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DROPSHIP DESIGN There ate approximately 100 diferent Dropship designs throughout Inner Sphere, These designs range from small military assault ships to gargantuan civiian cargo vessels, and ‘rom mall pascongorlinrs to large treop trarspores. Although these cesigns very, they canbe grouped into two ‘orstiuction categories. The iis category, caled aerodynes, ‘corsists of all DrepShips that use aerodynamia ito maintan altitude. The second category. called sphercids. consists ofall DropShipe that maintzin alitude by using vectored thrust. ‘Aercdynes rely on aerodynamic design to maintain attud In an avnosphere, Winged, alrcraftike consiructions, these ships are generally smaller and more maneuverable than spheroids Their specialized hullstructures make them incred- bly graceful while in almasohora, Howover, this design limits these vessels’ space ranstt capabilities, ard most such ves: sels canrarely exceed 16 of acceleration or sustained periods ‘of ime. In combat, high-fnrus! maneuvering, and atmosphenic fight, the ship uses a separate maneuver dive system. While these eystome are usually nct oriented fer use at long-range. they can proside accolorationof 3 Gsormers for covoral hours. A disadvantage of the gerodynes Is thal most cannt lard vertically; instead, lke conventional aieraft hey must land on a long, flat stretch of runway. Therefore, these vessels are ‘much less versatile than spheroids, Thay cannot use their interplanetary transit crives to hover ike ephoroids bccauso, if ‘thearves onthe back of the vesselare pointed ioward aplanets surface, the superheated air that circulates near the crive ‘exhaustwould tise up nto the body o! the vessel, scorching the wings. Ths heat bullup can overload cooling systems in minutes, The problem becomes even more covore when tho ship is on oF near the ground. At this altitude, any use of the transi crives causes a large back-bast of super-hot plasma, which can damage the skin of the ship and destoy extended landing gear and other protruding objects not designed o take such punishment ‘Spheroid DropShips are so named for ther disinelyrouncos hulls, though very few actualy possess a spherical shape, The simple hull dasign makes them relatively inexpen- sive fo constuct and much sturdier ee than their alrcraftiike cousins, Thus, sohersids can be con: trusted in much larger sizes than can aarodynes. The largest {of these, the Behemoth, masses 100,000 tons, many times Jargar than the largest aerodyne. ‘Spheroids maintain altitude by employing their tusion ery ‘ine core crives against the gravitational pul ofa planet. Unike ‘aoredynos, spheroids have only one drive sysiem (usually referred to as the ship's interplanetary drive system) which is Used for both space travel and atmospheric maneuvering, In ‘either case, this dive s roughly equivalent io the aerooyne’s manauver drive. Able to travel under susteined acceleration ot about 1 G, the vessels can aso accelerate to 3 Gs or more without worrying about the shift of gravitational orientations, ‘Theretore, sphercid DropShips can maneuver at high Qs with significantly lass preparation time than aerogynes—in most ‘cases, batwean 30 seconds to aminute atter alerting the crew ‘and passengers. In aeradynes, the preparation process in- ‘ludes the actual meving or packing o alllooso oquiament and personal items, Daperding on the vessels preparedness, the ‘Operation could teke anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. ‘Tho capabilty of verticaltake off andlanding isprobablythe _spheroid'sgreatest asset. Theshipcan land nciticult-io-eacn locations andheavy terran. It doesnot need alarge fat surface ‘on which to land; instead, it needs just enough rom to set down, In a heavily woaded area, the scorching blast trom the DrooShip's fusian dive exhaust aliays makes plenty of clear ‘ground space on which to and. |Altyough verteal light capabilily makes this DropShip highly versatie, it also makes f vulnerable, Spheroi0s use their tive thust ‘0 provide direct lit, and steering and atitude correction are cone via reaction conto! thrusters mounted on the DropShip's hull. Aithough both aorodynoe and epharcids possess these thrusters, they are extremely critical the stable fight of the spheroid vessel in an atmosphere. it any of hese thrusters should mafunction or become damaged, the sehorsid will tumble uncontrollably to the planet's surtace. Some wel-experionced pilots can maintain control of a spheroid DropShip wih a damaged thruste:, but the task requires tremendous amounts of skil ané coordination PACE VEHICLE DESIG ENGINEERING SECTION X POWER PLANT ENGINE CORE PACE VEHICLE DESIG ENGINE SECTION Tris area is vory contralizod on spheroid DropShips ands splead out on aerocynes, On spheroids, tne