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I, the undersigned below, declare that this senior essay 1s my original work prepared under the
guidance of my advisor. All Source materials used for the manuscript have been acknowledged.

Name ______________________________Signature _________________________

Place of submission, Oromia College

Date of submission, June 2020
Title Table of Contents Pages
Acknowledgment I
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 1
1.3 Research Questions 2
1.4 The objectives (purpose) of the study 2
1.4.1 General objective 2

1.4.2 Specific objective of the study area 2

1.5 Significance of the study 3

1.6 Scope of the study 3

1.7 Limitations of the study 3

1.8 Organization of the study 3


2.1 Motivation 4

2.2 How to motivate employees 4

2.3 Importance of motivation 4

2.4 Challenges of motivation 6

2.5 Sources motivation 6

2.6 Theories of Motivation 6

2.6.1 Maslow theory 6

2.6.2 Alfred ERG theory 6

2.6.3 McClelland's theory 6

2.6.4 Motivation, performance and job satisfaction 7

2.6.5 Consequences of job dissatisfaction 7

2.6.6 Ways of motivating employees 8

2.6.7 Employees motivation impact on organizational performance 8


3.1 Study Area 10

3.2 Population of the study 10

3.3 Methods of data collection 10

3.4 Method of data analysis and presentation 10


4.1 Employees background 12

4.2 Motivational practice 12

4.3 Motivational Impact. 12

4.4 Need of motivation 13

4.5 Respondent’s attitudes towards the motivational practices of the organization 13

4.6 Problems related to giving motivation to employees 13


5.1 Conclusion 15

5.2 Recommendation 15

References 16

Appendix 17

First and for most, my Sincere thanks its to the almighty GOD without whose support, nothing
can be accomplished.

This research has drowned on the talents, advice and encouragement of more people that the
researcher can possibly acknowledge. I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to my
advisor whose dedication and support have made possible for the completion of the activities
of this study. It is a great chance to express my deepest appreciation and thanks to many
people and friends whose unreserved guidance and constructive ideas have brought about the
successful completion of my paper. In addition, I wish to say thanks to employees and manager
of commercial Bank of Ethiopia Arerti Branch, for providing the relevant data .

In addition my deepest gratitude goes to my families for their support in fulfilling the necessary
financial and other material support.


1.1 Background of the Study

The success of any business depends largely on the motivation of the employees who work
within the organization. Human resources are essential to the prosperity, productivity and
performance of any company. Motivation is the key to create an environment where the
optimal performance is possible (

Across the world, there are so many organizations, companies and banks as well. As a result, all
of them accomplished their job by employees as much it is expected employees motivation
and willing towards their job is the key issue for the result they flourish from day to day. So,
the development and growth of various kinds of business organizations , companies and banks
in competitive business environment is largely depend on the efficient utilization of resources
which employees motivation is the key one among the resources. In another way, the
performance of any organization, banks and companies as well is affected by different factors
such as motivation, working condition, location of the organization and security.

However, managing people is not an easy task, because of complex nature of human beings in
their personalities, attitudes, beliefs and value. As a result , companies, organizations and
banks use different methods so as to assure their origination' s employees survival for years
in which motivation may or may not be one of it among the methods. This is why the
researcher wants to conduct her research Commercial bank so as to get the result of
motivation to wards productivity. on Arerti The new bank , Bank of Ethiopia, was a pioneer
Ethiopian institution and is the first indigenous bank in Africa and established by official
decree on August 29/1931 with Jemal,2011). a capital of birr 750,0009 The first indigenous
bank which functions as both as commercial bank and central bank was established in 1963,
under the name of state f Ethiopia. In 1963 , new banking law split the state bank of Ethiopia to
central and commercial banking namely,

1.2. Statement of the problem

Sometimes different, companies, organizations, banks and different governmental and non-
governmental institutions found across the world feels business depreciation which resulted in
reducing their continuous competitiveness and their profit as well. For this kind of problem
happened in the world, different scholars put different ideas which they feel it is the reason
for such problem. Though the problem scholars put as a reason in different from area to area
and according to the institution's capacity.

In the same way, within the developing world such as Africans, particularly within Ethiopia,
there are various institutions, organizations, companies and banks face business risk because of
different reasons. Among the reasons, non-motivations towards the work of the employees are
the one that wider society forecast. The assumption is that poor motivation leads to minimize
the productivity of the organization by means of different ways which unpunctual and
absenteeism are amongst of them.

