Youth Learning Outcomes:: Today Many Young People Smoke

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Learning outcomes:
After learning this chapter the students are able to:
1. explain the content of the reading materials based on the questions related to the
text about youth and smoking.
2. explain the meanings of difficult or new vocabulary found in the text correctly.
3. make correct sentences in simple present tense.
4. demonstrate their speaking ability on the topic about company logos.
5. explain the content of the listening materials correctly.

Why Teens Smoke

Teens smoke for many reasons and often for the same reasons as adults do: to
cope with stress, to control their weight, as a social habit and to combat boredom. 
One of the biggest reasons teens start to smoke is peer influence: their friends
do it. Studies show that this is especially true for girls.

Today many young people smoke

Studies show one of the most important tools with teens is the parent and child
relationship. Parents should use their parental influence. Parents should know who
their kids hang out with. Parents must have high expectations for them, listen to them
and treat them with respect. The kids will hold themselves to higher standards too.
This is especially important if the parent smokeshimself.
There's clear evidence that tobacco companies target children in their
marketing. Some of the most effective are sports sponsorships - for example, boys are
twice as likely to smoke if they follow car racing. Movies too: the more kids sees their
favourite movie stars smoking on the screen, the more likely they'll try it themselves.
Some researchers think that tobacco advertising carries even more weight than peer
Finally, the main reason that kids smoke is that adults do. Smoking is seen as
adult behaviour and kids are always looking for ways to be more grown up.
Exercise 1 : Reading Questions

Answer the following questions based on the information from the text.

1. Vocabulary preparation: translate the underlined sentences in the reading text into
bahasa Indonesia.
2. Vocabulary preparation 2: translate the following words from the text.

1. Cope with : 6. Influence : 11. Adult : dewasa

menanggulang pengaruh (noun)
2. Combat (verb) : 7. Hang out with : 12. Grown up :
melawan bergaul dengan dewasa (Verb)
3. Boredom : 8. Expectation : 13. Likely :
kebosanan harapan kemungkinan
4. Reason : alasan 9. Treat : 14. Tool : alat
5. Peer : teman 10. Respect : 15. With respect :
sebaya menghormati dengan hormat

3. Why do people smoke? Answer with mapping as below:

4. What is the biggest reason for teens starting smoking? Why?

5. Why are parents important in relation to the child smoking?
6. What is your solution to the problem of kids who smoke.
II. GRAMMAR FOCUS: Simple Present Tense (Review & Exercises)
Simple Present Exercise 1 : Read the chart showing the usage of simple present
tense below and fill in the corresponding blanks:

No. Sentences Usage

0 Water boils at 100 degrees Celcius. General Truth
0 Uncle smokes cigarettes every day. Habit
0 The train to Surabaya leaves at 7 am. Schedule
1. Oil price rises when US Dollar rises. General truth
2. My manager usually goes home late. Habit
3. The bus to the office leaves at 6. Schedule
4. Coban Rondo waterfall attracts General truth
5. Food is relatively cheap in Malang. General truth
6. The office closes at 9 pm. Schedule
7. She types very fast. Habit
8. George smokes a lot during lunch. Habit
9. John loves office jobs. General truth
10. Companies requires good workers. General truth

Transformation : Affirmative, Negative, and Interrogative

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Pertamina produces Pertamina does not Does Pertamina
oil. produce oil. produce oil?
The workers have The workers do not Do the workers have
lunch in the have lunch in the lunch in the
company canteen. company canteen. company canteen?

Simple Present Exercise 2 : Fill in the columns with the right structural

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

1. our bank gives Our bank does not Does our bank give
short term loans give short-term short term loans?
2. the office boy The office boy Does the office boy
comes at 6 o’clock don’t come at 6 come at 6 o’clock?
3. Our shop opens at Our shop doesn’t Does our shop open
9 o’clock. open at 9 o’clock at 9 o’clock?

4. the daily meeting The daily meeting Does the daily

starts at 2 pm. does not start at 2 meeting start at 2
pm. pm?
5. they keep their They don’t keep Do they keep their
data in an external their data in an data in an external
hard disk external hard disk hard disk?
6. Our company Our company does Does our company
specializes in healthy not specialize in specialize in health
food service. health food service food service?
7. We export our We don’t export Do we export
products to products to products to
Singapore. Singapore Singapore?

8. The president and The president and Do the president

vice president make a vice president and vice president
surprise visit. don’t make a make a surprise
surprise visit visit?
9. you often update You don’t often Do you often
your status update your status update your status?

10. she has three She doesn’t have Does she has three
email addresses three email email addresses?

Simple Present Exercise 3 : Translate the following sentences in simple

present forms
1 Bank kami memberikan 6. Perusahaan kami bergerak
. pinjaman jangka panjang. di bidang layanan online.
Our bank gives long-term loans Our company engages in
online service
2 Office boy kami pulang jam 8 7. Kami mengimpor laptop
. malam. dari Taiwan.
Our office boy cones home at 8 We import laptop from
pm Taiwan
3 Layanan kami buka 24 jam 8. Dia mengunggah video
. Our service opens 24 hours profil perusahaan.
She uploads a company
profile video
4 Pertemuan bulanan kami mulai 9. Kamu mengunduh buku
. jam 9 pagi dan selesai jam 4 elektronik setiap hari.
sore. You download the e-book
Our monthly meeting starts at 9 everyday
a.m. and finishes at 4 p.m.
5 Erin menyimpan data pembelian 10. Departemen produksi
. di flash disk biru. menawarkan posisi baru
Erin saves the purchase data on untuk Syamsul.
the blue flash disk Production department
offers a new position for

Simple Present Exercise 4 : The verbs in the following text are not written in the
proper simple present forms. Correct them and underline them to improve this text.