section is a ‘cylindrical area athe bottom center of ihe ship. Onaerodynes, the area normally occupies the rear of the DroaShip and takes up tho entre bottom deck. The engine seciions of each type of DropShip contain the shp’s engine core, povier plant fuel tanks, and engineering control bay. Though reaction control thrusters are nt usualy found within the engine section. they are consdered to be part ofthe ship's engncoring sysioms. Engine Core ‘The heart of tne DropShip, he fusion engine core provides: propulsion power forthe ship’s drives and back-up cower for the life support, weapon systems, and all other functions aboard the ship, The sactionis located attho ait end of tho ship and is lned with a heavy layer of radiation and heat shielding Cylindrical in shape, the unitis unserviceable except for replac- ing shielding, cooling systems, ene:gy converters, and other majo: components. ‘This area can be entered through one or more special acoess panels, which require a set of tools to open. Because these areas are radiationand thermal hotspots, vey cannotte salely entered while the core is operating. If shut down for afew hours, these ereas can be accessed by personnel wearing ‘engineering euits. Tho interior of the engine cote is crammed with cocling pipes, electrical cables, contol lines, plasma ducting, and fuel lines. A small access crawlway winds its way among and around the numerous comoonent systems, Power Plant ‘The DiopShip's pewer plant eaniains a fusion engine that provides electrical power to the ships systems (expeot for the drives). Located next to theengine core, the plants also heavy shielded, and the area camnet be entered while the plant in ‘operation. ifthe plant ie shut dewn for 2 fow hours, engineers Wearing engineering suits ean access the area through en access crawivay. Drives ‘The ship's drives provide the thrust required to carry a Dropship across onormous intorplarotary distances. They are generally locatedat he aftend ofthe engine core. On zerodyne vessels equipped with separate maneuver and iranst drives, the latter drive is located in the bottom deck ofthe ship, When activated, the engine core intictes 2 fusion reaction and sheots the by-product, plasma, fo the drivoe and thon out, the heavily shiedederhaust nozzles, providing alarge amount of thrust. This controled and continuous explosive force Is iffcult 0 contro! and requires constant attention, especaly ‘during combat maneuvers, The drives are accessibio to engineoring persommol, bulare ditfcult © repair. As long as the magnetic centainmant system functions, there is litle radation hazard, It hese sysiems fal hile the core or drives operating, serious radiation contami- ration may occur, Fual “Tho DropShip’s engine core is powered by the fusion of liquid standard diatomic hydrogen, which is stored in lerge storage tanks located n tneenginesectian. Thereare wolypes. ‘of fue! feeding systems, each wit their own special character- istics ‘Tho fret eystom i cimplo ané requires orly moderate main- tenance. Small amounts of liquid hydrogen are pumped to ‘mailer storage ianks, where the tiyorogen is heated. The resulting hovease in pressure feeds the fuel into both the engine cores and the power plant's fusion reaction chambers, ‘The only maintenanco requirod is porodicchecking of the lines and the small transfer pumps. This sysiem s best used when the demand for fuel Is constant, as in inierplanetary flight or umpShip-to-pianet transits, However, it cannot supply the ‘surges in fuel demand needed during combat. “Tho second systom of fuel feoding uses high-speed pumps toheep the system underthe constant pressure requiredby the lusion reaction, regerdiess of how muchtuel s demanded. This system is prone lo breakdown because the pumps must op- erate for extended periods at near absolute zero temperature. ‘All combat DropShipe earry beth sysioms, Not al civiian DropShins carry the secand pump system Attitude Control Thrusters: Grouped in clusters.a various locations on theship altitude control thrusters are used to change ard control the ship's ‘erientation and heading. In action, they aro used while the ‘ship is in the atmosphere, either to augment existing control mechanisms or, 2s wit most spheroid vessels, to provide the sole means of maneuvering control Thoro are a few diferent ways that thrust is generated in thososyetame. On vary emall shige, pressurized crliqutfied gas ‘can be used, However, because this Coes nol provide much power, larger ships carry oxidizing agents hat, when combined With hyérogen from the fuel system, act as small rockets to movethe ship. Ths type of system can be used on ships of ary ‘82 just by making the rackote larger. Some ships are equpped with miniature versions of the ‘slp's main drives. These systems, though