So, the main aim of this research will be to study how employee’s motivation resulted in
productivity in Commercial bank of Ethiopia of Arerti Branch. In another way, the research
will be conducted to fill the gap that researchers conduct around these topics used only
questionnaires as data gathering tools while this research will be conducted by using
questionnaire and interview as it i necessary. The analyzed and interpreted data will also
be presented by using tables, pie-chart and bar graph which the previous research didn't

Generally the following questions are considerable in employee's motivation and


 Does the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Arerti Branch motivate its employees?
 What type of motivation is given to these employees/financial or non - financial
 Does motivation result in an increased productivity?
 What are the problems related to motivation in an organization?

1.3 Research Questions

 What type of motivations is given in the bank?
 What type of problems is investigated due to motivation?
 What is the relationship between motivation and productivity?
1.4 The objectives (purpose) of the study
The study has both general and specific objectives which will be explained as follows.
1.4.1 General objectives
The general objective of the study will be analyzing employees' motivations towards
productivity and to evaluate and examine the extent to which the commercial bank of Ethiopia
motivates its employees in general and the branch bank of Minjar woreda, in particular.

1.4.2 Specific objective of the study area

The specific objectives of this study will be:
 To identify what type of motivation is given by the

 To analyze the effectiveness of employees 'motivation in increasing productivity?

 To identify the problems related to motivation in the

1.5 Significance of the study

At the end of this research, significant contributions can be gained. The study will enable
the organization to know it s current strength and weakness regarding to motivating its
employees. As a result , the study will assure the importance of motivation for an increasing
organizational productivity to be high and it will show the advantage of motivation so as to
enhance employees ' productivity in an organization. The stud y will also provide relevant
information to those on various levels of management , employees and labor union leads to
understand the importance of motivational factors on performance of employees. Lastly, at the
time the study will be accomplished, it will be used as a reference material s and secondary
data for those who want to work on this topic as well.

1.6 Scope of the study

The scope of this study covers employees ' motivation and its productivity of commercial
bank of Ethiopia , Berehet Branch . The researcher emphasize on how employees 'motivation
and productivity practice was applicable in practice. The scope of this study will be limited to
the employees ' motivation and its productivity in the case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia,
Are1ti Branch. At the time this study is conducted, the researcher will collect data via different
data gathering tools from the employees of the organization/ bank.

1.7 Limitation of the study

Comprehensiveness and fairly representative study requires adequate research materials ,
information internet access and enough libraries so as to search information(resources) .
While conducting this study the limitations that the researcher faced were the following .

 Lac k of interest from employees in responding the given questionnaires and filling
it carefully.
 The respondents missed the sense of the questionnaires.
 Lack of up to date literature which are related to the study.

1.8Organization of the study

In general the research paper consists five chapters.
The first chapter involves sub-topics such as backgrounds of the study , statement of the
problem, purpose of the study , important of the study, scope of the study limitation of the
study, organization of the study. The second chapter deals with literature review of motivation
and productivity. The third chapter deals the methodology of the study. The forth chapter
consist of data analysis and interpretation. The last chapter describe s the summary, conclusion
and recommendation.


2.1. Motivation
There is no standard definition of motivation , but there are a number of common
agreements. Motivation has to do three broads areas as with respect to individual behaviors
(Anderson , 1989.pp 63).

 Direction what someone is trying.

 Persistence has along someone continual trying.
 Effort how hard someone is trying .

According to Bernard Berenson and Bram A. Steiner, ' motivation is an energized action at
channels behavior towards the goals .' The employees' motivation has a major impact on
economic performance of the firm. The firm uses different essential resources for its economic
performances. Essentially , human resource is the most and significant and ingredient part of
resource and managers apply variety of motivational scheme to give employee s' highly
productive and always they stand for a common good of the firm(staff@ incentive )

2.2 How to motivate employees

The success full managers have known how to motivate their employees. Even though
everyone is motivated by different needs, most people tell that two of most important issues
they look for the company are mutual respect and personal involvement. There are some ways
of motivating employees which can be mentioned as:

