Linao, Fearlyn Claire P. - Prelim - Ea 102

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EA 102 – Advance Guidance and

Counseling Preliminary Examination

MAED – 6A – Saturday (11:00 – 12:30pm)



1. There are six specific roles and functions that school counselors perform namely,
program planning, counseling, consulting, coordinating, students’ appraisal and
assessment, and professional development. Is it important to assess all those six roles and
functions in your school? Explain according to the needs of your school.


 Yes, I believe that it is important to assess all the six roles and functions of the guidance
counselor in the school. Why is it? Because I believe that we as teachers even though we
are train to guide and facilitate our students they still need a professional to help them in
their needs such as academic planning to make sure that they are on track to fulfilled their
chosen career and to help them to make realistic decisions and others. At our school in
Kaunlaran High School, we are lucky to have a professional guidance counselor. There are
activities wherein our guidance counselor monitored the students. She is responsible to
guide and monitor our 4P’s student recipients. She is also responsible in career assessment
of our grade 10 and senior high school students. In the new normal, the SDO NAVOTAS
created HOMEROOM MODULE to assist our students one of its contributors is our
guidance counselor. The module consists of activities that give students necessary support such
as helping them to understand themselves and their needs, to solve their problems, to make realistic
decisions, to improve their abilities and skills, and to adjust themselves and their environment.

2. According to Sta. Maria (1993) there are 5 stage models for career counseling in the
Philippines such as understand himself/herself, identify options, make choices from among
the choices and implement the decision. In your own way, how are you going to implement
the decision you made if parents of your clients are not cooperative? What approach you
will apply to both individuals (parents/ student) for positive extent of the problem?


 Choosing a career is one of the hardest choices an individual can make because it will determine the
future they are dreaming of. It is not easy that is why many asks a guidance counselor to help them
in determining what career path is suitable for their needs and skills. But as we all know here in the
Philippines there are situations where parents sometimes make decision for the career of their
children. If I am a guidance counselor and I face these situation where parents are not cooperative I
will mainly do the following: first talk in person with the parents explain to them the situation and
the decision that have been made for the students career; secondly, listen to the side of the parents
why are they not cooperating with you and the decision that have been made remember there is a
reason why they are not cooperative; third, Validate their concerns, as a parent they are concern and
they love their children that is why sometimes if the situation is not in their control they are not
cooperative.; fourth, Examine the barriers stopping them; fifth, reach out and show that you care for
their children future and well-being.: Make them trust you and find solutions on how they will
cooperate with you and the decision that was made for their children career.

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