very powertul, are extiemeyy complex, bulky, and expensive. Engineering Control Center Ths large bay, the contro! center for the DropShip's drive systems, is present on all but @ few DropShips. From hore, Engingers control just about every engiieering function of the sip, including power routing between various decks, power plant operation, cocling systems, drives, ard attitude contra! ‘thrustors. If this room had aecass to nawgational data, the ship ‘could be flown from here The engineering control center, normally referred to as ‘simply engineering, is kept under constant 24-hour watch. On most DropShips, this includes atleast one Engneer and a pair ‘of Second Enginaars. Onlaiger DrapShpes, thismayinchude as ‘many as three Engineers with a half-dezen seconds, ‘Acoess into engineering is usually under stict cnr, and ‘only engingering personnel and senior officers have access. CARGO SECTION ‘The DropShip’s cargo section is ganerally spread out throughthe interier af thehull. Thisis he largast section aboard most DropShips, military of civilian, and tekes up anyivhoro ‘fom 30 percent of the ship's mass 10 75 percent or more on larger vesse's. ‘The composition and layout of thecarao section depends cn thonature ofthe DropShip. Civilian ships generally have one or more large cargo bays, and may or may noi be equipped with asmall craft bay 0: weapons bays. Mlitery vessels aways carry ‘weapons bays and cargo bays, and may also be equiped with "Mech, vehicle, or Fighter bays 2s wel. All landina-capable vessels are also equippad with heavily veinforoac ramps for loading ard urioading cargo, ammunition, and cupplies. Cargo Bay The cargo bay Is used for sioring supplies, equipment, or bulk goods. Numerous tie-down hooks are recessed at three metetintervale across tha bay’stloor, walls, and caling. Aside: from these small depressions, al suriaces inside the cargobay relat and smooth. This alow's personel to secure cargo with magnetic clamps, which can be used in lieu of he cable tle- ‘downs. Cargo baye are olten equipped with cranes mounted on tracks in the celing. Personnel car operate these cranes either ‘with 2 remote contra unit or from a small booth altached tothe bay's ceiling or walt. To gain access to a cargo bay, personnel may use acarco door inthe Full of the DropShip oF a largo cargo elevator. On larger vesse's, cargo doors are equipped with ailecks. “Mech Bay This cavernous section houses the Mech storage cubicles, which are large tramework enclosures that hold a Mech in place during transit. These may or may not be coveradby athin metal skin. Vinor maintenance and ammunition loading may be performed on a "Mech while Is secured insie a cubicie. ‘Mech bays usually contain large open areas where Batle- Mechs may be repared. Such areas are equipaed with retract- sible pair platforms and cranes. Tie-cown hooks are located ‘on the floer so that a Mech under repair can be tied down to prevent diitiig during zero-G operations These bays are also equpped witn numerous hook-ups, inclucing ‘uel fines. ir lines, and power cables, to supply ‘Mechs. The fual inas normaly tie directly into the DropShip's, liquid hydrogen fuel supply. The lines thamsoives aro hoavily reinforced noses equpped with aulomatic cutofi valves 0 prevent accidents, Equipped with the same setety features foundon the uel ines airlines can be drecty connected to the "Mect's liquid oxygan tanks. The power cables are used 10 power ‘Mech systems while the 'Moch’s fusion reactor is shut ‘down, In aiaition, they can provide boost power o start up the ‘Mech’s powar plant. DropShips desianed to carry BatteMechs are normally equipped with érop pack and reentry kts that allow a Mech to bo dropped salely trom high atitude or low planetary orbit, While the shp is on a planet, BattelMechs enter and exit the ‘Mech bay via neavly reiniorced ramps leeding down io the laroe, ‘Mechsized doors. On smaller vessels, these entry doors lead directly into the DropShip's Mach bay. Losding/Unlosding Ramp ‘Almost every DropShip with cargo-cerrying capacity has loading/unioading ramps. These heavily reinforced panels are ‘designed to handle the weightofeven the heavest ‘Mechs and vahiclas Although mest ramos are extendible, some larger vessels have parmanently fixed ramps that reach the cargo, vehicle, or BattleMech bays. Weapons Bay ‘Al combat OropStips and many civilian DropShips carry weapons bays. Each bay-contains a mount, many of which are retractable, equipped with a combination of lasers, autocan- ors, missiles, and particle projecter cannons. Each mount ses a radar-guided targeting system, ¢ separate cooling sys- ter, end ammunition siores. Because the ammuntion capacity of awoapens bay is quite limited, additional ammo is fedeither by sol-cortaned cenvoyor systams or by the ship's