 Be aware of moral level of your organization

 Involve employees in decision making
 Outline job responsibilities

2.3 Importance of motivation

Motivation is important because of its determinant factors on performance and its
intangible character. The importance of individuals is determined by:

 Motivation, ' the desire to do the job'

 Ability, ' the capacity to do the job'
 The work environment, the goals, material and information.
Motivation process begins with needs as deficiency. Motivated employees are a tower of the
company and they will bring a dramatic change in every activities of their performance and they
are more productive . Effective managers need to understand what motivates employees
within the context of they perform (Bowen and Radhan Kishna, 9191;

2.4 Challenges of Motivation

Motivation in practice and theory is difficult issue conducting on several disciplines. In spite of
research basic as well as applied, the subject of motivation is not clearly understood, more
often than not poorly practiced. People in the organization come from different places with
respect to attitudes towards job peers, subordinates, organizational rules and procedures. As a
result of these, managers or organizations encounter a big problem of having different outlook
and ·at the goals and objectives achieved by integrating and coordinating

2.5 Sources of Motivation

There are different sources of motivation. Some of them are explained as follows:

 Positive Motivation: It involves proper recognition of employees' effort and

appreciation of employees' contribution towards organizational goal achievement.
Some of these are delegation of authority and responsibility to subordinates
participation in decision making process.
 Negative Motivation: it is based up on use of force. power and threat. The fear of
punishment or un favorable consequences affect the behavior change.
 Extrinsic Motivation: It is induced by external factors which are primarily financial in
 Intrinsic Motivation: It stems from feeling achievement and accomplishment and is
concerned with state of self-actualization in which the satisfaction of accomplishment
something w011hwhile motivates the employees. It is self-generated and independent
of financial rewards like recognition , responsibilities, esteem needs(Chandan,
2.6 Theories of motivation
These stations present various theories of motivation proposed by different individuals and

2.6.1 Maslow theory

Maslow theory is a hierarchy need theory which 1s a popular theory of motivation and it is
based on the following facts.

 Man is not always satisfied with it on hand. He is always in need of something which
he does not have
 Human needs are unlimited, that is if one need is satisfied the other needs will be
activate and the process continues indefinitely (Daver, 1994.pp14). Maslow
categorized the needs into five categories as indicated below:
 The physiological need: it involves the need for basic things like food, water, shelf,
and sex. When these ' fundamental needs are not met, no other higher level needs
will act as motivation. In another way, once primary needs are satisfied, safety or
security needs are activities.
 Safety needs: includes protection from physical harm, economic disaster and futuristic
needs in that they represent a desire to ensure ability to physical needs.
 Social needs: is a need for belongingness and love that come into play only when
physical and safety are reasonable secured.
 Esteem needs: s include self-respect, and feeling of competency and the need for
recognition and administration in the eyes of others.
 Self-actualization: the process of making actual \ persons perception of his/her real life.
A rarely attained self-actualization impulse to become when one is capable of achieving
ones full potential in the most creative self-motivated way(Resenabaum,1982:pp75)

Alfred ERG theory

The ERG need theory, developed by Clayton Alderfers is a refinement of Maslow's need
hierarchy. Instead of manioc's five needs, ERG theory condenses these five needs into three

 Existence needs: these needs are roughly compatible to the physiological and safety
needs of Maslow' s models are satisfied primarily by material in centimes. These
include the need for shelter, physical and safety from threats on people's existence
and well-being.
 Relatedness need: these roughly correspond to social and esteem in Maslow's
hierarchy. These needs are satisfied by personal relationship and social interaction with
others. It involves open communication and honest exchange of thought and feelings
with other organizational members.

Growth needs: These are needs to develop and grow and reach five potential that person is
capable reaching. Their needs are fulfilled by strong personal involvement in organizational
environment and look for new opportunities and challenges. ERG differs from Maslow in
proposing that may be motivated by more than one kind of need at the time. While Maslow
proposes that in the hierarchy needs, a person will satisfy the lower level of

Needs before he moves up to the next level of needs and will stay at the need until it is
satisfied. ERG theory suggests that if the person is frustrated in satisfying his needs at a given
level, he will move back to the lower level of need (Wright Patric, 1996, pp364-366)

2.6.3 Mc Cleland's Theory

David McClelland ' s theory and his associate John Atkinson proposed another important
theory of motivation and achievement of motivation. According to their theory, organization
offers an opportunity to satisfy at least three needs (Davis ,1989.pp:104)

