 3687 is ideal 2. READ MISSION BRIEFING Each mission has a briefing that will detail the mission rues, mission objectives and a map detailing drop zones and where ta setup objective markers. The players should familiarise themselves wth this information before proceeding, as it will detal key rules for the mission and how victory can be achieved 4. DETERMINE KILLZONE The players determine which killzone iin use either by agesing which one to use or by roling of andthe winner decides. The players then setup is gameboard and tein features This s done by following the guidelines detailed on ages 7680, o by fllowing the configuration specified by the isin f ay). When etng up a train feature, te players Should are onthe train traits of each pat oft players ae using train features in the configuration specified by their kilzone, these tevain traits wil be specified 4, SELECT DROP ZONE “The players roll off andthe winner decides who wil be the Attacker and who wil be the Defender. The Defender then selects one ofthe drop zones for their operatives, The Attacker has the other drop zone. 5. SELECT A KILL TEAM Each player determines their operatives for deployment by selecting one kill team from thei army lst. Once both players hhave selected their kil team, they should reveal it to their ‘opponent. Ifa players kill tam includes a LEADER operative, they add 2CP to their poo. < The players altemate setting up barricades, one at atime, starting with the Defender, until the players have setup two barricades each. Each time a player sets up a barricade, it must be within @ of their drop zone and not on a terrain feature (unless it has the Insignificant tat) 7. SET UP OPERATIVES The Defender sets up all oftheir operatives fist. Then the ‘Attacker sets up ll oftheir operatives. When a player sets up an operative, it must be wholly within their drop zone and must be given an Engage or Conceal order 8, BEGIN THE BATTLE “The fist Turning Point of the battle begins. Inthe fist Initiative phase, the Attacker decides who has the initiative 9. END THE BATTLE ‘The battle ends after four Tuning Point have been ‘comaleted. fone player has no operatives remaining in the killone, the other player continues to play out each remaining Turning Point until the bate ends. 10. DETERMINE VICTOR ‘At the end of the battle, the player withthe most victory Points isthe winner of the game. If players are tied, the game isa draw, AT La Bal ey Ifyou want the freedom to create your own battles, open play isan ideal way to play. From thematic engagements with ‘one distinct premise, to expansive skirmishes that involve completing a series of tasks, open play provides the creative ‘mind the perfect chance to craft games that match thir vision We have provided a few handy tips below for you to devise your own open play games, but in this style of play, your imagination isthe only limit! aa Akl team is defending an armoury, therefore has access to Bee eu ees Uae ee cd days on end, therefore many oftheir operatives can be redeployed as described by the Recon option on page 93, The Defender has fortified ther position and created a kiling field. They can set up additonal barricades and the ey Enemy operatives have broken through the fron line and Ree et) Cet eects So od ee ee ees ee ee and Score the specified victory points. ee ‘to ambush their foe. The Defender must deploy all their operatives before the Attacker, and the Attacker automaticaly has initiative in each Turning Point. ee eed Point to rain down fre upon thir foe. When setting up Soe eo eee) Su ee Ned eee ae Clandestine operatives engage in a firefight under the cover of darkness. Operatives can perform a Shoot action while See eC) the same activation See Pecos their postion agains incoming fre. While an operative in the Defender’ kil team is wholly within their drop zone, eee See ed by the divine, and now cares a righteous path through Ce eect is operative fom thei kil tam and increases its APL and Defence characteristic by 1, and increases the Attacks Cee eaten) cca) ~ Akill tam has been hounded for weeks on end, and now Cee es Cee ee eed eins ere Leer ee gees Coe ee eed crc tay ec ee Ee ry See et in either player's drop zone. At the end ofthe battle, ifthe PGR ee en a Ce ed Se Sea eer a Cee ee eee See ree ene Cee ee been incapacitated. n addition, the battle ends when this ecg crs eee cre eT crucial piece of intelligence, and they ae now hunted Sen The Defender secretly selects one operative from thei ill