crow. ‘A central fre control system normally directs and controls the DropShip's weaponry. However, weagons bays on many vessels (especially these designed for combat) are equipped with individual gunnery stajions located inside the bay, which ‘can be used te central tho bay's weaponry in an emergency Within these liny rooms, one parson operates the weapons fring controls, and another handles ammunition feeding sys- tems and cooling system controls, COMMAND SECTION ‘The commend section houses the crew and al the eec- ttoricsystems neededto operate the DropShip. This is usually the smallest area on the vessel, as the crew and control systems require only a smal amount of space. On vessels Primarily desgred'te carry personnel such as eassengerliners ‘and trop transports), this section houses them as well, a- though they are usually separated from the ship's crew. The dasign of tha command section varias from DropShio to DropShip, but the compononte romain the same, These include the KFFC boom, docking colar, evionies, brigge, and ew accommodations. KFFC Boom ‘The Kearny-Fuchida feld-conducting boomis integaltothe ‘attachment of aDropShiptetho interctollar umpShio. Aftarthe DropShio has docked, it exterds thisong, antenna-like devices ino a receptacle near the docking cola’ ofthe JumpShip. The purpose of the unitis to ensure that the DropShip is contained in the Keamy-Fuchida field during hypersaace jump. Before a JumpShi's hyperdrive is engaged, all docked DiopShias must be connected via the KFFC boom. if any Dropship is notpropery attacred, the JumpShip cannotjump, ‘Anyone less than an enginaeting genius cannot override this tamper-preot safety system Docking Coltar ‘An extremely sturdy device fourd on all DropStips, the docking colarallowsthe veseel to dock safely and securely with JumpShips and other DropShios. Directly altached to the Dropship's structural ramework, itis a complex, interlocking structure equipped with anumber of coupiingdevices, allowing the docked vessels to trarsferiuel, power. air,coolart. or water Trove unite are al:o oquippes witha transfor tube for iranster- ringpersonnel and small pieces of equipment without treneed for protective geay in additon, docking collars are equipped with high-security sysioms te prevent accidental separation of the ships during ‘supply or perenne! oxchange. Docking controls ara usually located on the tridge andare protected by an electronic look to prevent iampering Avionics. Pawered by the poner plant, the shio's avionics include all electrical eyetems nacossary for operating the DropShip. This, includes the ship's long-range radar detection ard tracking ‘sysiems, on-board computer systems, and inertial guidance sysiems, Also, this erea houses mary non-essential systems, including electronic counter measures apparatus, weaponsfire contrel computers, communications gear, and ship idertifics: tion transponder. ‘The electronic components are normally located in a wel shielded section of the DropShp's nose. The numerous ar tennaarrays are located in a sturdy, nor-metalic section ofthe ropShio's hull, usually in the noso, PACE VEHICLE DESIG Brigge The bridge isthe brain of he Dropship, The size ofthis oom varies from the smallceckpit ofthe Leapardto the large central ccornmand conter of the Overlord Included inthis room are the piimary controls for the ship’ flight, navigation, computer, weapons, and communications systems. Bridges of different vessels have varying levels of internal secu control. On some vessels, the bridge controls a very ‘complex security system in that may be used to seal off and cont! lile support system in any area o} tho ship. On other vessels, secunty s decentralized, preventing the bridge crew from having absolute coniral cf the ship, ‘Ona or more bridge crew members keen the DropShio's biidgo under 24-hour watch, Although this duty is considered ull itis also importantto the safe operation othe vessol crew Area This section contains the crew quarters, mess tactities, medical bay, recreation rcom ile suppor, ard supply storage. ‘Tholayout of thi area varias from ship toship. Somehouse the ‘crew in double ex even single eccupancy room; ther vozsols, pimanly those designed for combat, house the crew in bar racks-style quarters with large shared washrooms. The craw area is usually equipped with a numberof escape pods or fe beatstations. Each padorbeatcan allow four tosix persons to escape the ship in an emergency, JUMPSHIP DESIGN “Thote dre approximately two dozen variate of JumpShipe sill operating today, The most common versions are used 12 ‘anspor one or more DropShips between star systems, where they are then released to make their long drop to a planet All JumpShps are similar in construction ane share many major design compenenie. Some older versions, designed