 The need for achievement

Achievement motivation is driven some people have to overcome challenges and obstacles
in the pursuit of goals. An individual with this drive wishes to develop and grow up the ladders
of success characteristics will receive personnel credit and when they of achievement
oriented. Employees work harder when they receive specific feedback about past

 Need for Affiliation

Affiliation motivation is a drive to relate to people on social basis. Affiliation oriented people
work better when they are complimented for their favorable attitudes and cooperation. They
receive inner satisfaction from being with friends and they want the job freedom to develop
those relation .

 Need for power

Power motivation is a drive to influence people and change situation. Power motivated
people wish to create an impact on their organization and are willing to take risks to do so .
Once this power is obtained, it may be e i t h e r constructively or destructively. Power
motivated people make excellent managers if their drives are per instructional power instead
of personnel power.

2.6.1 Motivation, performance and job satisfaction

It has often been said that a happy employee a productive and must be satisfied with his
job. Job status faction can be defined as the event of positive feeling of attitude that the
individuals have towards their job feels, good about it and value his job highest on other
and serious job dissatisfaction results in stress and tension which is usually the cause of a
variety of physiological disorder( Chandra, 1995:87).

2.6.5 Consequences of job dissatisfaction

Job dissatisfaction produces low mental among workers and low mental a workers. Some of
the indicators of low mental or moral are: employees unrest, the worker may not attend
his/her job properly, may be involved in a day reaming , forgetful, or just may not care. On the
other hand, the following may a good indicator of job dissatisfaction.

Absenteeism: job satisfaction is highly related to absenteeism. Studies have found that less
satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due to avoidable reason.
Management must be concerned with excessive absenteeism for it disrupts

Production and business

 Employee turnover: high turnover disrupts normal operation and continuously
replacing the employee who left is costly and both technical and economically n
undesirable. Turn over may be voluntary which initiated by the employee and may be
due to job dissatisfaction or other personal reasons beyond management control .
 Early retirement: Employees who choose to early retirement tend to hold less positive
attitudes, challenges and work opportunities are less likely to seek retirement than
employees with lower level jobs.

2.6.6 Ways of motivating employees

Nebraske-Lincol examined sources of motivation of Nebraska workers in urban and rural sett
ings , The results have demonstrated that five unique sources of motivation exist:

 Intrinsic motivation-motivated by fun.

 Instrumental-motivated by reward.
 Self-concept - external motivated by reputation.
 Self-concept-motivated by challenge.
 Goal internationalization-motivated by cause or purpose.

2.6.7 Employees motivation impact on organizational performance

 Maintaining stability
Employees are a company livelihood. How they feel about the work they are doing and the
result received from that the worker directly impact on organizational performances and
ultimately its stability. For instance, if an organization's employees are highly motivated and
protected, they will do whatever is necessary to achieve the goal of the organization as well as
keep track of industry performance to address any potential challenges. This two-prong
approach builds the organization's ability. An organization whose employees have low

motivation is completely vulnerable to both internal and external challenges because its
employees are not going the extra mile to maintain the organization's stability and unstable

 Reduction in productivity
Lack of motivation equates to less work being accomplished, productivity does not disappear ;
it is usually transferred to aspects not related the organization's work. Things like personal
conversation, Internet surfing, or taking longer lunches cost the organization's time and
money reduces productivity can be detrimental to an organization performance and future

 Negative change to reputation

Low employee’s motivation could be due to decreased success of the organization. negative
effects from the economy or drastic hags or uncertainty within the organization. No matter
what the cause is , having the reputation of unpleasant work environment due to low employee
motivation will ultimately impact how existing and potential clients or parents view working
with the organization. A reputation can proceed on organization and indicates its future in the
industry ( business)

3.1 Study Area

The study has been conducted in the Amhara National Regional State , North Shoa
Zone, Minjar Wor eda, Arerti town which is found 182 kms from Addis Ababa and
55 kms from Metehara North East wards. The study has been conducted on
employees motivation and its productivity in case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
in Arerti Branch .

