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The IQ scores for a sample of 24 students who are entering their first year of college are:

115 119 119 134 a. Find the mean IQ score.

121 128 128 152 b. Find the median IQ score.
97 108 98 130 c. Find the modal IQ score.
108 110 111 122 d. Find the range.
106 142 143 140 e. Find the variance
141 151 125 126 f. Find the standard deviation.
g. Find the coefficient of variation.

Mean 123.9167
Meadian 123.5
Mode 108

Range 55
Population Variance 236.0764
Sample Variance 246.3406
Population Sd 15.36478
Sample Sd 15.69524

115 119 119 134 MEAN SD CV%

121 128 128 152 123.9167 15.69524 12.66596
97 108 98 130
108 110 111 122
106 142 143 140
141 151 125 126

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