for Independentuse and notfor carrying DropShips, are extremely rare, isbellevedthat heceare feverthan halla dozen olthese ships remaining Mos! JumpShips resemble an arrow due to the tong, thin Kearry-Fuchida cre stretching from ono ond to the other. The command section is al the head, the caigo section is in the Inicale, and the engne section is atthe tal. DiopSiis attacn themselves to reinforced decking collars mounted cn the exte- roroftha cargo section. Tha numbar ofdecking collars ranges. from one on the Scout to nine on the Monolith Duringrecharging operations, theJumaShip unfurl a large ‘roular sail, which collects solar energy to supply the vessel's Kearny-Fuchida crive. JumpShips are capable o travelling up 0-20 lightyears in a single. nearly instartaneous jump. After ‘each jump, the vossal must recharge it K-Fdrive before itcan jump again. Usually, the solar energy collector sail is used to recharge the drive, whichtakes aboutsix to sight days, depend ing on the star’s eneray output. In interplanetary space, how- fever, the ships are virually immobile, Though equipped with fusion divas, JumpShips ean accolerate te only 1 10.2. Gs KEARNY-FUCHIDA DRIVE ‘The Keary-Fuchida drive s the long oylindrical section that ‘ives ihe JumpShip ts arrow-ke appearance. Called the heart of the JumpShp, the K-F drive makes possiblo intorstllar travel throughout the Inner Sphere and beyons. The crive can twansport the JumpShip andits DropShips fom one star system to ancther up to 20 light-years away. To perform a hyperspace jum, the drive must be charged from the JumpShip’s solar energy collector sail the sail ean charge a K-F crive in about ‘one woek, ‘The Keamny-Fuchida driv is composed of a tartunvger- manium alloy suspended in a tong tube of Hquid helium. This ‘urns the unit into a gigantic superconductive capacitor thet ‘stores the energy cotected by tha solar enargy collector. Attha aft end of the K-F drive housing isthe fiald initiator machinery, hich generates the hyperspace fie and amples it through the main body o! the K-F drive. Behind this is the power ‘converting equipment irom the ship's recharaina systems. The KF dive i the most massive component of the JumpStip, ranging from 75,000 1 over 260,000 tons, Because f technics! limiatons, these crives cannot be built any smaller tha 75,009, tons, Engineers can easily access the compenents of the K-F iva through numarous corridors running betwoen theesterior wall ofthe drive ard the armored skin surrounding it. Howovor, repairing the drivels very dificult ue tothe lack of Knowedge about it, Although the drive can take a limted amount ot damage and stil reman funcional, eny camage beyond this, level cieablos the drive complately, dumping the drive's liquid holium coolant, Flepsire are usuelly simple tomako, but this ro quires the ‘acliies of a major reparrnstalation Kearny-Fuchica drives are quite rare; only about a dozen ‘new ones are constiucted each year, which barely compen- ‘sates for the number of crives dasiroyad in the same period. PACE VEHICLE DESIG jrInGe ‘crew QUARTER: METEOR DEFENSE = a ‘SYSTEM \ ‘y STORAGE ‘SMALL CRAFT BAY HvpRoPoNtes —/ ELECTRICAL AND POWER STORAGE ENGINE CORE DOCKING coLLAR STORAGE DOCKING COLLAR STORAGE ENGINE SECTION Thobulk ofthe JumpShip, the engine eaetion etartefromjust behind the cargosecton and stretches to the back ofthe ship. TNs section Is identical on all JumpShps, and the only diter- ences the sze and mass of he components, which consist of the slalion-keeping drives, engine core, power plant, fuel ‘nergy collostor cal, engineering control, and a largo engine emergency control room, Statlon-Keeping Drives Powered by the ship's engine core, this component is essentially 2 large version of the dhives found aboard Drop Shee. Although large, they are very emall in comparicen with the JumpShip's mass, and thus can only produce about 110.2 Gs otacceleration, This makes it very efficient for the shp 10 perform any interplanetary travel. Generally, the station-keep- ing drives are used te parform miner maneuvers at the jump Point or to travol te 2 rocharging station located nearby. At Xaditional jump points, the forces of stellar gravity and solar wind are almost completely negiigibe. Oi-imts te any but engineering personnal, these drives canbe accessed through a set of martenancehatches located in a cortidor that rings the engine section. As with the drives of {a DropShip, the JumpShip’s crives must be shut down for ‘several hours before arly pexsonel may enter. Aiso, due 10 radiation levels, they must wear pro‘ective clcthing, Engine Core The fusion angine core provides JumpShip sysieme with a back-up power supply and provides propulsion power to the ship's siaion-Keeping drives. Ths fusion engine is denial 0 theengine core aboard