team. If that operative is incapacitated, the Attacker wins, Cee ca ee a ey players place one objective marke in a suitable location Dee a eo Ce ese ea! battle if friendly operatives contol the objective marker at See Ue tee EC aca? De tee cen re ac Cee era ‘Attacker wins the battle i friendly operative performs the ee Tee ad Soe nee en Den vo an] OPEN PLAY MISSION CONTROL THE KILLZONE perce eee Caer aeee ec? acc ee eC ae ce ecicre es EC Cees Peer ee Cesc Pe Ce eae rors are eee aU rane) Peers Cocos ener oes ac Cras cca Tee arr meee eee cart) Orrico as PoC ts cree oe iC Cee He be with you all. Sa er ee eo ee ees objec nae MATCHED ROSTER |i matched play game, the consummate commander i abe to consider their strategy for every battle and select the appropriate operatives that complement it. A matched rosters alist ofthe operatives available to you for a matched play game. Rather than specifying just one specific kil eam, however, a matched roster gives you a pool of operative to choose from when selecting your kil tam before a mission. This allows you to deploy the operatives that are best suited to engaging a particular ‘enemy and scoring you victory points ina particular mission, A matched rosters constructed as follows: + All operatives must have atleast one faction keyword in common. + You can include a maximum of twenty operatives. + Ian operative has any wargear options, these must be selected when they are added to your roster. *+ You must be able to deploy a minimum of one kill team from you roster, * Operatives that have the same selectable keyword (e9, ) must have the same keyword chosen (eg. DARK ANGELS). "Your name, 2 The faction keyword that, your operates have 23. The selected ley of| ur operatives that have 2 Selectable apna. 4 Your is of operatives, specified bythe pe 5. Notes for your operas, 9, any weapon option ou have sete, 6 Notes for your kil ean, og. requirements for aa Op. tdi Resear Cy seuctae eevee [ely SOS PLAYER NAME: FACTION KEYWORD: | SELECTABLE KEYWORD: - OPERATIVE NOTES (e.g. warge: Permission to photocopy for personal use only. © Games Workshop Ltd 2021 JONANDIS NOISSIM - AVId OUHSIWW = MATCHED PLAY MISSION SEQUENCE To play a matched play game, each player must have a matched roster as described on page 90. matched play ‘game is then completed by following the sequence below: 1. DETERMINE MISSION ‘The players determine which mission they wil play. Fist, the players must select a mission pack, such as the one presented ‘on pages 119-137. They must then select a mission fom that Pack, ether by agreeing which one to use, or by randomly determining which one to use, 2. READ MISSION BRIEFING ach mision has a briefing that will detail the mission rules, mission objectives and a map detailing drop zones and where toset up objective markers. The players should familiarise themselves with this information before proceeding, asi will detail key rules forthe mission and how victory can be achieved. 3. DETERMINE KILLZONE The players determine which Killzone isin use either by ‘agreeing which one to use, or by rolling off and the winner decides. The players then setup its gameboard 4, SET UP OBJECTIVE MARKERS ‘The players setup objective markers inthe locations specified by the mission map, 5. SET UP THE KILLZONE ‘The players setup terrain features. This is done by fllowing the {guidelines on pages 760, or by folowing the configuration Specified by the mission (any). When setting up a terain featur, the players should agree onthe tertain tat of each pat of it I players are using terrain features in the configuration specie by te klzone, these train rts will be specified 6, SELECT DROP ZONE ‘The players roll ff and the winner decides who will be the ‘Attacker and who willbe the Defender. The Defender then Selects one ofthe drop zones for their operatives, The Attacker has the other drop zone. 7. SELEGT A KILL TEAM Each player determines their operatives for deployment by selecting one kill team from their army list, They then select any operatives from their matched roster tobe in that kill team, so long as ther final configuration of operatives ‘match the requirements of that kill tam, Once both players have selected their kill eam, they should reveal it to their ‘opponent Ifa player’ kil team includes a LEADER operative, they add 2CP to their pool 8. SELECT TAC OPS Each player secretly builds a shccard Tac Ops deck. Upto three oftheir cards canbe their factions Tac Ops as specified in ther factions army lst. The remaining Tac Ops in ther deck ‘must be from thei kil team’s archetype If the Kill Team has ‘more than one archetype, the player must select one oftheir archetypes to use. Each player shuffes their siccard dec, then determines which Tac Ops they have forthe batle in secret. To do so, they draw ‘wo cards fiom their deck, select one and discard the other ‘They epeat this process until three Tac Ops cards have been selected. They do not need to declare which Tac Ops they have selected. 