3.2 Sample size need Population of the study

It is obvious that the employees of commercial bank of Ethiopia in Arerti branch are small
in number. As a result, at the time the researcher would conduct the study all the
employees who work within the bank are part and parcel of the study. In another way, all of
them will be included under the study. In another way, all of them were included under the
study at the time the researcher had gone to the bank to gather data.

3.3. Methods of data collection

While this study /research has been conducted, the researcher will use both primary and
secondary data. The primary data will be collected by u ·i ng structured questionnaire for the
whole employees of the organization while interview will be used for ma nagers of the
organization. To clarify more , the research will use census rather than sample size because of
population size of the organization is small and every one of them have the advantage in
Participating in the study during data gathering. In another way, secondary data will be
collected from different written materials within and out of the organization that reflect
about the organization.

3.4 Methods of data analysis and presentation

At the time the study has been conducted, the researcher collected the information via
different data collecting tools. The gathered had will be edited, classified and errors will be
omitted and finally the data processed , analyzed and interpreted carefully. Lastly, the
effectively processed , analyzed, and interpreted data would be presented by using descriptive
kind of data interpreting technical tools such as tab les, bar graphs, pie-charts and percentage .
Chapter four

4 Data analysis and interpretation

This section is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of data that ' were gathered via
primary sources. These data were analyzed and interpreted via data interpreting tools such as
tables , bar graph, pie-chart and percentage.

The questionnaires prepared for gathering primary data from the employees of the
organization were distributed for 18 employees of the organization. As a result the data that
had been processed was depending on the information gathered from the employees through
questionnaires and from the manager via interview.

4.1Employees background
The data analysis and interpretation under this section consists of sex, age, educational back
ground and marital status of the employees of the bank.

Table 4.1: age, Sex, educational back ground and marital status of employees
Item Response No of respondents Percentage
Below 26 0 -
26-30 10 55.56 , - 1
31-40 7 38.88 ; '
41-48 1 5.56
Above 48 0 -
Total 18 100
Educational level Diploma 10 55.56
First degree 8 44.44
Total 18 100

Marital status Married 5 27.78

Un married 12 66.66
Divorced 1 5.56

Total 18 100
Sex Male 14 77.78
Female 4 22.22
Total 18 100
Source: Researcher's survey, 2020
As reflected from the above table, of the respondents participated in the response, more
than half (55.56%) of them are found between the age range of 26-30 while 38.88% are
found between the age range of 31-40 while the rest 5.55% of them is found in between the
age range of 41-48, Of the respondents participated within the study, the majority I
0(56.56%) of them are those who have · certificate educational level. While the rest
8(44.44%) have degree by their educational level.

4.2 Motivational practice

Table 4.2 Response on motivational practice in the organization
Items Response No of respondents percentage
Is there motivational practice m your Yes 8 44.44
organization? No 10 56.56
Total 18 100
Which type of motivation is given for Financial 8 100
the employees ? Non- - -
Total 8 100
4.4Need of motivation
Figure 4.1 Response on need of motivation

40 To icrease work performance
To fulfill personal interest

Researcher's survey, 2020

As reflected from the above bar graph of the total respondents included within the study, 13
(72.22%) of them responded that the need of motivation is to increase work performance while
the rest of the respondents responded that motivation is needed for fulfillment of Personal
4. 5 Respondents' attitudes towards the motivational practices of the organization

Table 4.4 Respondents' attitudes towards the motivational practices of the organization

Items Response No of respondents percentage

What is your Good 16 88.89
attitude towards Bad 2 11.11
Total 18 100
Source: Researcher's survey, 2020
As reflected on the above table, of the total respondents included within the study, nearly all of
them 16(88.89 %) responded as their attitude towards motivation is good and the rests have
bad attitude. The data shows as practice of motivation is good and have positive attitude within
the employees serve within the organization. This show as financial or non-financial motivation
has advantages for employees who resulted in increasing organization productivity directly or
indirectly .
4. 6 Problems related to giving motivation to employees

Table 4.5 Problems related to giving motivation to employees

Items Response No of respondents percentage
Which problem IS -Employees dissatisfaction
mainly happened with with the job in the absence
practice of motivation? of motivation 44.44

-Employees leave the
organization 4 22.22
-Un punctuality of the
employees 2 11.11
-Boring relationship between
employees and managers