DropShips, excepithat tis much arger. The ergine core is encased in a cyindrical housing that's ‘wel shiclded. Access into the engine core i the same ss aboard DropShies. Because the JumpShip’s engine core many times larger than that of a Dropship, itis quite 2 bit roomier and easier o work on, Power Plant ‘The fusion poner plant provides alectrical energy for most systems in the JumpShip. in additon, it can be used to quick ‘charge the K-F drive. Because of the increased possibilty of jump lature or damage to the K-F drive, however, this method is used only in emergencies. A quick-charge can take 2s litle 28 fewhours, bul the shorlartha cnarging time, thegreaterthe ‘chence of jump problems ecourring Located next to the engine core, the power planthas awel- shielces cylincrical casing. After the planths been shut down, for a few hours, engneers wearing engineering suits may ‘access the area through a series of hatches. Fuel ‘Although the Kearny-Fuchida drive itsel uses no fuel, the -JumpShip s poner plant and engine core do. Thefuel that bomn Use To susiain fuson reactions is standard datomic hydrogen. ‘This {uel is hold in small storage tanks located near the outer ‘edges ef the umpShip’s engine seation. The miniscule fuel requirements of the vessel mean that only a small amourt of Iueineedstode cared. Because JumpShpps|ecated on House ‘Command Crreuits must have.a quick response and readiness time, they are oltenflted with extra fuel tanks inside thaircargo bays. Their power plante otten use this fuel to charge the KF ‘rives, due to the long time required in furling and unfurling the solar energy collector sails. Mos! JumpShip captains try tokeep fuel consumption at a rmirimum due to the cost ofthe hydrogen as well as the cost of having « tenor fly out tothe jump point. Energy collactod by a solar collector sal is free and saves the capiain fom planning ‘out fuel resuppyying, Eneray Collector Sail Thisis the JumpShip's primary seurce at energy for charg- ing tho Kearny Fuchica drivo. The energy colactor cai, aleo called the jump sal, 5 large ocular sheet made from a high strength polymer and measurng between 800 and 1,300 meters in diameter. tis located aftof he ship, and anumber of heavy cables hold itin place. Atthe center othe sails a large reular hoe that allows the JumpShp's etation-keoping drive ‘exhaust fo pass through without damaging the sail ‘The jump sail is coated wih an extremely eftcient photo ‘chemical tha! absorbs visible light, utraviolet, infrared, micro vave, and radio waves, and conver's the energy into useful ower. Because af this energy absorbing quality, these sails ‘produce tle 0” no echo on deep space radar. The collected energy is transferred to the JumpShip via two sets of power ttansmission lines located on opposite sices ofthe sail Although the jump sail is composed of high-strength poly- ‘mote, ite shoor size makes it fragilo, an its highly eusceptiblo to rips, meteorite damage, and weapons fire. Because of its elicale nature, futing and untutlig a jump sail can take from 400-200 minutes, depending on the size of the sai Engineering Contro Located atthe frontend ofthe engine section, the engineor- ing contro! room is used to monitor the K-F dive, station keeping diives, power converters, cooling systems, engine core, and power plant. Unlike the engineering coniral center aboard DropShips. tne JumpShip's engineering room has ila control over the operatianofthe vessa)tisused onlytormariter ‘and organize damage contiol erens and main‘enarce teams. ‘Thediivesysiemsare controlled{romanengineering siaton on the brage. The engineering contro! room contains several ship sys- toms displays that take up much of the wall space. These dioplays show damaged areas of tho ship, and can bo tod into ‘a communications panel to keep wack of repair and mainte rrance teams, CARGO SECTION “The Jumpsrip’s cargo Section consists of many bays that ‘are spread throughout the ship. All JumpShips have cargo bays, and nearly all have smallcraf bays. The average Jump- Ships cargo section generally mastes uncer 10,000 tons and islimited, not by space, but by turotion. As the primary mission of the Jumpsiip isto carty DropShips, there is litle nae for large amounts o cargo storage or small craft. Also, due to the nencombative nature o the JumpShip, there is litle naed for ofiensive weaponry Cargo Bey Carge bays aboard JumgShips are large, open ereas closely resemoling those found aboard DropShies. They ere located within ihec‘ew section alongthe neckaf he ship, where tho DropShips deck. Altheugh the cargo bays are often ecuinpedwithlarge arlocks, most eargocarriod aboaré Jump Ships is not armed by vacuun ‘The JumpShp's cargo-cartying capacity Is imed because the JumpShip can transfer ts cargo only to a Dropship. For DropShips