9, SELECT EQUIPMENT Each payer selects up to ten points worth of equipment fiom ther faction army list to equip operatives from their kill team with forthe bate following all ules specified in ‘that equipment list. Once both players have selected their ‘equipment, they should reveal itto their opponent. After each ‘game, all equipments returned and an operative is no longer equipped with it 10. SET UP BARRICADES The players alternate setting up barricades, one ata time, starting with the Defender, until the players have setup two barricades each. Each time a player sets up a barricade, it ‘must be within @ of their drop zone and not on 2 terain feature (uness it has the Insignificant tat), en 11. SET UP OPERATIVES ‘The Defender sets up all oftheir opeatves fist Then the ‘Attacker sets up all oftheir operatives. When a player sets up an operative, it must be wholly within ther drop zone and must be given an Engage of Conceal order. 12. SCOUTING ach player secretly selects one ofthe pregame scouting ‘options. Each option will provide the player with an additional benefit, however it wll affect who has initiative inthe fist ‘turning point. A player selects a scouting option by secretly putting @ number of DS into their hand that coresponds ‘tw the number ofthe option they would ike to select. For example, if player would like to select the Recon option, ‘they would put three D6 into their hand. Once both players have selected, they reveal the number of D6 in their hand simultaneously. They then resolve ther selection starting with the Defender. The scouting options areas follows Set up one additional baricade within @ of your drop zone FORTIFY ‘oRTft DECIDES ITIATVE DECIDES TATE —_—_— ‘WHTRATE (DECIDES INITIATIVE MTRATE (Once during the fist Turning Point, when you select a ready friendly operative ta activate, you can change its order. Perform a free Dash action with one friendly operative ‘that is wholly within your drop zone, If both players selected the same scouting option, the Attacker decides who has the initiative 13. BEGIN THE BATTLE ‘The fst Turning Pont of the battle begins. Inthe fist Initiative phase, initiative for the fst Turing Point is ‘determined based on the players’ choices inthe Scouting step: + Ione player selected Fortify and the other selected Infitrate, the former decides wha has the initiative. + tone player selected Inflate and the other selected Recon the former decides who has the initiative + Ione player selected Recon and the other selected Forty, the former decides who has the initiative. + tFlooth player selected the same, the Attacker decides who has the initiative 14, END THE BATTLE ‘The battle ends after four Turning Points have been ‘completed. fone player has no operatives remaining in the killone the other player continues to play out each remaining Turning Point until the battle ends. = = = s 3 =e 4 Ideally, a battle should always be played until the end. Not only will this allow or heroic last stands, but it will ‘determine previous victory points that could matter in a league, tournament or campaign. if one player concedes before the battle has reached its natural conclusion, that player scores O victor points from that game. Their scores the maximum victory points for each of fac Ops (see below) even f they achieved less, and any remaining victory points from the mission objective. 15. DETERMINE VICTOR [At the end of the battle, the player withthe most victory points isthe winner ofthe game. If players are tid, the game isa draw, + Each player can score 2 maximum of 12 victory points from the mission objective. + Each player can score @ maximum of 2 victory points from each Tac Op, therefore a player's Tac Ops are worth 6 victory points in total + \Fevery operative on a players matched roster was painted toa Battle Ready standard, that player scores 2 vitor points. * In total, each player can score a maximum of 20 victory Points from the game.

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