Total 18 100
Source: Researcher's survey, 2020

As reflected in the above table , of the total respondents participated within the study, the
majority of them responded as the main problems related with the practice of motivation is

dissatisfaction with job at the time motivation is absence, while employees leave organization
and bo ring relationship between employees and managers.
Chapter five

Conclusion and recommendation

Frankly speaking, the respondents included / participated are those who are matured,
educated and experienced by their service and volunteer to fill the questionnaires distributed
to them which assure the reliability and validity of the research conducted. Throughout the
research, the researcher had got as there is no motivational practice within the organization
which resulted in dissatisfaction and turnover of employees which have negative consequences
on the organizational productivity. In addition, lack of more motivation , employees
dissatisfaction of employees with the payment system of organization including in sufficient
monthly salary are problems that are raised within the organization which decrease from time
to time the organization' s productivity . Furthermore, un punctuality of employees and
absenteeism are also another problems. In another way, there sis low motivational practices
in the organization, it is only financial which also leads to dissatisfaction as employees complain
to have both motivational methods . At the end , with the practice of motivation , there are
some problems which made employees dissatisfied. In conclusion, motivation is the key
factor for organizational productivity.

The employee motivation and its productivity in the case of EBE m Arerti branch can be
recommended as:

 Lack of adequate personnel which in turn creates burden of employees.

 For best accomplishment in the bank, motivation is necessary for the productivity of the
firm and creates good working condition.
 There is low motivation practice within the organization even though the employees
have good attitude towards motivational practice. The practice of motivation is only

 Davis and New Aroma (1989). Human behavior at work, ?111 edition. , New jersey,
 David N Recruited (1994). Human resource management , University of Notre
 FredLuthans (1995). Organizational behavior, 4th edition. USA, McGrawHill bookco.
 Davis (1999). Personal management and industrial relationship ip, university of
 Bowen and Rodham Keisha ,1 991 ,W.W.W.Jo.xgn
 Bernard L.Rosembaum (1982). How to motivate todays workers, 4th edition ., New
jersey, (USA)

Oromia College Questionnaire

To be filled By Ato/w/ro _

As the purpose of this questionnaire is to collect appropriate data, the individuals who fill it
should clearly understand its objectives. The researcher wants to collect pertinent data for a
senior essay of the partial fulfillment for a bachelor degree requirement. This calls for your
collaboration to respond all questions exactly as what you objectively know. Your response is of
paramount importance to the researcher. The researcher will provide her gratitude for your
response. No need of writing your name.

Thank you.

Put a" " in the boxes provided.

Part I personal information

1. Age group

Below 26 □ 26-30 □ Above 48 □ 31-40□ 41-48□

2. Gender

Female□ Male□

3. Educational back ground

High school □ Vocational & technical school Diploma □ College Diploma□

1st Degree □ Second Degree□

4. Marital status

Married □ Unmarried □ Divorced □

Part II, Questions

Put a" " in the boxes provided.

1. Is there a motivational practice in you organization?

Yes □ No □

2. If your answer in question no. I is 'yes', which type of motivation?

Financial □ Non-- financial□

3. Do you think that motivation has impact on productivity?

Yes □ No □

4. If your answer in question no .2, what type of impact does it have?

Positive□ Negative□

5.Why do you need motivation?

 To survive □
 To increase work performance □
 To fulfill personal interest □
 If there is any other, please specify:

6.What is your opinion about the payment system of the bank?

Satisfied□ Very satisfied□ Neutral □ Dissatisfied□

7.Do you think you are happy and stay in the bank for a long period of time?

Yes □ No□

88. our answer is 'yes' in the above question, what is the reason behind that?

9. What is your attitude towards the motivational practice of the organization?

Good □ Bad □ Neutral□

10.What are the benefits of motivation for you?


11.What are the problems related to motivation in the organization?


10.Does motivation increase the productivity of the organization?

Yes □ NO □

11.If your answer is ' yes ' for the above question, please justify your reasons.




1.Kasahun Dajane---------------------------------------------------------------119856

2.Workinesh Guta---------------------------------------------------------------119882

3.Mamush Dalu ------------------------------------------------------------------124771

4.Hana Mulatu e-----------------------------------------------------------------120949

5.Hawi Shiferawa e--------------------------------------------------------------119823

Advisor Defera Tolcha ( MA)


August 2013/2021

Adama ,Ethiopia

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