to oparate at maximum profit they must keep their cargo holds fll at all times, and thus have litle or no room to take cargo from a JumpShip. For this reason, the JumpShip's cargo holds are generally used only to cerry extra suppis. Some vessels have internal cargo bays equipped with maniqu Inia erares and tie-coun hooks ‘Accees to eaige bays thrcugh sitreralarge cargodeoror a small personnel door, which is rormally equipped with an airlock Docking Collar ‘Most JumpShips are equipped with ftom one to rine Drop: Ship docking eolars. Similar te the OropShip's dooking colar, this caller holds the Dropship securely during the citical moments of hypermp, On most JumpShips, he collars are located on reiiorced hardooins alona the exterior of the Keainy-Fuchida diva. They are equipped wih the supply transfer fitings, and the conta valves ane switzhoe fer thoso connections ae located in = small dockirg contol booth locatec next to each calla. Many JumpShips have additonal equipment located near the docking colas, ranging from ma nipulatoreranes to extendible platforms for making DropShip ropars Small Crati Bay ‘Alldumpsihips carry one or meressmal cat which are used to transport personnel, supplies, and equipment between the JumpShip and nearby ships ard stations. Small craft bays ate equippad with fuolng goar and power hook-ups for staring a vehicle's usion powerplant, Some bays arealsoequipgedwth platforms, manipulator cranes, ang other equipment used 10 maintain and repair small craft Located inthis bay are the storage cuticles used to store small cra, These cubicles aro silax to those used to carry ‘Mechs—they are sturdy frameworks that surround the emall crattard noid t securely nplace. The maindiferencebetween the ‘Mech cubicle and the smal craft cubicle is that, instead of being vertically mounted, smallcraftcubicles are oientedhori- zentally PACE VEHICLE DESIG Motcor Dofonse System ‘Toprotect them rommeteot hazards, many JumpShips ao equippea with one or more large lasers or paiticle projector cannons. Mostofthese weaponsysters are not strong enough to damage other space vessels as JumpShips. by accepted codes of conduct, are nat considered military targets. Anyone: attacking a JumpShip faces severe repercussions from both irlend and enemy ale. Meteor defense systems are usualy mounted in larga turrets outside the JumoShip's command section housing, This position gives the system a large field of fr. Engineers can access the turret housing through a mainte: nanos haich located at tie base of the turtel, Most turets also assess one or more external access hatches for large-scale repairs COMMAND SECTION “The large command section Is mountedat the forward end of the JumpShip, forming the head of the vessel's errow-like appearance. Althaugh the shane of the command section varies, it ie usually bullet or egg-shaped. Included inthis largo iad Is the JumpShio's caniral facies and crew accommoda tions In adattion, cargo and smalicraftare often hcused inthis, section as wel, Fumning through the center of the command section, from the back to the noso, is a shaft containing the forward portion ofthe Kearny-Fushida dive machinery. Well-shialded from the fest of the command section, the stat cannot be entered except through engineering accass hatches locatec outside the hu of te command section. (On come vessols, a set of moter defense weapons, mounted in large turrets, are fixed onto the sides of the ‘command section, Because These are set-contained weapons ‘mounts, containing their own cooling systems and tie control, they are not considered par of the command section. Bridge The bridge of the JumpShip is generally quite lergo in comparison wit tie bridge of the DropShip because the ‘unetion of each is diferent, Aboard OropShips, the atmos- phere on the bridge is tense. Many decisions require split second timing, and the pilot and caatain must be able to ‘concentrate on their dutias with minimal distractions. Tho DropShip's bridge, then, tas limited functions, thus reducing ‘he number of personnel present On the JumpShip bridae, however, things are different Because thereisiitie maneuvering to ba done and because the ‘ole of the JumpStip is passive, bridge duties are much loss demanding. This gives the bridge greater control over the ‘uncton of the ship without creating confusion among the ‘operating personnel ‘The JumpShip's bridge is about twice the size of the average DropSho'e bridgo. This area contains cortrols or the vessel's nterplanetary maneuvering and navigational sys ‘ems, as well as hyperspace tight and navigational systems, [Also localed here are the communications station, internal security systems, environmental controls, and engineering systems controls ‘The engineeing systems stations contain moriters that duplicate the