The asset of a company (have) has three categories: tangible, intangible and
intellectual property. A healthy company (maintain) maintains a good
combination of all three.

Tangible Assets
Assets, such as buildings, vehicles and office equipment, that are not
consumed during the course of doing business (belong to) belong to tangible
assets. Time (depreciate) depreciates assets during the process of doing
business. Business people (consider) considers Plant, Property and Equipment
on the Balance Sheet high liquidity assets because they can easily be converted
to cash.

Intangible Assets
We (refer to) refer to assets with no physical form, such as a business'
reputation, company know-how, industry knowledge and name recognition, as
intangible assets. People (not list) does not list these assets on the balance
sheet, , but their intrinsic value (add to) adds to the credibility of the business
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property (include) includes trademarks, patents, brand names,
logos, formulas, inventions and other creative communications. The company’s
legal employees (protect) protect them under copyright law from imitation and
infringement. The balance sheet (not include) does not include intellectual
property, but without the information intellectual property provides, a business
would not be nearly as profitable.

(Adapted from by K.A. Francis, List of Assets in Business, Demand Media)

No Words in Brackets Correct Present Forms

1 have has

Simple Present Exercise 5: Summarize the Simple Present Exercise 4 into

mapping form.

Simple Present Exercise 6: The following sentences are false. Correct them in the
right column.

No. Faulty Sentences Correction

1. A good company have good A god company has
strategies. good strategies
2. He don’t know the address. He doesn’t know the
3. The secretary welcome the guest. The secretary welcomes
the guest
4. I does not understand his I don’t understand his
explanation. explanation
5. Does my friends learn to upload Do my friends learn to
files? upload files?
6. Do he text you every day? Does he text you every
7. My colleagues likes Korean films. My colleagues like
Korean films
8. We do not wants to work with her. We don’t want to work
with her
9. Sheni always think about her iPod. Sheni always thinks
about her iPod
10. Sheila does updates her tweets. Sheila updates her

Simple Present Exercise 7: Writing job descriptions with simple present

In business companies, there are many kinds of departments. They work

systematically to reach the company targets. Here are the examples of available
departments in a company. Look at the departments and their tasks. Try to make full
sentences from those summarized tasks in simple present forms.

No Departments Tasks Task Meaning

. Elaboration
0. Human To manage the HR / Departemen
Resources (HR) administrative Personnel Sumber Daya
/ Personnel aspects of the Department Manusia /
employees manages the Personalia
administrative mengatur
aspects of the aspek
employees. administrasi
1. Catering To provide food and Catering
Services services Services
food and

2. Occupational To create a save Occupational

Health and environment for Health and
Safety employees, Safety
customers, department
contractors and creates a save
visitors to company environment
facilities for
and visitors to
3 Marketing To promote, sell, Marketing
and distribute department
products or services promotes,
of the company sells, and
products or
services of
the company

4. Plant Security To be responsible Plant security

for the security of department is
the institutions responsible
property and for the
workers security of the
property and
5. Research and To discover new R&D
Development knowledge about Department
(R&D) products, processes discovers
and services. new
and services
6. Production To be responsible Production
for the actual department is
construction and responsible
preparation of for the actual
products to be sold construction
to other businesses and
or individuals. preparation of
products to be
sold to other
businesses or
7. Purchasing To be responsible Purchasing
for sourcing and department is
then arranging the responsible
details for the actual for sourcing
purchase of any and then
items that are arranging the
required. details for the
purchase of
any items that
are required
8. Payroll To be responsible Payroll
for the financial department is
record of responsible
employees’ salaries, for the
wages, bonuses, net financial
pay, and deductions. record of
bonuses, net
pay and
9. Accounts To monitor the Account
accounts that the department
company has with monitors the
business. account that
the company
has with
10. Customer To give services Customer
Service related to after-sale service
support to to department
maintain the value gives services
of the product or related to
service. after-sale
support to
maintain the
value of the
product or

Make a simple handwritten journal like the examples on the next page
(minimum 2 journal entries per week), completed with the real picture. The topic of
the journal can be about somebody you know well enough, your pet, your best friend,
etc. Submit to your teacher every Friday.

My Friendly Uncle
 It is the picture of my uncle. He is a very friendly person. I like him very much. He lives
 in Malang Regency. He is a diligent farmer. Every morning he always gets up early
and goes to the ricefields. He is a hard worker. He has three children. They are
studying in high schools. I call him “Uncle Zein”.

Uncle Zein is good at playing gamelan. He can also sing “tembang Jawa” (Javanese
traditional songs) very well. I enjoy his art performance. He is famous for his talent in
our village.

He is very outgoing but he is strict about Javanese traditional ethics in his family. He
teaches his children to speak “krama inggil” (high-level Javanese language) at home.
He wants to keep Javanese tradition although they are now living in global era.

Uncle Zein is also a visionary person. He wants his children to pursue their ideals. He
also wants to keep the farming in his village developing well so that it can support
the economy in the village. My uncle is a special person for me. I am proud of him.


One important part of a company is its logo. Through a logo, the company identifies
itself. But a logo, for many companies, is not only identification but it also has a
meaning. See the logo below. Your speaking activity task is to find a company logo
from the internet and print it on an A4 paper and make a conversation with your
classmate about it. Present it as the example below:
Jane:“Hello, Jack. I wanna tell you about an interesting logo of a
Jack: “What company?”

Jane: “This is a Federal Express logo. Notice a hidden symbol in

the Federal Express logo. See the 'arrow' that you can see
between the E and the x in this logo. The arrow was introduced
to underscore speed and precision, which are part of the
positioning of the company.

In my opinion, it is a very creative logo. The company name

contains a hidden image, and the image has a powerful

Today’s Proverb (additional point):
“Birds of a feather flock Together.”

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