information received by the engineering contol room. Unike that room, however, the stations have complete control over the power plant. K-F dive recharsing systems, jump sail deployment equipment, and the Keamy-Fuchida dive itsel Avionics The JumpShp's avionics are spread throughout the com- mand section. These systems include deep-space detection ‘and tracking eystems, ntorplanetary ard intorstllar navign- lionel syeteme, radio and laser eommunicatons aystoms, don Iication transponcers, and multi-purpose computers. Securty in these areas is rather high, wih alert indicator lights mounted on the intemal security board cf the JumpShip's bridge. Aice, tho areas are usualy protectad by eloctroric or ‘sophisticated mechanical locks. Entry is available only to ‘engineering personnel and speotic bridge personnel Grav Deck Found exclusively aboard JumpShips and space stations, this large, ring-shaped section provides the craw with an arificial gravity environment, Toosmal te contain lig accom ‘Modations forthe ew, tis commonly used as alounge for off- duty personnel ‘The grav dack produces artical gravity by spinning slowly. like an erormous centrifuge. As the deck spins, all objects on itare pushed away trem the center. The wall becomes the flcor (ofthe deck, ard ‘up"Is toward the ceniralhubof the deck, This can cause asiight cisorientaton among the ihabitan's, as "up 's generaly considered io bein the direction of the JumpSaip’s ‘Access into the grav deck through @ passagoway locatod ‘near the deck’s central hub. Transferring toor from this section is a dizzying experience, and can be dangerous to those wno are inexperienced with he procedure, Because the deck's drive motors and hearings are delicate, severalloaking arms mustbrace the deckin position boforo the JuMpShip performs ary maneuvering more complex than station-keeping, Crew Decks “The eraw deck contain the lvingquarers andother accom- ‘modations forthe JumpShip's crow. Normally consisting of two or more cecks, this secion occupies a eylnrical area in the: ‘middle of the command section Components include personal storage rcoms, mess and recreation facilities, medical facies, food and water storage, life cupport and waste processing systems, and hydroponic gardens, Living accommodations for the JumpShip's crew are quite ‘good to compensate the crow for the long periods of tene spent In 2@0-G, Crew quariers consist of single occupancy rooms containing a bed, desk, and chair, @ small dresser, and a number of cabinets. Bathing facies are shared between two There ale a number of fife boat stations located in and around ine crew decks. These are easily aocessibie from any ‘of the crew decks and, in an emergency, can be reached in seconds, Poreonnol travel batwoenthe crew decks and tho rest of the: ship through a pair of elevaters that run the length of the ‘commana section. These elevators are located against the ‘ulside ofthe Kearny-Fuchida chive, and a singleacoesstunre! 's located next to them, SHIPBOARD DETAILS ‘The systems and mechanisms described below are com- mon to beth DropShips and JumeShips. CONTAINMENT DOOR “Those largo doors can seal off compariments of the shia, should decompression, fre, er combat threaten the ship. These doors can be manually operated fiom the bridge or irom a control panel set near the doar; they operate automatically a compartment loses air quickly crfa fire breaks cut. Doors that close automatically will raapan automatically as soon as the environment within the sealed compariment returns to normal ‘The brldge manual contrais override te locel containment door controls on most vessels. However, it a person with an engineer's portable conscle ties into the containment door ‘leotical ings, ho can override the bridge's control Containment dcors are often constructed in pars to forma, simallarlock between them: thus can Gew members access a depressurized compartment. Some vessals, instead of having ‘wo heavy containment doors, have @ single door with anairlock next to it, The aitlock alows personnel to pass inio acjacent compartments without opening the containment door. These: airocks operate using the sameselety and security systerns as the containment doors AIR HOOK-UPS Every compartment contains atleast one set of airhook-up connectors, which tie directly into the chip's emergency life supparisystam. Using a masks located in a reerby cabinet, peison can te directly into a hook-up to get fresh ar. Ali hook ups are used mostly ita compartment has an atmosphere that contains harmful elements; they cannot save a persen in a dopreceurizedroom unlessho is wosring some type ofprossur- ized sul. In this case, the airline can provide him with an external supply of air, saving the sut's ar supply.

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